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UMAYAM, William Vincent L.

BSBA-Operations Management III


1. Machiavelli says that the prince is the state, and the state is the prince. Is it not true that the same
applies to leadership in organizations? The leader is the organization, and the organization is the leader.
Therefore, do you agree that whatever virtues, vision, and mission the leader hold, the organization will
typically follow in? Explain and support your answer.

• I think i have to agree that whatever virtue, vision and mission the leader holds, organization will
follow. It is because he/she is the one who decide what decision the organization takes on every
situation it faced. Everyone within the organization can be a basis of the decision of the organization but
it is always the leader that decided what decision must take. Before the leader decide on the decision,
he/she consider many factors such as the opinion of people within the organization, the company's
culture and morality, his/her own principles and conscience. If one of this contradicts to the others, the
leader always choose based on his/her own principles and morality. The mindset, morality and
principles of the leader usually adapted by the employees. It is because of one factor that i think of,
success, which is a mahor factor that influence people. Every role model of a person is sucessful on
some areas of their life. One of my role model is Bill Gates, which is a successful and a wealthy man. I
admire him not just on his financial success but also because of his mindset. He is a humble man
eventhough he is successful in life. I read one of his interview where he was asked why his daughter
gave a tip to the waiter while he did not and his answer amazed me, he said that his daughter gave that
because she is a daughter of a wealthy man while he is a son of a lumberjacks. So i think that the
organization will follow what the principles, vision and mission the leader have.

2. If you are a leader, how will you apply the Kantian ethics’ “categorical imperative”? Will your faith be
a factor in your decision-makings? How?

• The Categorical imperarive of Immanuel Kant stated that one must conduct an action with respect to
the humanity of others and that every actions must be based on the universal moral law which everyone
is subjected. As a leader, i will apply Kant's theory by thinking every actions that i will take with respect
to others. I will make sure that my actions and decisions does not offend or hurt others but rather
consider them. I will stay true to my principles and conduct myself according to the universal moral law
and be reminded of the golden rule. My faith will be one of the factors in my decision makings. It is
because i believe that i must true to myself and stick to my principles and belief. Since it is myself that
will do the decision makings, my faith is one of the factors in deciding and it is me that will make the
decision. A man must take actions for what he believe in and be responsible for the consequences of it.
Thus my faith is one of the factors in making a decision.

1. Among the Six Steps in Decision-making Model, which step do you think is the most challenging? Cite
a concrete situation

• Among the six steps in decision making model, i think the most challenging step is making a decision.
After gathering all the things needed befote making the decision, it is still hard to make a decision. It is
hard if there are a lot of people concerned in that decision you will make and the consequences is hard
to bear. There will be always a conflicting ideas in your head and it is difficult to consider things. There
will always be a thought in one's mind that will contradict the action one chose. It is a human nature to
doubt his/her decisions eventhough there are a lot of things that point out to a certain option. Humans
has always a distrust side of them, it is not in born but develop because of their environment and
experience. For example, one must choose between a career abroad where there is a high salary or
within the country and can be together with the family. This example cannot be considered as a
dilemma but it can show that for some people, choosing between the two can be hard because we have
different mindset. A lot of factors are needed to be consider before making a decision. And maybe this
simple question can have a complicated answer for someone.

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