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Compare and contrast the reputation mechanism of Airbnb with that of Booking.

com, List the pros

and cons of each

Online reviews are a significant driver of reputation mechanism , providing a way for
consumers to discover, evaluate, and compare products and services on the web.
Existing review platforms have been shown to generate implausible and reputation
mechanism system to the Airbnb .
Airbnb uses a variety of mechanisms, beyond self-supplied information, to build trust
among its users. In addition to reviews and ratings ,we see that Airbnb also allows
hosts of the property to review about the user and thus can help in building the
genuine image among the users who are skimming through the properties by
rectifying the mismatch between the user review and host review thus understanding
the both sides of the story .
If we look at the they claim to be the biggest ecommerce for hotel
booking and reservation and there reputation building is mainly on the best hotels
prices, room availability ,corroborate booking ,descriptive analysis of the rooms and
services, giving customer the multiple choices and help them in making quicker and
right decision .This allows to embark its presence in the hotel booking
space .
However we can see that in case of review system this might not show the true
picture as the authenticity by the reviewer is in question when all the information
about the reviewer is left incomplete on the portals of Airbnb and customers are
randomly posting any reviews ,thus they can encourage customers to complete their
profile so that hosts can also find it convenient and also incentivise the customer to
offer genuine ratings for the property.

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