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Court Case 1:

In the Clark County school district board meeting which took place August 9,2018 they

discussed a lot of important topics. During the public comment sections there was a lot of

emotion from the speakers. They mentioned things like salaries, health care, funding, and

transgender students. The meeting was mostly targeted toward the Gender Support Plan. We talk

about a lot of these topics in our class.

The school boarding meeting started off with public comments. As we know funding is

an issue in the education system. There were several speakers who spoke about salaries.

Teachers and support staff don't get paid enough for the work that they do and the amount of

hours they work. They stated that they are sick and tired of waiting for the raise they were

promised. The speakers made it clear that it is the school board members job to make sure they

received a raise. Its their job to help the teachers provide the students with the best education

they deserve. The teachers health care was also brought up. Their health care was raised and they

are losing money because it is so expensive. Support staff said that they received cuts which

makes it even harder for them to get along. Support staff want the same respect teachers and

administrators get, without them they couldn't run CCSD. They feel that the one time 3% raise is

an insult. A speaker names Marina stated, “ Don't tell me how much you appreciate me, show me

how much you appreciate me.”

After they discussed that the board members got some answers for their questions. They

then proceed to talk about the Gender Support plan and the changes that were made to it. It is a

plan that is supposed to help make sure every student gets treated equally in school. Biological

gender was changed to gender assigned at birth. They mentioned that students will be able to
choose what they wear for photos, for example they can choose whether they want to wear a

blouse or suit for their senior pictures. It also gives them the right to change their noun on

unofficial records. It also mentions the use or restrooms and locker rooms. Transgender students

who do not feel comfortable using the restrooms or locker rooms assigned by their gender at

birth, can chose to use the other restrooms and locker rooms. Bullying and cyberbullying was

also mentioned. Their were a lot of parents that were against this policy. In a education parents

are important because g

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