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The term dramatic literature indicates paradox; in that literature originally meant something
written and drama meant something performed.
Drama is an approach of fictional representation through dialogue and drama or performance. It
is one of the literary genres, which is an imitation of some action.
Drama is also a type of play written for televisions, theaters, radios and films.
In literature, the word drama defines a genre, or style of writing. Drama is a play that can be
performed for theatre, radio or television. These plays are generally written out as a script, or a
written version of play that is read by the actors but not the audience.
Drama refers to the script while theatre is the performance of the script.
The person who writes drama for stage directions is known as dramatists, scenarist or


 The one who performed or portrays.
 Actors in the drama or in a play have the responsibility of bringing the characters to

o Two types of Character

1. Round character- the characters are dynamic, meaning their status
from the start is not permanent, it is a changeable character.
2. Flat character- opposite of round character not dynamic and doesn’t
change all throughout the plot or the story.

o Two kinds of Character

1. Protagonist – the important character in the story. It is usually the main
character in the story.
2. Antagonist –a character who gives conflict to the plot.

 The time and place where a story is set is one of its important parts.
 The era or time in which the incidents in a play or in the story take place, influence
the characters in their appearance and personalities.


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