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Upper Extremity In jur ies

in Gymnasts
Megan R. Wolf, MDa, Daniel Avery, MDa, Jennifer Moriatis Wolf, MDb,*

 Gymnast  Wrist pain  Carpal instability  Ulnar positive  Ulnar abutment
 Triangular fibrocartilage complex  Scaphoid stress fracture  Grip lock injury

 Gymnasts’ wrist is a complex entity with multiple potential diagnoses caused by load bearing on the
upper extremity.
 Distal radial physeal injury can occur with load in the immature wrist and lead to later ulnar positive
variance and ulnar abutment.
 Ulnar abutment and TFCC tears are common causes of ulnar-sided wrist pain in gymnasts.
 Scaphoid stress fractures can occur because of stress with loading at the scaphoid waist.
 Grip lock injuries are unique to gymnastics and are caused when the leather or dowel grip worn on
the wrist/hand locks onto a bar and prevents the wrist from rotating.

INTRODUCTION age has shown changes in the development of

the wrist in addition to the more typical overuse
Gymnastics is a unique sport with varied activity complaints in this population of athletes.
requirements that cause the upper extremity to
be used as a weight-bearing extremity. The load
demands on the wrist can lead to musculoskeletal
issues with chronic use and overuse. In 1989,
Mandelbaum and colleagues1 reported that Physeal injuries to the immature distal radius pre-
87.5% of male gymnasts and 55% of female gym- sent in a range from mild dorsal wrist pain without
nasts complained of wrist pain with activities radiographic changes to physeal arrest. Because
requiring compression and impaction of the joint. most gymnasts participate in the sport at an early
Of this cohort, 75% of male gymnasts and 33% age, the physis is a common site of injury espe-
of female gymnasts noted wrist pain for longer cially with wrist compressive forces reported to
than 3 months. The authors termed these findings be 16 times body weight.2,3 The immature wrist
“wrist pain syndrome,” incorporating ligamentous typically exhibits negative ulnar variance,4 which
tears, triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) naturally distributes a higher load to the distal
tears, and secondary chondromalacia of the radius compared with the 80% load seen in neutral
carpus. Gymnastics as a sport has become more variance.5 Stress injury to the distal radius physis
demanding with complex stunts requiring the ath- was originally described by Read6 in three gym-
letes to begin at a younger age and to train more nasts with radiographic changes. It is postulated
hours during the week to advance. The abnormal that physeal injury may be the result of compro-
amount of weight bearing on the wrist at a young mised blood supply to the metaphyseal and

Disclosure Statement. The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Connecticut Health Center, 263 Farmington Avenue,
MARB4-ORTHO, Farmington, CT 06030-4037, USA; b Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation,
University of Chicago Hospitals, 5841 South Maryland Avenue, MC 3079, Chicago, IL 60637, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Hand Clin 33 (2017) 187–197
0749-0712/17/Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
188 Wolf et al

epiphyseal area leading to uncalcified chondro- ulnar abutment and articular surface changes
cytes.7 Chronic compression can lead to full arrest and TFCC degeneration (discussed later). Partial
manifested as a shift to ulnar positivity8,9 or a par- closure of the radial physis should be treated
tial closure appearing similar to a Madelung only if symptomatic, or if progressive deformity
deformity.9–11 creates unacceptable clinical malalignment.
Radial physiolysis and ulnar shortening with or
Diagnosis without distal ulna epiphyiodesis is corrective if
Clinical evaluation should include a thorough his- growth potential remains.16
tory to define the chronicity and the elements
that most exacerbate symptoms. Pain, noted as Outcomes
generally dull and aching at the dorsal wrist, is Longitudinal studies for distal radius physeal in-
typically experienced with loading in elements, juries are minimal. Bak and Boeckstyns17
such as floor routines, vaulting, or pommel horse, described the use of epiphysiodesis of the distal
and relieved with rest. Although pain at rest may radius and ulna in a 14-year-old gymnast with a
be from other causes, it can also be a sign of a 1-year history of wrist pain that interfered with
more severe injury. On examination, tenderness gymnastics, and radiographs showing widening
to palpation at the distal radial physis is noted. Ra- of the radial physis and premature closure of the
diographs often show characteristic changes as ulnar aspect. They reported good results with a
described by Roy and colleagues12: widening of gymnast who was asymptomatic at 16 months
the radial physis, cystic changes of the metaphy- postoperatively and qualified for the national
sis, beaking of the distal aspect of the epiphysis, team. Injuries typically present late when prema-
and haziness within the physis. When radiographs ture closure of the physis leads to consequences
are negative, MRI is recommended to further eval- of ulnar abutment from positive ulnar variance;
uate the physis and to rule out other causes. thus, it is difficult to ascertain how many gymnasts
go on to have issues requiring surgical treatment.
Conservative Modalities
Treatment of resultant ulnar abutment and/or
Conservative treatment, as in other overuse-type TFCC tears is described in the following sections.
injuries, centers on avoidance of compressive
loading, splinting for immobilization, and often ULNAR ABUTMENT OF THE WRIST
complete rest with no gymnastics participation. Background
There are no known pharmacologic treatments to
support an injured physis, and unless pain is expe- Excessive transmission of load to the ulnar side of
rienced at rest, analgesics are not recommended. the wrist is called ulnar abutment or ulnar impac-
Reassessment after 6 weeks should be performed tion syndrome. With neutral ulnar variance, the
to consider the athlete suitable for gradual return. distal ulna experiences about 20% of the load of
Physical therapy should be prescribed to address the wrist. With 2 mm of positive ulnar variance,
the entire upper extremity and contralateral side this load can almost double.5 This is a dynamic
when improved ability to dissipate forces may pre- change as seen in gymnasts with wrist extension
vent recurrence. Return to gymnastic elements and forearm pronation, such as a handstand, or
should begin gradually, with slowly increasing it is seen at maturity with associated premature
wrist loading if the athlete remains pain free. radial physeal closure.8,18 This leads to degenera-
tion of the TFCC and articular surfaces of the distal
Surgical Treatment ulna and lunate.
Surgery is reserved for treating the consequences
of compressive load on the distal radius physis
with injury or arrest, specifically focused on the Ulna abutment is one of several causes of ulnar-
treatment of resulting positive ulnar variance.13 sided wrist pain in the athlete. This entity typically
Long-term observational studies of gymnasts are presents with insidious onset of progressive ulnar-
scant in literature. Although Claessens and col- sided wrist pain that eventually affects athletic
leagues14 showed progressive ulnar negativity in performance. Tenderness to palpation is typically
gymnasts in 4- to 5-year follow-up, DiFiori and co- isolated dorsally at the prestyloid recess of the
workers15 showed significantly greater ulnar vari- ulna.19 Loss of wrist and forearm motion may
ance compared with normative values at 3-year inhibit such elements as the floor exercises,
follow-up. If ulnar-positive variance is noted in as- whereas pain with compressive forces affects
sociation with radial physeal arrest, this should be the vault or pommel horse. Reproduction of pain
treated to avoid progressive degeneration with with the wrist in ulnar deviation as the forearm is
Upper Extremity Injuries in Gymnasts 189

taken through a full arc of motion (ulnocarpal treatment remains ulna shortening osteotomy,19
stress test20) can help confirm the diagnosis. The reserved for skeletally mature individuals. Plate fix-
distal radial ulna joint (DRUJ) should also be ation of the osteotomy requires 4 to 6 weeks of cast
assessed because ulnar variance can affect the immobilization followed by a removable splint, until
peak pressure across the DRUJ.21 Standard radio- bone healing is confirmed. Rehabilitation is then
graphic assessment can reveal positive ulnar vari- required, usually negating same-season return to
ance, but if neutral or negative, a pronated, play. However, this approach corrects positive
maximum grip radiograph is helpful in confirming ulnar variance, prominent ulnar styloid, or associ-
dynamic positive ulnar variance.22 Radiographs ated lunotriquetral instability without violating the
may also show cystic or degenerative changes in TFCC. Secondary procedures are occasionally
the proximal ulnar corner of the lunate. In unclear required for treatment of nonunion or removal of
cases or with suspected concomitant pathology, symptomatic hardware.24
MRI is a useful modality (Fig. 1).
Conservative Treatment
Specific outcomes for the previously mentioned
Symptomatic ulnar abutment is treated based on procedures have not been reported in athletes,
the level at which it affects performance. The nat- much less gymnasts, but results from other popu-
ural history is one of progressive worsening pain lations are overall positive. Tomaino and Weiser25
with loading.23 For mild symptoms, modifying ac- reported arthroscopic TFCC debridement com-
tivities, taping, or brace wear may be helpful. As bined with ulnar wafer resection in 12 patients
symptoms become more severe, limiting provoca- noting all were very satisfied or satisfied, complete
tive movements in practice can help an athlete still resolution of pain in 66%, and improved motion
perform in competition. In the chronic setting, and grip strength. Ulnar-shortening osteotomy
intra-articular steroid injections may temporarily for ulnar impaction has likewise demonstrated
alleviate symptoms but should be used with good outcomes. Iwasaki and colleagues26 re-
caution in young athletes. ported on 51 patients with 91% having no or min-
imal pain, significantly improved flexion/extension
Surgical Treatment but not pronation/supination, grip strength similar
to the contralateral side, and 57% able to return
Surgical treatment is aimed at reducing ulnar vari- to their preinjury level of activity.
ance and if present, addressing degeneration or
injury of the TFCC. In adolescents who are skele-
tally immature, arthroscopic debridement of the TRIANGULAR FIBROCARTILAGE COMPLEX
TFCC combined with modification or avoidance TEARS
of specific load-bearing gymnastic elements Background
has been described.1 The standard of surgical TFCC is a common cause of ulnar-sided wrist
pain in gymnasts. This complex structure sup-
ports the ulnar side of the wrist with attachments
to the radius, ulnar styloid and fovea, and
extensor carpi ulnaris tendon sheath. It is
composed of a central disk with deep and super-
ficial peripheral limbs that course on the volar and
dorsal aspect, supporting the DRUJ.27 Injury can
occur in isolation or as a result of other pro-
cesses, such as ulnar abutment or extensor carpi
ulnaris subluxation/dislocation. Central articular
disk tears usually result from axial load with wrist
extended, ulnar deviated, and forearm pronated,
which can double the load seen on the ulnar
side of the wrist.28 Peripheral tears are thought
to occur with rapid twisting of the wrist.

Wrist pain caused by TFCC tears can occur
Fig. 1. MRI image showing lunate signal change consis- acutely (peripheral tears) or have a more insidious
tent with ulnar impaction syndrome in a gymnast. onset (central tears). Athletes complain of deep
190 Wolf et al

aching pain along the ulnar side of the wrist, pain Outcomes
with forceful gripping, generalized weakness, or
Outcomes of isolated TFCC treatment are difficult
a clicking sensation with pronation and supina-
to assess in the literature because of variation and
tion.29 Palpable tenderness is located at the ulnar
concomitant procedures. Husby and Haugst-
side of the wrist and maximally at the prestyloid
vedt42 reported on 35 patients with debridement
recess. Pain may be exacerbated by hyperprona-
alone of central or radial tears with 77% assessed
tion or supination or with stressing the DRUJ in
as excellent or good by the Mayo Modified Wrist
end range of rotation. Plain radiographic assess-
score. Wysocki and colleagues43 reported on 11
ment is helpful in evaluating static or dynamic pos-
high-level athletes in whom 64% were able to re-
itive ulnar variance. MRI can show cartilage
turn to sport. However, those who required
surface changes and tears of the TFCC; however,
bearing weight through their wrists were unable
diagnostic wrist arthroscopy is still the standard
to return to competition. However, Mandelbaum
for TFCC tears. A recent systematic review by
and coworkers1 suggested that arthroscopic
Andersson and colleagues30 showed the negative
treatment was successful in patients with “gym-
predictive value of clinical tests to be 55%, with
nasts’ wrist,” which could include TFCC tears.
MRI showing a range between 37% and 90%.


There are various conservative initial treatments of
TFCC injuries. Activity modification to avoid exac- Repetitive stress on a weight-bearing limb may
erbating elements, with or without splinting, may lead to subthreshold load onto the bone leading
allow continued gymnastics participation. Steroid to a stress fracture. Stress fractures occur when
injections into the ulnocarpal joint are diagnostic new or increased activity causes increased bone
and therapeutic, but their use in acute injuries remodeling, resulting in a relative weakening of
should be judicious because they could impede the bone as resorption occurs before new bone
normal healing. Therapy to work on decreasing formation.44 Furthermore, muscle strength and hy-
inflammation and strengthening of the entire upper pertrophy result before bone remodeling, thus
extremity, while not specifically addressing the causing an increased force on vulnerable bone.45
tear, can teach the athlete adaptive use to absorb There are multiple case reports of scaphoid
impact and avoid provocation. stress fractures in elite level gymnasts, especially
in those who have rapidly increased their level
Surgical Treatment of training (Table 1).46–51 Specific load on the
scaphoid at the wrist is caused by forced exten-
Arthroscopy is the mainstay of diagnosis and sion, radial deviation, and rotation of the wrist, all
treatment.30 Palmer classified traumatic and motions common in gymnastic activities. Because
degenerative tears into subtypes to which different of the ligamentous attachments proximally and
forms of treatment are delineated.27,29 The central distally on the scaphoid, the scaphoid tends to
avascular and peripheral vascular portions dictate fail at the waist, which is the point of the greatest
different forms of treatment. Tears of the central bending moment.52
disk (Palmer I-A) are treated with debridement. A
variety of arthroscopic techniques have been Diagnosis
shown effective in repairing proximal or distal pe-
ripheral tears.31–35 Palmer I-D, or radial attach- Athletes may present with a history of acute or
chronic wrist pain aggravated by extension and
ment tears, is somewhat controversial because
focal tenderness over the anatomic snuffbox.49
blood supply has been shown to be poor36,37 giv-
ing credence to debridement. However, several Radiographs may be negative at presentation, or
may show an area of sclerosis at the scaphoid
other authors have shown successful healing after
waist. If clinically suspicious for a stress fracture,
repair possibly because of abrading the sigmoid
notch during repair.31,38–41 In cases of positive ul- MRI typically demonstrates increased signal at
the scaphoid waist (Fig. 2).
nar variance, concomitant ulnar shortening or
wafer procedures are considered. Arthroscopic
Conservative Modalities
debridement alone requires a short period of
immobilization (2 weeks) followed by slow pro- Scaphoid stress fractures may be treated nonop-
gression back to competition, whereas repair re- eratively with a thumb spica cast for 8 to 12 weeks,
quires 6 to 12 weeks of immobilization before with avoidance of wrist loading during this
return with protection against forceful pronation/ time. After confirmation of healing using advanced
supination. imaging, either computed tomography or MRI,
Table 1
Scaphoid stress fracture case reports

Reference Patient Age/Sex Level Pain Duration Laterality Presentation Treatment Return to Sport
Hanks et al, 1989 18 M Junior Olympic 2y Bilateral Transverse fracture Thumb spica cast 4 mo 8 mo
through waist with
sclerotic boarders;
bone scan increased
1 wk Bone scan increased Thumb spica cast 6 wk Not stated
18 M College 2 mo Unilateral Normal; bone scan Thumb spica cast 6 wk Not stated
increased uptake
Manzione and 16 M Nationally ranked 4 wk Unilateral Normal; bone scan Thumb spica cast 15 wk
Pizzutillo,46 1981 increased uptake 15 wk
Matzkin and Singer,49 13 M State champion 6 mo Unilateral Midwaist Long arm spica cast 6 mo
2000 nondisplaced 8 wk; short arm
fracture with splint 4 wk

Upper Extremity Injuries in Gymnasts

sclerosis around
Nakamoto et al,51 18 M Not stated 3 mo Unilateral Fracture waist and Percutaneous screw 16 wk
2011 widening radial
distal radial
Yamagiwa et al,50 18 M Nationally ranked Not stated Unilateral Normal; MRI fracture Wrist brace for 2 mo, 2 mo postoperative
2009 waist failed;
percutaneous screw
Engel and Feldner- 18 M (bilateral) Not stated 1y Bilateral Bilateral stress Not stated Not stated
Busztin,48 1991 fracture waist; bone
scan increased

192 Wolf et al

Fig. 3. Headless screw fixation performed after the

gymnast failed a trial of nonoperative immobilization.

Fig. 2. MRI image demonstrating abnormal signal in

the scaphoid consistent with scaphoid stress fracture in GRIP LOCK INJURY
a 20-year-old collegiate gymnast. In this case, computed Background
tomography showed no abnormalities.
In the recent era of gymnastics, athletes have
attempted to perform stunts with increasing
combined with no tenderness on examination, the complexity and power. For events on the high
gymnast may return to sport gradually. bar in men’s gymnastics and uneven bars in
women’s gymnastics, such activities as the giant
Surgical Treatment swing, which requires increased forces and veloc-
ity about the wrist, increased friction on the hand
Operative treatment with screw fixation has been
and strength is required. To address this issue,
described to treat stress fractures in this popula-
gymnasts have used leather grips, or grips with
tion.50,51 Yamagiwa and colleagues50 reported
plastic or wooden dowels to provide protection
on an 18-year-old male nationally ranked gym-
from friction and increase grip strength (Fig. 4).53
nast with a scaphoid stress fracture who was
The use of these grips has led to a gymnastic-
treated with percutaneous screw fixation and
specific wrist injury termed a “grip lock injury.”
was able to return to gymnastics 2 months post-
operatively. Surgical treatment may provide sta-
bilization of the fracture to prevent displacement Diagnosis
and earlier rehabilitation and return to sport
Grip lock occurs when the leather grip or dowel
(Fig. 3).
completely encircles the bar or a portion of the
grip becomes caught between the palm and high
bar. As the grip catches, the gymnast’s hand stops
Studies of immobilization for scaphoid stress rotating and “locks” onto the bar.53 The gymnast’s
fractures have shown good outcomes, with all body continues rotating around the bar, resulting
athletes returning to gymnastics after radio- in sprains, tendon injuries, or fractures. Samuelson
graphic confirmation of healing.46,47,49 The timing and colleagues53 performed a survey of Illinois col-
of return ranged from 15 weeks to 8 months after leges and high school gymnastic programs to
identification of the stress fracture. Scaphoid determine the incidence and mechanism of grip
stress fractures are relatively uncommon except lock injury over a 10-year period. Thirty-eight grip
in populations where the upper extremity is lock injuries were reported among male gymnasts,
loaded as in weight bearing, such as gymnastics. including 17 high school and 21 collegiate ath-
A high suspicion for stress fracture of the letes. Of these injuries, 20 were fractures and 3
scaphoid should be maintained in gymnasts were sprains. Nineteen of 23 gymnasts reported
with chronic wrist pain, especially with wrist using dowel grips. The skills in which injury
extension. happened were those involving a “cubital grip,”
Upper Extremity Injuries in Gymnasts 193

Fig. 4. Leather dowel grip. Gymnasts use leather grips

with a plastic or wooden dowel to decrease friction
and allow for an increase in grip strength during
the high bar or uneven bar events. (Courtesy of M.
Boyer, MD, MSc, FRCS(C), St Louis, MO.)

or internal rotation of the arm with pronation and

flexion of the wrist (Fig. 5). Other case reports
have described grip lock injuries including open
Fig. 5. Uneven bars with leather dowel grip. Gymnast
fractures, extensor tendon injury, and extensor performing a cast maneuver, which requires the gym-
tendon strain (Table 2).54–56 nast to elevate above the plane parallel to the floor.
Grip lock injury has been attributed to increased (Courtesy of M. Boyer, MD, MSc, FRCS(C), St Louis, MO.)
slack in the hand grip equipment.53 Increased
slack may be caused by grips being stretched
and worn, too large, or sliding up the wrist. With Stretched or old grips should be discarded imme-
increased material, the grip is more likely to diately to prevent grip lock injury.
encircle the bar, thus causing the hand to lock.
Outcomes Background
Nearly all patients were reported to have returned Hypermobility syndrome, first described by Kirk
to gymnastics after a course of nonoperative and colleagues57 in 1967, is defined as joint laxity
or operative treatment. One exception was a associated with complaints of the musculoskeletal
24-year-old collegiate gymnast who was found system. In a study performed in male first division
to have attenuation of the extensor digitorum com- rugby players, the investigators found that the inci-
munis tendons to the index finger, middle finger, dence of injury was significantly higher in athletes
and ring finger, and adhesions of the extensor indi- who were hypermobile compared with athletes
cis proprius, and index finger extensor digitorum with stiffer joints.58 Gymnasts have been found
communis at the level of the dorsal wrist extensor to have a greater joint laxity compared with other
compartments.55 This gymnast required two sur- groups.59 Whether athletes who are hypermobile
geries to optimize extensor tendon function. Re- choose the sport of gymnastics or the laxity is
sidual symptoms are common after these induced with hours of training, joint hypermobility
injuries, including extensor tendon lag and loss of may put them at an increased risk for musculo-
motion at the wrist and elbow. Moreover, some skeletal complaints, injuries, and overuse injuries.
athletes have residual pain and limitations in gym- In a radiographic study, Schernberg60 concluded
nastic participation.53 that increased soft tissue laxity was associated
Prevention of grip lock injury is important, to with a higher incidence of overuse injury versus a
decrease the risk of severe injury in the gymnast. control population. Several wrist conditions, such
Therefore, grips should be checked before use as nondissociative carpal instability, synovial
because it is critical to use a properly fitting grip. cysts, and chondrocalcinosis, have been linked to
Wolf et al
Table 2
Grip lock injury cases

Patient Return
Reference Age/Sex Level Mechanism Injury Treatment Outcome to Sport
Bezek et al,54 20 M Division I High bar, overgrip Ulnar styloid avulsion; EDC Short arm 35 EIP lag, DRUJ crepitus 5 mo
2009 position dismount strain at cast 4 wk
junction, PQ strain
18 M High High bar, overgrip Open both bone forearm Operative MCP extension lac IF/MF/RF, Not stated
school position dismount fracture; complete extension contractures
senior rupture IF EDC at digit/wrist; 45 loss wrist
musculotendinous flexion
junction; stretching EDC
IF/MF/RF with
Sathyendra and 24 M College High bar, overhand grip Nondisplaced ulnar styloid Operative Extensor lag 60 IF and MF, Did not return
Payatakes,55 during giant swing fx; rupture 35 RF
2013 musculotendonous
junction EDC; adhesions
EIP and IF EDC to
compartment floor;
attenuation extensors to
Updegrove et al,56 15 M Not stated High bar, performing Salter Harris II radius Operative Full return to function Not stated
2015 giants fracture, diaphyseal
fracture radius/ulna,
avulsion base of
third MC

Abbreviation: EDC, extensor digitorum communis; EIP, extensor indicis proprius; IF/MF/RF, index finger, middle finger, and ring finger; MC, metacarpal; MCP, metacarpophalangeal
joint; PQ, pronator quadratus.
Upper Extremity Injuries in Gymnasts 195

hypermobility syndrome.60,61 Garcia-Elias and co- intercalated segmental instability and dorsal inter-
workers studied the kinematic behavior of the calated segmental instability.
scaphoid62 and perilunate motion63 in subjects MCI nondissociative is caused by ligamentous
with joint laxity, and noted that global wrist laxity laxity as opposed to ligamentous disruption.
affected scaphoid motion only. Wrist conditions, Palmar MCI is the most common form of MCI,
such as scapholunate injury and midcarpal insta- and typically occurs in patients who are ligamen-
bility (MCI), may therefore be attributable to laxity tously lax.61 The volar arcuate, dorsal radiotrique-
in the competitive gymnast. tral, and periscaphoid ligaments are lax, leading to
proximal row sag. In ulnar deviation, the normal
Wrist Capsulitis joint reaction forces are not engaged and the
carpus maintains a volar deformity until the TH en-
Wrist capsulitis is a disorder of diffuse dorsal wrist
gages at near maximal ulnar deviation, leading
pain, tenderness, and swelling. Pain occurs with
to forceful dorsal translation and a palpable
weight bearing onto the affected extremity, as is
“catch-up clunk.”61 Another type of MCI that
common in gymnastics. This may be caused by re-
may be seen in patients with ligamentous laxity is
petitive impaction or subluxation of the proximal
chronic capitolunate instability. Chronic capitolu-
carpal row or dorsal radius and the distal carpal
nate instability is seen after a previous extension
row, which results in inflammation.28 The ability
injury to the wrist that caused attenuation of the
of the carpal rows to appose may be seen in pa-
palmar radiocapitate ligament.61 This injury leads
tients with ligamentous laxity.
to chronic pain, weakness, and wrist clicking.
Dissociative and nondissociative carpal instabil-
Scapholunate Interosseous Ligament Injury ities may be seen in gymnasts and decrease per-
Global laxity and chronic weight bearing on the formance.28 These changes may be associated
wrist in extension affects the scaphoid kine- with dorsal ganglions, and radioscaphoid, lunotri-
matics.62,63 Scapholunate interosseous ligament quetral, or ulnocarpal impactions. Chronic loading
(SLIL) injury occurs when the wrist is loaded in of the gymnast’s wrist may worsen the underlying
extension and ulnar deviation, which results in laxity, leading to instability, pain, and subsequent
the capitate driving between the scaphoid and inability to compete.
lunate. Snider and colleagues64 reported three
cases of SLIL injury caused by overuse in three SUMMARY
gymnasts. These gymnasts were nationally ranked
and had no acute wrist injury, but presented for Wrist pain in the gymnast is a common problem
chronic wrist pain and were found to have SLIL and may have multiple causes. Because of the
disruption. The authors hypothesized that the wrist initiation of training at a young age and repetitive
is placed at risk because of twisting, dismount weight bearing on the upper extremity to advance
type of activities that place maximum stress on to the elite level, these athletes are prone to wrist
the radial wrist. All three patients were able to re- injuries. Further research is needed to understand
turn to gymnastics after arthroscopic debridement this unique population of athletes and how to pre-
and rest. vent and effectively treat these career-ending
MCI is defined as an altered carpal anatomy that
leads to hypermobility of the proximal row of the 1. Mandelbaum BR, Bartolozzi AR, Davis CA, et al.
carpus.61 Lichtman and colleagues65 described Wrist pain syndrome in the gymnast. Pathogenetic,
the “ring theory” of wrist kinematics. The authors diagnostic, and therapeutic considerations. Am J
proposed that the carpus has two distinct rows Sports Med 1989;17(3):305–17.
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mechanics, radial deviation of the distal carpal J Sports Med 1992;20(1):61–6.
row concentrates force at the scaphotrapezotra- 3. Markolf KL, Shapiro MS, Mandelbaum BR, et al.
pezoidal joint, which causes proximal row flexion. Wrist loading patterns during pommel horse exer-
In contrast, ulnar wrist deviation concentrates cises. J Biomech 1990;23(10):1001–11.
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extension. Disruption of these connections dis- ance in children–standard measurements for evalu-
rupts the balance of these forces and causes ation of ulnar shortening in juvenile rheumatoid
dissociative deformity, as is seen in volar arthritis, hereditary multiple exostosis and other
196 Wolf et al

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