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Item Category Amount Price Description TASKS

Air Freshener cleaning products ₱ 96.00 0.00

Apples fruits ₱ 60.00
Baby wash baby stuff ₱ 566.00 2
Bananas fruits ₱ 44.00 3
Bath Soap personal care ₱ 38.00 4
Bathroom cleaner cleaning products ₱ 298.00 5
Broccoli vegetable ₱ 54.00 6
Butter dairy ₱ 32.00 7
Carrots vegetable ₱ 61.00 8
Champagne beverages ₱ 990.00 9
Chicken meat ₱ 120.00
Cookies snacks ₱ 46.00 10
Detergent cleaning products ₱ 120.00
Diaper baby stuff ₱ 112.00
Dishwashing Soap cleaning products ₱ 29.00 11
Garbage Bag cleaning products ₱ 46.00
Ground Pork meat ₱ 140.00 Find the Sum of the following item c
Hotdog meat ₱ 128.00 12
Iced Tea beverages ₱ 17.00 13
Juice beverages ₱ 10.00 14
Mangoes fruits ₱ 65.00 15
Milk dairy ₱ 108.00 16
Popcorn snacks ₱ 22.00 17
Sardines canned goods ₱ 18.00 18
Shampoo personal care ₱ 89.00 19
Sports drink beverages ₱ 30.00 20
Toothpaste personal care ₱ 56.00 21
Tuna canned goods ₱ 24.00 22
Wipes baby stuff ₱ 29.00
Sort Items based on the Amount
Format your answers into Currency in PESO with 2 decimal places
What is the SUM of the grocery list? 3448.00
What is the SUM of all cleaning products? 589.00
What is the AVERAGE spend? 118.90
What is the AVERAGE spend among baby stuff? 235.67
How many items are in the list? 29.00
How many beverages items are in the list? 4.00
What is the minimum price list? 10.00
What is the maximum price list? 990.00
Fill in the Price Description Column per Item using IF Function
If PRICES are Below P100 = Cheap
If PRICES are Above P100 = Expensive
Format the cells in Price Description column with the following details
Find the Sum of the following item categories
baby stuff 707
beverages 1047
canned goods 42
cleaning products 589
dairy 140
fruits 169
meat 388
personal care 183
snacks 68
vegetable 115
Create a COLUMN Graph among the Subtotals
Show the following details:
Chart Title "GROCERIES"
Show X-Y Axes
Show Legend

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