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Description: Serempresa provides cleaning and gardening services and has

several lines of action, including:
Maintenance of green areas
Business logistics support
Cleaning and maintenance of drains
Electric engineering

Are you satisfied with the services of our company?
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied

2. From 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our service?

1 Satisfied
2 Very satisfied
3 More less satisfied
4 Litle satisfied
5 Not satisfied

3. Would you recommend any company to work with us?

- Yes
- No
4. How has your staff been treating customers?
- Grateful
- Good
- Bad

5. Would you recommend someone to work in our company?

- Yes
- No

6. How do you rate the work done by all the operators of the company?
- Efficient
- Effective
- Inefficient

7. How do you feel the treatment of company personnel is?

- Excellent
- Good
- Bad

8. Do you think it is necessary to change something about our company?

- Its necessary
- Not necessary

9. Do you think the company is a driver of the economy at the regional level?
- Obviously
- Neither
- Not

10. Do you have any recommendations to grow day by day?

- Yes
- No

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