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Question A B C D

Linnaeus classified plants in to how many classes? 24 23 25 26

Flower producing Conen producing
Phenarogans are? Seed producing plants plants plants None of these
Who developed phylogentetic diagram of plants? Talchtaja Engler Hooker Bentham
If species with same specific epithet occurs then they
are called as? Homonyms Legtimate Tautonyms Isonym
Sugar cane have _____ types of roots? Stilt Fibrous Tap root Tuberous
Parasitic roots are present in? Cas suta Palms Miaze Dangle
The stem with long internodes is _____? Twinners Climbers Aerial None of these
Creepers are? Trailers Runners Stolon All of these
When stipules are fused to form a single stipule? Orchreate Spinous Adnate Petiolar
Opuntia have ______ leaves? Caducous Deciduous Persistent None of these
A thick fleshy spike is? Spadix Catkin Corymb All of these
Clusters of flowers borne on axils is? Verticillaster Oymose Raceme Racemose
Strawberry is a ? Acbene Drupe Pepo Pome
Anemochory is dispersal of seed by? Current Water Wind Insects
Raphanus sativa is a common name of? Carrot Raddish Turnip Loky
How many cellulose combine to form microfiber? 100 10 1000 10000
Middle lamells is made up of _____ and ____? Both b and c Calcium Magnesium pectat None of these
Spaces fomred by dissolution of whole cell? Lysigenous Pergenous Schizogenous Isogenuous
Pit membrane have thickened central pant called as? Torus Morus Callose Tylose
Outer most layer of meristematic zone is? Protoderm Procambium Ground meristem None of these
Dermatogen is responsible for formation of? Epidermis Cortex Pith Endodermis
Parenchyma with well developed air spaces is? Elongated Paracentric Stellate Orthic
Gossypium fibers are used in _____ industry? Cotton Leather Tanneries Filling
The cell which easily be differentiated are known as? Idioblasts Ideoblastq Edioblast Adioblast
Tracheids have length upto? 12cm 17cm 13cm 11cm
Albuminous cells are present in? Gymnosperms bryophytes Angiosperms All of these
Primary phloem lack_____? Sclereids Xylem Fibers Sclerenchym
Trichomes involved in secretions are called as? Glandular Non glandular Salt secseting nectar secrting
If xylem and phloem are found in same bundle then it Conjoint Radial Concentric All of these
Secondary growth is due to activity of? All of these Cambium Cork cambium Vancular cambium
The flatlened cells of periderm? Phellem Phellogen Cork None of these
Pulvinus is present in? Petiole Leaf blade Tentacles None of these
Which of the following is a dicot? Mango Sugar-cane Rice Maize
Flower arise from? Flower primorida Foliage bud Shoot apex Leaf primordia
Micro pores have ________ % of fats? 1-14% 7-26% 1-5% 24-48%
Ovule attached to placenta by? Funicle Hilum Nucellus Chalaza
Development of fruit without seed for nation is? Parthenocarpy Parthenogenesis Apomixis All of these
Scientific name of orange is? Citrus aurantium Citrus alba Citrus comunis Morus alba
Nashpati belongs to family? Rosaceal Ranunculaceal Fabaceae Papilonaceal
Cucrbita is a __________ flower? Unisexual Bisexual Hermaphrodite Both a and b
Tulsi belongs to? Mint family Pea family Grass family Spinach family
If siev plate consists of only one sieve area is? Protoderm Endoderm Ground cells Phelloelerm
Guard cells are surrounded by? Subdiary cells Stoma Palms None of these
If fusiform intials are arranged in horizontal rous then
_____ it is? Storied cambium Non storied Stratified Both a and b
Leaf fall is done at? Abscission layer Abscission zone Separation layerq None of these
Formation of Microspores? Microsporogenesis Sporogenesis Macrosporogenesis All of these
Micropyle functions as? Absorber Exchanger Both a and b None of these
_____ helps in dehiscence of anthers? Endothecium Epithecium Mesothecium All of these
The female flower is know as? Pistillate Staninate Perfect All of these
Parasitic roots are present in? Cas suta Palms Miaze Dangle

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