YMU Spring 2020 Magazine

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ammy Gonzalez

Growing up can be so difficult. Remember what it was like? So many distractions. Negative influences.
One can easily take a wrong turn.

In the darkest of times, some of us have been fortunate enough to have found a teacher, role model
or family member who positively influenced us changing the course of our lives for the better. These
mentors ignited the spark within us, unleashing our endless potential.

I am always and forever thankful to my mentors. The men and women who showed me daily acts of
kindness, guided me through my music education, supported my ideas, loved me for who I was and
saw all the potential of what I could become. These acts of kindness enabled me to grow into a person
that can now turn my passions outward.

Here at Young Musicians Unite we firmly believe that Mentorship and Equity are the greatest gifts we
can give to our children. We focus on helping our students express themselves through daily music
lessons and by providing strong mentors who guide students in a safe space as they develop their
voice in the world — a place where every student can make mistakes, learn, push forward and create
their own successful path in life.

Through my own experience as a youth and mentor, I’ve learned that the most important step is the act
of simply showing up and listening. Over the years, I have watched our students work hard to not only
transform into outstanding musicians but develop into leaders in their own community. These students’
stories, self-growth and accomplishments have shaped our organization. I’m so proud and blessed to
be a part of their lives.

Listen to the next generation. Our world will be theirs to develop and care for. Keep your ears and heart
open. You may be surprised to find that you are the one truly growing and learning.

Sammy Gonzalez
President | CEO | Co-Founder
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Young Musicians Unite
believes that every student
in Miami-Dade County
deserves access to music
education regardless of
their socio-economic
background. We collaborate
with schools to provide
free music education which
has been proven to inspire

personal development,
foster a sense of
community and prepare
our future leaders.

FALL 2020 | 6
FALL 2020 | 7

Young Musicians Unite provides turnkey music solutions for

schools across Miami-Dade County. YMU equips schools with
certified music teachers, instruments, lesson plans and all the

WHAT necessary resources for a vibrant music education. By providing

support and oversight for teachers, YMU ensures smooth

WE DO communication and consistency within the music program thus

reducing teacher turnover and burnout and creating a school
culture that values creative expression.

Young Musicians Unite has actively provided music programming

for over 1,400 students in 2019 and will expand to serve over
2,500 students starting in the Fall of 2020. We engage student
musicians through diverse music programs including Jazz Bands,
Rock Ensembles, Music Technology, Guitar Ensembles, Beginning
Band, Orchestra and Drumline.

FALL 2020 | 6
Year 1
YMU identifies Title I schools across Miami-Dade County with the
highest potential for collaboration, establishes a partnership with
each school’s administration and provides the initial funding for an

in-school music program. With these funds, YMU provides trained
music instructors along with instruments, lesson plans and program

oversight for three classes.
Outcome: A sustainable music program is established.

Program Size: 50 students

Year 2
The partner school hires a part-time music teacher and shares in the
cost of equipment maintenance. The addition of this part-time teacher
allows for an expanded enrollment, growing the program to 6 classes.
YMU continues to provide additional in-school teachers, purchases
new equipment as the program expands and establishes after-school
programs for performing ensembles.
Outcome: The partner school establishes financial buy-in, and the
program capacity triples.
Program Size: 175 students

Year 3
The part-time teacher is increased to a full-time role, expanding
enrollment to 8 classes per day with robust in-school and after-school
programs. In the case of teacher turnover, YMU recruits, screens and
trains any new music teachers to ensure a smooth transition.
Outcome: The culture of the music program becomes firmly established
within the partner school, and sustainability is reached. The program
provides access to both in-school and after-school music education for
every student who is interested, regardless of background.
Program Size: 250+ students

FALL 2020 | 7
FALL 2020 | 10

96% 99% of students

surveyed maintained
consistent attendance.

Over 96% of YMU Teachers also
students reported that reported that 95%
they were motivated to of YMU students
90% of YMU students improved their ability
do better academically
reported that they to receive and apply
after taking music 87% reported
improved both their criticism to their
classes. increased optimism
musical skills and work, demonstrating
creativity. for the future as well
increased social
as more confidence
maturity and
to resist negative peer

FALL 2020 | 11
Young Men’s Preparatory Academy
11th Grade

Young Musicians Unite changed my life. When I was younger, I didn’t

have a lot of opportunities to play music. Whenever I tried something
out, my interest would fade quickly. Until I found the saxophone.
I remember being curious about the instrument with all the weird
buttons and then falling in love when I played my first note. I ran
behind my church and played a bunch of nonsense just trying to
make sound. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I loved it.

This year I was named First Chair for saxophone in the

Superintendent’s Honor’s Big Band which is a band made of all of
the best players in the school district. When I first found out, I couldn’t
even believe it. I thought it was a prank! Learning all the music for the
performance in only two days was challenging but really cool too.
All those really talented musicians inspired me to get on their level.

I know that I still have a long way to go. My palms are still sweaty
after each performance, and there’s so much music to learn. But by
practicing over and over again, I’m turning my fears and nervousness
to excitement, and I keep improving. I’m not just inspired to be better
by my Mentors, but by my bandmates too. In the future, I hope
to attend college for music and make my own music inspired by
artists like Sungazer, Braxton Cook, Marquis Hill and Thundercat.
But I know that no matter what, music has changed my life forever.

Cody Kilcoyne
Coral Gables Senior High School
12th Grade

Being in a YMU Program has been extremely helpful and informative.

As a result of YMU’s assistance, my school’s jazz program has
grown so much. I believe that I wouldn’t have learned as much as
I did about my instrument if YMU hadn’t sent their highly educated
teachers to help the students at Coral Gables Senior High.

FALL 2020 | 10
Jeh’Neyja McBurnie
Beacon College Preparatory Academy
7th Grade

I love that the Drumline class allows me to express myself through

music, and drums are the best way to do that. I am working towards
moving up from snare to tenor drums because those are the coolest

Brian Rodriguez
Booker T. Washington Senior High School
10th Grade

I’m really grateful to Young Musicians Unite for giving me the

opportunity to learn more about the world of music that I love so
much. I’ve enjoyed getting to learn more about the drums and having
the opportunity to get better and better. Through the drums, I feel
like I can express how I truly feel.

FALL 2020 | 11
12th Grade
Guitar and Voice

I’ve been working with Young Musicians Unite for almost two years,
and I’m grateful for the widely varied experiences I’ve had. I’ve
worked as an intern, played in bands and learned so much from all
the incredibly kind and talented people around me.

One of the most memorable experiences I’ve had from my time with
YMU was singing with the Miami Beach Senior High Rock Ensemble
at the Youth Music Festival this year. It was one of the best shows
we’ve ever had as a band, and it only strengthened my drive to
perform and play music for a living.

Playing with the YMU bands has provided me with different musical
challenges and all kinds of opportunities to perform and make new
connections. I feel like I’m constantly being pushed to become a
better guitarist and vocalist. Music has always been my passion, but
YMU has played a big role in propelling me forward on my musical

I was recently accepted into Berklee College of Music and will be

leaving for college next year. I’m so thankful to YMU for helping me
get there, for helping me develop as a musician and for helping me
grow as a person.

Joshua Hanson
Beacon College Preparatory Academy
7th Grade

Being a part of YMU has meant a lot to me. When I first started, I
played the guitar. But after some practice, I transitioned to the bass
and I LOVE IT! The teachers and mentors from YMU have helped me
so much already, and now they are helping me with the bass. I’m
going to practice extra hard to make sure I become a great bassist.

FALL 2020 | 12
Anthony Martinez
Young Men’s Preparatory Academy
10th Grade

I began playing in 7th grade after I saw an amazing group of talented

musicians from YMU perform at my school. I saw how much they
were enjoying it and how happy they made the crowd, and it really
touched my heart. I told myself, “I need to be in that band!” I wanted
to be part of that family and see for myself how much fun they were
really having.

When I joined the YMU program, they welcomed me with open arms
even though they knew that I couldn’t play any instruments and
didn’t have any experience with music. Little by little the teachers
and even my classmates taught me everything I know. At every
rehearsal I still learn something new and have the chance to become
a better musician every single day. The musicians in that band have
become like my family, and each performance has been a memorable
moment that I will never forget.

The biggest lesson for me on my journey as a drummer is being

disciplined and having the right attitude to take music seriously. Even
if it’s just a hobby or something I do for fun, I want to be the best
musician I can be because there is a purpose to making music. I
want to inspire people the way other musicians have inspired me so
I’ve worked to make sure I always pay attention to what my instructor
has to say and listen to his advice. I’ve learned that there’s a time for
everything: there is a time to be serious and give it my all, and there
is a time to have fun experiencing the joy of music.

My favorite musical activity is performing. I love the way the crowd

interacts with the music we play. There’s nothing like hearing the
feedback from the audience and inspiring other musicians. My
dream is that one day another student will hear my band playing and
be inspired to start playing music the same way I was.

YMU has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. The program

is helping me become a better person and a better musician. Thanks
to them, I’ve learned to open up and how to express myself through
music. I thank YMU for all the opportunities they provide me with.
Thanks to them, I’m the musician I am today.

FALL 2020 | 13
Jurgen Yanes-Zuniga
Feinberg Fisher K-8
8th Grade

My favorite part of working with YMU was watching the guitar mentor
demonstrate a song that we were learning in class. When I watched
him sit up there and play, I started thinking that I wanted to take more
music classes and work really hard at the guitar. One day, maybe I
can learn to play the guitar like he does.

Santiago Rafael Cisneros

North Beach Elementary School
5th Grade

I loved getting to work with YMU in my music class. We tried lots

of different instruments and learned how they all worked. I felt like
playing the guitar was my strongest talent, but I also loved playing
the keyboard and other instruments as well. They’re really fun. We’ve
played a lot of cool songs like the one we are playing now, called
Wipeout. I love music class because I get to learn songs that I can
play for my family and friends.

FALL 2020 | 14
Isidro Anzola
Miami Beach Senior High School
12th Grade
Guitar and Music Tech

I’ve always known that music was for me, but my journey towards
loving and understanding it has been slow. I remember after I first
moved to America, I was just getting settled in at Miami Beach Senior
High when I saw my first Rock Ensemble performance during school
lunch. I knew right there and then, that’s what I want to do! I knew I
had to find a way to pursue that dream.

For my first two years in Rock Ensemble, I worked as a techie setting

up the sound system and running the mixing console for live sound
even though I wanted nothing more than to play the electric guitar.
I knew even though it wasn’t the most glamorous job, working as a
techie would allow me to be a part of the group and learn a lot of
valuable skills while I developed my talent on the guitar. Those two
years ended up being a great experience and motivated me a lot as
I watched my friends grow up as musicians from behind the mixing

This past summer, I worked really hard on honing my skills for the
audition and was ultimately accepted to play electric guitar for Rock
Ensemble! I recently learned that since Rock Ensemble began in
1972, I’m one of the only members that transitioned from being a
techie to being a band member. Spending the past year as a guitarist
allowed me to live the full band experience and finally see music from
this angle. I’ve fallen in love with every single minute of it.

I’ve learned from mentors Mac Mcnamee, AJ Hill, Daniel Shearouse

and Sammy Gonzalez. I’ve made life-lasting bonds with a lot of the
people I have met—the ones that are gone and the ones that still
remain. The Rock Ensemble has truly allowed music to become the
love of my life and I’m glad that I will always be a part of its history.

I’m proud to say I will be attending Miami-Dade College next year,

majoring in Audio Engineering with a Minor in Music Performance. I
also aspire to get my master’s degree in Music Film Composition and
Production one day in the future. Thank you Young Musicians Unite
for making all of this possible.

FALL 2020 | 15
Kyle Tennyson

FALL 2020 | 18
For as long as I can remember, music has been a part of my life. Whether
it was the pair of bongos that I had growing up or the organ I taught myself
to play in church, I was always drawn to music. I tried drums, guitar, piano,
organ… I just wanted to make music! In middle school, I set my sights on
joining the YMPA Jazz Band on piano, but I didn’t get in. I had to find another
way to do what I loved, so I picked the trombone and never looked back.

Ever since Sammy first arrived at Young Men’s Preparatory Academy, he’s
been changing students’ lives for the better. I joined Young Musicians Unite
my freshman year. It wasn’t the first time I had played jazz, but for some
reason the experience felt so different. I just knew it… This was what I wanted
to do! I had been participating in Marching Band and playing popular music,
but the jazz experience with YMU really changed my mind.

The first year with YMU was a whole new experience for me. It gave me my
first taste of real performance experience outside of school, and the mentors
were so focused on my musical development. One of my most influential
YMU mentors was Javier Nero. He was the first person to encourage me to
transcribe and perform solos from memory. I still remember my first solo,
which was by Bill Evans playing over “On Green Dolphin Street.” After I
finished learning it, Javier and I both noticed how much my sound had
improved. I was inspired to keep diving further and further into jazz. Javier
also showed me the importance of always making time to practice. I saw how
disciplined he was as a trombonist and applied his example to my own life.

One of the most important things that YMU gave me was an opportunity to
become a leader. The harder I worked and more experienced I became, the
more I was encouraged to help my classmates who were less experienced,
and the more performance opportunities I was given. I loved becoming a
student mentor because it provided me a way to give back to other people
in the program that gave so much to me. Throughout my YMU career, I
performed all over Miami with tons of different bands at all different kinds of
events. Now that I’m in college, I have to perform in front of large audiences
all the time, but, since I’m used to it I’m not nearly as nervous as my other
freshman classmates. I know my experience with YMU prepared me to be as
comfortable as I am in many different musical situations.

Through my high school experience, Young Musicians Unite was always

pushing me to better myself. I became a better musician, a better student
and eventually even became a leader for my peers. Now I attend FSU on
scholarship where I do my best to lead by example by staying on top of
my grades, always being prepared for my music classes and inspiring my
fellow musicians.

Kyle Tennyson, 19
Trombone, Florida State University

FALL 2020 | 19
In-School Music Programs
Programs are open to students of all levels
and genres from grades 5-12.

Pre-Professional Development Programs

After-school Performing Ensembles and
Media Arts programs are focused on
providing vocational experience for our
students to ensure that they are employable
or eligible for college scholarships.

Virtual Music Courses

Students participate in online classes with
their choice of five genres including access
to group and private lessons.

FALL 2020 | 20
FALL 2020 | 21
The Young The Young Men’s Preparatory Academy was the site of our very first
program, beginning with only 8 students in a guitar club. Over the past
Men’s Preparatory

7 years, our enrollment in free music programming has grown to over

Academy 150 students. This year, about 70% of all YMPA students participated in
Young Musicians Unite-led free music education. We are also proud to
congratulate the YMPA Jazz Combo for achieving the highest ranking—
superior with distinction—at state level competition.
Est. 2013

Beginning Bands, Concert Band, Jazz Band,
Guitar Ensemble, Drumline, Rock Ensemble,
Jazz Combo and Symphonic Band

Ivan Parra, Alan Valladares, Miguel Pagua,
Andrew Peal, Robert Papacica, Gibb Mandish,
Gabriel Pierre, Arnold J. Hill

Jose De Diego For the last five years, YMU has expanded the diversity and reach of in-
school music classes at Jose De Diego. YMU currently offers four in-school
Middle School classes as well as supplemental after-school ensembles in partnership with
Jaguars Unite and the Overtown Youth Center.

Est. 2015

Rock Ensemble and Drumline

Alan Valladares, Gibb Mandish

FALL 2020 | 20

Booker T. In order to complement the robust horn program at Booker T., YMU
facilitates a training program for rhythm section instruments such as

drums, bass, piano and guitar. This has created a pipeline of musicians
High School for advanced ensembles such as Jazz Band and Rock Ensemble and
is a prime example of the impact that an in-school music teacher and
our outside organization can have when working in parallel towards the
same goals.
Est. 2016

Guitar Ensemble/Rock Ensemble

Ahmad Newbold, Alan Valladares

Miami Edison YMU provides classroom support and assistance at Miami Edison to the
in-school music teacher, Mr. Barry. YMU facilitates a drumline training
High School

program that equips drummers with the skills they need to join the Miami
Edison Marching Band.

Est. 2018


Wilfred Barry, Anthony Miller

FALL 2020 | 21
Georgia Taylor Vega, a YMU-trained full time music instructor, has joined the
Georgia Jones-Ayers Middle School staff. Mr. Vega introduced music

programming back into the school for the first time in over 10 years with
Middle School support from Young Musicians Unite.

Est. 2019

Beginning Band and Drumline

Taylor Vega

Coral Gables YMU works with a select group of promising young jazz musicians from
Coral Gables as part of an advanced Jazz Band. Students focus on
Senior High School

developing their understanding of music theory and improvisation and gain

a familiarity of jazz repertoire.

Est. 2017

Jazz Band

Krystal Di Espada, John Normandin

FALL 2020 | 22

Beacon YMU expanded into Opa-Locka through our partnership with Beacon
College Prep. The school’s leadership and vision are exemplary, and we
College Prep

were excited to help design their music program from the ground up. YMU
currently facilitates three in-school music classes and an after-school rock
ensemble program.

Est. 2018

Beginning Band, Drumline, and
Rock Ensemble

Brandon Beasley, Juan Pelaez,
Renzo Vargas

Carol City YMU reintroduced in-school and after-school music programming at Carol
City Middle School for the first time since 2010. This program reconnected
Middle School

the feeder pattern in Carol City enabling students to begin playing an

instrument in elementary school and advance their studies throughout their
high school experience.

Est. 2019

Beginning Band, Drumline, Rock Ensemble,
and Pep Band

Brandon Beasley, Juan Pelaez, Sebastian
Pinillos, Renzo Vargas, Corey Jones

FALL 2020 | 23
Carol City YMU facilitates a Jazz Combo for a select group of students at Miami Carol
City High School and is working closely with Mr. Beckford to develop the
High School

school’s jazz program.

Est. 2019

Jazz Combo

Richard Beckford, Arnold J. Hill

Brentwood YMU facilitates music classes for all of the 5th grade students at
Brentwood Elementary School as they prepare to transition to middle
Elementary School school. The program focuses on developing a basic understanding of
music through the use of percussion instruments and vocal training to
develop a strong sense of pitch and rhythm.

Est. 2019

Drumline and Choir

Alina Garcia, Sebastian Pinillos

FALL 2020 | 24

Barbara Hawkins YMU’s music program at Barbara Hawkins Elementary School includes
a variety of instruments including drums, hand percussion, and
Elementary School

xylophones and focuses on melodic and rhythmic training as it relates

to modern repertoire setting a foundation for students preparing for
middle school band.

Est. 2019

Drumline and Choir

Wilfred Brown, Brandon Beasley

Miami Gardens YMU introduced a Drumline and Choir program for the 5th grade students
of Miami Gardens Elementary incorporating bells, marching drums,
Elementary School and hand percussion. This program prepares students for their musical
education in middle school.

Est. 2019

Drumline and Choir

Juan Carlos Rivero, Juan Pelaez

FALL 2020 | 25
Miami Beach “Rockin’ the Planet Since 1972,” The Rock Ensemble was founded by the late
Doug Burris at Miami Beach Senior High School. The Rock Ensemble was the first

in-school ensemble of its kind in our nation’s history, lending vocational experience
to its students by engaging them in professional environments at a young age.
High School
The Rock Ensemble focuses on classic and modern rock and is a collective of
musicians, a stage crew, and an audio/visual engineering team. Many professional
musicians and technicians have passed through the ranks of the Rock Ensemble
Est. 1972
over its 50-year run.

The Rock Ensemble, Stage Crew, Sound
Engineering & Music Technology

Daniel Shearouse, Sammy Gonzalez,
Michael McNamee, AJ Hill, Derek Garcia,
Antonio Gonzalez

Miami Beach YMU has partnered with STEAM+, the City of Miami Beach, and Mr. Ray
Modia from Nautilus to reestablish classical string orchestra programming
Nautilus at Nautilus Middle School for the first time in over 10 years. This program
Middle School has reconnected the feeder pattern in Miami Beach, guaranteeing students
an orchestral track from elementary to high school.

Est. 2018

String Orchestra

Ray Modia, Brent Charran,
Xiomara Sepulveda, Deya Deynova

FALL 2020 | 26

Miami Beach YMU has established a robust and unique music program in partnership
with STEAM+ and the City of Miami Beach. Along with Mr. Paseiro of

Feinberg Fisher, YMU guides 6th and 8th grade students who split their
Fisher K-8 time evenly between learning songs on the guitar and a deep dive into
music technology where they are offered the opportunity to mix, arrange
and compose their own music.

Est. 2018

Guitar Ensemble and Music Technology

Arnold Paseiro, Anthony Miller, Andrew
Gonzalez, Corey Perez, Marcelo Rosauro

North Beach In partnership with STEAM+ and the City of Miami Beach, YMU provides
immersive experiences on piano, guitar, bass, drums and voice to students
Elementary of Ms. Medyk and Ms. Araujo’s general music classes. Students receive
small group training across a variety of instruments, expanding their
musical skills and assisting them as they identify the instrument to which
they feel the deepest connection.

Est. 2019

Piano, Guitar, Bass, Voice, Drums

Monique Medyk, Sussel Araujo,
Jahzel Dotel, Robert Papacica, Marcelo
Rosauro, Leo Cattani, Anthony Miller,
Corey Perez

FALL 2020 | 27
2020 25 SCHOOLS 2,500 STUDENTS

2019 16 SCHOOLS 1,319 STUDENTS







FALL 2020 | 32
Derek Negron
Miami Carol City Middle School

With the absence of music education at Carol City Middle for the past ten
years, Young Musicians Unite ignited a fire that will not go out. Providing both
in-school and after-school music programming for students is a dream for
our school. More so, providing quality music education through experienced,
talented and compassionate teachers is priceless.

Music is a language by which we are connected. This common thread

speaks to the hearts and souls of all. More importantly, we are seeing the
transformative power of music at Carol City Middle. In just one year, our
students have made tremendous strides in academic performance and social
development. Sixty-three percent of participants have improved attendance,
over eighty percent of students have improved their academic performance
in either reading or mathematics and over fifty percent of students have a
decrease in behavioral infractions.

These results, coupled with students’ report of better self-assurance and

improved self-image, speaks to the impact of YMU’s presence in our school.
There is obviously a powerful connection happening that our students and
community will benefit for years to come. I am confident that the work has just
begun, and the best is yet to come!

Patricio Suarez,
District Supervisor, Performing Arts
Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Through Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ partnership with YMU, we are

achieving our shared goal of providing all students with access to the highest-
quality music education. Together with other great community partners, we
are ensuring that our schools are equipped with qualified instructors, musical
instruments, technology and other resources necessary to engage our
students with music learning in a challenging, safe and nurturing environment.

YMU enhances music education in our schools through their in-school and
after-school programs. They create and lead new ensembles and provide
support for existing M-DCPS music programs. Their instructors have expertise
in a wide variety of areas, resulting in the development of outstanding jazz
bands, rock ensembles, guitar ensembles, horn ensembles, concert bands
and drumlines.

In addition, YMU supports M-DCPS’ commitment to engage our students in

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) education
through their focus on music technology and sound engineering. They are
a vital partner in the innovative STEAM Plus program that brings schools
together with prestigious cultural institutions in the City of Miami Beach.

As the African proverb observes, it takes a village to raise a child. YMU has
been, and continues to be, an important and valued partner to MDCPS in
ensuring that our students reach their creative, artistic, and personal potential.
FALL 2020 | 33
FALL 2020 | 34
FALL 2020 | 35
OUR TEAM z alez, CEO Young Musicians Unite was founded by Sammy Gonzalez, a Miami-born, internationally
n acclaimed musician and mentor. Sammy recognized the staggering lack of music
education in many of Miami’s underserved communities and created YMU as a response
Sammy Go

to this deficiency. Sammy has over 17 years of experience working in music education
and has taken YMU from 8 to over 2,500 students in 8 short years. Sammy oversees all
fundraising and program creation and works with YMU’s board to further the mission.

Sammy has played over 1,000 concerts, gone on 15 U.S. tours and landed spots at
SXSW music festival and Van’s Warped Tour. As First Chair in the Miami Beach Classical
Guitar Quintet, he toured the US and Japan winning awards at both regional and
national levels.

President/CEO/Co-Founder of Young Musicians Unite

Founder of The Wynwood School of Music
Owner of The Bull Productions Recording Studio
Director of The Rock Ensemble (Founded in 1972)

e r, COO
Zach is an internationally acclaimed jazz musician and educator. As a performer and

Z ach L
composer, he has toured around the world and worked alongside artists such as Pat
Metheny, John Scofield and The Steve Miller Band. Zach is also the guitarist on the
three-time GRAMMY-award winning album, American Dreamers: Voices of Hope
and Freedom.

As a music educator for the last 12 years, Zach has focused on creating an infrastructure
for musicians to support their growth as they transform into formidable artists.

w ald, CF
en O
e Melanie, a Certified Public Accountant, spent four years in New York at a major CPA firm
and then transitioned to a finance and accounting role at Fortune Magazine. In 2018,
lanie G

Melanie joined as YMU’s Chief Financial Officer overseeing all financial aspects as it grew
from serving 8 students to over 2,500 students today. Melanie is thrilled to be able to
work with the team to accomplish its mission and looks forward to YMU expanding its
footprint and impact on our community.

“Working for YMU has afforded me the perfect opportunity to combine my professional

skills, my family’s love for music and my desire to make the community we live in a

better place.”

, Program
Maria is a Romanian-born classical pianist and educator. Currently, Maria oversees all
YMU programs, teachers and regional directors.
e D

Maria graduated from New World School of the Arts/University of Florida where she

received a full scholarship to study under the tutelage of distinguished pianist Ciro
ria Zdr

Fodere. She has collaborated and soloed with Sarasota Orchestra, NuDeco Ensemble

and Miami Symphony Orchestra as well as given numerous solo and chamber
music recitals.

In 2013, Maria was a finalist and third place winner with an Honorable Mention at the
Music Teachers National Association Piano Competition - Florida. She was awarded

First Place in the South Florida Young Artist Solo Competition and won the New
World School of the Arts Concerto Competition both times she participated, in 2013
and 2015. She was distinguished with the Excellence Diploma from the Romanian
Government for her results at the Romanian National Music Olympics and was
selected as a finalist for the National Selection of “Eurovision Young Musicians” in
Bucharest, Romania.

FALL 2020 | 34
r, Operatio
g e n “I knew I wanted to work for YMU from the moment I learned about their mission.
Helping kids through music and the arts was something I always wanted to do.
Keren Yun

Walking in, though, I didn’t realize that was just the tip of the iceberg. It’s humbling
to be able to see first hand how YMU opens doors for kids who otherwise wouldn’t

even have access to them. YMU doesn’t only help kids, they single-handedly
change their lives by giving them access to new opportunities and, in turn, guide
them towards brand new possibilities. That’s worth everything. I am so grateful that I
get to be a part of such a special team.”

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n Valla
“As Director of Shows and Events after being a mentor for over 7 years, I am fortunate

Shows and
to experience both sides of YMU. While mentoring has given me the opportunity to work
with amazing students and share my passion for music, organizing the shows allows
me to see them shine on stage, put what they have learned into action and share their
musical craft with their communities.”

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G ra r
Alex Ort

“I choose to work at YMU because they’re committed to providing youth with a free
music education. Growing up, I was never exposed to the opportunities that our
participants engage in. I feel it’s my duty as a musician and a member of my community
to help YMU provide the youth with programming that helps them pursue their passion
for music and create positive impact on their lives.”

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FALL 2020 | 35
An Interview with

18 years old – Graduated Senior from Young
Men’s Preparatory Academy & New World School
of the Arts. Received a full scholarship to the
Manhattan School of Music.

In 6th grade, you joined the very first YMU Guitar club
class at YMPA. What made you want to join?

One day at Young Men’s Preparatory Academy, Mr. Florentine

announced the after-school guitar program. Coming from elementary
school and entering the 6th grade I thought, “all right it’s a new music
program; let’s try this out and explore.” I was a part of the first guitar
class. We were a class of 8 students. All those after-school practice
sessions with the boys were a lot of fun. My grandfather played the
guitar all his life. Whenever I spent time at his house I would dabble
on his guitar. My grandfather played a lot, but he never learned to
play professionally. I was the person in the family to take that to the
next step.

Trumpet soon became your main instrument. What drew

you to the trumpet?

Staying after school, I was exposed to not only guitar, but also to Jazz
Band. I remember feeling so inspired by how great they were. The
trumpet drew me in the most. Before I started playing the instrument,
there was a two-week Christmas break where all I did was learn how to
buzz and control the air stream before I picked up the instrument. As
soon as I got back, I picked up the trumpet, and it just felt right. Once
I started getting into it, I was paired up with Franklin, a student mentor
from the peer-to-peer mentoring program.

Franklin was a senior at the time. He guided me and showed me the

value of hard work. By 7th grade I was playing things that he could
play. I wouldn’t say it then, but I had an idea of how far I could take my
trumpet playing. I dedicated myself to practicing, and in my first year I
received the Woody Herman Jazz Musicianship Award, Superintendent
All County Festival, Most Dedicated Musician award, and Best Overall
Section award.

Your in-school music teacher, Mr. Florentine, left during

your 8th grade year. What challenges did that present?

He was a mentor to me. He would stay after school to teach me and

pushed me to reach my potential. He would share everything he knew
about the trumpet with me. When I found out he was leaving, one side

of me felt really happy that he was moving up in his career, but another part of me didn’t think a
teacher like him could be replaced. He impacted many students’ lives through music. I see so many
people from middle school who still play their instrument because of his program.

To make matters worse, about $10,000 in equipment was stolen from the school that summer.
Elijah Thomas, our new music teacher, came in having to deal with replacing the stolen equipment.
It was a huge setback, trying to get new trumpets, snares, and other instruments. The school
didn’t have the money to replace the equipment and it was tough for him to deal with 30 kids in a
classroom and not enough instruments for them to play.

Young Musicians Unite stepped in to secure funding to repurchase the equipment we needed. I
saw a huge change in how many students joined the program. Watching the kids excelling at their
instruments and playing big shows with confidence was amazing!

During this transition, Sammy Gonzalez also stepped in and established a jazz combo of the best
students in the school. I was fortunate to be a part of the group. It truly prepared me for New World.
What Sammy did was build a bond between the five of us. I’m still super close with all of them
(Caleb Alcime, Mark, Junior, and Kyle). Getting a chance to play those standards that he got from
Jim Gaisor really put us on another level compared to other high schools. It was hard, but being that
young and playing that kind of music was good for us.

I remember one time, I was frustrated by with the piece “Yes and No” because it was just so hard.
One day I couldn’t’ play the song for the life of me and Sammy said, “Hey, Kyle playing it. It may

FALL 2020 | 38
not be perfect but he’s playing it.” That encouraged me and showed that music is music; it’s not
always supposed to sound perfect or shiny. That moment opened my mind to the freedom and the
possibility of going out there and doing it, rather than overthinking it.

Despite the challenges during that rough year, how did the opportunity to
perform concerts make you feel?

It felt amazing! Wynwood gigs, Jackie Gleason Theatre shows, and the Adrienne Arts gig. YMU put
me on a stage at a young age which got me comfortable with performing in front of an audience. A
lot of people do not have the confidence to go on stage. The band really formed a tight bond despite
our young ages.

YMU provided you the opportunity to take lessons with the New World
Symphony. Tell me about your preparation for the audition process.

I remember thinking, “I’m not going to make this; this is for the top dogs and it’s insane.” I went
through the pre-screening and recording process. My mom wouldn’t let me go to sleep unless I had
the perfect tape.

I was super nervous! I remember practicing the entire year in 8th grade. I had lesson after lesson and
I practiced at least 4-5 hours per day. Due to extracurriculars and YMU, I was playing music for 8-10
hours a day.

And once you made it there?

So I made it into the New World Symphony program and performed alongside so many excellent
musicians. I was already taking lessons with Jean Caze. Once I had the free New World Symphony
lessons, they helped tremendously. I was working with professional and classical musicians, learning
the ins and outs of the music business.

Honestly, that was one of the most inspirational moments in my life. At NWS, we would review
things that would help us prepare for playing trumpet in a professional ensemble. I learned about the
importance of opening my mind to other instruments in the orchestra and how vital collaboration is. I
remember the importance of playing a role in the orchestra. It was a lot to absorb.

For high school, you auditioned for New World School of the Arts. How did that
turn out?

I remember staying up until midnight to get the results, but they didn’t come in until the next
morning. I woke up to see that I had been accepted and it felt so amazing! It’s one of those things
where I had a vision and I had to fulfill it.

When you got into NWSA, you continued being a part of the Wynwood Jazz
combo and that’s when the big dogs took over. John Caze took over and led you

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NICOLAUS GELINin playing Haitian jazz music that he wrote. How was it connecting back into
your roots?

When I first started with him, I was in 8th grade and he was a huge inspiration of mine. I learned
that he was touring all around the world and was working with amazing musicians such as Michael
Bublé. When I found out that we had a chance to play his music and perform it, I thought it
was an insane opportunity! Coming from a Haitian family, it was a huge opportunity to make my
family proud.

What happened at New World School when your trumpet got stolen?

I left my instrument in the music building during lunch and went to the main building for my classes.
I thought to myself, “When I come back for the arts block, it will be there.” When I came back, it
was gone. Somebody had stolen it. It hurt, and it was rough. So I talked to my mom about getting
a new instrument, and she told me you have to go to Sammy’s house. I’m like, “What’s at Sammy’s
house?” She wouldn’t tell me anything. So I got to your house, opened the door and see a package.
When I opened the package, I saw this beautiful trumpet, and I was so confused. I thought that it
was a temporary rental. When I found out it was mine, it was one of the happiest moments of my life.
This horn is a beautiful: E. Benge made in California. It’s an amazing trumpet!

YMU started growing a lot so we created an elite ensemble of the best players
from 6 different schools. Now you’re working with guest teachers and musicians.
What has it done for you, and how did you feel about it?

I was super excited to work with this program. I remember seeing a video on Instagram saying to
myself, “Why am I not in this band?” Working with David and Cristian was amazing, and we clicked
really well. We built this brotherhood.

What did this group do for you as a musician?

We played hard music that most ensembles wouldn’t play. Zach chose things based on and
connecting with our audience at live shows. We had the opportunity to perform more than any other

What are your main accomplishments as a musician?

From superintendent to YoungArts., I made All-County in freshman and sophomore years. Junior
year, I made YoungArts with a merit award. My summer before senior year, I was awarded a
scholarship at Litchfield and also a Hollywood scholarship for any lesson I want with any musical
teacher. I participated in the Telluride festival, and I was selected for the All Star band. They flew me
out to Telluride, Colorado to perform with Trombone Shorty, Victor Wooten, Veronica Swift, Emmet
Cohen, and other amazing jazz musicians. This year I made National Youth Orchestra which is a
Carnegie Hall program which gathers students from across America and takes them on tour in the
summer. I was supposed to go on tour in South Africa and perform at Carnegie Hall, but due to

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COVID-19 it was cancelled. The craziest venues I performed at are New World Symphony, Arsht
Center, Telluride, Litchfield, and American Airlines Arena for the national anthem. Performing the
national anthem at a Heat game was incredible. We got to see the players while we rehearsed before
the game. It was a big deal for all of us because we got the opportunity to be on national television.

You got into the Manhattan School of Music, what are your dreams moving
forward with that?

MSM has been a huge dream of mine since freshman year. It was a vision and a dream that I worked
extremely hard to fulfill. I would love to become a professional musician, work in the music business
or become a producer. It’s good to stay open-minded and well-rounded.

What did YMU do for you as a musician and overall?

I am truly thankful and grateful for the conditions and teachers I had. You and Alan truly helped mold
us as people and musicians. Everything that you guys did, you did it for us. It made us value what
we were doing and how music can help the lives of others. I really appreciate everything that has
happened. I don’t take anything that happened from day one for granted.

I certainly became a better musician overall. YMU pushed me to do new things and meet new
people and to work as hard as I can. I’ve learned that hard work can help you accomplish anything.

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PÉREZ Young Musicians Unite is a winner of the Pérez CreARTE Grants Program. YMU
will use grant funding to support partnerships with Brownsville Middle School
CREARTE (BMS), West Little River K- 8 (WLR), and Northwestern Senior High School (NWS)

to create vibrant in-school music programs, restart the feeder pattern, and ensure
consistent music education from grades 1-12.
The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation at The Miami Foundation aims to develop
South Florida as a world-class urban center. A thriving arts community makes
$80,000 Greater Miami a vibrant, connected and culturally engaging place to live. The
Pérez CreARTE Grants Program invested $2 million in Miami-Dade County
organizations aimed at expanding access to the arts and supporting top talent
through residencies and fellowships as well as providing spaces for creation.

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MUSIC “The Miami Gardens Music Alliance”
Founded by Daniel Lewis
ACCESS Facilitated by Radical Partners and the Miami Foundation

FELLOWSHIP Young Musicians Unite was selected as a winner of the Music Access Fellowship.
As a result, YMU will continue to expand programming from 5 to all 12 schools in
Carol City. YMU will be providing these 12 schools an in-school music program

from grades 5th – 12th with genres ranging from rock ensembles to jazz band,
drumline, music technology, beginning band and keyboard/choir classes. YMU will
also provide specialized after-school programming for advanced performing jazz
combos and rock ensembles.

The Miami Gardens Music Alliance is composed of six components: Music

programs from pre-K through 12th grade facilitated by a team of six nonprofits, a
leadership cohort of principals from Miami Gardens schools, community orientations
for all music instructors, an annual Youth Music Festival for Miami Gardens,
cohesive data collection focused on SEL and academic outcomes and project
oversight by a dedicated staff member from the Miami Foundation.

Music Partners:
A4L, Achieve Music, Guitars Over Guns, Miami Music Project, Saves the
Music Foundation and Young Musicians Unite.

STEAM+ In order to greatly expand arts education in Miami Beach, the City of Miami Beach
partnered with M-DCPS and launched the STEAM+ pilot program in Spring 2019.
The program works with six public schools in Miami Beach alongside prominent
$50,000 cultural institutions including the Bass Museum, the Miami City Ballet, the New
World Symphony, the Jewish Museum, and the Wolfsonian Museum. Over 2,000
children will be impacted across every grade level.

Young Musicians Unite provides teaching artists to Miami Beach schools to

help students learn the value of the STEAM approach through the practice of
instruments and music technology.

The Bass Museum of Art, Miami City Ballet, New World Symphony, Jewish
Museum of Florida-FIU, Wolfsonian Museum-FIU and Young Musicians Unite.

Thank you to Superintendent Alberto Carvalho,

Mayor Dan Gelber, Michele Burger and Miami Beach
City Commissioners!
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Anthony Martinez

Young Men’s
Preparatory Academy

When my son Anthony came home from school at the Young Men’s Preparatory Academy to tell
us that he wanted to join the Young Musicians Unite program, I was a little surprised. Although
we love to listen to music, there are no other musicians in the family, and I didn’t understand
where his interest came from. Still, I could tell he was inspired, and I encouraged him to join.

After joining the program, Anthony dove head first into music and has participated in several
musical performances. He started off by playing percussion such as congas and bongos
while he built up his musical skills. He learned very quickly and stayed persistent. Little by little,
he began to experiment with the drumset under the guidance of his YMU mentors. He was
determined to be a star drummer.

YMU has been one of the most amazing opportunities that my son has been provided with
over the course of his education. They have opened countless doors for Anthony like welcoming
him to the Drumline and Jazz Combos for the school, preparing him for in-school band classes
and extending a partnership with the music school at University of Miami where he now receives
weekly drum lessons.

We couldn’t be more proud of the way things have turned out because of Anthony’s involvement
in YMU. We will always be thankful to Sammy, Zach, Maria and all of the teachers and staff for
always giving him and the rest of the students the support that they need and deserve. You
have opened our eyes to the talent these students have and given them a platform to shine.

We are forever grateful for Young Musicians Unite and what they have done for our son.

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Our partner band members are students from the Wynwood School of Music whose
families have made a commitment to raising funds through performances, playing
side by side shows with YMU students, engaging in peer-to-peer mentoring during
our after-school programs and serving on YMU’s Annual Host Committee. We
are thankful for the dedication and support of these young mentors and families.
To date, our partner bands have raised over $650,000 for free music education
benefiting those in need.
To book our bands for your event go to www.youngmusiciansunite.org/bands
or email us at booking@youngmusiciansunite.org

Harry Schwartz
Adam Chopp
Arya Chatani
Levi Gans
Sydney Greenwald

Lucas Quintero
Jackson Mopsick
Sofi Schlesinger
Lily Kaplan
Austin Charlton
Santiago Sauceda

FALL 2020 | 48
Harrison Matlick
Ivy Rosenberg
Sierra Hudson
Jake Aleman
Lily Kaplan

Roberto Kassin
Sammy Greenwald
London Roth
Reid Rosenberg
Armando Segrera
Alex Corzo

Brianna Acevedo
Cecilia Leon
Sydney Greenwald
Cristian Acevedo

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John Normandin Alan Valladares Ivan Parra

“Teaching with YMU provides me the “During high school I was very fortunate to have an “It has been an honor to become the
opportunity to work with students that exceptional teacher that saw something in me, took new band director at the Young Men’s
the time to closely guide me in my artistic journey
might otherwise fall through the cracks in Preparatory Academy. Guiding these
and planted the seed of my passion for music. In
the school system. YMU not only provides 2013, I started working with YMU. I have had the students in their development as musicians
a platform for these students to grow privilege since then to not only teach very talented and young men has been one of the most
musically, but also to benefit from the students, but also to give back and take interest in rewarding experiences I could have asked
unwritten curriculum of education which their talent the way my teacher did all those years for. I look forward to many years to come
includes building confidence, character and back. I truly believe that through the music education as we continue to build a state of the art
that YMU students receive, they develop important
a heightened sense of self-accountability music program.”
life skills, leadership tools and habits that they will
from being part of a team.” carry for the rest of their lives.”

Sebastian Pinillos Arnold J. Hill Gibb Mandish


“YMU has allowed me to gain experience “Working with the YMU students has been “I love that YMU allows us to devote
in the teaching field while at the same time a great experience. Every day I feel like I individual attention to students even in
helping bring a music program to kids get as much from teaching them as they group ensembles which is often not
and communities that haven’t had the do from me.” the case.”
chance to experience the power of music

FALL 2020 | 52
Leonardo Cattani Andrew Peal Corey Perez

“YMU is a music educator’s dream. “I’m very proud of my students for their “The opportunity to teach with YMU means
Their programs offer teachers a unique hard work this year. I love teaching YMU making a difference in my community and
opportunity to experience a variety of students because they are always hungry inspiring new generations of music lovers
settings ranging from general music for knowledge.” to follow their creative passions!”
classes to specialized after-school
ensembles. To give educators the ability
to dip their feet into several different
pools like this renders YMU’s programs
just as rewarding to its educators as it is
to the community.”

Deya Deynova Juan Pelaez Derek Garcia


“Teaching means giving each student the “YMU brings hope and opportunities “Through my work with YMU, I’ve seen
required attention and knowledge in order to teachers and students across many how important it is to give back to the
to develop their love and appreciation for communities. I feel blessed to be able to youth. There are a lot of kids eager to
music. YMU provides me with a platform to share the joy of music through this program learn just looking for the right teacher. I
do this while encouraging every student to and see the difference it makes in young wish I had more guidance in music as I
believe in their potential.” people’s lives.” was growing up; there’s always so
much more to absorb from musicians
experiencing it first hand.”

FALL 2020 | 53
Brandon Beasley Andrew Gonzalez Xiomara Sepúlveda

“I chose to work for YMU because of its “YMU gives me a place to make music “It is always great to teach talented
organizational objectives, mission and the while sharing it with future generations, musicians of the next generation. I am
emphasis placed on changing the lives of ensuring that our language of music will so impressed by the improvement of my
students who need it most through music grow and develop far into the future.” YMU students. It has been an amazing
education. YMU means opportunity, fun experience working alongside the
learning and a safe space for students to legendary Mr. Modia to build up his string
express themselves creatively.” orchestra program.”

Corey Jones Taylor Vega Antonio Gonzalez


“I joined YMU because I was inspired by “YMU is providing students with an outlet “I chose to work with YMU because it
the many opportunities that they provide to positively express themselves through gives opportunities to kids that wouldn’t
for students across Miami. YMU is a music. Having access to music education have them otherwise. These are exactly
representation of greatness with a staff in schools will elevate our students and the types of opportunities I would have
of teachers who really care about the allow them to discover and unleash loved to have growing up. Furthermore, I
students and their progress. Learning their inner creativity. I believe that music appreciate that everyone involved in this
music in school gave my life a positive education can create positive change program understands the need to develop
direction. I’m happy to be a part of an in our community and inspire our future a culture around education, accountability
amazing team working to change lives in generation of leaders!” and creativity.”
the same way.”
Brent Charran Anthony Miller Marcelo Rosauro

“YMU is a fantastic organization that “I choose to work with YMU because “I chose to work for YMU because I
enriches the lives of its students and their playing music is the gift for a lifetime, and appreciate the commitment that we
communities through arts education. I believe that every person has the right to share for music education. They have a
Working with their students and seeing experience it.” true understanding of the positive impact
their growth has been an amazing that the arts have on individuals and the
experience.” community. Working for YMU means that
I’m a part of a collective of music educators
who are actively engaged in bringing more
culture and music appreciation to the City
of Miami.”

Cristian Acevedo Jose Martinez Robert Papacica


“Growing up, I was fortunate enough to “YMU represents a great future for the “I love working with the different programs
have many important mentors in my life arts. I see talented students growing with that YMU interacts with because all the
who I connected with through music. YMU as we provide them with the tools kids are so eager to learn. It’s great to
Choosing to work for YMU gives me the necessary to move forward towards their know that I’m making a difference in the
opportunity to give back to other young goals in the arts. I am really thankful to musical journey and the future generation
musicians. YMU is a community where YMU for inviting me to mentor through this of musicians.”
student musicians can grow and expand program. I love production: I love inspiring
on their musical talents. I am proud to be young students and I can’t wait to keep
a part of an organization where music and helping out.”
creativity lives.”
FALL 2020 | 55
Renzo Vargas Michael McNamee Miguel Pagua

“I am proud to work for YMU because I “It’s a pleasure and an honor to be “Being part of YMU has been an excellent
want to make a difference in the lives of continuing the legacy of the music experience providing me not only the
students across Miami. To me, YMU means program I’ve been connected to for opportunity to teach but also to learn from my
giving hope to students who are less nearly 40 years alongside an organization students. I feel aligned with YMU’s vision for
fortunate by providing the opportunity to that has opened so many more doors music education. By providing a wide range
learn how to play music and bring out the for student musicians. The perfect of genres and programs, YMU motivates
best in themselves.” environment for producing superb talent, students to pursue their interests successfully
the marriage of YMU with Rock Ensemble guiding them through a music education while
has taken the group to greater heights preparing them for anything they want to do
than I ever thought possible.” in life.”

FALL 2020 | 58
Young Musician’s Unite has the secret sauce. They
know how to work in partnership with schools to
bring music alive for all kids. Their students bring the
house down, from rock bands to jazz ensembles,
and their class time is focused, fun and well run. I
want to go back in time and bring this program to my
own school.

Rebecca Fishman Lipsey

President/CEO | The Miami Foundation

Young Musicians Unite has been a leader in

Miami-Dade County to collaboratively work with
school principals to reestablish music programs in
schools, during the school day where it belongs.

Daniel R. Lewis
Founder & Chairman
The Lewis Prize for Music

The great work that YMU is doing at each school is

transforming not only the music programs but the
entire school community. Their program is a great
testimony to the power of music.

Chiho Feindler
Senior Director Of Programs and Policy
Save The Music Foundation
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Bella Cannava Cecilia Leon David Lopez

“The aspect of working with YMU that “I’ve loved spending time with and learning “Music is a central part of my life. When
I enjoy the most is working with other from the incredible instructors and fellow a show comes together or a mix sounds
people who inspire me. Everybody on the musicians. I learned so much from just right, I feel fulfilled. It’s as if all the
team is awesome and motivates me to everyone I’ve had the privilege of working knowledge I’ve gained and all the work I’ve
grow in many ways. I have been working with. I’ve made friends and connections done is being paid forward with the music.
with YMU for almost three years, and I that will never be lost, and I’ve had the YMU has given me the platform to continue
look forward to coming into the office opportunity to broaden my musical skills to learn and to continue to pay it forward.”
every week and seeing the people that I and horizons.”
look up to the most!”

Valentino Siojrin Martha Alamilla David Lehr


“It would be too hard to pick one favorite “I have been fortunate enough to expand “My favorite part about working for YMU
experience with YMU, but I will always my musical horizons and to get to know is being able to witness the musical
remember the amazing people I’ve met more about my community through development of many young and promising
and all the stellar performances I’ve had working with YMU. Being an intern and students who may not have had any
the opportunity to assist with.” working alongside other musicians from chance to be exposed to music without
different musical backgrounds has been this program.”
an incredibly enriching experience and
has allowed me to grow as a singer and
a person.”

FALL 2020 | 60
Eliza Greenwald Rosemarie Sgarro Brianna Acevedo

“My favorite part about working with “I was inspired to work with YMU because “By working with YMU, I gained access to
countless opportunities that allowed me to further
YMU is the people. Walking into the office I was given the opportunity to get a
develop my skills in photography and video
brightens my day, and I love being around head start in a field of work that I want to editing. YMU has gifted all its interns with creative
people with such great energy who love pursue.” freedom and side by side work experience that
what they are doing.“ will forever be useful. Through these opportunities
I found my love for concert photography while
witnessing the growth of amazing young
musicians that will shape the evolving music
scene in Miami.”


Greenberg Traurig proudly supports

Young Musicians Unite

in its mission to provide
Miami-Dade students with access
to free music education.

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Nancy B. Lash | Co-chair, Miami Real Estate Practice W O R L D W I D E LO C AT I O N S

333 SE 2nd Avenue | Suite 4400 | Miami, FL 33131 | 305.579.0500
United States, Europe,
Greenberg Traurig is a service mark and trade name of Greenberg Traurig, LLP and Greenberg Traurig, P.A. ©2020 Greenberg Traurig, LLP. Attorneys Middle East , Asia,
at Law. All rights reserved. Attorney Advertising. °These numbers are subject to fluctuation. Images in this advertisement do not depict Greenberg
Traurig attorneys, clients, staff or facilities. 34410 Latin America
Superintendent’s Honors YMU student Erwin Dorsainville was awarded first chair for Tenor Saxophone in
Jazz Festival the Superintendent’s Honors Jazz Band.

Bassology Around The World  full scholarship was awarded to Guerwen Gue to participate in a private weekend
workshop in Key West with world-renowned bassist, Anthony Wellington.

The Young Men’s Preparatory This YMU ensemble was awarded straight superior rankings at district-level
Academy Jazz Combo band competition.

FBA District Solo and Ensemble Students from the Young Men’s Preparatory Academy were awarded over 20
straight superior rankings for solo performances.

Nu Deco NXT 5 students were selected for the NXT Spring Break Camp Organized by Nu Deco
Ensemble: Anthony Martinez, Deo Budnevich, Tyrell Varnado, Guerwen Gue,
Erwin Dorsainville

Interlochen Online 12 students were awarded full scholarships for summer camp: Guerwen Gue,
Summer Camp 2020 Erwin Dorsainville, Deo Budnevich, Isabella DeJesus, Joshua Hanson, Gabriel
Johnson, Patrick Johnson, Anthony Martinez, Erick Gutierrez, Elizabeth Parra,
Jamario Thompson, David Nieves

University of Miami — 7 students were selected to participate in the Frost School of Music mentorship
MusicReach Program program: Guerwen Gue, Deo Budnevich, Anthony Martinez, Cody Kilcoyne,
Miguel Messa, Erwin Dorsainville, Tyrell Varnado

FALL 2020 | 62

Amanda Myers Tulane University

Austin Charlton Drexel University
Cecilia Leon Berklee College of Music
David Lehr University of Miami
Isabella Cannava Barnard College at Columbia University
Isidro Anzola Miami Dade College
Jonathan Guzman Florida International University
Luca Mejia Full Sail University
Martha Alamilla Florida International University
Max Buzone Columbia College Chicago
Nicolaus Gelin Manhattan School of Music
Rosemarie Sgarro Miami Dade College
Sofi Schlesinger Georgetown University

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Cristian Acevedo

FALL 2020 | 66
My musical journey began at the age of 11 when I stumbled upon an
old drum set left behind in the garage of my childhood home. I arranged
the drums and began to learn about the different sounds I could create.
As I began to play, I felt the pull towards the drums as if they might
one day allow me to fully express myself without restriction or fear. My
passion for the drums grew into a hunger to know more. Over the years
I fully immersed myself in the life of a musician learning to play music of
various genres and styles with the help of my teachers and mentors.

Three years ago, I was invited to join one of YMU’s advanced

jazz combos, directed by Zach Larmer. Zach has always been an
inspirational mentor in my musical career. His vision, guidance and
trust in my abilities have allowed me to flourish as a musician and to
build the beginnings of my career. Sammy Gonzalez also gave me the
opportunity to play with the Miami Beach Senior High Rock Ensemble,
another YMU program. These ensembles came with extensive live
performance opportunities that have helped prepare me for my life as a
professional musician.

I was also given the opportunity to intern for YMU for one year where
I worked to coordinate events and performances for YMU ensembles.
This experience provided me with a behind-the-scenes look into the
music business and, while challenging, prepared me for a future of
booking my own gigs. This invaluable experience I received, such as
establishing relationships with local music venues and other non-profit
groups, is something I take with me as I embark on my journey as a
professional musician.

Because of the guidance I received, I am now a Music Education major

at Miami Dade College and I have been awarded a scholarship to
Berklee College of Music where I plan to continue my studies. Currently,
I am a member of the top jazz band at Miami Dade College, and I
received an Honors level jury score. I regularly perform in the Faculty
Concerts alongside my professors. I also now co-teach the YMU Jazz
Collective alongside my mentor, Zach Larmer.

YMU has been a channel through which I have had the chance to
engage with so many talented musicians. I’m grateful that they’ve
always provided me with the tools and assistance needed to expand
on my knowledge of music. I am now a gigging drummer, college
student, studio musician, touring drummer and a proud YMU mentor. I
look forward to doing everything I can to educate and expand upon the
talents of other Young Musicians.

Cristian Acevedo, 18
Drums, Miami-Dade College

FALL 2020 | 67
Our organizational strategy

is guided by a working board,

divided into five

specialized committees who

work together to set

long-term goals and counsel

our Executive Team.

FALL 2020 | 68
Virginia Akar | Executive Director
Jamie Rosenberg | Chair Jose B. Aleman | Vice Chair Attorney at Law & Human Rights Advocate
CEO | ClassWallet Managing Partner | Meridian Partners President | Strong Girls, Inc.

Cary Zel | Secretary Stephen Gans | Treasurer Michael Schwartz

Executive Vice President | PubWorX ProCirc Principal | Gans Family Investments, LLLP Principal | The Genuine Hospitality Group

Leslie Jose Zigel

Antoinette Zel Chair | Entertainment, Media & Technology Paul Lehr
CEO & Co-Founder | The Story Room Group, Greenspoon Marder LLP CEO Spring 2020 | IN-SCHOOL
| GroundUp Music PROGRAMS | 69

YMU was founded in 2013 by Sammy Gonzalez, Jeffrey Miller and Virginia Akar.

FALL 2020 | 69
Thank You For Your Support
$300,000+ The Related Group
Reverb Gives
Daniel R. Lewis, Music Access Fellowship Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits
The Story Room
$100,000-$299,999 The Symphonettes
Miami-Dade County Department
of Cultural Affairs $1,000-4,999
3 Sons Foundation, Inc.
$50,000-$99,999 Angel Febres
The Batchelor Foundation Antoinette and Cary Zel
The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation Appelrouth, Farah & Co., P.A.
STEAM+ Pilot Program Funded by Atlantic & Pacific Property Management
the City of Miami Beach Bridge Development Partners, LLC
The CDL School
$25,000-$49,999 Chariff Realty Group
American Engineering and Development Corp. Classwallet
The Gans Family Coral Gables Community Foundation
Greenspoon Marder, LLP Damian & Valori LLP
David Segrera
$10,000-$24,999 Deborah and Neil Bienstock
Eric & Victoria, Sophia and Rose Elliott
Amicon Construction Fabio Alexander
Boucher Brothers The Gerrard Family
Citizens Interested in the Arts Halpern Rodriguez LLP
Jeffrey Miller IGT Media Holdings
Krillion Ventures Inktel
Max Ida Fred Marji Strauss Foundation Jennifer and Justin Elegant
Melanie and Eric Greenwald Jessica and Jay Kaplan
Michael Schwartz Catering John and J.B. Aleman
Racket The Kassin Family
Renee Gans Kenneth O’Keefe
Silvia Coltrane/RETI Larry & Millie Magid Family Foundation
Stephen Larmer Leslie and Marty Steinberg
The Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation Inc. The Lehr Family
The Matlick Family Lina Eusse
The Miami Design District (DACRA) Lisa and Jamie Rosenberg
The Miami Heat Foundation LSN Partners
The Wynwood School of Music Luis and Gisela Segredo
Virginia and Joe Akar Memo and Cynthia Sauceda
Menu Men
$5,000-$9,999 Michael Scheitelman
Breakthru Beverage Nancy and Stephen Bernstein
Chelsea Aviation Paragon Development
City Construction Group, Inc. Phil Hudson
D’Addario Foundation Plastridge Insurance Agency
Goldstein and Company The Roth Family
Greenberg Traurig, P.A. Sandy Kauffman
Ines Rivero and Ernesto Estrada Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Jep Thornton The Schwartz Family
John and Mary Hammel Schwebke-Shiskin & Associates, Inc.
Kahunah Properties Segrera Associates
Karen Fyrd SMS Lodging
Kobi Karp Architecture Interior Design Stacey and Jon Chopp
Lourdes and Charles Humble Susan Billante
Marilyn Milian and John Schlesinger Tera and Isaac Kodsi
The Miller Family Terra Group
Neelam and Bharat Chatani Withers Worldwide
Plaza Construction

FALL 2020 | 70
The Aleman Family The Hudson Family The Roth Family
The Gans Family The Matlick Family The Segrera Family
The Greenwald Family The Mopsick Family The Schwartz Family

Achieve Music Miami Design District

Arts For Learning Miami Heat Charitable Fund
The Bass Contemporary Art Museum Miami-Dade County Department of
Bassology Around The World Cultural Affairs
The Batchelor Foundation Miami-Dade County Public Schools
The Carnival Foundation Miami Music Project
The Children’s Trust Michael Schwartz Catering and Events
The Citadel Music Access Fellowship
Citizens Interested in the Arts Music for Memories
City of Miami Beach New World Symphony
D’Addario Foundation Nu Deco Ensemble
Donna E. Shalala MusicReach Program Overtown Youth Center
The Frost School of Music Radical Partners
Greenspoon Marder Foundation Reverb Gives
Guitars Over Guns The Rhythm Foundation
Hungry for Music Save The Music Foundation
Interlochen Center for the Arts STEAM+ Miami Beach
Jaguars United The Symphonettes
JECC Wynwood School of Music
The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation

FALL 2020 | 71

“Plaza Construction is proud to support Young Musicians Unite and

their mission to provide educational music programs and resources to
schools in need.”
-Brad Meltzer, President of Plaza Construction





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Jason Goldstein
Goldstein Principal
&Company Admitted in District of Columbia
Florida and New York

55 Miracle Mile, Suite 310, Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Telephone: (305) 930-7200 • Facsimile: (305) 930-7400
32 Broadway, 13th Floor, NewYork, NewYork 10004
Telephone: (212) 328-7878 • Facsimile: (212) 328-7879

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Maria Piva
Goldstein Associate
P R I V AT E L E S S O N S - Y O U T H B A N D S - A D U LT E N S E M B L E S - I N S T R U M E N T R E TA I L & R E PA I R S

The Wynwood School

W W W. W Y N W O O D S C H O O L O F M U S I C . C O M

of Music Proudly Supports

Young Musicians Unite

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