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Number 327, pp 79-04

0 1996 LippincoWRavenPublishers

Bony Skier’s Thumb Injuries

Jeffrey B. Husband, MD; and Scott A. McPherson, MD

Avulsion fractures of the ulnar collateral liga- ANATOMY

ment of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint
(bony skier’s thumb) may result in chronic in- The metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb
stability with pain and weakness of pinch if is a diarthrodial hinged joint that flexes, ex-
improperly treated. Management requires an tends, abducts, and adducts. The range of
understanding of the relevant anatomy and flexion and extension varies greatly and, to a
careful clinical examination including stress lesser extent, so does abduction and adduc-
testing. Undisplaced, or minimally displaced tion.22This variation is secondary to differ-
and stable fractures are treated conservatively,
ences in metacarpal head configuration and
whereas displaced, rotated and unstable frac-
tures require surgical treatment. collateral ligament tightness.
Stability of the metacarpophalangeal joint
is determined by the joint capsule, the volar
Acute injuries of the ulnar collateral liga- plate, and the collateral ligaments. The
ment of the thumb metacarpophalangeal proper ulnar collateral ligament originates
joint have received much attention in the lit- from the dorsal ulnar metacarpal head and in-
The term skier’s thumb
serts into the volar ulnar base of the proximal
has been coined to describe these injuries phalanx. It is at this site of attachment where
due to their common occurrence in skiing ac- avulsion fractures most commonly occur.
~idents.6~8~9~13 Injury to the ligament results The accessory collateral ligament runs volar
from forceful abduction of the thumb and and parallel to the proper collateral ligament
may also occur from simple falls and from a and inserts into the volar plate (Fig 1). When
variety of sporting activities including foot- stressing the ulnar collateral ligament com-
ball, basketball, hockey, wrestling, and cy- plex, the proper ulnar collateral ligament is
~ling.5,12,17.21.23,25 taut in flexion while the accessory collateral
This paper deals specifically with avulsion ligament is relaxed. The reverse is true in ex-
fractures of the ulnar collateral ligament of the tension. This is of importance in the evalua-
thumb metacarpophalangeal joint. It discusses tion of joint stability.
anatomy, clinical and radiographic evaluation, Dynamic stability of the metacarpopha-
and treatment including the options for surgi- langeal joint is provided by the intrinsic
cal fixation as well as rehabilitation. muscles of the thumb, particularly the ad-
ductor pollicis, which resists active abduc-
tion. It has 3 points of insertion: into the ul-
From the Park Nicollet Hand Center, St. Louis Park,
MN. nar base of the proximal phalanx, into the
Request for reprints to Jeffrey B. Husband, MD, 6490 ulnar sesamoid, and into the extensor expan-
Excelsior Boulevard, E 400, St. Louis Park, MN 55426. sion via the broad adductor aponeurosis.

Clinical Orthopaedics
80 Husband and McPherson and Related Research

ing has been recommended for these frac-

tures.13 This is, however, controversial and
may carry with it the risk of converting a sta-
ble fracture into an unstable 1.
Given that the proper collateral ligament
is taut in flexion and lax in extension, the au-
thors perform stress testing at 30" metacar-
pophalangeal flexion. If the metacarpopha-
langeal joint angulates 35" or more with the
radially applied stress, or 15" greater than
Ic the opposite side, then it is considered unsta-
Fig 1. Ulnar collateral ligament complex of the ble and surgery is recommended.12.22
thumb metacarpophalangeal joint. (A) Proper Properly performed stress testing has elim-
collateral ligament (taut in flexion); (B) acces- inated the need for stress radiographs in the
sory collateral ligament (lax in flexion); (C) volar
plate; and (D) area of avulsion fracture. majority of patients. Ultrasound11 and mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) have been
used to evaluate ligamentous injuries, but are
CLINICAL AND RADIOGRAPHIC not indicated for bony skier's thumb injuries.
The mechanism of injury is forced abduction
of the thumb. Patients present with pain, Undisplaced or minimally displaced fractures
swelling, and tenderness on the ulnar side of with no joint instability are managed nonoper-
the metacarpophalangeal joint. atively (Fig 2). Previous reports, however,
Before performing stress testing, antero- have failed to define clearly what represents
posterior, oblique, and lateral radiographs of significant displacement or rotation. Gener-
the thumb are obtained. Collateral ligament ally, displacement of 1 mm or less, joint sta-
avulsion fractures vary in location, size, dis- bility, and the absence of articular incongruity
placement, rotation, and the presence or ab- are indications for conservative treatment.
sence of comminution. Rarely, the avulsion After the initial swelling subsides, the pa-
will be from the metacarpal head. Louis et tient is fitted either with a short arm thumb
allx have described an avulsion fracture of spica cast or a custom made forearm based
the volar plate, which should be distin- thumb spica splint with the interphalangeal
guished from ulnar collateral ligament avul- joint included. Active range of motion
sion fractures, because it is a stable injury (ROM) exercises can be started in most
and 1 that should be treated conservatively. cases approximately 3 weeks after injury
Skeletally immature patients may have a with discontinuation of all splinting 3 to 4
Salter-Harris Type I11 fracture.10 weeks later. The patient continues with ROM
When the degree of fracture displacement and is instructed in strengthening exercises.
or rotation or both requires surgical treatment, Formal hand therapy usually is unnecessary.
stress testing is unnecessary. When there is a A return to unrestricted activities often is
question of instability, stress testing should be possible as early as 6 weeks after injury.
performed. A median and radial nerve block Radiographically, most patients demon-
at the wrist helps eliminate pain and allows strate progressive fracture healing, although
for a more accurate examination. It has been some will have a persistent, but stable and
reported that small, minimally displaced frag- pain free, fibrous nonunion. Those patients
ments may be detached from the ligament who develop instability or arthritis may ulti-
with instability, and consequently stress test- mately require surgical reconstruction.
Number 327
June, 1996 Bony Skier’sThumb Injuries 81

Stener lesion occasionally may be identified

at the proximal edge of the adductor aponeu-
rosis. The ulnar side of the joint is exposed by
taking down the adductor aponeurosis, taking
a small margin of the extensor pollicis longus
to allow for easier repair (Fig 4).
If a capsular tear is not present, adequate
visualization of the joint is obtained by incis-
ing the capsule longitudinally dorsal to the
ulnar collateral ligament. The joint and frac-
ture site are inspected and cleared of
hematoma. The choice of fracture fixation
technique depends on several factors, includ-
ing the size of the fragment, the presence of
comminution, and the experience and prefer-
ence of the surgeon. For a large, single frag-
ment, the authors prefer to use a 1.5-mm
minifragment screw (Fig 5). This technique
is technically demanding because the joint
and fracture line cannot be visualized once

Fig 2. Minimally displaced avulsion fracture-

treated conservatively.

Inappropriate treatment of bony skier’s
thumb injuries has been reported to result in
chronic painful instability, weakness of
pinch, and arthritis.7J7,*0.23Therefore, surgi-
cal treatment is recommended for those frac-
tures with 2 mm or more of displacement, or
significant articular involvement with incon-
gruency or rotation. The goal of surgery is
restoration of anatomy with stable fixation.
Ideally, surgery should be performed within
2 weeks of injury.21
The authors prefer to use a chevron inci-
sion with its apex at the volar ulnar aspect of
the metacarpophalangeal joint. This incision
allows for adequate exposure-volarly where
the fracture is located and dorsally where a
constant nerveto the thumb must be Fig 3. Surgical incision indicated by solid line.
identified and protected (Fig 3). After com- Course of sensory nerve indicated by inter-
pletion of the superficial dissection, a bony rupted line.
Clinical Orthopaedics
82 Husband and McPherson and Related Research

tion and reduction are the same as for screw

fixation. Additional dissection is carried
onto the proximal phalanx where a hole is
drilled in a dorsal to volar direction 1 cm dis-
tal to the joint. In a figure of 8 configuration,
a 26-gauge wire is passed through the drill
hole and then through the collateral ligament
using a 20-gauge needle as a guide. If frag-
Fig 4. Arrow indicates incision of adductor ment size permits, a small Kirschner wire (K
aponeurosis taking a slip of extensor pollicis wire) may be used to stabilize the fracture,
longus. otherwise the fragment is held reduced with
a forceps while the figure of 8 wire is tight-
the fracture is reduced. Therefore the starting ened (Fig 7).
point and direction of screw insertion must For smaller or comminuted fractures,
be chosen carefully. The proximal fragment screw and tension band fixation often are in-
is overdrilled to allow for interfragmentary appropriate. These injuries can be treated suc-
compression. Due to the relatively small size cessfully using a conventional pullout wire6,25
of the fracture, the surgeon typically has only or small bone anchors as described above.
1 chance to place the screw. On occasion, the On rare occasions, a combined injury
fragment will break into 2 or more pieces with ligament avulsion from the fracture
making fixation even more difficult. This sit- fragment may exist.13 In this situation the
uation can be salvaged by using a pullout authors have combined fracture fixation
wire, or, as the authors prefer, a small suture and ligament repair using a pullout wire.
anchor. The fragments are excised, 1 or 2 su- Smaller fragments may be excised and the
ture anchors are placed in the base of the ligament advanced and secured in the defect
fracture in the proximal phalanx and the ulnar using suture anchors.
collateral ligament is advanced into the de- The capsule and the adductor aponeurosis
fect and secured there (Fig 6). are repaired with 4-0 nonabsorbable suture.
Tension band wiringlOJ4.16 is particularly A bulky thumb spica plaster dressing, in-
appropriate for those fractures that are too cluding the interphalangeal joint, is applied
small for screw fixation. The initial dissec- with the thumb slightly adducted. The au-

Fig 5A-B. (A) Large, displaced and

rotated avulsion fracture. (B) After fix-
ation with I .5-mm compression
Number 327
June, 1996 Bony Skier's Thumb Injuries 83

1 week of surgery, a forearm based thumb

spica splint is fabricated, and the patient be-
gins flexion and extension exercises. If a
pullout suture or suture anchors are used for
the repair, immobilization is continued for 6
weeks. At 6 weeks after surgery, the fracture
has usually healed, strengthening is started,
and splinting is discontinued.

Injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament have
for many years been referred to as game-
keeper's thumb. Campbell2 described this in-
jury in Scottish gamekeepers in whom ulnar
collateral instability developed due to chronic
stress and attrition of the ligament. The ma-
jority of ulnar collateral ligament ruptures,
however, occur with an acute abduction in-
jury to the thumb. This injury commonly has
been referred to as a skier's thumb reflecting
the preponderance of this injury in downhill
and cross country skiing accidents.'.4.9~19
Avulsion fractures of the ulnar collateral lig-
Fig 6. Collateral ligament advancement and re- ament account for approximately 'h of skier's
pair using suture anchor. The fracture had frag- thumb injuries,,23and the authors think
mented while screw fixation was attempted.
the term bony skier's thumb more accurately
reflects the acute nature of this condition.
thors do not stabilize the metacarpopha- Radiographs must be evaluated to deter-
langeal joint with a temporary K wire. mine fragment size, displacement, and rota-
Assuming that stable fixation has been tion. One must differentiate volar plate avul-
achieved, the initial splint is removed within sion fractures from ulnar collateral ligament

Fig 7A-6. (A) Small displaced frac-

ture with more than 90" rotation. (B)
After fixation using a tension band
and K wire.
Clinical Orthopaedics
84 Husband and McPherson and Related Research

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