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For the Integumentary Assessment there are parameters to assess in behavior of a person

Skin Color The Normal findings must consistent with genetic background, pinkish tan to ruddy dark tan,
light to dark brown with pink or yellow overtones
Abnormal findings are Vitiligo, Pallor, Erythema, Jaundice, Cyanosis, Carotenemia, Bronze-like skin.
Vascularity Normal findings has No areas of increased vascularity, ecchymosis or bleeding. Abnormal
findings are Petechiae, Purpura, Ecchymosis, Spider angiomas, Venous stars, Cherry angiomas,
Strawberry hemangioma. Moisture
For the normal findings perspiration appears normally on the face, hands, axilla and skin folds in response
to activity, environment & anxiety. Edema The abnormal findings are Unilateral edema, Bilateral edema,
Pitting (Grade), Non-pitting. Temperature
The normal findings are warm, equal bilaterally and the abnormal findings are general hypothermia.
Texture Normal findings are smooth, firm with an even surface and the abnormal findings are Very
smooth, soft like velvet Rough, dry and flaky. Mobility/turgor
The normal findings are Mobile, with good skin turgor and the abnormal findings are Decreased mobility,
poor skin turgor

For the Hair Assessment

Check for the distribution it must be fine vellus hair over body Coarse terminal hair over eyebrows,
eyelashes, and scalp and the abnormal findings are Absent genital hair, Hirsutism, Traction alopecia,
Tinea capitis. The color must be Pale blond to total black Graying and not be Light ends-malnutrition. For
the infestation of hair the normal is no lice and nits and the abnormal is Presence of nits and lice
Pediculosis capitis, genitalis, corporis. The quatntity may be Varying amounts of terminal hair, Thick,
thin (elderly), Male pattern balding-symmetrical and the abnormal findings are Excessive generalized hair
loss, patchy hair loss

For the Nail Assessment

Check for the color the normal are Translucent nail plate, Pink nail beds, Brown-black pigmented areas
(linear bands) along the nail edge-dark skinned people. The abnormal findings are Cyanosis, Marked
pallor, Sudden appearance of brown linear streaks in light skinned people, Splinter hemorrhage,
Transverse ridges. For the Shape/configuration the Nail surface is slightly curved or flat, Posterior and
lateral nail folds are smooth and rounded, 160 ˚ angle of nail plate, convex the abnormal findings are
Clubbing, Koilonychia, Beau’sline, Oncholysis. The texture must Smooth, firm and not spongy.

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