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Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 6 (2), 2018, 129-135

The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning on the

Achievement Motivation
Intan Kartika Sari
Universitas Negeri Padang. Jalan Prof. Dr. Hamka, Air Tawar Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author. Email:
Received: 15 January 2018; Revised: 4 September 2018; Accepted: 23 October 2018

This study aimed to reveal: (1) the effect of PBL on the achievement motivation; (2) the effect of
PjBL on the achievement motivation; and (3) differences of achievement motivation between the group
taught using PBL and the group taught using PjBL. This study was a quasi experiment with the
nonequivalent commparison group design. The population was grade V students of SD Negeri
Lempuyangwangi in academic year 2016/2017. The data analysis used t-test and Univariate Analysis of
Variance at the significant levelof 5%. The result are as follows: (1) PBL improved positively and
significantly on theachievement motivation; (2) PjBL improved positively and significantly on
theachievement motivation; and (3) there is a significant difference on theachievement motivation
between the group taught using PBL and that taught using PjBL.
Keywords: problem based learning, PBL, project based learning, PjBL, achievement motivation.
How to Cite: Sari, I. (2018). The effect of problem-based learning and project-based learning on the achievement
motivation. Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 6(2). doi:


Introduction motivation. The teachers’ role as facilitator must

facilitate the students to increase the achievement
The achievement motivation is a thing that
motivation. The achievement motivation might
needs to have particular attention in the imple-
not directly teach but through an integrated
mentation of education. The achievement moti-
process of students habitual in performing the
vation is important of the psychological factor in
training, including of the achievement
determines the success of academic and career in
the future (Kołodziej, 2010, p.47). The achieve-
Motivation in the context of education, in
ment motivation defines as act and feeling on the
existence, makes the mutual relationship with the
effort to achieve the superiority standard (Henson
learning process. And, they are complete one
& Eller, 2012, p. 378). The achievement motiva-
another, between the motivations and learning
tion is a personal variable in which person
process built by the teacher. Motivation in
successes on their work or learning depend on it,
learning also strongly determines the reaching of
so the achievement motivation is an important
learning objectives. Students who have low
factor and effective to increase the competency
achievement motivation will impact to not good
and personal productivity (Mahmoud, 2018,
of learning process. In contrast, the learning
p16). The achievement motivation provides a
process also determines the quality of students’
contribution to increasing the learning outcome,
achievement motivation.
and then the achievement motivation has the
The good of the learning process will
important effect on academic achievement and
influence the high motivation of students. The
important component in the process of teaching
inappropriate process also influences the low of
and learning (Awan, Noureen, & Naz, 2011,
students’ achievement motivation. The process
means the learning pattern conducted by teacher
The achievement motivation is a funda-
relating in applying the approach, method,
mental capital for every individual student to
strategy, and media used by the teacher to create
achieve the dream. The achievement motivation,
the condition that can stimuli the students to have
basically, has instilled within the students, and
higher of achievement motivation. This study
teacher has a key role to increase the achievement

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal Prima Edukasia, ISSN: 2338-4743 (print), ISSN: 2460-9927 (online)
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 6 (2), July 2018 -130
Intan Kartika Sari

more focuses on learning model applied by based learning is an approach that needs all
teachers. classes or some of the students to take respon-
Learning models that assume able to create sibility for their decision (Genc, 2015, p.106).
the condition to increase the students’ achieve- Problem-based learning and project-based
ment motivation are problem-based learning and learning model is the model of learning which has
project-based learning. Those learning model the problem as the foundation of learning, but the
teach the student to understand the problem, output is the differences between the two models.
formulate the problem, finding the solution, The output of problem-based learning is a
examining the temporary answer by performing solution to the problem, and the output of project-
exploration, and ended with drawing the based learning is the product. Problem-based
conclusion and presented both oral and written. learning and project-based learning put the
The problem-based learning model is a students at the center of learning. In both of
learning model to provide an opportunity for stu- models, the students require to search, find and
dents to learn through the problems in everyday analyze the information to formulate the exact
life. Problem-based learning can provide the concept in line with the learning objectives that
opportunity to the student to work and find a so- relate to the problem in everyday life. The
lution from the real-life Gregory & Champman, process of problem-solving which start from
2013, p.171). In problem-based learning, the problem identification until problem-solving,
student is bringing into a situation that leads them encourage the students to perform the analysis
into a problem that must solve. The students learn process or evaluation of the problem. The active
through the act to solve the problem (Cheong, students’ participation in problem-solving allows
2008, p.49). motivating the student in reaching the learning
The problem-based learning model is a achievement.
learning model using the problem of real life as Based on the background, the implementa-
the foundation to implement the learning. tion of problem-based learning and project-based
Through the problem of real life, the students learning is assumed as having an influence on
construct the knowledge in finding the solution achievement motivation. In fact, the implementa-
and solve the problem. This learning model tion of problem-based learning and project-based
requests the students to more active in finding the learning is not optimal yet in facilitating the
information and exploration to solve the problem, increase of students’ achievement motivation.
and the teacher has a role as facilitator. Problem- The statement is proved by the result of pre-
based learning provides a real problem that often survey in SD (Public Elementary School) Negeri
met by the student in their real life. By the real Lempuyanganwangi through observation.
problem and student-centered learning, this Based on the observation on grade V at SD
learning encourages the students to blend more in (Public Elementary School) Negeri
the learning. By this encouragement, this learning Lempuyanganwangi on July 15, 2016, found that
is assumed as able to increase the achievement the teacher used problem-based learning and
motivation. The real-life problem can make the project-based learning. But, the problem based
students more motivated through the activity of learning and project-based learning have not yet
exploration and discussion. The activity in optimally implemented. The learning only uses
problem-based learning makes the students have problem, not use the problem of real life, like the
personal responsibility in completing the tasks, character of problem-based learning. Moreover,
creatively work and full-heart in following the the teacher is more dominant in explaining the
activity. concept. Also, the implementation project-based
Project Based Learning model (PjBL) is a learning, the teachers are more dominant in
learning model using the project as a means in the explaining every step of product making, so that
learning implementation. Problem-based learn- the students more listen to the teacher’s
ing is an authentic learning that involves the explanation.
authentic project, provide an interesting The result is not in line with the steps of
experience, and productive for students (Fogarty, the implementation of problem-based learning
1997, p.78). Project-based learning is a teaching and project-based learning which supposes to
and learning strategy involving students in provide the opportunity for students to construct
completing a project that has benefit for them to the knowledge, not just listen to teacher’s expla-
solve the problem in the middle of the community nation. As the impact, the students’ achievement
or environment (Sani, 2014, p.172). Project-

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal Prima Edukasia, ISSN: 2338-4743 (print), ISSN: 2460-9927 (online)
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 6 (2), July 2018 -131
Intan Kartika Sari

motivation that could develop through the learning, and (7) carry out the post-test in both the
learning model, but it does not develop optimally. two experimental groups.
Based on the background, there are Data collection technique used scales. In
differences in the learning process in the school. this study, the scale was used to measure the
The important aspect of learning such achieve- students’ achievement motivation before and
ment motivation, have not developed by the after the treatment.
teacher. Therefore, the article aimed to find out Data analysis techniques used descriptive
the effect of problem-based learning and project- analysis and hypothesis test. Descriptive analysis
based learning to achievement motivation of used to display the data. The data obtained
grade V students. through pretest and posttest from the experi-
Based on the background, this study aimed mental class group in the form of the results of
to reveal: (1) the effect of problem-based learning the scale of achievement motivation. Hypothesis
on the achievement motivation; (2) the effect of test used the t-test and Univariate Analysis of
project-based learning on the achievement Variance.
motivation; and (3) differences of achievement
Result and Discussion
motivation between the group taught using
problem based learning and the group taught Descriptive Analysis
using project-based learning. The descriptive analysis aimed to describe
Method the pretest and posttest data on achievement
motivation between the two experimental groups.
This study was a quasi-experiment with
The data of pretest and posttest showed the
the nonequivalent comparison group design. The
conditions on the achievement motivation before
research conducted in grade V at SD Negeri
and after treatment. The data on achievement
(Public Elementary School) Lempuyangwangi.
motivation are presented in Table 1.
The research conducted on the even semester of
the academic year of 2016/2017, which was on Table 1. Description of data on achievement
April 2017. motivation
The population was all students in fifth Description PBL PjBL
grade at SD Lempuyangwangi, which total of Pretest 68.71 68,35
students were 81 students. The students were Posttest 80,96 88,15
spread into three classes; 27 students in class A, Where:
26 students in class B, and 28 students in class C. PBL: Problem Based Learning
The samples of this particular study were students PjBL: Project Based Learning
of V B and V C, which has a total of 54 students.
The design in the particular study was Based on data in Table 1, it showed the
nonequivalent comparison-group design changing of average value on achievement moti-
(Johnson & Christensen, 2014, p. 358). In this vation after treatment with problem-based learn-
design, two groups randomly selected and assum- ing and project-based learning.
ed that both groups have the same characteristics The Result of Hypothesis Test
(homogeneous). Both groups were given a pre-
test to determine the students' initial abilities. Table 2 presented on the results of hypo-
And then, they treated a certain treatment. thesis test.
Finally, they were given a post-test to find out the Table 2. The result of t-test on achievement
students’ final abilities. The scale of achievement motivation with problem based learning
motivation in each group was compared and
tested in the aspect of differences. If the scale PBL Mean t-count P
Pre-test 68,71 13,322 0,000
between the two groups is different, then there is
Post-test 80,96
an effect of the treatment. The steps in this study
were: (1) conducting pre-survey and applying for Based on Table 2, the average score on
permission of the school, (2) making the instru- achievement motivation using problem-based
ments, validating the instruments, and testing the learning on pre-test obtained 68.71, and post-test
instruments, (3) conducting research surveys, (4) obtained 80.96. The data showed that there
coordinating with teachers, (5) carrying out the changed on the average score of pre-test and post-
pre-test, (6) carry out the learning with the test achievement motivation with problem-based
problem based learning model and project-based learning. The changing is seen from the increase-

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal Prima Edukasia, ISSN: 2338-4743 (print), ISSN: 2460-9927 (online)
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 6 (2), July 2018 -132
Intan Kartika Sari

ing the average score after treatment. In sum, Discussion

there was an effect of problem-based learning on
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) toward
achievement motivation. Moreover, t count =
achievement motivation
13.322 and P = 0.000; P = 0.000 <0.05; means,
h0 rejected. In sum, concluded that problem- The results showed that problem-based
based learning has a positive and significant learning had an effect on student achievement
effect on achievement motivation. motivation. Students will have the motivation to
achieve achievements when dealing with a real
Table 3. Results of the MB t-test with PjBL
problem. This finding is in line with Thakur &
PjBL Mean t-count P Dutt (2017, p. 103), stated that Teachers, schools,
Pre-test 68,35 28,407 0,000 classrooms, family, and communities play an
Post-test 88,15 important role in developing the students’
Based on Table 3, the average score of achievement motivation. If learning is always
achievement motivation using project-based associated with real-life problems into a class-
learning, pre-test obtained 68.35, and post-test room situation, then it can improve the students’
obtained 88.15. The data showed that there achievement motivation. Daily problems as the
change on the average score of pre-test and post- topic of learning will make the students more
test achievement motivation using project-based enthusiastic in understanding the learning. This
learning. The change in increasing was seen from occurs because the problem found directly in the
the average score after treatment. It showed that environment. In this case, the students may
there is an effect of project-based learning on involve in discussions actively to share opinions
achievement motivation. Moreover, t count = and ideas to solve the problem. In line with
28.407 and P = 0.000; P = 0.000 <0.05; then h0 Kodariyati & Astuti (2016, p. 102) stated that
rejected. In sum, concluded that project-based class discussions encourage students to share
learning has a positive and significant effect on ideas or thought. The active student involvement
achievement motivation. makes the students having the motivation to
always achieve an achievement.
Table 4. Test Result of Univariate Analysis of Shamsan & Syed (2009, p.250), also stated
Variance Post-test on Achievement Motivation that problem-based learning is a learning process
Class Mean F-count P R Square in the classroom, which uses real-life problems to
PBL 80,96 53,262 0,000 0,506 motivate students to identify and apply research
PjBL 88,15 concepts and information, work collectively and
communicate effectively. The purpose, besides
Based on Table 4, the average score of being able to develop cognitive skills and aspects,
post-test on achievement motivation of the it is also to familiarize students in developing
problem-based learning group obtained 80.96, their affective abilities.
and the project-based learning group obtained Problem-based learning is a learning mo-
88.15. The data showed the differences in the del that facilitates students to engage in learning
average score on achievement motivation activities. Problem-based learning presented real-
between the problem-based learning and project- life problems that are often encountered by
based learning groups. The differences were seen students in daily lives. In addition, students in
from the higher score achievement motivation of problem-based learning become the center of
project-based learning group than the problem- learning (student-centered), and teachers act only
based learning group. Besides that, F count = as a facilitator. Through real-life problems and
53.262 and P = 0.000, P = 0.000 <0.05; then H0 student-centered learning, the learning makes
rejected. In sum, concluded that there is a students having the motivation to participate in
significant difference in achievement motivation learning. The motivation showed that problem-
of problem-based learning (PBL) and project- based learning assumed as able to increase
based learning (PjBL). learning achievement motivation. Supported by
The result of the R2 test obtained 0.506. Sukri & Widjajanti (2015, p.231), motivation
This showed that achievement motivation in- occurs when a person has the motivation to carry
fluenced by the model of problem-based learning out an activity or action to achieve the goal.
and project-based learning which is 50.6%. Furthermore, Duch, Groh, & Allen (2001, p.6)
Meanwhile, 49.4% influenced by other factors stated that in the implementation of problem-
which do not include in this study. based learning, complex real-life problems may

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal Prima Edukasia, ISSN: 2338-4743 (print), ISSN: 2460-9927 (online)
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 6 (2), July 2018 -133
Intan Kartika Sari

use to motivate the students to identify and treated with problem-based learning and project-
examine concepts and principles that they must based learning. The results also showed that
understand. This statement reinforces the state- achievement motivation on project-based learn-
ment that problem-based learning can increase ing was higher than problem-based learning
student achievement motivation. group..
There are differences on achievement
Project-Based Learning (PjBL) toward the
motivation between students treated using prob-
students’ achievement motivation.
lem-based learning and students treated using
The finding of research showed that pro- project-based learning. This finding is caused by
ject-based learning had an influence on student some activities of project-based learning
achievement motivation. This finding is in line encourage students involving into a motivated
with Turner's opinion (2012, p.32) stated that situation. For example, the activities of project
project-based learning motivates students to use determination encourage students to have an
critical thinking skills in project planning, colla- interest in various problems and solve problems.
borative problem solving, and higher-order think- In line with De La Paz, & Hernández-Ramos
ing skills. Active involvement of students in (2013, p3) stated that one of the objectives of
learning which begin with planning to evaluate project-based learning implementation is to
project results makes students more enthusiastic facilitate students to learn on how to learn
in completing tasks. through situations more similar to the real world,
Behizadeh (2014, p.100) stated that pro- and dealing the problems and issues exceed their
ject-based learning often begins with questions to textbook.
the student by the teacher. Then, it allows stu- Furthermore, persistence and energetic in
dents to answer the questions by being involved searching for a creative way to complete tasks are
in a project. In addition, Bender (2012, p. 8) also fulfilled through the design of completion
stated that project-based learning can be defined steps. In the activity of preparing the project
as authentic learning, using real-world projects, implementation schedule, it can facilitate each
using highly motivation and interesting ques- activity properly and always prepare all learning
tions, assignments or problems to teach learning needs. In line with Chun-Ming, Hwang, & Huang
content in the context of working collectively to (2012, p.370) stated that aiming to reach effective
solve problems. Furthermore, Habók & Nagy learning activities with project-based learning, it
(2016) stated that the project must ensure that is necessary to design learning tasks to stimulate
students conduct research and work collectively learning motivation and improve student learning
in order to improve problem-solving skills, achievement. Student achievement motivation in
motivation, and creativity. The projects that problem-based learning is lower compared to
conducted by students are a project which allows project-based learning because only a few stages
them in giving an opportunity to conduct of problem-based learning can facilitate the
investigations and working collectively to solve students’ achievement motivation.
the project. In addition, student involvement in This finding is in line with Westwood
the completion of the project made them more (2008) on an advantage of the project-based
enthusiastic in completing the task. In line with learning model, which are the students are
the opinion of Yastika & Haryanto (2016, p.114), required to be responsible for their learning,
project-based learning method involves students thereby increasing self-direction and motivation.
from the beginning of project activities. Students Active involvement of students in learning begins
will be motivated to give opinions, though, or with planning to evaluate project results which
ideas to carry out the projects. This opinion make students more enthusiastic in completing
supports the theory that project-based learning tasks. Projects on students are projects that give
can improve student achievement motivation. the opportunity to conduct investigations and
Differences in Achievement Motivation of work collectively to solve the problem. In
Groups treated using Problem-Based Learning addition, student involvement in the completion
(PBL) and Groups treated using Project Based of the project made them more enthusiastic in
Learning (PjBL) completing the task.

The finding of research showed that there Conclusion

were significant and positive differences in Based on the result of hypothesis test and
achievement motivation between the group discussion, it concluded that (1) problem-based

Copyright © 2018, Jurnal Prima Edukasia, ISSN: 2338-4743 (print), ISSN: 2460-9927 (online)
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 6 (2), July 2018 -134
Intan Kartika Sari

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