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The Millennium School, HMEL

WORKSHEET (part I) 6.2
Name: --------------------------- G.D: 27/8/2020

Roll No. ------------------------- S.D: 29/8/2020

Q. Identify the term for the following:

a. breaking down of rocks and pebbles___erosion______________________________________________

b. carrying away of topsoil____soil erosion ___________________________________________________

c. solid rock hard layer of the soil _________________Bedrock___________________________________

Q. Guess who I am:

a. I am called the ‘farmer’s friend’. I help in enriching the soil. _____________soil organisms__________
b. I am non biodegradable and pollute the soil.__________Plastic________________________________
Q. Fill in the blanks by selecting the correct answer:
a. The most fertile layer of soil is the topsoil (topsoil, subsoil), which is made of humus (humus, bed rock)
b. soil (Soil, Subsoil) has three sub layers out of which the plants cannot penetrate the third layer (second,
Q. State True or False:
a. Trees and plants hold the topsoil together. true

b. Earthworms harm the soil by digging holes in it. false

c. Minerals are obtained from the soil. true

d. Wind and river help in breaking the rocks and pebbles into smaller pieces. true

e. Plastics and polythene bags enrich the soil. false

Q. Give reason: Earthworms is a farmer’s friend.

Ans- Earthworms are farmers friend because they fertile and enrich the soil.
NOTE: 1. Solve this worksheet on notebook if printout is not available.
2. Mention the worksheet no., date and subject on the notebook properly.

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