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Task 2 - Writing

Natalia Ochoa Rojas

Code: 1.007.443.876

Group: 900001_843


Leidy Tatiana Minda

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Artes y Humanidades (ECSAH)

Program: Music


October, 2019
Step 1:

Hello nice to meet you. My name is Natalia Ochoa, I am eighteen years old. I live in the district

of Bruselas-Pitalito. I am a singer and music teacher.

I am currently studying music at the National Open and Distance University in Pitalito Huila.

My favorite sport is swimming.

I like reading, cooking, singing and sharing with my family.

Thanks for your attention.



Phone Number: 3224645298
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 5:

Hi, I am Nathalia. I'm 18 years old. I am short and thin, I have light, long and wavy hair, brown

eyes. My face is long, my nose is large, my eyelashes are long and curly. I am very friendly,

sociable and good person.

In the morning I wake up

early, take a shower, get

ready and go to breakfast. I

clean my house and then

check my networks, the

virtual university campus and

at the same time listen to

music. At noon, I prepare

everything for lunch. In the

afternoons, I work in my

common schedule that starts

at 2pm until 5pm. On

Wednesdays and Fridays I will rehearse Andean music with the female group to which I belong

as a guitarist and lead vocalist, the group is called “New Spring”. After the rehearsal, I will take

the bus to my usual destination (Brussels-Pitalito). Upon arriving home, I prepare everything for

dinner with my family. At night, I share the food with my family, I do university work. On

Mondays and Fridays, I teach at my music school at 7pm. On Tuesdays I rehearse music with my

colleagues from a music ministry in the Catholic Church. On Thursdays and Sundays I go to the
Eucharist at 7pm. On the other nights, I practice my songs and compositions. After a long day, I

lie down to rest. In my spare time, they hire me to sing in several places, I practice my music,

they hire me to do makeup and comb. I go to church; I like to share with my nephews and go for

a walk with my boyfriend.

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