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Grade 8 – Lesson Plan

4th Quarter

Learning Competency
 EN8G-IVb-13: Use active and passive constructions in journalistic contexts.

I. Objective:
1. Analyze the correct construction of active and passive voice.
2. Utilize the passive and active voice in a correct manner and in journalistic writing.
3. Appreciate the importance of the proper use of active and passive voice in journalistic

II. Subject matter:

 Topic: Active and Passive Voice Construction
 Reference: K to 12 Curriculum G (May, 2016), pp. 30-31, Online resources
 Materials: Visual aids, chalk, eraser, books
 Value focus: Appreciation

III. Procedure
A. Pre – Activity
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review/recall past lesson

B. Motivation
 Teacher will post sentences on the board and allow the students analyze
the sentence and will answer the questions afterwards.

C. Presentation (SAY WHAT I DID!)

 Teacher will call 5 representatives from the class. Each representative will
be given a thing and they will make an action using the thing that they
have. Teacher will call one student per representative; student will
describe what their classmate portrayed. They will start their sentences by
stating the name first of their classmate.
 Representative will once again act using the same thing afterwards, they
will also describe what their classmates did. However, they must start their
sentences using the name of the thing.

D. Analysis
 In the first sentences, what are the verbs that you used?
 Who are the subjects of your sentences?
 Is the subject of the sentence doing the action?
 In the second sentences, what are the verbs that you used?
 What are the subjects of your sentences?
 Is the subject of the sentence doing the action?

E. Abstraction
 Teacher will discuss the topic; What is active and passive voice?

Active vs. Passive Voice

The relationship of the subject to the verb in a sentence is called the voice.
A sentence is written in the active voice if the subject is doing the action of
the verb.
Example: Mr. Reyes donated the X-ray machine. The active voice is
straightforward and clear. It focuses on the subject doing the action. A
sentence is written in the passive voice if the subject receives the action.
Example: The X-ray machine was donated by Mr. Reyes. The passive
voice is only effective if the person or thing doing the action is unspecified
or unknown. It is also effective if the receiver of the action is to be
Example: The hospital was built in the 1950s. (The person behind
construction of the hospital is unknown.)
A donation worth ₱1M was received by the organization. (The receiver of
the action is emphasized.)

F. Application

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