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1- For our students to be more aware of what culture is we have to make them understand

that we are all part of a culture even from the moment we are born we already have a
belonging to our country, city or region so for students to be more aware we can give
them our own experience about what culture is and make them share what they think
their opinion or experience is with the term culture and what that means to them so that
they know how rooted or detached they are from the culture.

2- Other disciplines that help to understand culture are: anthropology, sociology, psychology,
linguistics, and communication and greatly contribute to what we call culture since each
discipline has its own perspective of what we think about culture.

3- Culture is a set of basic ideas, practices and experiences that a group of people share in a
given territory

-Culture is a human process that is built by a pattern of traditions, beliefs, values, norms,
symbols, and meanings that are shared by interacting with each other

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