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Homework assignment

Grade – 3 Dear Parent – Please help your ward to complete

Subject – English the writing work.
Topic – best Friends Teacher
Dictation Words:
1. Friend 11. Rushing

2. School 12. Laughing

3. Transferred 13. Classmates

4. Strong 14. Playground

5. Cupboard 15. Jumbled

6. Patiently 16. Clothes

7. Worried 17. Introduced

8. Vegetables 18. Beautiful

9. Quickly 19. Walked

10. Children 20.Glad

Word Bank:

1. Transferred: asked to move from one place to another for work

2. Chores: small jobs, usually in the house
3. Shyly: (here) feeling nervous
4. Introduced : made a person known to another person
5. Immediately: straight away
6. Uncertain smile: smile shyly

Answer the following questions:

1.Why did Sujata leave school?
Sujata left school because her father got transferred to another city.

2.What advice did Dia’s mother give her?

Dia’s mother advised her to be strong.
3.What did Jhuma have to do before she left for school?
Jhuma had to fetch water, cut the vegetables and bathe her younger sister,
before she left for school.

4.What is the moral of the story?

The moral of the story is “If we are kind and good to others, we will always find
good friends” .

Activity: 1
Children will have to look for some interesting quotes on friendship.

Activity :2
Write a short paragraph about your “best friend”.

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