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COMPANY NAME: _________________________________ DATE: ______________

CONTACT NUMBER: _______________ EMAIL: __________________________

1. ¿What is the probability you recommending us with other companies?

not likely Very likely
0 1 2 3 4 5

2. ¿How long have you been a client of our company?

o 1 to 6 months.
o 6 months to a year.
o One year to five years.
o 6 years or more.

3. Please rate the overall quality of our products and services.

o Excellent
o Very good
o Good
o Regular
o Bad

4. Please rate our level of understanding your business needs.

o Excellent
o Very good
o Good
o Regular
o Bad

5. ¿How clear were our advisers when solving your concerns?

o Extremely clear
o Very clear
o A little clear
o Slightly clear
o Nothing clear

6. Rate the value of our products and services compared to cost.

o Excellent value
o Very good value
o Good value
o Regular value
o Wrong value

7. ¿Is our performance better than before, worse than before, similar, or did you not do
business with us previously?
o Best
o Worst
o Similary
o I have not done business with you before

8. ¿What are the chances that you will do business with us again in the future?
o Extremely likely
o Very likely
o A little likely
o Slightly likely
o Not likely

9. ¿How important are the tools and technology offered when choosing between companies
like ours?
o Extremely important
o Very important
o A little important
o Nothing important

10. ¿Do you have any additional suggestions or comments to help us improve customer service
in our company?

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