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Evidence 1

Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of
industrial enterprise

Apprentice: Miriam Alejandra Acosta Murillo

Instructor: Javier Rolando Vega Saldaña

Technologist: International Negotiation


Modality: Virtual

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)


For the development of our personal and work life is very important to
know how to perform in different areas, it becomes an advantage.
That’s why having certain basic skills becomes essential, such as
understanding and developing simple texts, even in another language.

“Most of the important documents related to the development of this

training program come in English and for many the translator tool
becomes the only way to understand them. Unfortunately, this tool
doesn’t accurately provide the true meaning of the message that you
want to convey in the text, that’s why the summary becomes a way to
understand a text in a meaningful way.”

General objective

Understand a text in a simple and more meaningful way, learning how

to do a basic summary in English.

Specific objectives

 Identify tools to summarize quickly and easily.

 Understand basic written texts in English.

 Expand vocabulary and basic knowledge of English.

Approach to diagnostics of marketing complex of industrial

In this article, the authors talk about the development of the economic
system and competition relations, emphasizing the importance of
analyzing in a progressive and permanent way all types of business
activity, recognizing in some way that this is not talked about enough,
despite everything. That’s why the text insists on the importance of the
information conditions, in order to identify problems, different
perspectives and possible problems that decisions may have, being
possible to say that in order to guarantee the stability and success of
the company, the recognition of changes and the constant
development of improvements is a priority.





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