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1.) Globalization is the world’s growing economies.

This is the interaction or trade

between people, countries, and businesses. Even though we can see that globalization
has a lot of benefits in people's lives, it has still disadvantages. 
1. Globalization remove borders and makes a way for businesses, people, and
nations to communicate and interact with each other.
2. People could work, live, and go wherever they want. borders become less
3. Globalization helps the developing world progress faster
1. Globalization benefits the wealthy more than the poor.
2. It has a tremendous impact on our environment. It creates economic and health
impacts every day. 
3. Globalization makes other countries enter other culture easier and it cause of
loss of cultural identity.

2. ) America, Japan, and Europe are advocates of globalization. According to them,

globalization international trade and global business ties are good for their country.
They also say that it is beneficial for their economy when foreign companies build
new factories in their country.

3.) The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, and the United Kingdom are advocates of
globalization. According to them, globalization international trade and global business
ties are good for their country. They also say that it is beneficial for their economy
when foreign companies build new factories in their country.

4.) France, Italy, Japan, and the United States are against globalization. They don't
believe that globalization creates jobs, increases wages, and trade lower prices,
contrary to one of the said benefits of globalization.

5.) They may sound the same, but free trade and fair trade are far away different. Free
trade removes restrictions and borders, which allows international trade. Meanwhile,
fair trade focuses on trading conditions and policies and securing the rights of the
trader or people. Free trade aims to increase a nation’s growth and fair trade aims to
empower people and improve their lives.

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