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Practice Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10
Headspace          

1. Experience of Using Headspace for Meditation :

Whenever someone asked me to do meditation I repeatedly told myself that I will never
be able to do it as my mind is too active and I can’t sit with focus for longer duration.
But using the Headspace app changed my view. During the first two days, my mind was
busy, restless and deviated easily. On the third day, I was able to focus more and found
peace; while birds were chirping early morning and evening respectively. On the fourth
and fifth day while meditating I was able to get lost in meditation and returned to focus of
object i.e. breath for longer duration.

Sixth day onward till tenth day wherein I also repeated my sessions thrice I liked doing
meditation as I noticed that period between awareness and distraction kept reducing. I
allowed thoughts to let by and allowed my mind to do whatever it wants to do, I noticed I
had lost track of time. I enjoyed the journey as I was unaware of what’s coming next.

2. Meditation Impact on me and others

Doing meditation using the Headspace app allowed my mind to explore my breath and
body. It made me refreshed and energized when I was tired or feeling sleepy after hectic
long online sessions. Also, it helped me to reduce my stress related to assignments,
studies, and personal problems as my calmness level increased than earlier. Last week
when my head was kind of radiating heat and eyes were red after the final session got
over around 5 P.M. doing mediation relaxed me and I avoided medicine for the same.

My mother noticed that after some days of the session, I have my smile back on the face,
which I had lost for some time and looked calmer.

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