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Story of Baristas

According to James Hoffman there are two major aspects to prepare coffee, first is about skill,
practice and preparation techniques. The other role is as a consultant and a host which all about
customer services. As coffee is the only difference between providing a great and terrible start to
the day for their customers.

So coffee service is about positive attitude of employee which can be done by positive employee
engagement. As, Starbucks manager said our product is coffee but we are in a business of
people. The vision of Starbucks health compensation started from Schultz’s vision, whose farther
didn’t get any compensation. So he has done a great employee engagement programs. As the
result, Starbucks has a turnover rate of 65% where other national industry of coffee has a range
from 150-400% of turnover rate. Starbucks has also allowed employees to share feelings at the
end of the day, also good compensation plans for employees.

Evaluative statement concerning objects, people or event, these may be favorable or
unfavorable. Attitudes are complex, which has 3 major components.

Cognitive components
They have opinion or belief segment of the attitude.

Affective component
It is the emotional segment of an attitude.

Behavior components
They are the intentions to behave in a certain way towards something.

Attitude is a complex thing and these components are difficult to separate. So if you that your
boss treated you unfairly (cognitive), you will dislike your boss (affective) and try to find new
job (behavior).

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Attitudes and behavior
Most of the researchers believes attitudes predicts your behavior, you are happy so you will
smile. But Leon Festinger believe attitude follow behavior. We mostly don’t want to contradict
what we say so we change.

Cognitive dissonance
Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitude. But any
inconsistency is uncomfortable, so people develop rationalization for that discrepancy. The
reduce resonance depends on three major factors. Importance of element, degree of influences
and reward of dissonance. The attitude-behavior relationship is likely to be much stronger, if an
attitude refers to something with personal experience.

Job Attitude
OB focuses on the attitudes that affect the attitudes related to the job and dose positive and
negative form of evaluation that employee hold on the work environment.

Job satisfaction and job involvement

Job satisfaction is the positive aspects about a person’s job or how much a person is happy from
his job. Whereas job involvement deals with how much an employee participate in the job and
how much he feel important for that job.

Psychological empowerment is a belief how much employee feel he has impact on his work
environment. According to the research the 4 major belief make person feel empowered towards
his job (self-determination, meaningfulness, competence and impact etc.)

Organization Commitment
It is described as the degree to which employee show his membership to organization and its

Office talk
This cases deals with internal communication and whether it is effective or not. It states that
thought talking with your peers may help some employee to work and get new ideas. But random
talks will not be effective. If an employee boost about his work the other might work hard and

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try to achieve their goals. But random discussion can detract the employees. And random surveys
show many people share too much which affect others.

Perceived organization support (POS)

It is described as the degree to which employee thing organization value their commitment and
their work.

It is described as the ratio of people in the country which feel that the power distributed in the
institutions and business is uneven or unequal.

Power distance is one of the most important component as the countries with high power-
distance has created problem in encouragement while low power distance creates increased the
perceived organization support.

Employee Engagement
It involves the process of how satisfied a person is with his work and how enthusiastic employee
are towards the job. Employee engagement is very important as according to the research only
17-29% are highly engaged with their work.

This also was showed in the research the people who are highly engaged are less likely to have

Job satisfaction Measurement

It is defined as the positive feelings about one’s job by seeing its characteristics. There are two
major ratting methods of measuring job satisfaction. First one is called as single global rating
method, while second one is the sum of all the job facets.

According to the surveys half of the world is happy from what they do but it is different ion
different parts of the world. As Americas and Asia pacific people are more satisfied with job
than Europe and Middle East.

Cause of Job Satisfaction

There four major cause of the job satisfaction which are job condition, personality, pay and CSR.

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Job condition
It is the condition in which the job is required to be done. It includes the variety and the feedback
and social support. It also includes the interaction with the outside world and co-workers. These
are the few things that describes as the job condition.

The next thing is the employee himself if the employee is positive he will be more satisfied with
the job.

Wages have a certain impact on the job but it stops at a certain point so satisfaction of the job is
related to the pays but to a certain point.

Corporate social responsibility is described as an action that is done for the benefit of the society.
It is observed that more employees are happy if the company is involved in such activities. So
the CSR help create a positive trend.

Job Satisfaction Outcomes

Now we will discuss the outcomes of the job satisfaction and how it impacts the organization.

Job Performance
Some researchers believed it was a myth that there is a relation between job satisfaction and
performance but it was denied by the recent researches. Because the organization citizen
behavior impacts the positive word of mouth and the people and employee own their company
and work accordingly.

Customer Satisfactions
If the job satisfaction is prevailing the employees are the person who come and interact with
customers. So if the employees are satisfied the create customers satisfaction and loyalty. As it
will create a strong customer- employee relationship.

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Life Satisfaction
Life satisfaction is also related with the job and job satisfaction. As the employee quit or are
unemployed there job satisfaction is decreased. And it doesn’t only because of income but also
interaction with people also decreases.

Impact of Dissatisfaction
We have talked about job satisfaction now let’s talk about dissatisfaction and its impacts.

There are four major responses of dissatisfaction base on how active or passive you are and how
constructive and destructive you are. If you are active and constructive you will EXIT. If active
and destructive you will NEGLECT. If you are passive and constructive you will VOICE. If you
are passive and destructive you will LOYALTY.

The first two major attribute are concerned with performance variable like turnover and
productivity. While last two attributes deals with how to tolerate unpleasant variables.

Counter-Productive Behavior
With all the researches it is shown that dissatisfaction and CBW as a direct relation in many
cases and it not only decrease the productivity but also make it negative. It is a response because
employee feels there is unfairness.

It is consistently seen that there is negative relation between absentees and satisfaction. The
happier the employee is the more he want to work. But if the employee is dissatisfied rate of
absentee will decrease.

The low or less job satisfaction leads to a cognitive behavior which leads to employee are start to
leave the organization as the employees start looking for the other jobs prospect once he is

The managers in the world need to understand this and work on this as half of the employees are
dissatisfied from their job.

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