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DORADO Section: C15 Group: GREEN Date: 09/19/20


Understanding of Studies

Assignment 10. Answer the following:

1. Who is Francis Bacon?

 Francis Bacon was an English Renaissance statesman and philosopher, best known for
his promotion of the scientific method. He served as attorney general and Lord
Chancellor of England, resigning amid charges of corruption. His more valuable work
was philosophical. Bacon took up Aristotelian ideas, arguing for an empirical, inductive
approach, known as the scientific method, which is the foundation of modern scientific
inquiry. Bacon was educated at Trinity College and UNiversity of Cambridge. He is
known as the Father of Scientific method because of his works argued for the possibility
of scientific knowledge based only upon inductive reasoning and careful observation.
Bacon was considered a Renaissance man and worked as a lawyer and scientist
throughout his life. Bacon also wrote 50 essays beginning with “of” in the title because in
ancient works, titles are simply label added by the Librarians rather than the official
author. The “of” word used in a manner means “on” or “about” to indicate that the essay
contains Bacon’s thoughts about specific subject.

2. Define the following terms according to their usage in the essay:

a. Delight - Study brings us joy and enhances our thinking, speaking and writing ability
adding charm to our personality.
b. Ornament - it means people who gain knowledge for decoration
c. Retirement - a private place
d. Affectation - means have a quality not really or fully possessed; make a man
pretentious and arrogant
e. Cymini sectores - (splitters of hairs) a person who does not have the ability to discern
f. Pruning - means improving your abilities by studying.
g. Impediment - means hindrance
h. Deputy - means an assistant to read the book and give the summary.
i. Disposition - inherent qualities of characters.
j. Discourse - argumentation
k. Cunning - if a person does not read, he will remain a somewhat stupid person
l. Stone and reins - kidney stones
m. Cunning - if a person does not read, he will remain a somewhat stupid person
n. Wit - knowledge

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