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1000 The Hindu Vocab

 Today’s Vocabulary
 Vigilance (noun) = The action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties (जाग कता)
 Grim (adj) = Very serious or gloomy (िवकट)
Vishal Parihar (AVP)

 Best Faculty of English Language in 2017

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India’s No.1 Teacher in Bank Exams for English Language and Editorial
Bankers Way Youtube Channel
1. Adequately (adverb) = To a satisfactory or acceptable extent. ( पया प म)
2. Tremendous (adjective) = very great in amount, scale, or intensity. (अ ु त)
3. Endeavour (verb) = Try hard to do or achieve something. ( य न करना)
4. Inept (adjective) = Having or showing no skill; clumsy. (अकुशल)
5. Deprived (adjective) = Suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and
cultural benefits. (मह म)
6. Foresee (verb) = Be aware of beforehand; predict. (अनमु ान लगाना)
7. Mitigate (verb) = Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful. (शांत
8. Consequence (noun) = A result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or
unpleasant. (इस कारण से)
9. Defy (verb) = openly resist or refuse to obey. (चनु ौती देना)
10. Exodus (noun) = A mass departure of people. (िनगमन)
11. Contemplate (verb) = look thoughtfully for a long time at. (मनन करना)

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12. Inflict (verb) = Cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by
someone or something. (थोपना)
13. Cognisance (noun) = knowledge or awareness. (प र ान)
14. Hindsight (noun) = Understanding of a situation or event only after it has
happened or developed. (दीघदश)
15. Wryly (adverb) = In a way that expresses dry, especially mocking, humour.
( यं यपवू क)
16. Harmony (noun) = The combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes
to produce a pleasing effect. (तालमेल)
17. Flog (verb) = Beat (someone) with a whip or stick as a punishment. (कोड़े
18. Orthodox (Adj.) = Following or conforming to the traditional or generally
accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice.
19. Congregation (noun) = A group of people assembled for religious worship. (समागम)
20. Implausible (Adj.) = (of an argument or statement) not seeming reasonable or
probable; failing to convince. (अक पनीय)
21. Agitation (noun) = A state of anxiety or nervous excitement. (आवेश)
22. Fraught (adjective) = (of a situation or course of action) filled with or likely to result
in (something undesirable). (भरपूर)
23. Aggrieved (Adj.) = Feeling resentment at having been unfairly treated. (िख न)
24. Snowball (verb) = increase rapidly in size, intensity, or importance. (तेज़ी से गंभीर हो
25. Iniquitous (Adj.) = Grossly unfair and morally wrong. (अ यायपणू )
26. Overt (Adj.) = Done or shown openly; plainly apparent. (खु लमखु ला)
27. Opprobrium (noun) = Harsh criticism or censure. (अपयश)
28. Endeavour (verb) = Try hard to do or achieve something. ( य न करना)
29. Profiling (noun) = The recording and analysis of a person's psychological and
behavioural characteristics ( परे खा)
30. Heterodoxy (noun) = Deviation from accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs.
31. Persecute (verb) = Subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially
because of their race or political or religious beliefs. (अ याचार
32. Exemplar (noun) = A person or thing serving as a typical example or appropriate
model. ( ितमान)
33. Pluralist (noun) = An advocate of a system in which two or more states, groups,
principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist. (बहवादी)
34. Syncretic (Adj.) = Characterized or brought about by a combination of different
forms of belief or practice (सम वया मक)

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35. Pillory (verb) = Attack or ridicule publicly. (िनदं ा करना)
36. Slant (verb) = Slope or lean in a particular direction; diverge or cause to
diverge from the vertical or horizontal. (एकतरफ़ा)
37. Scourge (Noun) = A whip used as an instrument of punishment. (चाबक ु )
38. Appeasement (noun) = The action or process of appeasing. (तु ीकरण)
39. Speculative (Adj.) = Engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than
knowledge. (िचंतनशील)
40. Hoard (verb) = Accumulate (money or valued objects) and hide or store
away. (सं ह)
41. Devastating (Adj.) = Highly destructive or damaging. (िव वंसकारी)
42. Exacerbate (verb) = Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
(ख़राब करना)
43. Famine (noun) = Extreme scarcity of food. (अकाल)
44. Ravaged (Adj.) = Severely damaged; devastated. (उजड़ा हआ)
45. Mortgage (verb) = Convey (a property) to a creditor as security on a loan. (िगरवी)
46. Deteriorate (verb) = Become progressively worse. (न होना)
47. Accentuate (verb) = Make more noticeable or prominent. (जोर देना)
48. Persist (verb) = Continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty
or opposition. ( ढ़ रहना)
49. Dawn (noun) = The first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise. (अ णोदय)
50. Relevant (Adj.) = Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or
considered. (अनु प)
51. Supplement (verb) = Add an extra element or amount to. (अित र )
52. Wisdom (noun) = The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good
judgement; the quality of being wise. (बिु मानी)
53. Envisage (verb) = Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable
future event. (उि लिखत)
54. Espionage (noun) = The practice of spying or of using spies, typically by
governments to obtain political and military information.
(जाससू ी)
55. Ascertain (verb) = Find (something) out for certain; make sure of. (िन य करना)
56. Prompt (verb) = (of an event or fact) Cause or bring about (an action or
feeling). ( योजन करना)
57. Supervisory (Adj.) = Having or relating to the role of observing and directing an
activity or a person. (िनरी णा मक)
58. Statistician (noun) = An expert in the preparation and analysis of statistics.
(सांि यक िवद)्
59. Instinct (noun) = An innate, typically fixed pattern of behaviour in animals in
response to certain stimuli. ( वाभािवक)

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60. Conviction (noun) = A formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of
a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal
offence. (दोषिसि )
61. Conscious (Adj.) = Aware of and responding to one's surroundings. (अिभ )
62. Hardship (noun) = Severe suffering or privation. (किठनाई)
63. Tremendous (Adj.) = Very great in amount, scale, or intensity. (आ यजनक)
64. Beset (verb) = (of a problem or difficulty) Trouble (someone or something)
persistently. ( याकुल करना)
65. Contagion (noun) = The communication of disease from one person or organism
to another by close contact. ( पश संचार)
66. Devise (verb) = Plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism)
by careful thought. (िचतं न करना)
67. Shy (verb) = Fling or throw (something) at a target. (फकना)
68. Voyage (noun) = A long journey involving travel by sea or in space. (समु या ा)
69. Eternal (Adj.) = Lasting or existing forever; without end. (शा त)
70. Demise (noun) = A person's death. (देहा त)
71. Evidence (noun) = The available body of facts or information indicating whether
a belief or proposition is true or valid. ( माण)
72. Arsenal (noun) = A collection of weapons and military equipment. (श ागार)
73. Worrisome (Adj.) = Causing anxiety or concern. (िचंताजनक)
74. Potent (Adj.) = Having great power, influence, or effect. (ताकतवर)
75. Moratorium (noun) = A temporary prohibition of an activity. (िवल बकाल)
76. Miniaturise (verb) = Make on a smaller or miniature scale. (लघु प बनाना)
77. Contend (verb) = Struggle to surmount (a difficulty). (िववाद करना)
78. Consequential (Adj.) = Following as a result or effect. (प रणाम व प)
79. Diversify (verb) = Make or become more diverse or varied. (िविवध करना)
80. Escalation (noun) = A rapid increase; a rise. ( सार)
81. Variegated (Adj.) = Exhibiting different colours, especially as irregular patches or
streaks. (बहरंगी)
82. Coercive (Adj.) = Relating to or using force or threats. (बलपवू क)
83. Punitive (Adj.) = Inflicting or intended as punishment. (दडं ा मक)
84. Tactical (Adj.) = Relating to or constituting actions carefully planned to gain a
specific military end. (नीितगत)
85. Consolidate (verb) = Make (something) physically stronger or more solid. ( ढ़ करना)
86. Entrenched (Adj.) = (of an attitude, habit, or belief) Firmly established and
difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained. (आरोिपत हआ)
87. Brinksmanship (noun) = The art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the
limits of safety before stopping, especially in politics.

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88. Doctrine (noun) = A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political
party, or other group. (िस ांत)
89. Triadic (Adj.) = Relating to or comprising a set of three related people or
things (ि पदी)
90. Deterrence (noun) = The action of discouraging an action or event through
instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. (िनवारण)
91. Disrupt (verb) = Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a
disturbance or problem. (अ त- य त करना)
92. Unenviable (Adj.) = Difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant. (अवांछनीय)
93. Stagnation (noun) = Lack of activity, growth, or development. (िवकासहीनता)
94. Predate (verb) = Exist or occur at a date earlier than (something). (से पहले घिटत होना)
95. Bottlenecks (noun) = A situation that causes delay in a process or system. (मागावरोध)
96. Boast (verb) = Talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's
achievements, possessions, or abilities (शेखी मारना)
97. Emphasise (verb) = Give special importance or value to (something) in speaking
or writing. (मह व देना)
98. Incidence (noun) = The occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or
other undesirable thing. ( यापकता)
99. Exemplifly (verb) = Be a typical example of. (उदाहरण देना)
100. Transcend (verb) = Be or go beyond the range or limits of (a field of activity or
conceptual sphere). (बढ़ कर होना)
101. Sporadic (Adj.) = Occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places;
scattered or isolated. (िछट पटु )
102. Erode (verb) = (of wind, water, or other natural agents) Gradually wear away
(soil, rock, or land). (न करना)
103. Tannery (noun) = A place where animal hides are tanned; the workshop of a
tanner. (चमड़े का कारख़ाना)
104. Whammy (noun) = An event with a powerful and unpleasant effect; a blow. (बाधा)
105. Mitigation (noun) = The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or
painfulness of something. (अ पीकरण)
106. Bleak (Adj.) = (of the weather) Cold and miserable. (िनराशाजनक)
107. Nudged (verb) = Prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in order to attract
attention. (कुहने से छूना)
108. Adapt (verb) = Become adjusted to new conditions. (के अनु प बनाना)
109. Mysterious (Adj.) = Difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.
(रह यपणू )
110. Plead (verb) = Make an emotional appeal. (िनवेदन करना)
111. Pretext (noun) = A reason given in justification of a course of action that is not
the real reason. (अपदेश)

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112. Contagion (noun) = The communication of disease from one person or organism
to another by close contact. (सं मण)
113. Asylum (noun) = The protection granted by a state to someone who has left
their home country as a political refugee. (शरण थल)
114. Apathy (noun) = Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. ()
115. Brink (noun) = The extreme edge of land before a steep slope or a body or
water. (कगार)
116. Utter (Adj.) = Complete; absolute. (complete; absolute.)
117. Resurrection (noun) = The action or fact of resurrecting or being resurrected.
(पनु थान)
118. Allegorical (noun) = A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a
hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. ( पक कथा)
119. Resonate (verb) = Produce or be filled with a deep, full, reverberating sound.
(अननु ादन)
120. Anonymity (noun) = The condition of being anonymous. (गमु नामी)
121. Exploitation (noun) = The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to
benefit from their work. (शोषण)
122. Render (verb) = Provide or give (a service, help, etc.). ( तुत करना)
123. Gambit (noun) = An act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage,
especially at the outset of a situation. (जूआ)
124. Inexplicable (Adj.) = Unable to be explained or accounted for. (अबो य)
125. Cognisance (noun) = Knowledge or awareness. (प र ान)
126. Intervene (verb) = Take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or
course of events. (ह त पे करना)
127. Hubris (noun) = Excessive pride or self-confidence. (अिभमान)
128. Perseverance (noun) = Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in
achieving success. (अटलता)
129. Archive (noun) = A collection of historical documents or records providing
information about a place, institution, or group of people.
(ऐितहािसक अिभलेख)
130. Maze (noun) = A complex network of paths or passages. (भूल-भुलैयां)
131. Obfuscate (verb) = Make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. (अ प करना)
132. Opacity (noun) = The quality of lacking transparency or translucence. (अपारदिशता)
133. Metaphorical (Adj.) = Characteristic of or relating to metaphor; figurative. ( पक-)
134. Uncanny (Adj.) = Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.
(अ वाभािवक)
135. Evict (verb) = Expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support
of the law. (बेदखल करना)
136. Illusory (Adj.) = Based on illusion; not real. (अवा तिवक)
137. Resolute (Adj.) = Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. ( ढ़)
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138. Amalgam (noun) = A mixture or blend. (िम ण)
139. Invoke (verb) = Call on (a deity or spirit) in prayer, as a witness, or for
inspiration. (आ ान)
140. Decree (noun) = An official order that has the force of law. (आ ि )
141. Littoral (Adj.) = Relating to or situated on the shore of the sea or a lake.
(समु तटवरती)
142. Abundantly (adverb) = In large quantities; plentifully. ( चरु तापवू क)
143. Habitation (noun) = The fact of living in a particular place. (िनवास थान)
144. Aggravate (verb) = Make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.
(अित िनकृ करना)
145. Reclamation (noun) = The process of claiming something back or of reasserting a
right. (संशोधन)
146. Obligation (noun) = An act or course of action to which a person is morally or
legally bound; a duty or commitment. (बा यता)
147. Acquiesce (verb) = Accept something reluctantly but without protest. (चपु चाप वीकार
148. Bandwagoning (noun) = When a state aligns with a stronger, adversarial power and
concedes that the stronger adversary-turned-partner
disproportionately gains in the spoils they conquer together.
(फायदेमंद हाल)
149. Formidable (Adj.) = Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large,
powerful, intense, or capable. (डरावना)
150. Corvette (noun) = A small warship designed for convoy escort duty. (लड़ाकू जलपोत)
151. Procure (verb) = Obtain (something), especially with care or effort. (उपल ध करना)
152. Ram (verb) = Roughly force (something) into place. (कस कर दबाना)
153. Claimant (noun) = A person making a claim, especially in a lawsuit or for a state
benefit. (उ मेदवार)
154. Atoll (noun) = A ring-shaped reef, island, or chain of islands formed of coral.
( वाल ीप)
155. Prospect (verb) = Search for mineral deposits, especially by drilling and
excavation. (खोज करना)
156. Fester (verb) = (of a wound or sore) Become septic; suppurate. (घाव पकना)
157. Resentment (noun) = Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. (अ स नता)
158. Rile (verb) = Make (someone) annoyed or irritated. ( ोिधत करना)
159. Trespass (verb) = Enter someone's land or property without permission.
(अनिधकार वेश करना)
160. Compliance (noun) = The action or fact of complying with a wish or command.
(अनु पता)

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161. Archipelagic (noun) = An state is any internationally recognized state or country
that comprises a series of islands that form an archipelago
(अनेक ीप से यु सागर के संबंध म)
162. Induct (verb) = Admit (someone) formally to a post or organization. (िनयु करना)
163. Buttress (verb) = Increase the strength of or justification for; reinforce. (मज़बतू
164. Jettison (verb) = Abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer
wanted). ( यागना)
165. Comprehensive (Adj.) = Including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects
of something. (िव तारपूण)
166. Apprehension (noun) = Anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
167. Inescapable (Adj.) = Unable to be avoided or denied. ()
168. Disruption (noun) = Disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity,
or process. (टूटना)
169. Evident (Adj.) = Clearly seen or understood; obvious. (ज़ािहर)
170. Pedagogue (noun) = A teacher, especially a strict or pedantic one. (िश ाशा ी)
171. Predate (verb) = Exist or occur at a date earlier than (something). (से पहले घिटत होना)
172. Nurture (verb) = Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are
growing. (पालन-पोषण करना)
173. Abandoned (Adj.) = Having been deserted or left. (छोड़ा हआ)
174. Salient (Adj.) = Most noticeable or important. (िवशेषता-सचू क)
175. Strive (verb) = Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. (उ म करना)
176. Ample (Adj.) = Enough or more than enough; plentiful. ( चरु )
177. Intellectual (Adj.) = Relating to the intellect. (बिु जीवी)
178. Abridge (verb) = Shorten (a piece of writing) without losing the sense. (सिं
179. Reiterate (verb) = Say something again or a number of times, typically for
emphasis or clarity. (दहु राना)
180. Esteem (noun) = Respect and admiration. (स मान)
181. Curious (Adj.) = Eager to know or learn something. (िज ास)ु
182. Suffrage (noun) = The right to vote in political elections. (मतािधकार)
183. Enlightened (Adj.) = Having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed
outlook. ( बु )
184. Hearsay (noun) = Information received from other people which cannot be
substantiated; rumour. (अफवाह)
185. Prejudice (noun) = Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual
experience. (अिवचार मित)

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186. Demagogy (noun) = Political activity or practices that seek support by appealing
to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than
by using rational argument. ( जानायक के िस ा त)
187. Embrace (verb) = Hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of
affection. (गले से लगाना)
188. Inclusion (noun) = The action or state of including or of being included within a
group or structure. (समावेशन)
189. Fraternal (Adj.) = Of or like a brother or brothers. ( ाि क)
190. Rational (Adj.) = Based on or in accordance with reason or logic. (तक-सबं धं ी)
191. Reiterate (verb) = Say something again or a number of times, typically for
emphasis or clarity. (बार बार कहना या करना)
192. Disposition (noun) = A person's inherent qualities of mind and character. (िमज़माज)
193. Virtue (noun) = Behaviour showing high moral standards. (नैितकता)
194. Sceptic (noun) = A person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.
(शंका करने वाला)
195. Fallout (noun) = The adverse results of a situation or action. (नतीजा)
196. Overwhelm (verb) = Bury or drown beneath a huge mass of something, especially
water. (अिभभतू करना)
197. Distress (noun) = Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. (दख ु ः)
198. Discipline (noun) = The practice of training people to obey rules or a code of
behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience. (अ ययन
का िवषय)
199. Resurgence (noun) = An increase or revival after a period of little activity,
popularity, or occurrence. (पनु जीवन)
200. Insight (noun) = The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of
someone or something. (िनरी ण)
201. Compassion (noun) = Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or
misfortunes of others. (अनुक पा)
202. Contrast (verb) = Differ strikingly (िवषमता िदखाना)
203. Forebear (noun) = An ancestor. (पवू ज)
204. Largesse (noun) = Generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others. (दानशीलता)
205. Entitled (Adj.) = Believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or
special treatment. (अिधकारी)
206. Disentangle (verb) = Free (something or someone) from something that they are
entangled with. (सुलझाना)
207. Dominant (Adj.) = Having power and influence over others. ( भावशाली)
208. Prevalent (Adj.) = Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time. ( भु व-
सपं न)
209. Humanitarian (Adj.) = Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
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210. Nepotism (noun) = The practice among those with power or influence of
favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them
jobs. (भाईभतीजावाद)
211. Speculations (noun) = The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
(प रक पना)
212. Confined (Adj.) = (of a space) Restricted in area or volume; cramped. (सीिमत)
213. Upsurge (noun) = An upward surge in the strength or quantity of something; an
increase. (उ नित)
214. Prevalence (noun) = The fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness. ( चलन)
215. Contingent (Adj.) = Subject to chance. (अिनि त)
216. Derisively (adverb) = In a manner expressing contempt or ridicule. (उपहासपणू तरीके से)
217. Realm (noun) = A kingdom. ( भतु ा)
218. Dwindling (Adj.) = Gradually diminishing in size, amount, or strength. ( ीण होना)
219. Reproduction (noun) = The action or process of copying something. (पनु पि )
220. Tackle (verb) = Make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult
task). (सामना करना)
221. Conspicuously (adverb) = In a clearly visible way. (सु प प से)
222. Outrage (noun) = An extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.
(िहंसा मक काय)
223. Dismantle (verb) = Take (a machine or structure) to pieces. (िवघिटत करना)
224. Righteousness (noun) = The quality of being morally right or justifiable. ( याय परायणी)
225. Consolidate (verb) = Make (something) physically stronger or more solid. (संघिटत
226. Resentment (noun) = Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. (िव षे )
227. Elites (noun) = A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities
to the rest of a group or society. (कुलीन)
228. Contour (noun) = An outline representing or bounding the shape or form of
something. ( प-रेखा)
229. Lucrative (Adj.) = Producing a great deal of profit. (लाभकर)
230. Ambitious (Adj.) = Having or showing a strong desire and determination to
succeed. (अिभलाषी)
231. Simmer (verb) = (of water or food that is being heated) Stay just below boiling
point while bubbling gently. (धीरे धीरे खौलना)
232. Veneer (noun) = A thin decorative covering of fine wood applied to a coarser
wood or other material. (चमक-दमक)
233. Legion (noun) = A division of 3,000–6,000 men, including a complement of
cavalry, in the ancient Roman army. (बहत बड़ा समहू )
234. Foment (verb) = Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or
course of action). (उकसाना)

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235. Venal (Adj.) = Showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery; corrupt.
( ाचारी)
236. Recalcitrant (Adj.) = Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards
authority or discipline. (उ ड)
237. Antagonism (noun) = Active hostility or opposition. (मनमुटाव)
238. Salvo (noun) = A simultaneous discharge of artillery or other guns in a battle.
(बा द क बौछार)
239. Brash (Adj.) = Self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way. (ढीठ)
240. Deprived (Adj.) = Suffering a severe and damaging lack of basic material and
cultural benefits. (वंिचत)
241. Perche (noun) = An object on which a bird alights or roosts, typically a branch
or horizontal bar. (िचिड़य के बैठने का अड्डा)
242. Surge (noun) = A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially
by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide. (तेज़ी से चढ़ना)
243. Urge (verb) = Try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do
something. (ती इ छा)
244. Affix (verb) = Stick, attach, or fasten (something) to something else. (स ब
245. Antigen (noun) = A toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune
response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.
( ितजन)
246. Deleterious (Adj.) = Causing harm or damage. (हािनकारक)
247. Grievous (Adj.) = (of something bad) Very severe or serious. (क दायक)
248. Outrage (noun) = An extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.
(वीभ सता)
249. Perverse (Adj.) = Showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way
that is unreasonable or unacceptable. (दरु ा ही)
250. Reconciliation (noun) = The restoration of friendly relations. (पुनिमलन)
251. Spike (noun) = A sharp increase in the magnitude or concentration of
252. Devastation (noun) = Great destruction or damage. (िव वंस)
253. parse (verb) = Resolve (a sentence) into its component parts and describe
their syntactic roles. (पद या या करना)
254. Relentless (Adj.) = Unceasingly intense. (िनदयी)
255. Turbulent (Adj.) = Characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable
or calm. (उप वी)
256. Consensus (noun) = A general agreement. (सामंज य)
257. Dilemma (noun) = A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between
two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally
undesirable. (असमंजस)

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258. Conflict (noun) = A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted
one. ( ं )
259. Inevitable (Adj.) = Certain to happen; unavoidable. (अप रहाय)
260. Perceive (verb) = Become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize
or understand. (समझ लेना)
261. Speculative (Adj.) = Engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than
knowledge. (िचंतनशील)
262. Diminish (verb) = Make or become less. (कम होना)
263. Crumbling (verb) = Break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of
a process of deterioration. (िवशीण होना)
264. Prevalent (Adj.) = Widespread in a particular area or at a particular time. (दरू तक
फै ला हआ)
265. Daring (Adj.) = (of a person or action) Adventurous or audaciously bold.
266. Deter (verb) = Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling
doubt or fear of the consequences. (रोक रखना)
267. Resurgent (Adj.) = Increasing or reviving after a period of little activity,
popularity, or occurrence. (पनु थानशील)
268. Vie (verb) = Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve
something. ( ित पधा करना)
269. Deployment (noun) = The movement of troops or equipment to a place or position
for military action. ( तरण)
270. Prolonged (Adj.) = Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.
271. Morale (noun) = The confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or
group at a particular time. (मनोबल)
272. Leverage (verb) = Use borrowed capital for (an investment), expecting the
profits made to be greater than the interest payable. (लाभ उठाना)
273. Jingoism (noun) = Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or
warlike foreign policy. (क र रा वाद)
274. Contradiction (noun) = A combination of statements, ideas, or features which are
opposed to one another. (अतं िवरोध)
275. Regime (noun) = A government, especially an authoritarian one. (रा य-काल)
276. Discard (verb) = Get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or
desirable. (फका हआ)
277. Elitist (Adj.) = Relating to or supporting the view that a society or system
should be led by an elite. (उि छ वगवादी)
278. Envision (verb) = Imagine as a future possibility; visualize. (क पना करना)
279. Fertile (Adj.) = Producing many new and inventive ideas. (बहत फल देनेवाला)

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280. Espouse (verb) = Adopt or support (a cause, belief, or way of life). (अपनाना)
281. Infuse (verb) = Fill; pervade. (भर देना)
282. Vigour (noun) = Physical strength and good health. (पौ ष)
283. Hallmark (noun) = A mark stamped on articles of gold, silver, or platinum by the
British assay offices, certifying their standard of purity. (कसौटी)
284. Bureaucratic (Adj.) = Relating to a system of government in which most of the
important decisions are taken by state officials rather than by
elected representatives. (नौकरशाही)
285. Stagnated (verb) = (of water or air) Cease to flow or move; become stagnant.
(गितहीन होना)
286. Apparent (Adj.) = Clearly visible or understood; obvious. (अवा तिवक)
287. Gaze (verb) = Look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise,
or thought. (ताकना)
288. Outbreak (noun) = A sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as war
or disease. ( कोप)
289. Prerogative (noun) = A right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or
class. (िविश ािधकार)
290. Redundant (Adj.) = Not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous. (अनाव यक)
291. Facilitator (noun) = A person or thing that makes an action or process easy or
easier. (सम वयक)
292. Trait (noun) = A distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one
belonging to a person. (ख़िसयात)
293. Possessed (Adj.) = (of a person) Completely controlled by an evil spirit. (उ म )
294. Anticipate (verb) = Regard as probable; expect or predict. (पवू ानमु ान करना)
295. Generosity (noun) = The quality of being kind and generous. (स जनता)
296. Cognition (noun) = The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and
understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
(अिभ ान)
297. Deliberately (adverb) = Consciously and intentionally; on purpose. (जान-बझू कर)
298. Disposition (noun) = A person's inherent qualities of mind and character. (िमज़माज)
299. Genomic (Adj.) = Relating to the haploid set of chromosomes in a gamete or
microorganism, or the complete set of genes in a cell or
300. Insouciant (Adj.) = Showing a casual lack of concern. (िचतं ामु )
301. Glib (Adj.) = (of words or a speaker) Fluent but insincere and shallow.
(धारा वाह)
302. Institutionalise (verb) = Establish (something, typically a practice or activity) as a
convention or norm in an organization or culture. (सं थागत करना)
303. Entrench (verb) = Establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is
very difficult or unlikely. (मजबतू ि थित बनाना)
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304. Dismantle (verb) = Take (a machine or structure) to pieces. (िवघिटत करना)
305. Arcane (Adj.) = Understood by few; mysterious or secret. (रह यमय)
306. Scepticism (noun) = A sceptical attitude; doubt as to the truth of something.
(संदहे वाद)
307. Premeditate (verb) = Think out or plan (an action, especially a crime) beforehand.
(पहले से िनयोिजत)
308. Spontaneous (Adj.) = Performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or
inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus.
(त ण)
309. Riddle (verb) = Make many holes in (someone or something), especially with
gunshot. (छलनी कर देना)
310. Absurdity (noun) = The quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly
unreasonable. (अनथकता)
311. Trail (verb) = Draw or be drawn along behind someone or something. (पीछा
312. Convoy (noun) = A group of ships or vehicles travelling together, typically one
accompanied by armed troops, warships, or other vehicles
for protection. (िसपािहय का दल)
313. Dread (verb) = Anticipate with great apprehension or fear. (आशक ं ा)
314. Snatch (verb) = Quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way. (झपटना)
315. Scuffle (noun) = A short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters. (ध कम
ध का)
316. Colloquial (Adj.) = (of language) Used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not
formal or literary. (बोलचाल संबंधी)
317. Thrive (verb) = (of a child, animal, or plant) Grow or develop well or
vigorously. (फूलना फलना)
318. Patronage (noun) = The support given by a patron. (आ य)
319. Applaud (verb) = Show approval or praise by clapping. (ताली बजा कर शंसा करना)
320. Effete (Adj.) = Affected, over-refined, and ineffectual. (कमज़ोर)
321. Dispense (verb) = Distribute or provide (a service or information) to a number
of people. (िवत रत करना)
322. Acquit (verb) = Free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not
guilty. ( छुटकारा देना)
323. Lynch (verb) = (of a group of people) Kill (someone) for an alleged offence
without a legal trial, especially by hanging. (िबना वैध िनणय के मार
324. Spate (noun) = A large number of similar things coming in quick succession.
(बड़ी सं या म)
325. Credibility (noun) = The quality of being trusted and believed in. (िव सनीयता)
326. Utter (Adj.) = Complete; absolute. (पूण)

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327. Template (noun) = Something that serves as a model for others to copy. (फमा)
328. Deceased (noun) = The recently dead person in question. (िदवंगत) Impunity (noun)
= Exemption from punishment or freedom from the
injurious consequences of an action. (द ड से मिु )
329. Aegis (noun) = The protection, backing, or support of a particular person or
organization. (संर ण)
330. Alleged (Adj.) = Said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified
illegal or undesirable quality. (अिभकिथत)
331. Inadequate (Adj.) = Lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a
purpose. (अपया )
332. Custodial (Adj.) = Relating to or requiring imprisonment. (अिभर ण सबं ंधी)
333. Coercion (noun) = The action or practice of persuading someone to do
something by using force or threats. (दादािगरी)
334. Prolixity (Adj.) = Extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length (वाि व तार)
335. Intimidate (verb) = Frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make
them do what one wants. (भयभीत करना)
336. Ambit (noun) = The scope, extent, or bounds of something. (प रिध)
337. Grievous (Adj.) = (of something bad) Very severe or serious. (क दायक)
338. Extort (verb) = Obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.
(बलपवू क लेना)
339. Compel (verb) = Force or oblige (someone) to do something. (बा य करना)
340. Dearth (noun) = A scarcity or lack of something. (अभाव)
341. Precedent (noun) = An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or
guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
(अ गामी)
342. Vague (Adj.) = Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
(अ प )
343. Prosecution (noun) = The institution and conducting of legal proceedings against
someone in respect of a criminal charge. (अिभयोग)
344. Persecution (noun) = Hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or
political or religious beliefs; oppression. (अ याचार)
345. Prolonged (Adj.) = Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy.
346. Enact (verb) = Make (a bill or other proposal) law. (िनयम बनाना)
347. Anticipatory (Adj.) = Happening, performed, or felt in anticipation of something.
(पवू ानमु ािनत)
348. Pedestal (noun) = The base or support on which a statue, obelisk, or column is
mounted. (मूिततल)
349. Ratification (noun) = The action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty,
contract, or agreement, making it officially valid. (स यापन)
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350. Discrepancy (noun) = An illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity
between two or more facts. (असंगित)
351. Rectify (verb) = Put right; correct. (संशोधन करना)
352. Exhort (verb) = Strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
( ो सािहत करना)
353. Temptation (noun) = The desire to do something, especially something wrong or
unwise. ( लोभन)
354. Agglomeration (noun) = A mass or collection of things; an assemblage. (संकुलन)
355. Accretion (noun) = Growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional
layers or matter. (अिभवृि )
356. Blunt (adjective) = (of a cutting implement) Not having a sharp edge or point.
(मंदबुि का)
357. Incidence (noun) = The occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or
other undesirable thing. (पैमाना)
358. Stem (verb) = Stop or restrict (the flow of something). ( ितबंध करना)
359. Morbidity (noun) = The condition of being diseased. (अ व थता)
360. Mortality (noun) = The state of being subject to death. (मृ यु दर)
361. Distress (noun) = Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. (दगु ित)
362. Nurture (verb) = Care for and protect (someone or something) while they are
growing. (पालन-पोषण करना)
363. Ambitions (noun) = A strong desire to do or achieve something. (मह वाकां ा)
364. Surge (noun) = A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially
by a crowd or by a natural force such as the tide. (िहलोरा)
365. Rigor (noun) = Harsh and demanding conditions. (कठोरता)
366. Leap (verb) = Jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great
force. (छलांग लगाना)
367. Nook (noun) = A corner or recess, especially one offering seclusion or
security. (नु कड़)
368. Monoclonal (Adj.) = Forming a clone which is derived asexually from a single
individual or cell.
369. Enforcement (noun) = The act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law,
rule, or obligation. (जबरद ती)
370. Welfare (noun) = The health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
(क याण)
371. Deficit (noun) = The amount by which something, especially a sum of money,
is too small. (अभाव)
372. Deprive (verb) = Prevent (a person or place) from having or using something.
(विं चत करना)
373. Repercussion (noun) = An unintended consequence of an event or action, especially
an unwelcome one. (अ य प रणाम)
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374. Retain (verb) = Continue to have (something); keep possession of. (बनाये रखना)
375. Bidding (noun) = The offering of particular prices for something, especially at
an auction. (बोली लगाना)
376. Haulage (noun) = The commercial transport of goods. (ढुलाई)
377. Procurement (noun) = The action of obtaining or procuring something. (अिध ाि )

378. Concessionaire (noun) = The holder of a concession or grant, especially for the use of
land or commercial premises or for trading rights. ( रयायत ाही)
379. Entail (verb) = Involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or
consequence. (अप रहाय होना)
380. Discord (noun) = Lack of harmony between notes sounding together. (असाम ज य)
381. Dichotomy (noun) = A division or contrast between two things that are or are
represented as being opposed or entirely different. (ि भाजन)
382. Unilaterally (adverb) = Used to indicate that something is done by only one person,
group, or country involved in a situation, without the
agreement of others. (एकतरफ़ा)
383. Endanger (verb) = Put (someone or something) at risk or in danger. (खतरे म डालना)
384. Amenity (noun) = A desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.
385. Entrust (verb) = Assign the responsibility for doing something to (someone).
(िसपदु करना)
386. Stipulate (verb) = Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an
agreement. (अनबु धं करना)
387. Cater (verb) = Provide people with food and drink at a social event or other
gathering. (आव यकताएं परू ी करना)
388. Elite (noun) = A select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities
to the rest of a group or society. (िविश वग)
389. Reiterate (verb) = Say something again or a number of times, typically for
emphasis or clarity. (दोहराना)
390. Recognition (noun) = Identification of someone or something or person from
previous encounters or knowledge. (अिभ ान)
391. Ambiguously (adverb) = So as to be open to more than one interpretation. (अ प प से)
392. Constitute (verb) = Be (a part) of a whole. (सगं िठत करना)
393. Inequality (noun) = Difference in size, degree, circumstances, etc.; lack of equality.
394. Indigenous (Adj.) = Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place;
native. ( वदेशी)
395. Custodian (noun) = A person who has responsibility for taking care of or
protecting something. (अिभर क)

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396. Vague (Adj.) = Of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
(धधंु ला)
397. Steward (noun) = An official appointed to supervise arrangements or keep
order at a large public event. (समारोह-सच
ं ालक)
398. Articulation (noun) = The formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.
(अिभ यि )
399. Fiduciary (Adj.) = Involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship
between a trustee and a beneficiary. (वै ािसक)
400. Consent (noun) = Permission for something to happen or agreement to do
something. ( वीकृ ित)
401. Exacerbate (verb) = Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
(िबगाड़ देना)
402. Susceptible (Adj.) = Likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular
thing. (अितसवं ेदनशील)
403. Quest (noun) = A long or arduous search for something. (तलाश)
404. Containment (noun) = The action of keeping something harmful under control or
within limits. (संरोधन)
405. Inhibit (verb) = Hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process). (बाधा डालना)
406. Retard (verb) = Delay or hold back in terms of progress or development. (िवल ब
407. Replication (noun) = The action of copying or reproducing something. ( ितिच )
408. Acute (Adj.) = (of an unpleasant or unwelcome situation or phenomenon)
Present or experienced to a severe or intense degree (अ यिधक)
409. Eradication (noun) = The complete destruction of something. (जड़ से न करना)
410. Excipients (noun) = An inactive substance that serves as the vehicle or medium
for a drug or other active substance. (अनु य)
411. Therapeutic (Adj.) = Relating to the healing of disease. (िचिक सा संबधं ी)
412. Prompt (verb) = (of an event or fact) Cause or bring about (an action or
feeling). (त पर)
413. Compile (verb) = Produce (a list or book) by assembling information collected
from other sources. (संकलन करना)
414. Coercive (Adj.) = Relating to or using force or threats. ( ितरोधी)
415. Subsequent (Adj.) = Coming after something in time; following. (आगामी)
416. Wrapped (Adj.) = Overjoyed; delighted. (आ छािदत)
417. Detrimental (Adj.) = Tending to cause harm. (हािनकारक)
418. Cartelisation (noun) = A group of industry participants coming together to fix
pricing of products and services ( यवसायी समहू न)
419. Suspicion (noun) = A feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.
420. Recoup (verb) = Regain (something lost or expended). ( ा करना)
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421. Herald (noun) = An official employed to oversee state ceremonial,
precedence, and the use of armorial bearings, and
(historically) to make proclamations, carry official messages,
and oversee tournaments. (अ -दतू )
422. Ravage (verb) = Cause severe and extensive damage to. (िव वसं करना)
423. Wrought (Adj.) = (of metals) Beaten out or shaped by hammering. (बनाया हआ)
424. Insidious (Adj.) = Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful
effects. (धोखेबाज)
425. Indispensable (Adj.) = Absolutely necessary. (अ याव यक)
426. Inextricably (adverb) = In a way that is impossible to disentangle or separate. (अलंघनीय)
427. Reprehensible (Adj.) = Deserving censure or condemnation. (िन दनीय)
428. Staunch (verb) = Stop or restrict (a flow of blood) from a wound. (रोकना)
429. Compunction (noun) = A feeling of guilt or moral scruple that prevents or follows the
doing of something bad. (मलाल)
430. Unassailable (Adj.) = Unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated. (अभे )
431. Array (noun) = An impressive display or range of a particular type of thing.
(शृंखला समहू )
432. Ostensibly (adverb) = As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so;
apparently. ( कट प से)
433. Thwart (verb) = Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something. (िवफल करना)
434. Indiscriminately (adverb) = In a random manner; unsystematically. (अ धाधु ध)
435. Tenet (noun) = A principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a
religion or philosophy. (िस ातं )
436. Substantively (adverb) = In a way that is important, meaningful, or considerable. (काफ़ )
437. Empirical (Adj.) = Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or
experience rather than theory or pure logic. (अनुभवज य)
438. Incendiary (Adj.) = (of a device or attack) Designed to cause fires. (आग भड़कानेवाला)
439. Unabated (Adj.) = Without any reduction in intensity or strength. (अ ु ण)
440. Mitigate (verb) = Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful. (कम करना)
441. Blockade (noun) = An act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or
people from entering or leaving. (नाकाबंदी)
442. Merge (verb) = Combine or cause to combine to form a single entity. (िवलय करना)
443. Unanimously (adverb) = Without opposition; with the agreement of all people
involved. (सवस मित से)
444. Exorbitant (Adj.) = (of a price or amount charged) Unreasonably high. (अित ययी)
445. Consolidate (verb) = Make (something) physically stronger or more solid. (संघिटत
446. Breach (verb) = Make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defence).

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447. Pendency (noun) = The state, condition, or period of being pending or awaiting
settlement. (िवचाराधीनता)
448. Irrelevant (Adj.) = Not connected with or relevant to something. (अ ासिं गक)
449. Memorandum (noun) = A written message in business or diplomacy. (अनुबोधक)
450. Litigant (noun) = A person involved in a lawsuit. (वादकारी)
451. Defy (verb) = Openly resist or refuse to obey. (ललकारना)
452. Intent (noun) = Intention or purpose. (अिभ ाय)
453. Statehood (noun) = The status of being a recognized independent nation. (रा य क
ि थित)
454. Shuttle (verb) = Travel regularly between two or more places. (चलना-िफरना)
455. Convey (verb) = Transport or carry to a place. (स ेिषत करना)
456. Notion (noun) = A conception of or belief about something. (अिभ ाय)
457. Tandem (Adj.) = Having two things arranged one in front of the other. (एक के पीछे
458. Insistence (noun) = The fact or quality of insisting that something is the case or
should be done. (अनुरोध)
459. Preparatory (Adj.) = Serving as or carrying out preparation for a task or
undertaking. ( ारंिभक)
460. Credible (Adj.) = Able to be believed; convincing. (िव सनीय)
461. Virtually (adverb) = Nearly; almost. (यथाथता)
462. Allude (verb) = Suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at. (संकेत करना)
463. Expertise (noun) = Expert skill or knowledge in a particular field. (द ता)
464. Herd (noun) = A large group of people with a shared characteristic. (समहू )
465. Iniquity (noun) = Immoral or grossly unfair behaviour. (अधम)
466. Sanction (verb) = Give official permission or approval for (an action). ( वीकृ ित देना)
467. Contrariwise (adverb) = In the opposite way or order. (िवलोमतः)
468. Proctor (verb) = Invigilate (an examination). (िन र ण)
469. Rote (noun) = Mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned.
470. Vogue (noun) = The prevailing fashion or style at a particular time. ( चलन)
471. Plagiarism (noun) = The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and
passing them off as one's own. (सािहि यक चोरी)
472. Reform (verb) = Make changes in (something, especially an institution or
practice) in order to improve it. (सधु ार)
473. Trauma (noun) = A deeply distressing or disturbing experience. (मानिसक आघात)
474. Transcripts (noun) = A written or printed version of material originally presented
in another medium. ( ितिलिप)
475. Manoeuvre (noun) = A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
(पतरे बाज़ी)

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476. Recede (verb) = Go or move back or further away from a previous position.
(पीछे हटाना)
477. Mere (Adj.) = Used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or
something is. (एकमा )
478. Stasis (noun) = A period or state of inactivity or equilibrium. (ठहराव)
479. Empathy (noun) = The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
480. Prejudice (noun) = Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual
experience. (पवू धारणा)
481. Rife (Adj.) = (especially of something undesirable) Of common
occurrence; widespread. ( चिलत)
482. Eradicate (verb) = Destroy completely; put an end to. (जड़ से उखाड़ना)
483. Exaggerated (Adj.) = Regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in
reality. (अितशयोि पणू )
484. Chasm (noun) = A deep fissure in the earth's surface. (खाई)
485. Hostility (noun) = Hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition. (िव षे )
486. Experiential (Adj.) = Involving or based on experience and observation. (अनभु वज य)
487. Cuisine (noun) = A style or method of cooking, especially as
characteristic of a particular country, region, or
establishment. (पाक- णाली)
488. Hegemony (noun) = Leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social
group over others. (आिधप य)
489. Ambit (noun) = The scope, extent, or bounds of something. (प रिध)
490. Sizzle (noun) = A state or quality of great excitement or passion.
491. Cede (verb) = Give up (power or territory). (आ मसमपण करना)
492. Perpetuity (noun) = The state or quality of lasting forever. (शा तता)
493. Brash (Adj.) = Self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way. (भड़क ला)
494. Retain (verb) = Continue to have (something); keep possession of. (कायम रखना)
495. Enshrine (verb) = Place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate
receptacle. ( थािपत करना)
496. Trustworthiness (noun) = The ability to be relied on as honest or truthful. (िव सनीयता)
497. Massacre (noun) = An indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of many people.
(नरसहं ार)
498. Appalled (Adj.) = Greatly dismayed or horrified. (भयािभभतू )
499. Fiercely (adverb) = In a savagely violent or aggressive manner. (ती णता से)
500. Elusive (Adj.) = Difficult to find, catch, or achieve. ( ांितजनक)
501. Vet (verb) = Make a careful and critical examination of (something). (भली
कार जाँच करना)
502. Vigil (noun) = A period of keeping awake during the time usually spent
asleep, especially to keep watch or pray. (जागरण)
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503. Commemoration (noun) = A ceremony or celebration in which a person or event is
remembered. ( मरणो सव)
504. Forbidden (Adj.) = Not allowed; banned. (विजत)
505. Subversive (Adj.) = Seeking or intended to subvert an established system or
institution. (िव वंसकारी)
506. Secession (noun) = The action of withdrawing formally from membership of a
federation or body, especially a political state. (संबधं -िव छे द)
507. Usurp (verb) = Take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
(अ याय से ले लेना)
508. Fodder (noun) = A person or thing regarded only as material for a specific use.
509. Decrees (noun) = An official order that has the force of law. (राजा ा)
510. Whisk (verb) = Take or move (someone or something) somewhere suddenly
and quickly. (चपु के से हटा लेना)
511. Deem (verb) = Regard or consider in a specified way. (िवचारना)
512. Dissident (noun) = A person who opposes official policy, especially that of an
authoritarian state. (मतभेद करनेवाला)
513. Roil (verb) = Make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment.
514. Radical (noun) = A person who advocates thorough or complete political or
social change, or a member of a political party or section of a
party pursuing such aims. ( जात वादी)
515. Bent (Adj.) = Determined to do or have. ( ढ़)
516. Derail (verb) = Obstruct (a process) by diverting it from its intended course.
(पट र से उतारना)
517. Virtual (Adj.) = Almost or nearly as described, but not completely or
according to strict definition. (अ य )
518. Convene (verb) = Come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.
(एक करना)
519. Imperative (Adj.) = Of vital importance; crucial. (आ याव यक)
520. Precariously (adverb) = In a way that is not securely in position and is likely to fall or
collapse. (खतरनाक ढंग से)
521. Eradicate (verb) = Destroy completely; put an end to. (जड़ से उखाड़ना)
522. Beacon (noun) = A light or other visible object serving as a signal, warning, or
guide at sea, on an airfield, etc. ( काश त भ)
523. Resilience (noun) = The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
524. Vital (Adj.) = Absolutely necessary; essential. (अ याव यक)
525. Foster (verb) = Encourage the development of (something, especially
something desirable ( ो सािहत करना)

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526. Nexus (noun) = A connection or series of connections linking two or more
things. (स ब ध)
527. Inclusive (Adj.) = Including all the services or items normally expected or
required. (संयु िकया हआ)
528. Disrupt (verb) = Interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a
disturbance or problem. (नाकाम करना)
529. Myriad (Adj.) = Countless or extremely great in number. (अनिगनत)
530. Thrive (verb) = (of a child, animal, or plant) Grow or develop well or
vigorously. (फूलना फलना)
531. Glare (verb) = Stare in an angry or fierce way. (गु से से घरू ना)
532. Milieu (noun) = A person's social environment. (प रवेश)
533. Deleterious (Adj.) = Causing harm or damage. (हािनकारक)
534. Spare (verb) = Give (something of which one has enough) to (someone).
(अित र )
535. Hysterectomy (noun) = A surgical operation to remove all or part of the uterus.
(गभाशयो छे दन)
536. Curtail (verb) = Reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on. (संि )
537. Brazenly (adverb) = In a bold and shameless way. (िढठाई से)
538. Perilous (Adj.) = Full of danger or risk. (जोिखम)
539. Cartel (noun) = An association of manufacturers or suppliers with the
purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting
competition. (उ पादक संघ)
540. Curb (verb) = Restrain or keep in check. (िनयं ण करना)
541. Entrenched (Adj.) = (of an attitude, habit, or belief) Firmly established and
difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained.
542. Quandary (noun) = A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a
difficult situation. (असमंजस)
543. Proximity (noun) = Nearness in space, time, or relationship. (नजदीक )
544. Alleviate (verb) = Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe. (हलका
545. Lurk (verb) = Be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or
something. (घात म रहना)
546. Unwittingly (adverb) = Without being aware; unintentionally. (अनजाने म)
547. Vengeance (noun) = Punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or
wrong. ( ितशोध)]
548. Affordability (noun) = Ability to be afforded; inexpensiveness. (साम य)
549. Adequate (Adj.) = Satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. (पया )
550. Stipulate (verb) = Demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an
agreement. (अनबु धं करना)

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551. Subsistence (noun) = The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself,
especially at a minimal level. (िनवाह)
552. Utterly (adverb) = Completely and without qualification; absolutely. (सवथा)
553. Concede (verb) = Admit or agree that something is true after first denying or
resisting it. ( वीकार करना)
554. Aberration (noun) = A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically
an unwelcome one. (असामा य)
555. Flicker (verb) = (of a flame) Burn fitfully, alternately flaring up and dying
down. (िझलिमलाना)
556. Perfidy (noun) = The state of being deceitful and untrustworthy. (दगा)
557. Epicentre (noun) = The central point of something, typically a difficult or
unpleasant situation. (अिधके )
558. Surmise (verb) = Suppose that something is true without having evidence to
confirm it. (स देह करना)
559. Mediate (verb) = Intervene in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement
or reconciliation. (म य थता करना)
560. Deploy (verb) = Bring into effective action. (प रिनयोजन करना)
561. Trickle (verb) = Come or go slowly or gradually. (धीरे -धीरे जाना)
562. Civic (Adj.) = Relating to a city or town, especially its administration;
municipal. (नगर िवषयक)
563. Manifest (verb) = Show (a quality or feeling) by one's acts or appearance;
demonstrate. ( दिशत करना)
564. Unscathed (Adj.) = Without suffering any injury, damage, or harm. (सकुशल)
565. Inevitable (Adj.) = Certain to happen; unavoidable. (अप रहाय)
566. Sparse (Adj.) = Thinly dispersed or scattered. (िछ न-िभ न)
567. Harbour (verb) = Keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's
mind, especially secretly. (मन म रखना)
568. Resilient (Adj.) = (of a person or animal) Able to withstand or recover quickly
from difficult conditions. ( या थी)
569. Commensurate (Adj.) = Corresponding in size or degree; in proportion. (आनपु ाितक)
570. Stewardship (noun) = The job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an
organization or property. ( ब धक पद)
571. Prominent (Adj.) = Important; famous. ( यात)
572. Stall (verb) = Stop or cause to stop making progress. (रोकना)
573. Crematorium (noun) = A place where a dead person's body is cremated. ( मशानघाट)
574. Niggardly (Adj.) = Ungenerous with money, time, etc.; mean. (कंजूस)
575. Quest (noun) = A long or arduous search for something. (तलाश)
576. Residual (Adj.) = Remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone. (अविश )
577. Amid (preposition) = Surrounded by; in the middle of. (के दौरान)

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578. Incongruous (Adj.) = Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other
aspects of something. (अनपु यु )
579. Divergent (Adj.) = Tending to be different or develop in different directions.
(िविभ न)
580. Bully (verb) = Seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce (someone perceived as
vulnerable). (भयभीत करना)
581. Topple (verb) = Overbalance or cause to overbalance and fall. (लढ़ु क जाना)
582. Legitimate (Adj.) = Conforming to the law or to rules. (तकसंगत)
583. Ambition (noun) = A strong desire to do or achieve something. (आकां ा)
584. Upswing (noun) = An increase in strength or quantity; an upward trend. (तर क़ )
585. Advent (noun) = The arrival of a notable person or thing. (आगमन)
586. Surge (noun) = A sudden powerful forward or upward movement, (आवेश)
587. Implicitly (adverb) = In a way that is not directly expressed; tacitly. (उलझाव से)
588. Encompass (verb) = Surround and have or hold within. (शािमल करना)
589. Burgeon (verb) = Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish. (फलना फूलना)
590. Acquisition (noun) = An asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or
museum. (संपि )
591. Irritant (noun) = A thing that is continually annoying or distracting. (िचढ़ पैदा करने
592. Rivalry (noun) = Competition for the same objective or for superiority in the
same field. (मक
ु ाबला)
593. Abundant (Adj.) = Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful. (से प रपूण)
594. Ploy (noun) = A cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's
own advantage. (चाल)
595. Persuade (verb) = Induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or
argument. (फुसलाना)
596. Accord (verb) = Give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition). ( दान
597. Ostensibly (adverb) = As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so;
apparently. ( कट प से)
598. Cite (verb) = Refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or
justification of an argument or statement, especially in a
scholarly work. (उ लेख करना)
599. Haste (noun) = Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry.
(शी ता)
600. Squabble (noun) = A noisy quarrel about something trivial. (तकरार)
601. Ethos (noun) = The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as
manifested in its attitudes and aspirations. (लोकाचार)
602. Incumbent (Adj.) = Necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility. (अव य)
603. Viable (Adj.) = Capable of working successfully; feasible. (अथ म)
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604. Backlash (noun) = A strong negative reaction by a large number of people,
especially to a social or political development. ( ित ेप)
605. Ethnic (Adj.) = Relating to a population subgroup (within a larger or
dominant national or cultural group) with a common national
or cultural tradition. (िविश सं कृ ित)
606. Hinge (verb) = Attach or join with or as if with a hinge. (क जे पर लगाना)
607. Deter (verb) = Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling
doubt or fear of the consequences. (िनवारण करना)
608. Subversive (Adj.) = Seeking or intended to subvert an established system or
institution. (िव वंसकारी)
609. Halting (Adj.) = Slow and hesitant, especially through lack of confidence;
faltering. (डगमगाता)
610. Proliferate (verb) = Increase rapidly in number; multiply. (सं या म बढ़ना)
611. Foster (verb) = Encourage the development of (something, especially
something desirable). ( ो साहन देना)
612. Intervention (noun) = The action or process of intervening. (ह त पे )
613. Clout (noun) = Influence or power, especially in politics or business. ( भाव)
614. Fissure (noun) = A long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking
or splitting, especially in rock or earth. (दरार)
615. Regime (noun) = A government, especially an authoritarian one. ( शासन)
616. Ethos (noun) = The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as
manifested in its attitudes and aspirations. (लोकाचार)
617. Assertive (Adj.) = Having or showing a confident and forceful personality.
(िन या मक)
618. Unfettered (Adj.) = Not confined or restricted. (िनरंकुश)
619. Propel (verb) = Drive or push something forwards. (आगे को बढ़ाना)
620. Pronounced (Adj.) = Very noticeable or marked; conspicuous. (सु प )
621. Sheer (Adj.) = Nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis). (पारदशक)
622. Unprecedented (Adj.) = Never done or known before. (अभतू पवू )
623. Venture (noun) = A risky or daring journey or undertaking. (साहिसक काय)
624. Lucrative (Adj.) = Producing a great deal of profit. (लाभदायक)
625. Deliberately (adverb) = Consciously and intentionally; on purpose. (जानबझू कर)
626. Vulnerable (Adj.) = Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either
physically or emotionally. (असरु ि त)
627. Poach (verb) = Illegally hunt or catch (game or fish) on land that is not one's
own or in contravention of official protection. (अनिधकार िशकार
628. Delicate (Adj.) = Very fine in texture or structure; of intricate workmanship or
quality. (नाज़ुक)

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629. Crumbling (Adj.) = Breaking or falling apart into small fragments, especially as
part of a process of deterioration. (टुकड़े टुकड़े होना)
630. Imbroglio (noun) = An extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing
situation. (अ यव था)
631. Hue (noun) = A colour or shade. (रंगत)
632. Upfront (Adj.) = Bold, honest, and frank. (िन कपट)
633. Temperamental (Adj.) = (of a person) Liable to unreasonable changes of mood.
634. Bandy (verb) = Pass on or discuss (an idea or rumour) in a casual or
uninformed way. (चचा चलाना)
635. Penal (Adj.) = Relating to, used for, or prescribing the punishment of
offenders under the legal system. (दडं ा मक कायवाही)
636. Merrily (adverb) = In a cheerful way. ( स नतापवू क)
637. Saga (noun) = A long story of heroic achievement, especially a medieval
prose narrative in Old Norse or Old Icelandic. (आ यान)
638. Predicate (verb) = State, affirm, or assert (something) about the subject of a
sentence. (उपदेशा मक)
639. Stalemate (noun) = A position counting as a draw, in which a player is not in check
but cannot move except into check. (ि थित म अवरोध)
640. Levy (verb) = Impose (a tax, fee, or fine). (कर लगाना)
641. Deteriorate (verb) = Become progressively worse. (िबगाड़ना)
642. Perpetuity (noun) = The state or quality of lasting forever. (शा तता)
643. Tariffs (noun) = A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or
exports. (सीमा-शु क लगाना)
644. Obnoxious (Adj.) = Extremely unpleasant. (आपि जनक)
645. Bruised (Adj.) = Having a mark or marks indicating an area of damage. (चोट
646. Laxity (noun) = Lack of strictness or care. (िढलाई)
647. Consolidation (noun) = The action or process of making something stronger or more
solid. ( ढ़ीकरण)
648. Interoperable (Adj.) = (of computer systems or software) Able to exchange and
make use of information. (अतं ः चालनीय)
649. Euphoria (noun) = A feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness. (उ साह)
650. Abundant (Adj.) = Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful. (पया )
651. Synergy (noun) = The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations,
substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect
greater than the sum of their separate effects. (सहि यता)
652. Absence (noun) = The state of being away from a place or person. (अभाव)
653. Accentuate (verb) = Make more noticeable or prominent. (जोर देना)

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654. Impose (verb) = Force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone. (थोपना)
655. Release (verb) = Allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free. (उ मु
656. Belatedly (adverb) = Later than should have been the case. (देर)
657. Meagre (Adj.) = (of something provided or available) Lacking in quantity or
quality. (अ य प)
658. Potential (Adj.) = Having or showing the capacity to develop into something in
the future. (सश )
659. Expanded (Adj.) = Being or having been enlarged or extended. ( सा रत)
660. Substantial (Adj.) = Of considerable importance, size, or worth. (भौितक)
661. Insufficient (Adj.) = Not enough; inadequate. (अपया )
662. Tranche (noun) = A portion of something, especially money. (िव का एक भाग)
663. Disturbing (Adj.) = Causing anxiety; worrying. (आकुल करनेवाला)
664. Interpretation (noun) = The action of explaining the meaning of something. (िववेचन)
665. Provision (noun) = The action of providing or supplying something for use. ( बि धत
666. Compensation (noun) = Something, typically money, awarded to someone in
recognition of loss, suffering, or injury. (पा रतोिषक)
667. Relevant (Adj.) = Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or
considered. (अनु प)
668. Omit (verb) = Leave out or exclude (someone or something), either
intentionally or forgetfully. (िवसराना)
669. Implementation (noun) = The process of putting a decision or plan into effect;
execution. (कायाि वित)
670. Travesty (noun) = A false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.
(उपहासा मक रचना)
671. Convergence (noun) = The process or state of converging. (अिभसरण)
672. Ostensibly (adverb) = As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so;
apparently. ( कट प से)
673. Unstated (Adj.) = Not stated or declared. (अघोिषत)
674. Comprise (verb) = Consist of; be made up of. (सि मिलत करना)
675. Exclude (verb) = Deny (someone) access to a place, group, or privilege. (विजत
676. Significance (noun) = The quality of being worthy of attention; importance. (अिभ ाय)
677. Slump (verb) = Sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply. (ढेर लगाना)
678. Unpredictable (Adj.) = Not able to be predicted; changeable. (अ यािशत)
679. Intervention (noun) = The action or process of intervening. (ह त पे )
680. Facilitate (verb) = Make (an action or process) easy or easier. (सुसा य)
681. Expedite (verb) = Make (an action or process) happen sooner or be
accomplished more quickly. (शी ता करना)
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682. Bridge (verb) = Make (a difference between two groups) smaller or less
significant. (अतं र िमटाना)
683. Standardisation (noun) = The process of making something conform to a standard.
(मानक करण)
684. Adaptability (noun) = The quality of being able to adjust to new conditions.
685. Attribute (verb) = Regard something as being caused by. (उ रदायी ठहराना)
686. Implementation (noun) = The process of putting a decision or plan into effect;
execution. (कायाि वत)
687. Glitch (noun) = A sudden, usually temporary malfunction or fault of
equipment. (िवधारी)
688. Cargo (noun) = Goods carried on a ship, aircraft, or motor vehicle. (खेप)
689. Logistics (noun) = The activity of organizing the movement, equipment, and
accommodation of troops. (संचालन और ि या वयन)
690. Freight (noun) = Goods transported in bulk by truck, train, ship, or aircraft.
691. Custodian (noun) = A person who has responsibility for taking care of or
protecting something. (अिभर क)
692. Restricted (Adj.) = Limited in extent, number, scope, or action. ( ितबंिधत)
693. Augment (verb) = Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase. (वृि करना)
694. Shrinking (Adj.) = Becoming smaller in size or amount. (िसकुड़न)
695. Imperative (Adj.) = Of vital importance; crucial. (अ याव यक)
696. Disruption (noun) = Disturbance or problems which interrupt an event, activity,
or process. (िव न)
697. Promulgate (verb) = Promote or make widely known (an idea or cause). (लागू करना)
698. Assent (noun) = The expression of approval or agreement. (समथन)
699. Indigenous (Adj.) = Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place;
native. (मूल िनवासी)
700. Precedence (noun) = The condition of being considered more important than
someone or something else; priority in importance, order, or
rank. (अ गमन)
701. Hierarchy (noun) = A system in which members of an organization or society are
ranked according to relative status or authority. (उ म)
702. Homogenisation (noun) = The process of making things uniform or similar. (एक पता)
703. Crucial (Adj.) = Decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of
something. ( ामािणक)
704. Dialect (noun) = A particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific
region or social group. ( ातं ीय भाषा)
705. Portray (verb) = Depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature.
(िच ण)
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706. Empirically (adverb) = By means of observation or experience rather than theory or
pure logic. (आनुभिवक)
707. Imposition (noun) = The action or process of imposing something or of being
imposed. (अिधरोपण)
708. Instance (noun) = An example or single occurrence of something. (उदाहरण)
709. Obliterate (verb) = Destroy utterly; wipe out. (क़लम मारना)
710. Halt (verb) = Bring or come to an abrupt stop. (रोक लगाना)
711. Resist (verb) = Withstand the action or effect of. ( ितरोध करना)
712. Autonomy (noun) = The right or condition of self-government. ( वरा य)
713. Discourse (noun) = Written or spoken communication or debate. (उपदेश)
714. Emerging (Adj.) = Becoming apparent or prominent. (आने वाला)
715. Inclusive (Adj.) = Including all the services or items normally expected or
required. (िमलाकर)
716. Domicile (noun) = The country that a person treats as their permanent home, or
lives in and has a substantial connection with. (अिधवास)
717. Infiltration (noun) = The action of entering or gaining access to an organization or
place surreptitiously, especially in order to acquire secret
information or cause damage. (समावेश)
718. Immanent (Adj.) = Existing or operating within; inherent. (अतं भत) ू
719. Straitjacket (noun) = A severe restriction on freedom of action, development, or
expression. (िवकास म बाधक)
720. Scuttle (verb) = Run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps. (ज दी से दौड़ना)
721. Alienate (verb) = Make (someone) feel isolated or estranged. (अलगाना)
722. Wary (Adj.) = Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or
problems. (एहितयाती)
723. Ethos (noun) = The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as
manifested in its attitudes and aspirations. (च र )
724. Altercation (noun) = A noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.
725. Thrash (verb) = Beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a
stick or whip. (पीटना)
726. Offence (noun) = A breach of a law or rule; an illegal act. ()
727. Imprisonment (noun) = The state of being imprisoned; captivity. (काराब धन)
728. Seek (verb) = Attempt to find (something). (तलाशना)
729. Rationale (noun) = A set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or
belief. (औिच य)
730. Enforcement (noun) = The act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law,
rule, or obligation. ( वतन)
731. Gruesome (Adj.) = Causing repulsion or horror; grisly. (कु प)

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732. Notoriety (noun) = The state of being famous or well known for some bad quality
or deed. (कु याित)
733. Tortuous (Adj.) = Full of twists and turns. (घमु ावदार)
734. Amiss (Adj.) = Not quite right; inappropriate or out of place. (बेतुका)
735. Reminiscent (Adj.) = Tending to remind one of something. (सं मरणशील)
736. Pervasiveness (noun) = The quality of spreading widely or being present throughout
an area or a group of people. ( सरणशीलता)
737. Compelling (Adj.) = Evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully
irresistible way. (स मोहक)
738. Amnesty (noun) = An official pardon for people who have been convicted of
political offences. (राज मा)
739. Admissibility (noun) = The quality of being acceptable or valid, especially as
evidence in a court of law. ( वीकायता)
740. Refurbish (verb) = Renovate and redecorate (something, especially a building).
(नवीकरण करना)
741. Tiptoe (verb) = Walk quietly and carefully with one's heels raised and one's
weight on the balls of the feet. (पंज के बल चलना)
742. Arena (noun) = A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict. (रणभूिम)
743. Hypocrisy (noun) = The practice of claiming to have higher standards or more
noble beliefs than is the case. (पाखंड)
744. Prosecute (verb) = Institute or conduct legal proceedings against (a person or
organization). (अिभयोग चलाना)
745. Piecemeal (Adj.) = Characterized by unsystematic partial measures taken over a
period of time. ( मशः)
746. Stringent (Adj.) = (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) Strict, precise,
and exacting. (कठोर)
747. Deter (verb) = Discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling
doubt or fear of the consequences. (भयोपरत करना)
748. Jurisprudence (noun) = The theory or philosophy of law. ( यायशा )
749. Diabolical (Adj.) = Characteristic of the Devil, or so evil as to be suggestive of the
Devil. (रा सी)
750. Peril (noun) = Serious and immediate danger. (आपदा)
751. Gore (noun) = Blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence. (र
िपडं )
752. Fructify (verb) = Make (something) fruitful or productive. (फलवान होना)
753. Enactment (noun) = The process of passing legislation. (अिधिनयमन)
754. Mandamus (noun) = A judicial writ issued as a command to an inferior court or
ordering a person to perform a public or statutory duty.

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755. Ratification (noun) = The action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty,
contract, or agreement, making it officially valid. (स यापन)
756. Revelatory (Adj.) = Revealing something hitherto unknown. (जताने वाला)
757. Proactive (Adj.) = (of a person or action) Creating or controlling a situation
rather than just responding to it after it has happened.
(अ सि य)
758. Nudge (verb) = Prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in order to attract
attention. (टहोका मारना)
759. Brutality (noun) = Savage physical violence; great cruelty. ( ू रता)
760. Studiously (adverb) = With concentration and conscientiousness in one's work or
reading. ( यान से)
761. Defund (verb) = Prevent from continuing to receive funds.
762. Relevant (Adj.) = Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or
considered. (उपयु )
763. Concede (verb) = Admit or agree that something is true after first denying or
resisting it. ( वीकार करना)
764. Aberration (noun) = A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically
an unwelcome one. (असामा य)
765. Flicker (verb) = (of a flame) Burn fitfully, alternately flaring up and dying
down. (िझलिमलाना)
766. Perfidy (noun) = The state of being deceitful and untrustworthy. (दगा)
767. Brazenly (adverb) = In a bold and shameless way. (िढठाई से)
768. Perilous (Adj.) = Full of danger or risk. (जोिखम)
769. Stranglehold (noun) = A grip around the neck of another person that can kill by
asphyxiation if held for long enough. (िशकंजा)
770. Ambiguity (noun) = The quality of being open to more than one interpretation;
inexactness. (अ प ता)
771. Tranquillity (noun) = The quality or state of being tranquil; calm. (शांतिच ता)
772. Axiomatic (Adj.) = Self-evident or unquestionable. ( वयंिस )
773. Augmented (Adj.) = Having been made greater in size or value. (संविधत)
774. Decipher (verb) = Convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal
language. (िछपे को खोलना)
775. Adequately (adverb) = To a satisfactory or acceptable extent. (पया प से)
776. Embolden (verb) = Give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something.
( ो सािहत करना)
777. Putative (Adj.) = Generally considered or reputed to be. (तथाकिथत)
778. Surmise (verb) = Suppose that something is true without having evidence to
confirm it. (अनमु ान करना)
779. Dismantle (verb) = Take (a machine or structure) to pieces. (टुकड़े टुकड़े करना)

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780. Dwindling (Adj.) = Gradually diminishing in size, amount, or strength. (कम हो चलना)
781. Embroil (verb) = Involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult
situation. (आपि म डालना)
782. Gravitate (verb) = Move towards or be attracted to a person or thing. (आकिषत होना)
783. Pertinent (Adj.) = Relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.
( ासिं गक)
784. Dispensation (noun) = Exemption from a rule or usual requirement. (दडं ो मिु )
785. Paradigm (noun) = A typical example or pattern of something; a pattern or
model. (उदाहरण)
786. Arbiter (noun) = A person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a
matter. ( यायक ा)
787. Articulate (verb) = Pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly. ( प प से कहना)
788. Consecrate (verb) = Make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred;
dedicate formally to a religious purpose. (संक प करना)
789. Loom (verb) = Appear as a vague form, especially one that is large or
threatening. (बड़ा और धंधु ला िदखाई देना)
790. Jingoism (noun) = Extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or
warlike foreign policy. (क र रा वाद)
791. Reckon (verb) = Establish by calculation. (अनमु ान लगाना)
792. Encroach (verb) = Intrude on (a person's territory, rights, personal life, etc.).
(अनिधकार वेश करना)
793. Inexplicable (Adj.) = Unable to be explained or accounted for. (अकथनीय)
794. Ontology (noun) = A set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain
that shows their properties and the relations between them.
(व तु प िव ान)
795. Enticement (noun) = Something used to attract or to tempt someone; a lure. (फुसलाना)
796. Crumbling (Adj.) = Breaking or falling apart into small fragments, especially as
part of a process of deterioration. (टुकड़े टुकड़े होना)
797. Intervention (noun) = The action or process of intervening. (ह त पे )
798. Exclusion (noun) = The process of excluding or the state of being excluded.
799. Unfathomable (Adj.) = Incapable of being fully explored or understood. (अप रमेय)
800. Aftermath (noun) = The consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant
event. (प रणाम)
801. Procurement (noun) = The action of obtaining or procuring something. (अिध ाि )
802. Stranded (Adj.) = Left without the means to move from somewhere. (असहाय)
803. Obfuscation (noun) = The action of making something obscure, unclear, or
unintelligible. (अधं कार याि )
804. Burgeon (verb) = Begin to grow or increase rapidly (फलना फूलना)

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805. Premises (noun) = A previous statement or proposition from which another is
inferred or follows as a conclusion. (आधार)
806. Unfortunate (Adj.) = Having or marked by bad fortune; unlucky. (अमगं ल)
807. Discretion (noun) = The quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid
causing offence or revealing confidential information. (बिु मानी)
808. Fallout (noun) = The adverse results of a situation or action.
809. Manoeuvre (noun) = A movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
(पतरे बाज़ी)
810. Suspicion (noun) = A feeling or thought that something is possible, likely, or true.
(संदहे )
811. Foster (verb) = Encourage the development of. (पालन पोषण करना)
812. Enhance (verb) = Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or
extent of. (सधु ारना)
813. Panacea (noun) = A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. (राम-बाण)
814. Exacerbate (verb) = Make worse. (ख़राब करना)
815. Extraneous (Adj.) = Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with. (अस ब )
816. Strip (verb) = Leave bare of accessories or fittings. (छीन िलया)
817. Simmer (verb) = Show or feel barely suppressed anger or other strong
emotion. (उबाल)
818. Cauldron (noun) = A situation characterized by instability and strong emotions.
819. Discontent (noun) = Dissatisfaction with one's circumstances; lack of
contentment. (नाख़श ु ी)
820. Mesmerize (verb) = Capture the complete attention of (someone); transfix. (स मोिहत
821. Embellish (verb) = Make (something) more attractive by the addition of
decorative details or features (सँवारना)
822. Stall (verb) = Stop or cause to stop making progress. (काय को बािधत करना)
823. Bloated (Adj.) = Swollen with fluid or gas. (फूला हआ)
824. Empathy (noun) = The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
825. Plight (noun) = A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
(गंभीर ि थित)
826. Upended (Adj.) = Set or turned on its end or upside down. (उलट देना)
827. Erstwhile (Adj.) = Former. (भतू पवू )
828. Cataclysmic (Adj.) = (of a natural event) Large-scale and violent. ( लया मक)
829. Yield (verb) = Produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial
product). (पैदा करना)
830. Morass (noun) = An area of muddy or boggy ground. (दलदल)
831. Rigorous (Adj.) = Extremely thorough and careful. (किठन)
832. Pursuit (noun) = The action of pursuing someone or something. (कोिशश)
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833. Salient (Adj.) = Most noticeable or important. ( मुख)
834. Prescient (Adj.) = Having or showing knowledge of events before they take
place. (भिव य श )
835. Exacerbate (verb) = Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
(ख़राब करना)
836. Breeding (noun) = The good manners regarded as characteristic of the
aristocracy and conferred by heredity.
837. Prerequisite (noun) = A thing that is required as a prior condition for something else
to happen or exist. (पवू योजनीय व तु)
838. Perpetually (adverb) = In a way that never ends or changes; constantly. (िनर तर)
839. Asymmetry (noun) = Lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of
something; lack of symmetry. (असमिमित)
840. Urge (verb) = Try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do
something. (पीछे पड़ना)
841. Accommodative (Adj.) = Willing to fit in with someone's wishes or needs. (समझौतापरक)
842. Appetite (noun) = A natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food.
(भोजने छा)
843. Devolution (noun) = The transfer or delegation of power to a lower level,
especially by central government to local or regional
administration. (ह ता तरण)
844. Assiduously (adverb) = With great care and perseverance. (प र म से)
845. Foray (noun) = A sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory, especially
to obtain something (धावा) Sentence use: Although we felt a
little anxious about our foray into the jungle, we were still
looking forward to our first big game hunt.
846. Fiasco (noun) = A complete failure, especially a ludicrous or humiliating
one (असफलता)
Sentence use: Because there was no food or music at the
party, everyone said the event was a fiasco.
847. Muddle (verb) = Bring into a disordered or confusing state (अ यव था)
Sentence use: My talkative spouse can muddle the simplest
explanation and make it seem extremely complicated.
848. Spate (noun) = A large number of similar things coming in quick succession
Sentence use: A recent spate of employee changes left the
company with an entirely new staff.
849. Inclusivity (noun) = The practice or policy of including people who might
otherwise be excluded or marginalized (समावे शता)

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Sentence use: With our openness and inclusivity, we shall
confront and overcome all the challenges facing us as a
850. Incumbent (adj) = the person or group that currently has the title or position
(पदधार )
Sentence use: The incumbent president of the company is
resigning from office so a younger person can take control of
the business.
851. Sui generis (adj) = Unique
Sentence use: When Twitter launched, it was viewed as sui
generis because of its unique style of communication.
852. Credence (noun) = Belief in or acceptance of something as true ( व वास)
Sentence use: As no one has been able to disprove the
scientist’s theory, it has gained more credence over the
853. Apocalypse (noun) = The complete final destruction of the world, as described in
the biblical book of revelation (कयामत)
Sentence use: Many religious groups believe an apocalypse
will one day terminate the lives of all sinners.
854. Contour (noun) = An outline representing or bounding the shape or form of
something ( प-रे खा)
Sentence use: The artist made sure to contour the lines on
the painting to make the animal appear more real.
855. Quinolone (noun) = An antibiotic derived from quinoline and used chiefly against
gram-negative organisms
Sentence use: The original quinolone antibiotics included
nalidixic acid, cinoxacin and oxolinic acid
856. Formidable (adj) = Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large,
powerful, intense, or capable (दज
ु य)
Sentence use: She is truly formidable, rather like one of
those fantastic figureheads on a tall ship.
857. Unprecedented (adj) = Never done or known before (अभूतपूव)
Sentence use: A rise in the number of expensive private
fitness centres in Scotland has led to
an unprecedented scramble for customers.
858. Dearth (noun) = A scarcity or lack of something (कमी)
Sentence use: There is serious disharmony among the clubs
and a dearth of quality players at international level.

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859. Drudgery (noun) = Hard menial or dull work (क ठन प र म)
Sentence use: Life sure is going to change for the stayers
when they realise that all the ordinary people
in drudgery jobs will have bailed out.
860. Vend (verb) = Offer (small items) for sale, either from a stall or from a slot
machine ( व य करना)
Sentence use: The Vend ended and was reformed
repeatedly during the late 19th century, ending by recession
in the business cycle.
861. Quest (noun) = A long or arduous search for something (तलाश)
Sentence use: They went on a quest for gold.
862. Elude (verb) = Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer) (बचना)
Sentence use: The rest of the film deals with Newby's efforts
to elude the Germans while slowly reconditioning his
injured leg.
863. Insurgency (noun) = An active revolt or uprising ( व ोह)
Sentence use: The troops are driving through the
backstreets, making raids on suspected insurgency cells.
864. Envoy (noun) = A messenger or representative, especially one on a
diplomatic mission, ambassador (राज-दत ू )
Sentence use: The agreement gives the UN special envoy the
formal power to break any political deadlock.
865. Litany (noun) = A series of prayer, petition, invocation
Sentence use: The litany continues for well over three
hundred pages, but there is little point in following it further.
866. Rebut (verb) = Claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false (गलत
सा बत करना)
Sentence use: What does this reveal about their stance as
fearless truth-tellers always prepared to rebut the lies of the
corporate press?
867. Clout (noun) = Influence or power, especially in politics or business (ताकत)
Sentence use: Boasting about how swimmingly this was
going, and how much upstream clout he has, is entirely
Hedge (noun) = A way of protecting oneself against
financial loss or other adverse circumstances

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Sentence use: Hedge funds are pooled investment vehicles
which aim to make money for their investors regardless of
whether shares rise or fall.
868. Direness (noun) = Urgent; desperate
Sentence use: Rather than an indicator of the quality of
British food, the popular appeal of celebrity chefs on British
TV is precisely because its direness.
869. Unviable (adj) = Not capable of working successfully; not feasible (अलाभकार )
Sentence use: It was accused of being culturally irrelevant,
economically unviable and technologically defunct.
870. Hegemony (noun) = Leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social
group over others ( भु व)
Sentence use: Only in this way will its temporary
revolutionary hegemony became the prologue to a socialist
871. Communique (noun) = An official announcement or statement, especially one made
to the media ( व ि त)
Sentence use: In an official communique released here, it
was stated that a number of teams have been constituted to
check the cases of theft of canal water
872. Bonhomie (noun) = Cheerful friendliness; geniality (खुश मज़ाजी)
Sentence use: Although he had been here less than 24 hours,
Sam knew this jovial bonhomie on Howell's part was
873. In tandem (ph) = One behind another
Sentence use: Second screening for news is becoming
commonplace, with users often using devices in tandem.
874. Tepid (adj) = Showing little enthusiasm
Sentence use: It seems that in the United Kingdom, there is
sometimes kind of a tepid response to the royals.
875. Succour (noun) = Assistance and support in times of hardship and distress
(परे शानी म सहायता)
Sentence use: She is a succour and support to him but is
also a considerable thinker in her own right.
876. Egregious (adj) = Outstandingly bad; shocking ( बल)
Sentence use: They are not concerned, and claim not to
notice, the egregious breach of the compact between society
and the media.

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877. Rampant (adj) = Uncontrolled, unchecked (अ नयं त)
Sentence use: This definitely is a bane as complaints of
constipation, acidity, obesity, indigestion, etc.,
are rampant among the youth.
878. Coinage (noun) = The invention of a new word or phrase, coins collectively
Sentence use: He also attempted to fine tune the money
supply with mintage of new gold coinage and adulterated
silver coins.
879. Ethos (noun) = The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community
( कृ त)
Sentence use: Apart from strengthening the sub-
continental ethos for the sport, the tours ensured a degree of
improvement in the approach and technique.
880. Mutate (verb) = Change in form or nature ( प बदलना)
Sentence use: When a pig contracts bird flu, the flu virus
can mutate to attach to the human-like pig receptors.
881. Progeny (noun) = A descendant or the descendants of a person (संतान)
Sentence use: Because the billionaire bachelor did not have
a progeny, his entire estate went to charity when he died.
882. Lax (adj) = Not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful (बेपरवाह)
Sentence use: His lax attitude left people thinking he was
883. Proliferation (noun) = Rapid increase in the number or amount of something ( सार)
Sentence use: The doctor explained that proliferation of
the cancer cells shows that the cancer is spreading more
rapidly than expected.
884. Lumpen (adj) = Uninterested in revolutionary advancement
Sentence use: The lumpen public is enveloped in a culture
of dependency
885. Battered (adj) = Injured by repeated blows or punishment (चकनाचरू )
Sentence use: But to my surprise, instead he got out
a battered pair of drumsticks, with which he beat a brief
tattoo on the top of my head.
886. Diligence (noun) = Careful and persistent work or effort (लगन)
Sentence use: The researchers continue their diligence and
are constantly looking for a cancer cure.

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887. Probe (noun/verb) = Investigation, inquiry (जांच)
Sentence use: Before a warrant can be issued, the detective
must probe the case further.
888. Moratorium (noun) = A temporary prohibition of an activity (रोक)
Sentence use: A large number of politicians and voters
would like to see a moratorium placed on home
889. Conscience (noun) = A person's moral sense of right and wrong ( ववेक)
Sentence use: The serial killer’s lack of a conscience made
it very easy for him to kill people.
890. Ab initio (adv) = From the beginning (शु से)
Sentence use: The first ab initio candidates will be selected
by the middle of next month.
891. Facet (noun) = A particular aspect or feature of something (पहलू)
Sentence use: Only starting on the first facet of his new
fitness plan, he was already seeing results.
892. Unsolicited (adj) = Not asked for; given or done voluntarily (अनचाह )
Sentence use: The new mother wished she could stop
family members from giving unsolicited advice on how to
care for her baby.
893. Malaise (noun) = Unhappiness, restlessness (अ व थता)
Sentence use: Jason knew he was getting ill because of the
malaise he had been experiencing for a few days.
894. Corroborate (verb) = Confirm or give support to
Sentence use: Even though she knew her husband was
lying, Marry still agreed to corroborate his story in court.
895. Redemption (noun) = The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil
Sentence use: Through writing his biography, the criminal
hopes to earn redemption for his crimes by changing the
lives of troubled young people.

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896. Accomplice (noun) = A person who helps another commit a crime (सह-अपराधी)
Sentence use: Lina could not have committed murders in
two different towns at the same time unless she had an
897. Concoct (verb) = Create or devise (a story or plan) (मनगढ़ं त)
Sentence use: Using only his cellphone, the talented
filmmaker was able to concoct a wonderful film that won
several awards.
898. Rhetoric (noun) = The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing,
expression (भाषण कला)
Sentence use: The politician hoped his rhetoric would win
him some votes.
899. Appeasement (noun) = Satisfaction, gratify (तु ट करना)
Sentence use: The appeasement of the angry mob was only
possible when the governor spoke to their leader and came
to an agreement
900. Lynching (verb) = (of a group of people) kill (someone) for an alleged offence
without a legal trial ( बना मक
ु दमे मार डालना)
Sentence use: The elaborate precautions taken to
prevent lynching are a peculiarity of the constitution of
901. Contemporary (adj) = Living or occurring at the same time (समकाल न)
Sentence use: Contemporary dance is not blessed with a
plethora of media coverage on any platform.
902. Perpetrator (noun) = A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act
Sentence use: It was a moonless night and
the perpetrator cut the power, pitching the farm house into
total darkness.
903. Inextricably (adv) = In a way that is impossible to disentangle or separate

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Sentence use: He felt the good and bad within
himself inextricably mingled and overlapping.
904. Benevolence (noun) = The quality of being well meaning; kindness (परोपकार)
Sentence use: Because of the benevolence of their
neighbours, the poor family was able to eat a home cooked
meal every night.
905. Contemptuously (adv) = In a scornful way that shows disdain ( तर कारपूवक)
Sentence use: The former are reasoned with and exhorted
to believe; the latter are contemptuously silenced by an
exhibition of the futility of their religion.
906. Adjudicate (verb) = Make a formal judgement on a disputed matter ( नणय
Sentence use: It will be observed that the king does not hear
the cause or adjudicate upon it.
907. Reprieve (verb) = Cancel or postpone the punishment of someone
Sentence use: Because of a legal review, the criminal was
granted a reprieve on his sentence
908. Waiver (noun) = An act or instance of waiving a right or claim, rejection (छूट)
Sentence use: By signing the waiver, the scuba diver
assumed the risk of any accidents
909. Deleterious (adj) = Causing harm or damage, detrimental (हा नकारक)
Sentence use: This act, which was only decided upon after
much hesitation, had a most deleterious effect upon the
national credit.
910. Deem (verb) = Regard or consider in a specified way ( वचार करना)
Sentence use: It was almost necessary that he should select
what he thought most important for description, and at times
omit what we deem of more importance
911. Discontent (noun) = Dissatisfaction with one's circumstances; lack of
contentment (असंतोष)
Sentence use: All this soon prvoked discontent among the
educated classes.

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912. Endorse (verb) = Declare one's public approval or support of (समथन करना)
Sentence use: Henceforth its sole effective function was
to endorse and promulgate the decrees of the government of
913. Multifaceted (adj) = Having many different aspects or features
Sentence use: While that is definitely an important part of
a woman's wardrobe, there's room for all of us to be
as multifaceted as we please.
914. Nuisance (noun) = A person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance
Sentence use: Our next door neighbour is an unmitigated
(absolute; unqualified) nuisance to my family.
915. Elusive (adj) = Difficult to find, catch, or achieve
Sentence use: The elusive creature was a beautiful sea
nymph who had crossed into our world from her own.
916. Rapacious (adj) = Having or showing a strong wish to take things for yourself
Sentence use: But she appears to have been passionate,
exceedingly rapacious and ever careful of her own interest.
917. Devastation (noun) = Great destruction or damage (तबाह )
Sentence use: The islands on the sea-front are exposed
to devastation by cyclonic storm-waves.
918. Endow (verb) = Provide with a quality, ability, or asset (संप न)
Sentence use: Here was enough to endow an army, if some
means could be devised to permit its use.
919. Dire (adj) = Extremely serious or urgent (भयानक)
Sentence use: His childhood was passed in dire poverty.
920. Scathing (adj) = Severely critical, devastating (हा नकारक)
Sentence use: He gave her a scathing look.
921. Propriety (noun) = Correctness, justification, respectability (औ च य)

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Sentence use: The propriety of this extended use is open to
question and is denied by some logicians.
922. Countenance (noun) = A person's face or facial expression, support or approval
Sentence use: His countenance conveyed the possibility of
923. Impeccable (adj) = In accordance with the highest standards; faultless ( ु टह न)
Sentence use: Our marching WAS good but not
always impeccable.
924. Infallible (adj) = Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong (अचूक)
Sentence use: These had been sacred to almost a hundred
generations of men, and it was difficult for the eye of faith to
see them as other than absolutely infallible documents.
925. Unscrupulous (adj) = Having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair
(बे शरम)
Sentence use: The unscrupulous teacher offered to raise
her student’s grade if he gave her one hundred dollars.
926. Thereto (adv) = To that or that place (इस के सवा)
Sentence use: Many social events are held at the auditorium
and occasionally, weekend concerts are put on thereto.
927. Reiterate (verb) = The action of repeating something, typically for emphasis or
clarity (दोहराना)
Sentence use: Because Janice considered herself better than
everyone else, she often felt the need to reiterate the fact she
lived in a gated community.
928. Thwart (verb) = Prevent (someone) from accomplishing something (नकाम
Sentence use: Because chlamydiae are bacteria, antibiotics
can thwart the infections they produce.
929. Fraught (adj) = Causing or affected by anxiety or stress (भारयु त)
Sentence use: Trying to get anywhere in this day and age, it
seems, is just too fraught with danger.

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930. Deceptive (adj) = Giving an appearance or impression different from the true
one; misleading ( ाि तजनक)
Sentence use: The team has made strong statements about
drafting a quarterback, but those comments are deceptive.
931. Retaliatory (adj) = (of an action) characterized by a desire for revenge ( तशोध
Sentence use: Some commissioners have been critical of the
decision not to launch a retaliatory military strike.
932. Substantive (adj) = Having a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful,
or considerable, independent existence ( वतं )
Sentence use: But it is important to note
that substantive discussions of issues rarely entered into
Five Points political contests.
933. Uphold (verb) = Confirm or support (something which has been questioned)
(कायम रखना)
Sentence use: So, since Shakespearean nobles did
not uphold the standards of today's BBC English, they must
have had no standards at all, right?
934. Compliant (adj) = Meeting or in accordance with rules or standards, tractable
(आ ाकार )
Sentence use: When the prisoner was moved to the
courthouse, four guards accompanied him to make sure he
would be compliant and not misbehave in court.
935. Prerequisite (noun) = A thing that is required as a prior condition for something
else to happen or exist (पहल आव यकता)
Sentence use: Since when has toughness been
a prerequisite for a leader who can give his people stability
and peace?
936. Envisage (verb) = Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable
future event (प रक पना करना)
Sentence use: I can envisage these pages being
photocopied and pinned above laboratory benches around
the world
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937. Antithesis (noun) = A person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or
something else ( वरोध)
Sentence use: In the movie, Robert’s character of an abusive
husband is the antithesis of the caring spouse the actor
really is.
938. Fringe (noun) = Edging, border, hem ( कनारे )
Sentence use: Wanting to add flare to the pillows, the
seamstress chose to add fringe.
939. Encroachment (noun) = A gradual advance beyond usual or acceptable limits
(अ त मण)
Sentence use: Yet the area of environmental protection is
marked by intense battles over states' rights and fears of
federal encroachment.
940. Disconcerting (adj) = Causing one to feel unsettled, disturbing ( चंताजनक)
Sentence use: It was a bit disconcerting to sing in front of
people lolling (lie, relax) around on cushions at first, but in
the end it was great.
941. Mellowed(Verb) = To become more relaxed ( वन )
942. Clueless(Adj) = having no knowledge, understanding, or ability. (कोई खबर
नह ं)
943. Amidst(Prep) = In the midst or middle of;(बीच म)
944. Chastened(Verb) = A rebuke or misfortune have a restraining or moderating
effect on. (सज़ा दे ना)
945. Pulpit(Noun) = A raised platform (मंच)
946. Oblivious(Adj) = not aware of or concerned about what is happening around
one. (बेख़बर)
947. Assurance(Noun) = a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a
promise. (आ वासन)
948. Jolted out(Ph verb) = To cause something or someone to move suddenly and
violently (झटका दया)

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949. Ingress(Noun) = The action or fact of going in or entering; the capacity or
right of entrance. ( वेश)
950. Status quo ante(Noun) = The previously existing state of affairs.
951. Fade away(Ph verb) = To slowly disappear (धुंधला पड जाना)
952. Invoked(Verb) = To cite or appeal to (someone or something) ( वनती करना)
953. Dubious(Adj) = Hesitating or doubting. (सं द ध)
954. Caseload(Noun) = the number of cases with which a doctor, lawyer, or social
worker is concerned at one time.
955. Unappeasable(Adj) = Not able to be pacified, placated, or satisfied. (अत ृ त)
956. Destitution(Noun) = poverty so extreme that one lacks the means to provide for
oneself. (अभाव)
957. Weaning(Noun) = To accustom (someone) to managing without something
which they have become dependent on. (छुड़ाने का वायु)
958. Fault lines(Noun) = a divisive issue or difference of opinion that is likely to have
serious consequences. (दोष लाइन)
959. Crank up(Ph verb) = To increase loudness, output, etc
960. Rhetorical(Adj) = Relating to or concerned with the art of oratorical skill.
(आलंका रक)
961. Armoury(Noun) = A place where weapons are kept. (श शाला)
962. Shore up(Ph verb) = To support something (टे क लगाना)
963. Belaboured(Verb) = To attack (someone) physically or verbally. (पीटना)
964. Invocation(Noun) = The act or process of petitioning for help or support;
specifically, often capitalized (मंगलाचरण)
965. Curative(Adj) = Able to cure disease. (रोग नवारक)
966. Anvil(Noun) = A heavy iron block with a flat top and concave sides, on
which metal can be hammered and shaped. ( नहाई)
967. Exposition(Noun) = A comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or
theory. ( दशनी)
968. Cataloguing(Noun) = make a systematic list of (items of the same type). सूचीब ध
969. Chores(Noun) = A routine task, especially a household one. (काम)
970. Triumphalism(Noun) = excessive exultation over one's success or achievements
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971. Dismayed(Verb) = Cause someone to feel concern and distress. ( नराश)
972. Spurned(Verb) = Reject with disdain or contempt. ( तर कार करना)
973. Xenophobia(Noun) = Dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
( वदे शी लोग को न पस द करना)
974. Virulent(Adj) = A disease or poison extremely severe or harmful in its
effects. (जहर ला)
975. Bravado(Noun) = A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress
or intimidate. (वाहवाह )
976. Serenading(Verb) = To entertain someone by singing. ( ेमगीत)
977. Belligerent(Noun) = Hostile and aggressive (यु धरत)
978. Implicit(Noun) = Suggested though not directly expressed. (अंत न हत)
979. Dismantling(Verb) = To take a machine or structure to pieces. ( नराकरण)
980. Falsity(Noun) = The fact of being untrue, incorrect, or insincere. (अस यता)
981. Mobilisation(Noun) = The action of a country or its government preparing and
organizing troops for active service. (जुटाना)
982. Cliche(Noun) = A phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of
original thought. (ठ पा)
983. Demagogues(Noun) = A political leader who seeks support by appealing to the
desires and prejudices of ordinary people (दज
ु न का नेता)
984. Extricate(Verb) = To free (someone or something) from a constraint or
difficulty. (मु त कर दे ना)
985. Quasi-(Prefix) = Apparently but not really; seemingly. (अध)
986. Truculence(Noun) = Aggressively self-assertive (लड़ाकुपन)
987. Aspirational (Adj) = Having or characterized by aspirations to achieve social
prestige and material success. (आकां ा)
988. Consciousness (Noun) = The state of being aware of and responsive to one's
989. Articulation (Noun) = The formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.
990. Exponents (Noun) = A person who supports an idea or theory and tries to
persuade people of its truth or benefits. ( या याता)
991. Animated (Adj) = Full of life or excitement; lively. (सजीव)
992. Etymologically (Adv) = In a way that relates to the origin and history of words
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993. Self-luminous (Adj) = Generating and emitting its own visible light (आ म
994. Permeate (Verb) = Spread throughout (something); pervade. ( रसना)
995. Weed out (Ph verb) = To remove people or things that are not wanted from a
group (साफ़ करना)
996. Compulsive (Adj) = Resulting from or relating to an irresistible urge.
(अ नवाय)
997. Startling (Adj) = Very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable. (अचरज म
998. Inherent (Adj) = Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or
characteristic attribute. ( न हत)
999. Unravels (verb) = To undo twisted, knitted, or woven threads. (सल
ु झाना)
1000. Continuum (Noun) = A continuous sequence (अबाध म)

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