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Critical Skills For

The Future

Critical Skills For The Future

The world sits on the precipice of the fourth industrial revolution with the advent
of disruptive technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, the internet
of things in various sectors. The rapid advancement will lead to massive job
losses, seven million jobs will disappear by 2025, with two million new positions
created from the disruption. This is the best time for people who have the right
skills and right education because there are tremendous opportunities and It’s
also the worst time in history for people with ordinary skills and education. Future
jobs will involve knowledge creation and innovation. Machines will be freeing
humans to explore, experiment and find interesting solutions to complex
problems, like pollution. While digital competencies will be the foundation upon
which the job skills of the future are based, technological know-how will not be
enough to compete effectively. The various skills that will be in demand in the
near future are:

 Complex problem solving-In order to solve future problems we need to

think outside of the box, see the big picture and rearrange things to find a
solution. This skill is highly developable and simply takes practice.
 Critical thinking-We constantly need to be analyze various situations,
considering multiple solutions and making decisions on the fly through logic
and reasoning.
 Creativity- The more creative we are, the less likely we are to lose our job
to a robot! While robots may be better than us at calculating and
diagnosing problems, they aren’t very good at creating original content.

 People management-If we want to succeed in the future job market, we

will need to learn how to manage and work with people (and robots),
which includes getting in touch with your emotions, having empathy and
 SMAC- SMAC is social, mobile, analytics and cloud. Learning all of these
skills/platforms will make us stand out in the future job market!
 Adaptability-Given the rate of change, it’s vital for employees to be ready
to adapt to an ever-changing work environment. A thirst for knowledge and
a commitment to continue learning after formal education will help to give
an edge.

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