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Forum 1: Write a good or bad experience you had at


Two years ago my friends and I decided to spend the New Year on the
beaches of Máncora. I remember that we arrived at almost 10:00 am and
went to see the facilities of the Vichayito hotel. Then we went to eat a
delicious ceviche, stretcher and some very cold beers and thus we had a
great time in the pool.
At night we decided to make a bonfire, sing and dance; At that moment
we heard the screams of a girl, it seemed that someone was asking for
help, my friend and I went to meet her and there were 3 friends who stole
them, took their bags, we decided to welcome them into our group and
invite them to practically pass New Years with us, he did so after the
incident happened we decided to go dancing at a disco and have a great
time until dawn.
Since that date we keep in touch with them and we always remember that
moment as the beginning of our great friendship.

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