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The YouTube

Money Method
How to Make $500 Per Month
Reviewing Products That People
Already Wants to Buy!

Johny Beltran


Step 1 – Find an Information Product to


Step 2 – Create a Video Review

Step 3 – YouTube Optimization

Step 4 – Video Search Ranking


A lot of my friends know that I make

money online but have no idea of what I
actually do.

Every time someone ask me “what do

you do?”, I always have a hard time
answering because I do a lot of things.

I make money through affiliate

marketing, shopify ecommerce, kindle
book writing.

I’m not in any way a master of all these

things but my income from all of these
activities allows me to work anywhere
and live anywhere I want.

In this book, I will show you one of the

best ways to get started online.

This is actually how I got my start. By

reviewing information products that
people already wants to buy.

This isn’t some new method of making


Thousands of people are cashing in

every day via this business idea.

Also, this won’t probably make you rich.

What it can give you is that extra cash so

you can pay your rent, your car loan or
your kid’s every day expenses.

Also, this method requires a lot of work

especially in the beginning.

Once you get a hang of the process, it’ll

all be automated and it’ll get easier and

So I want you to prepare yourself to do

some dirty work.

You just have to follow what I will tell

you and you will make money.
How much money?

That I don’t know.

Sometimes, a video will make you $50
per month. Sometimes $300. If you get
lucky, you’ll hit jackpot and earn up to
$2,000 for just one video. And that’s all
passive income once you did the initial

If you’re willing to do the work, then

read on and let’s get started.
Step 1 – Find an Information Product
to Sell

I love information products because I

don’t necessarily have to buy the product
to review it.

As long as I have access to some

affiliate exclusive information (which
you’ll get once you sign up), then you
can easily create a 5-minute video

To find a product, go register first on and then go to the

There’s an endless list of categories to

choose from.

What you’ll choose is ultimately up to


However, I can give you a criteria or

checklist to follow to make the process
of choosing a product easier.
The Checklist
I always aim for 4 out of 5 on this

#1 – Commission per sale is $30

I aim for a minimum of $30. This is a

personal choice and I found that this
price point ($30-$47) is perfect for

#2 – There is a video sales letter

Video sales letters almost always beats

written sales letter for products priced at

#3 – There are YouTube competitors

If there are already other people trying
to do what I do, then I will only take that
as good news! You don’t want to be the
only one promoting that product!

Competition only means that people are

buying, and they might as well buy from

#4 – Gravity of 20

Gravity is the number of affiliates who

made at least 1 sale in the past 1-2
The rationale behind this is that if other
affiliates made a sale, that only means
that you can too. It means that the
product can be sold.

#5 – Trusted Seller
This one requires a little bit of reading
and googling.

Just make sure that the seller has never

been a part of a fraud or scam. Also,
make sure that his past products are also
of quality and high praise.


Let’s go find a product that we can


Let’ s say that I chose the category of

What I’ll do is just I’ll browse around
and even watch some video sales letters.

Trust me, the time you spend researching

is worth it.

While browsing, keep the checklist in


I found this one that seems to match the

#1 – Commission per sale is $30

Yes, it’s $38.31

#2 – There is a video sales letter

Yes, there is.

I even watched it and it makes me want
to buy the product! I’m not even the
target market here!
#3 – There are YouTube competitors


There’s a bunch of other reviews on

#4 – Gravity of 20

Gravity here is at 40.

#5 – Trusted Seller

Here’s a trick.
Search for the product name +
“affiliates” on Google.

Sign up and get insider information for


Here, you will find more sales tactics

and arsenal for your own review.
You’ll also get to know who the product
creator is.

Once you do that, just do a simple search

on Google and read a bit more about the

This shouldn’t take you more than 5

minutes to do.

The biggest thing here is to just make

sure that he doesn’t have any scam

Once you decide if you want to sell this

product, just get your affiliate link and
save it.
Now, you’re ready to create that video

Step 2 – Create a Video Review

Before you create a video, you need to
have any of the following:



I won’t teach you how to record since

it’ll be pretty easy to do.

Yeah, I mean, just hit the record button

and talk.

You can go to these links to learn more

about it.

So basically, you will create a 5-minute

video review of the product.

Before you can talk about the product,

you have to know a few things about it.

Here are 3 ways you can research your


#1 – Watch the video sales letter

If you want to learn more about the
market and about
The product, just simple watch the sales
letter and take screenshots of the slides
in that sales video.

You’ll get pretty much 80% of the

information you need via the sales

#2 – Sign up as affiliate
You can learn more about the product
just by googling the product name +

You’ll get some insider details about the

course and you can use this in your
product review.
#3 – Buy and study the product

This isn’t necessary but you’ll definitely

have an advantage if you did this.

If you can’t buy the product, ask for the

screenshot of the member’s area and ask
what’s included in the modules/chapters
of the course or e-book.

It also pays to know the exact number of

modules, videos, pdf etc of the product.

This is how you create your review step

by step.

Step1 – Product Introduction

On this part, you’ll just give a brief overview of

the product.

This is also the part where you’ll give them the

number 1 benefit of the product.

Just hook them in on the first few sentences.


Welcome, in this video I’m gonna give you an

honest review of the product SURVIVAL MD.

This product will help you __________(#1


The creator of the product is Robert Grey and

___________ (these are his qualifications)

Step 2 – Product Benefits

In this part, you’ll give them a list of the

benefits of the product.

What will they learn if they choose to join?

What are the problems that they will solve?

Again, you can learn all of these just by

watching the sales video.

I always try to give at least 9 lines of benefits.

Hit as much benefit and pain point as possible.

Give them the feeling that this product will

solve their biggest fears and desires.
Step 3 – Pros and Cons

Step 3 is all about giving them the pros and

cons of the product.

No product is perfect.

Your viewers will appreciate you more if you

give them an honest take about what’s good and
what’s bad on the product.

Step 4 – Product Qualification

The next step is product qualification.

In this step, you’ll be very honest with your

You’ll tell them who the product is for and who

it isn’t for.

Step 5 – Product Features

The next step is to give them the product


These are what they will get when they join the

Step 6 – Call to Action

The last step is asking them to “click the link” ,

“watch the video” or to “buy the product.”

In your call to action, always ask them to click

the link below (which is your affiliate link).

They should always go straight to the sales

video so they can watch and purchase.
Once you’re done, it’s time to upload and
optimize your video for YouTube search.
Step 3 – YouTube Optimization

Upload the video is cakewalk.

Anyone can do this, even my 10 yr. old


What I will teach you is the optimization


This is how you’ll maximize your views

for YouTube search.

To get traffic, we must be at the first

page of YouTube every time a customer
searches for a product review.


To do that, we have to to have a properly
optimized video.
Here’s how.

1 – Title

The title of our video must have the

exact term that we are targeting. Also,
we have to have some words that will
entice them to click the video.

So instead of having:

Survival MD review

We would do –

Survival MD Review – Is It Worth the


Survival MD Review – An Honest

Review – Scam Alert?

Survival MD Review – Bonuses and

Insider Information

Add some words that will make them

click the video.

#2 – Thumbnail

A thumbnail can easily increase your

video clicks.

The more video clicks you have, the

more YouTube will acknowledge that
you deserve that top ranking.
Here are some examples of awesome

Showing the membership area.
You can also learn from other videos not
related to any product.
# 3- Tags

Put as many tags allowed.

Make sure that you out all your

keywords in the tag section.


Survivalmdreview, survivalmd,
survivalreview, robertgrey

#4 – Description

In your description, just tell them what

they are going to learn in the video.

Always put your affiliate link on the first

line of the video.

A 200-word explanation of what the

video is all about will do.

#5 – Video File Title

Last but not least, put the title of your

video as your file name.

And you’re done.

Just hit upload, wait for it and publish.

Step 4 – Video Search Ranking

The last step is the easiest and it

shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes
to do.

Instead of doing the backlinks ourselves,

why don’t we just hire someone to do it
for us.
It only cost $10-$30 and we can focus
on finding and creating more product

Just go to KONKER.IO and search for

SEO or YOUTUBE SEO category.

Choose a service that has at least 50 5-

star reviews.
Also, read the reviews!

See if people are getting results.

Hire at least 3 different freelancer every

week till you rank.

YouTube ranking will depend on your

For product on weight loss, business and
relationships, it’ll be harder to rank.
Usually 4-6 weeks.

For other niches, it can be as fast as 2

days to 3 weeks.

Once you bought a service, your

freelancer should ask you for two things:
1 – The keyword you want to rank for

2 – the youtube url link

Simply provide this information and

he’ll do the rest for you.

You’re finished.
Just repeat the whole process to make
more money!

Thank you for reading this guide.

As I’ve told you from the start, you

won’t get rich selling information
affiliate products on YouTube.

However, you can earn a part-time or

full-time income depending on your
work ethics.

Do you work hard?

Are you willing to make mistakes?

I can’t do the work for you. You must

take action and make things happen for

I promise, it’s worth it.

Now, go start your new online business!

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