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coalition news
V O L U M E 7 , I S S U E 3 M A Y - J U N E 2 0 1 5

Inside - Challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas -

Member news and
other information
Greg Miklashek, Dra-
gos Gheorghiu, Vir-
ginia Steen-
McIntyre, JF

PAGE 4 Levallois-style stone

Petroglyphs in the
Denisovan brace- cores from southwest
Kaimur Range of
let: Advanced Indiana
technological skills Eastern India

Tom Baldwin
New archaeology book in Spanish in-
cludes story of Virginia Steen-McIntyre
Darwin’s Doubt
Richard Dullum
Implications of
PAGE 7 Denisovan skills
Perspective on re- far greater than
viving mammoths anticipated
-Tom Baldwin
Tom Baldwin

Taking a combined intuitive and
petroglyph sites, scientifically-informed approach to
Kaimur Range, India pre-Aboriginal rock art –Vesna Tenodi
Satchin K. Tiwary
Newly-discovered prehistoric
PAGE 10 pygmy people, Kaw River, Kansas;
The Kaw River Neil Steede’s recent discoveries, Part 1
People, Part 1 Controver-
Neil Steede sial German
Avocational ar- donated to
chaeology: Leval-
the Logan
lois in the USA,
Part 2 Anthropology
Richard Doninger
Beloit College,
PAGE 16 Wisconsin
Debunking evo. prop,
Part 13: Plants
John Feliks Richard Dullum Debunking Evolu-
reviews Stephen tionary Propa-
PAGE 19 ganda, Part 13,
C. Meyer’s con-
Decoding messages troversial Dar- mainstream diffi-
Reminder to read skeptically when-
of pre-Aboriginal culties with the
win’s Doubt ever anthropology brings up
rock art, Part 3
fossil plant record
Vesna Tenodi

Member news and other info

New book—in Spanish— the collection at a future Archaeologist Dragos
includes PC founding date with the museum. Gheorghiu’s Land Art
member Dr. Virginia Professor Green appears to Transformations project
be pleased with the new (Monte Velho, Portugal)
Steen-McIntyre’s story
acquisition. Due to the co- made an appearance on the
Pleistocene Coalition found- incidental timing of Tom “Capture a favorite picture”
ing member, volcanic ash Baldwin’s article in this website in May in their link
specialist, Virginia issue regarding the re- to the Pleistocene Coalition.
Steen-McIntyre, PhD, cently discovered 40,000- The thrilling documentary
is in- year old Denisovan bracelet photograph, which was
cluded in featuring a hole drilled with taken by Radu Damian, as
a book essentially modern tech- well as a brief overview of
she has nique (Page 6), it seemed Gheorghiu’s project were
been fitting to include here two featured in PCN
peripher- photographs of a #16 (March-
ally in- drilled hole in one April 2012) and
volved with titled of Miklashek’s PCN #20 (Nov-
Megafauna del Cua- artifacts covered Dec 2012). The
ternario del Mu- in the PCN report photograph
nicipio y Estado de as well as a re- and overview
Puebla (Quaternary sponse from the of the project is
Megafauna of the Mu- professional mi- also part of the
nicipality and State of crosopist who PC Gallery
Puebla). One of the studied the drilled page. We
authors of the book, hole (Fig. 1): thought the
Alex Rivera Dominguez, picture was
“After spending
writes that it is ready for inspiring and
two hours view-
“After the printers and should be worth seeing in
ing and recording
available to order by the its enlarged
spending the five Venus
end of the summer, 2015. form to show
two hours figurines... as
It is 152 pages with many the kind of
well as suspen-
viewing ... never-before-seen photos determination
sion holes in two
noted mi- and includes an essay on that can be
spear throwers
Dr. Steen-McIntyre’s work engendered
croscopist, and two carved
at the 250,000-year old Fig. 1. Top: Centerhole when archae-
Dr. Ralph calcite pendants
Hueytlaco site in Puebla, in Pendant 12 from Greg ology and art
up to 250X using
Albrecht … Mexico. Miklashek’s collection at
scanning electron 12X. Magnification. Bot- come together.
determined microscopy (SEM) tom: Centerhole in Pen- The enlarged
that there and energy dis- dant 12 Pendant 12 at 6X photo can be
Greg Miklashek, MD persive x-ray magnification. seen on our
was no evi-
(retired, 2012, 40-year spectroscopy website at
dence of psychiatrist, PCN #27, Jan- (EDS), noted microscopist,
modern Feb 2014, Historically- Dr. Ralph Albrecht index.htm#Dragos_Gheorghiu
drilling documented controversial (Director, BBPIC/AMFSC Just click on the thumbnail.
tools.” artifact collection viewable Microscopy Lab), and Mark As mentioned in the March-
online), has donated his Kenoyer at the University April 2015 issue regarding
collection of presumed Pa- of Wisconsin determined the new book by Gheorghiu
leolithic artifacts from a c. that there was no evidence and linguist Paul Bouissac,
1900 railroad cut in Ger- of modern drilling Gheorghiu (PhD) is an ex-
many to the Logan Anthro- tools” (i.e. signs of modern perimental archaeologist,
pology Museum at Beloit tools would encourage in- artist, pyro-technics expert,
College, in Beloit, Wiscon- terpretation of the artifacts and Professor of cultural an-
sin. Museum Director, Bill as possible forgeries). thropology and prehistoric art
Green, has promised con- at National University of Arts,
tinuous public display and “Kenoyer added that drill-
in Bucharest, Romania. A
ongoing student research. ing of the suspension hole
slightly enlarged version of
Miklashek will be turning in the face appeared to
the picture can be viewed on
over his many years of re- have been done with a
the following page.
search materials regarding “chipped stone drill.” -jf
> Cont. on page 3



Member news and other info (cont.)

Let’s hold anthropology facts from this community, accepted by the above
to higher standards especially if they have already groups of people as a new
been debunked by many “fact.” Accepting science like
Several of our readers wrote objective scientists. The pre- that dramatically lowered the
us regarding the recently- sumption of australopithecine standards of what would be
apes as being apelike accepted as reasonable prac-
“ancestors” is one such tice in paleoanthropology. The
presumption absorbed result has been difficult to top
with little knowledge of but was perhaps equaled by the
the topic’s history. Ardi fiasco as published in the
October 2009 issue of the jour-
Scientific opportunism: nal Science discussed several
How this assumption times in PCN. It was a massive
got its start does not propaganda effort involving
reflect well on the prac- many scientists and several
tices of evolutionary different media internationally.
science. Recall that the
famous 3.6 million- In considering who may have
year old Laetoli foot- made the newly-discovered
prints from Tanzania, 3.3 million-year old tools
Africa, were literally here is a brief overview of
commandeered by evo- how the long-running Laetoli
lutionary anthropologist footprints = Australopithecus
Donald Johanson just fiasco got started:
before their discoverer,
From the prior page. Dragos Gheorghiu’s Land Art Transformation At a 1978 conference in Swe-
project at Monte Velho, Portugal Dr. Mary Leakey, was
about to announce them den, where Mary Leakey was
as the world’s oldest about to announce the Laetoli
discovered stone tools from “human” footprints. This was footprints as the world’s oldest
Kenya dating to c. 3.3 million done for the sake of bolster- “human” footprints, Donald
years old. For now, discovery ing and promoting Australo- Johanson spoke first. Instead
of the tools and the dating is pithecus as a human ances- of waiting for Leakey to make
not the problem. What needs tor. It resulted in one of the the announcement and name
“Within to be watched out for is the her own discovery, Johanson
greatest Darwinian fiascos of
a short the 20th took the discovery and at-
time, Jo- Century tached the name, Australopith-
almost ecus for the sake of his own
hanson’s discovery in Ethiopia (i.e. Lucy)
artificial with a long discourse on the
associa- duping subject. He named them first
tion be- university and beat Leakey to the punch.
professors, The story shows how easily
tween the science community can
the Lae- be duped when people aren’t
toli foot- sional given the facts. When she
prints scientists, stood up to give her talk, Mary
and nor- Leakey expressed her “deep
and aus- regret” and responded with:
mally alert
science- “The Laetoli fellow is now
ecine Fig. 1. Comparing an australopithecine foot, a Laetoli foot-
print, and a modern human foot. From Evolutionists are not doomed to be called Austra-
apes was qualified to assess ‘any’ evidence. PCN #25, Sept-Oct 2013. aficiona- lopithecus afarensis.”
accepted dos world-
-Delta, W. 1978. The Lekey Family:
wide who
as a new standard mainstream practice were then not inclined to-
Leaders in the Search for Human
Origins, p. 100.
‘fact.’” of automatically trying to asso- ward skepticism regarding
ciate such objects with what the matter (see Fig. 1). Is it really more prudent to
they promote as pre-human Within a short time, Johanson’s suggest that the 3.6 MYA
hominids—typically australo- artificial association between Laetoli footprints and the 3.3
pithecine apes. Remember, the Laetoli footprints and MYA tools were made by apes
always question presumed australopithecine apes was rather than humans? -jf



Denisovan bracelet: Advanced technological

skills in early human groups is still resisted
By Tom Baldwin
If you follow archaeologi- to dismiss the achievement well when he said, “One of
“It has long cal news you may have of the early man or woman the primary aims of the
heard that a bracelet was that made the bracelet. Pleistocene Coalition has
been be-
found in a cave in Russia been to bring little-known
lieved that that was the home of a group The level some people went to evidence to our readers that
of Denisovans— in order to reject the crafts- there really is no difference
an archaic and manship shown in the brace- in intelligence between the
now extinct race let’s manufacture was humor- countless categories main-
of early man. ous. Some invoked Velikovsky stream science breaks hu-
The bracelet has or suggested tha space aliens man groups into. Whether
the archaeologi- must have showed the these early people are called
cal world buzz- Denisovans how to do it. Homo erectus, Neanderthals,
ing because the Others thought people from Homo heidelbergensis,
techniques and Atlantis made the bracelet. Denisovans, Homo sapiens,
technologies One skeptic said the bracelet or anything else pales in
used to make it was fabricated at a later date importance to what the evi-
are so advanced then for some reason planted dence actually says about
that no one in the 40,000-year old layer the cultures of these various
thought such for the Russians to find. groups. In this light, the
abilities existed There was one thing that none recently published discovery
40,000 years of those commentators said. of a Denisovan bracelet
ago (Fig. 1). Not one person viewing that showing undeniably high
This is further beautiful piece of ancient workmanship fits right into
complicated by jewelry reacted by saying, the picture we have been
the fact that the “See, I told you so.” Even Dr. trying to get to our readers
Denisovans are Anatoly Derevyanko, Director since our very first issue of
Fig. 1. Top: Recently-discovered
40,000-year old Denisovan brace- a ‘species’ of of the Institute of Archaeology PCN in October 2009.”
let. Dr. Anatoly Derevyanko, Direc- what are consid- and Ethnography in Novosi-
ered sub- So what is the bracelet that
tor of the Institute of Archaeology birsk (Siberian Branch of the
and Ethnography in Novosibirsk humans. It has has stood the archaeological
Russian Academy of Sci- community on its ear? It’s
(Siberian Branch of the Russian long been be- ences), the lead archaeologist physical appearance shows
Academy of Sciences), explained lieved that only
that the technology used to pro- that found the bracelet said, that it is something that most
Homo sapiens “The skills of its creator were
duce it was at a very advanced any modern woman would be
level making it comparable to arti- could posses perfect. Initially we thought proud to wear. We have less
facts of more recent times. Picture: such skills as that it was made by Neander-
seen in the than half of it, but what we
Anatoly Derevyanko, Mikhail thals or modern humans.”
Shunkov, and Vera Salnitskaya. making of the possess shows it to have
bracelet and, I have to conclude that we been a really beautiful piece
then, only the modern ver- humans have yet to shed our of body adornment. Made of
only Homo sion of Homo sapiens. tribalism. I think it is en- a dark green translucent
sapiens grained in us. We instinctively stone, it was of uniform thick-
Why is it that we as a human look down on others whether ness and diameter that has
could pos- ‘species’ do not want to been smoothed and polished.
they live in the next commu-
ses such credit other like species with nity, attend a different church, A hole was drilled in it too.
skills as anything more than a subsis- hale from another country,
tence level of intelligence? In It was found in a cave in Russia.
seen in the or in this case according to There are 22 sedimentary
preparation for this article I popular science, are another
making of read everything I could find layers identified in the cave
species. That tribalism is not and the bracelet was found
the bracelet on the Denisovan bracelet. I just a failing, it is a weak- in upper portion of Layer 11
and, then, even read the comments ness that holds us back and
sections that appeared at the which has been dated at
only the keeps us from many truths. 40,000 to 50,000 years old.
end of many of the reports.
modern ver- Some readers’ reactions One thing I hope the Pleisto- The bracelet, being found near
sion of were that the Denisovans cene Coalition does for its the top of the layer, is believed
readers is to help dispel this to date to about 40,000 years.
Homo must have been smarter
than we thought. However, tribalism that curses us as a It should also be noted that the
more often the reaction was species. John Feliks, our
an attempt to find some way Editor-in-chief, put it very > Cont. on page 5



Denisovan bracelet (cont.)

two pieces of the bracelet found were in fact drilled and the out jewelry of the same qual-
so far were about 30 inches bracelet itself contains a small ity and workmanship. Dr. Der-
apart, which does not lend itself hole that was drilled. Why the evyanko—who at first did not
to that one commentator’s central portion was not drilled want to credit the work to
opinion mentioned above, to out is not known, possibly a Denisovians, but later came
the effect that someone dug a drill that big did not exist. around to that view went on to
hole down into layer 11 at some state—“The ancient master was
later date and placed the brace- At any rate the bracelet was skilled in techniques previously
let there. Two holes through roughed out using stones and considered not characteristic
10 layers above would have to abrasives and then smoothed, for the Palaeolithic era, such as
have been dug; and that sug- burnished and polished using easel speed drilling, boring tool
“It should gests chicanery and further that hides of various degrees of type rasp, grinding and polish-
be noted the Russian scientists are blind smoothness and different ing with leather and skins of
degrees of tanning. This was
that many not to have noticed such a thing varying degrees of tanning.”
had happened as they worked no doubt a long and tedious
millennia process, but art often is, and In conclusion, let me note that
their way down to layer 11.
would in the end yielded a smooth, the bracelet was not the only
pass be- The Russian scientists stud- even, and glossy surface. object besides stone tools found
ied the artifact for a number in Layer 11 of the Denisovian
fore mod- In the final stages of manufac-
of years before publishing cave. Other archaeological
ern man their findings. They came to ture, as was mentioned materials found in this same
would the following conclusions above, a hole was drilled in layer can be seen as having
concerning its manufacture: bracelet, probably to hang an both a spiritual function and use
again turn ornament from. The drilling as bodily decorations. They are
out jew- First, the bracelet is made of of this hole shows a very high made of bone, mammoth tusk,
elry of the chlorite, a semi-precious degree of technical know-how. animal teeth, ostrich eggshell,
same green stone the nearest de- There is evidence of at least mollusk shell, and semi pre-
posits of which are found three stages of drilling. Evi- cious stones. Also found were
quality about 200 kilometers (c. 124 dence says the drill was very bone awls (needles) with eyes.
and work- miles) from the Denisovan high speed, vibrations along
manship.” Cave. That alone speaks to its its rotation axis were minimal, Finally, and in what I think is
value. Was a raw blank man- and the drill made multiple an attempt to intrigue us,
uported to the cave or was rotations around its axis. the Russians say that in that
the bracelet made elsewhere same layer they have found a
and brought to the cave? Finally, a further polishing “marble ring” that they are still
Either way a lot of travel was with a soft hide was then studying, the details of which
involved when you consider done to bring the bracelet to they will release at a future
that it was all done on foot. a high sheen. Microscopic date. Having a buildup like
bits of this skin have been that, I think, means that this
Second, the stone chosen for found in small fissures ring is also going to be some-
the bracelet was no doubt around the edge of the hole. thing special. When it happens
selected for both its beauty let us hope more people say,
and the fact that it is a fairly The technological ability to
make such an object speaks “See I told you so.”
soft stone. Chlorite has a
hardness of 2 to 2.5 on Moh’s to the intelligence of the TOM BALDWIN is an award-winning
scale. About the same as gyp- maker. The desire to make author, educator, and amateur
such an object speaks to es- archaeologist living in Utah. He has
sum but softer than calcite. also worked as a successful news-
(To give readers some per- thetic and artistic abilities of
paper columnist. Baldwin has been
spective regarding hardness, the maker. The want-to-own actively involved with the Friends of
Quartz is 7 and Diamond is such an object speaks to an Calico (maintaining the Early Man Site
10 on the Moh Scale). appreciation of beauty on the in Barstow, California) since the days
part of the wearer. All traits when famed anthropologist Louis
Leakey was the site's excavation
The blank cylindrical piece of many are not willing to as- Director. Baldwin's recent book, The
the chlorite would then have cribe to “pre” Homo sapiens Evening and the Morning, is an enter-
been rubbed back and forth and yet are demonstrated in taining fictional story based on the
on a large flat stone till the this piece. It should also be true story of Calico. Apart from being
one of the core editors of Pleistocene
desired flatness and a uniform noted that the object shows a Coalition News, Baldwin has published
thickness were achieved. Evi- great deal of use wear. It was many prior articles in PCN focusing on
dence of this is apparent on probably worn with pride for Calico and early man in the Americas.
the bracelet’s flat edges. Then many generations until tragi-
Links to all of Baldwin’s articles on
the inner curve was made by cally broken and discarded. Calico and many other topics can
use of abrasives and rasp type be found at:
file. Drilling was a known art. It should be noted that many
Other objects found at the site millennia would pass before
modern man would again turn index.htm#tom_baldwin



Darwin’s doubt: The explosive origin of animal life and
the case for Intelligent Design

By Richard Dullum

Eds. Disclaimer: This is a review in the theory, nor cal diversity to pre-
of Stephen C. Meyer’s controver- does any of the cede morphological
sial book, Darwin’s doubt: The many criticisms of disparity, accord-
explosive origin of animal life and
the theory from ing to evolutionary
the case for Intelligent Design, 2nd
Ed., 2013, Harper Collins Publish- scientists, make it theory, but we see
ers (Epilogue w/response to critics into their textbooks, just the opposite in
of the 1st Ed.). As noted similarly including the lack the Burgess Shale
with Vesna Tenodi’s article (also of precursor spe- (Cambrian); these
“Chen’s in this issue) it is important for cies for the Cam- are multiple dispa-
reply was, us to emphasize that the Pleisto- brian animals, rate phyla showing
cene Coalition is not per se part
‘In China, though they have been up at the same time in the fossil
of the ‘Intelligent Design’ community.
sought for over 150 years. record. Meyer then takes us
we can We make no overarching claims for
to China, to the Mouatianshan
how life or humanity came to be.
criticize However, after 35 issues of PCN,
Spelling out the problem that Shale outcrop, showing the
Darwin, it should be clear from the topics the Cambrian Explosion poses Cambrian-Precambrian bound-
published that we are all too familiar for current theory, Meyer starts ary that exists there, where
but not with suppression tactics employed with Louis Agassiz’ objections paleontologist J.Y. Chen’s
the gov- by mainstream science. For this to adopting Darwin’s theory, report showed an even more
ernment. reason we encourage readers to namely that the Cambrian ex-
practice critical thinking and look explosive and older and clearer
In Amer- plosion posed an “insuperable record of the Cambrian animals,
into challenges rather than sim-
difficulty which cannot be over- in addition to more animals
ica you ply accept what they’re being
come.” Agassiz doubted the
taught. The Pleistocene Coalition than the Burgess Shale. His
can criti- was founded by archaeologists, ‘creative power’ of natural selec- report challenged Darwinian
cize the geologists, and other researchers tion, with its dependence on orthodoxy. He was asked by
govern- who experienced suppression of unlimited time, for all the grad- an American professor if he
evidence regarding such as ancient ual changes to have accumu-
ment, but humans in the Americas (Dr. wasn’t nervous about express-
lated enough to mark a new ing doubts about Darwinism.
not Dar- Virginia Steen-McIntyre for 40
species, which had never (and Chen’s reply was, “In China,
years) and archaeological proofs
win.’” that human intelligence has not hasn’t ever!) been observed. we can criticize Darwin, but
evolved. Blocking conflicting evi- “A pigeon is still a pigeon.” not the government. In Amer-
dence makes the trusting layman ica you can criticize the gov-
or college student naïvely imagine Since the biochemical revolu-
tion, we understand that all the ernment, but not Darwin.”
that the evidence for such things
as evolution are “overwhelming.” features we and other animate So, Meyer gives two very good
That would never happen if chil- creatures on Earth possess is examples of how Darwinian
dren were taught critical thinking ordered by DNA: everything.
skills. If we accept sciences that predictions are not borne out
After pointing out that the phys- by the fossil record. Nor is the
block evidence and discourse
icochemical theories of the ori- myth of soft-bodied creatures
then we risk losing one of the
most important traits of the gin of life fail to account for the not fossilizing or too small in
scientific mind—objectivity. complex, specified digital code size to detect. In fact, one of the
that is DNA; random events of very commonest of animals that
‘precursor’ chemicals cannot characterize the Cambrian
One of the worst sticking generate a molecule with com- period is arthropods, which
points of evolution was plex specificity, given the time all have hard exoskeletons.
the ‘Cambrian Explosion,’ of the Earth’s existence, which It’s certainly likely that any
where a multitude of new, is well-illustrated in Meyer’s Darwinian precursor species
anatomically sophisticated life- summing-up of the bio- in the Precambrian also had
forms suddenly appear in the mathematical and statistical some hard parts, but alas,
fossil record, without apparent studies that have been done none are to be found.
precursors in the older strata. thus far. The probability of life
Darwin was aware of this fossil being randomly generated is This is all a pretty good lead
gap and acknowledged it in his seen as exceedingly low, even up to the real grit in the book,
writings, but the established over vast periods of time, some which is the very biochemical
evolutionary arbiters will not exceeding the age of the Earth. basis of life, the DNA code, the
acknowledge any weakness One would expect morphologi- > Cont. on page 7



BOOK REVIEW, Darwin’s Doubt (cont.)

blueprint for the molecular sible for such a mechanism deconstructing the turmoil
machinery, which reveals an coming into being at the same that is paleoanthropology and
intelligently guided process. time, is mathematically nil. biology. Tom Frazetta, an
“It’s cer- Messages of highly specified expert in functional biome-
complexity are a property of It turns on the scientific code,
chanics, U of Illinois, in his
tainly an intelligent entity. It simply which forbids any non-material
1975, Complex Adaptations
likely that cannot be ruled out, because explanation, lest religion enter
in Evolving Populations, says
into science. Religion does not
any Dar- for one, evolutionary theory
cannot account for the genera- have to enter science for it “The evolutionary problem is,
winian to fall into orthodoxy, as the in a real sense, the gradual
tion of new life forms, much
precursor less finding the primordial an- telling remark above, from improvement of a machine
species in cestor of all. Meyer takes care Professor Chen indicates. while it is running!” Altogether,
Orthodoxy is not truth and a very easily read, crammed
the Pre- to not dispute the ‘change over
time’ element of the theory, does not bear testing. with facts and science, it is a
cambrian take-down of classical Neo-
but points out that an intelli- The truth is that intelligent
also had gent designer at the very basis Darwinism a la Dawkins and
design could account for much
some hard of biomechanical life processes the rest. The book is as absorb-
of life and life processes; it is a
ing as Meyers’ lectures, several
parts, but is detectable in a scientific way non-excludable theory. All this
and shows this, as others be- of which I’ve seen. If you like
alas, none says nothing about the identity
biology, you’ll like this book.
fore him, like Michael Behe, of the designer, only that the
are to be Jonathan Wells, and William designer(s) are obviously
found.” Dembski have demonstrated. way more powerful than we.
Protein molecular machines RICHARD DULLUM is a surgical R.N.
I think Meyer’s book makes working in a large O.R. for the
like the flagellum are of irre-
past 30 years as well as a re-
ducible complexity, all parts any thinking biologist think
searcher in early human culture.
are necessary at the same again about evolution’s ability He is also a Vietnam vet with a
time. The chances of random, to explain and predict life on degree in biology. In addition to
multiple, favorable, genetic Earth, in a very critically well his work with Kevin Lynch, he has
DNA mutations being respon- laid-out series of arguments, written six prior articles for PCN.

“To be or not to be?” “Harvard geneticist George hunted out of existence for
That is the question. Church and his colleagues their tusks (this is also true
used a gene-editing tech- of the rhinoceros for their
By Tom Baldwin nique known as CRISPR to horns).
insert mammoth genes for
The Pleistocene was popu- The problem is that mam-
small ears, subcutaneous
“The prob- lated by many creatures now moth have up to 13 foot long
fat, and hair length and color
extinct. Not just extinct spe- tusks. As such they might
lem is that into the DNA of elephant
cies of humans, but many very well constitute a
mammoth skin.” If successful, his will
animals too. Probably the poacher’s dream come true
not result in bringing the
have up to first of those long dead and tempt them from the
mammoth back, just in up-
13 foot beasts to come to mind hot African savannas north
holstering an elephant.
would be the wooly mam- to the cold Siberian tundra.
long tusks. There is a big difference. But
moth. Most of our imagin- In fact I suspect nothing will
As such still it is a step in the direc-
ings of early man has him/ save the elephant as long as
tion of recreating those long
they might her sitting around a fire they are worth more dead
dead creatures.
very well wrapped in a mammoth hide than alive.
blanket, or out risking their They want to modify these
constitute So then, I am not sure that
lives hunting mammoths elephant hybrids for cold
a poacher’s with crude spears. Are these tolerance too. It is hoped saving the elephant is the
dream.” racial memories? I don’t that if they succeed the right reason for bringing the
know, but they pop up a lot. creatures can be turned mammoth back. And I am
loose in cold areas of the not sure there is any “good”
Do you miss those mam- reason at this point. The
world where they can pros-
moth? If you could bring mountain climber returning
per far from the African
them back, would you? from a peak was asked why
poachers that are threaten-
Should you? We are getting he did it, and he replied,
ing them with extinction.
better and better at manipu- “because it was there.” Let’s
This threat is due to the fact
lating DNA and soon those find a really good reason
that certain Asian cultures
questions will have to be before we do something just
value elephant ivory over
answered. because we can.
having elephants in the reports world and so would see them



Newly discovered petroglyph sites, Kaimur

Range, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar States, India
By Sachin K. Tiwary, PhD
Archaeological Survey of India

Since ancient times

“In 1994, human beings have
used all manner of me-
an explo- dia for communication
ration and to express their
team led internal feelings, imagi-
by ... Dr. nations, and thoughts.
They have used line draw- Fig. 2. Grid pattern engravings observed by the author in Sita maan khoha on the
Prakash ings; repeated motifs or floor of a cave near rock paintings at Badki Goriva, Kaimer Range, East India. There
Charan patterns; symbols and; are 34 straight overlapping lines, square shapes, etc. Photos by Sachin-Tiwary.
Prasad, later, figurative manu-
found scripts. In this article I will and particularly to study any kigoriya (Badki Goriya), is lo-
briefly describe evidence of rock art encountered. cated in the Makarikhoh, some
more than the artistic mind of early 20 kilometers southwest of the
12 rock- man and his life ways which I The Kaimur Range is an east- Bhagwanpur block headquar-
ern part of the Vindhyan Basin
painting uncovered in what is now the
(an intra-cratonic sedimentary
ters. Makarikhoh is a valley in
sites in Kaimur region of India. I will which a web of hills are radiat-
also give a quick overview of basin of the Meso-Neo Pro- ing in different directions.
the the circumstances of discovery terozoic eon). It is a consid- Badki Goriya is one of the hills
Kaimur and description of the region. erably hilly and forested area at one end of the Makarikhoh
currently infested by Naxalites
district.” During December 2000 and an armed revolutionary group
where the Suvara River de-
scends from the Kaimur pla-
February 2010, I was involved advocating Maoist commu- teau. (Fig. 1, Right)
nism. Kaimur is a
district which is situ- The rock paintings in Badki
ated in the south- Goriya have been executed
western part of the on the steep face of the hill
State of Bihar (Fig. which has been used as a
1, Left). The district huge canvas at such heights
has been given the which is quite astonishing. It
name Kaimur for the is difficult to say how the
Kaimur range of hills painters could reach up to
that occurs there. that level to execute the
The region in which paintings. The rock paintings
Kaimur extends was are in two different places
probably Kairadesha separated by a distance of
owing its name to a more than 100 meters. Apart
demon called Kair from the paintings, for the
Fig. 1. Left: Location of rock paintings and engravings in the Kaimer known by tradition first time, engravings
district, in East India. Light-colored area is India; State of Bihar is in red; as its king (Prasad (Tiwary 2009: 56) have been
arrow points to the Kaimer region, Background map, Wikimedia Com-
mons. Right: View of Suvara River and area from a cave in the Kaimur
et al 2001: 3). noticed by the author in a
district, Bihar State, East India. Both rock paintings and engravings have In 1994, an explora- nearby cave (Fig. 2). Thirty-
been discovered in this region. The caves were obviously also good look- four straight overlapping
outs for the movements of animals and game. Photo: Sachin K. Tiwary.
tion team led by the lines and square-shaped
Bihar Directorate of geometrical lines occur on
in field work in the Kaimur Archaeology, Dr. the cave floor. They cover a
region in eastern India. It was Prakash Charan Prasad, found 34 x 47 cm area. Interest-
part of a project to map the more than 12 rock painting ingly, these engravings had
study area, to understand the sites in the Kaimur district.
ancient settlement patterns, One of the 12 sites, Bad- > Cont. on page 9



Newly discovered petryglyph sites in India (cont.)

been made on a surface that noticed). There are many logical Society of India 6, pp.
had been chipped (in India, pictographs executed on the 87-138.
the term ceiling and wall Tiwary, SK. 2009. Rock art of
‘chipped’ but petroglyphs Kaimur district, Bihar
is often are very rare in (Dissertation submitted during
used for this region. Post Graduation Diploma in
the re- This is the first Archaeology from Indian Insti-
tute of Archaeology, Archaeo-
moval of discovery of a
logical Survey of India, New
stone petroglyph so Delhi) p. 56.
“The rock chips far reported.
from a Tiwary, SK. 2010. Management
paintings in Problems of of Rock art sites, Pragya-Bharati,
Badki surface this class of art Vol. XV, ISSN-0974-1526 (Ed.
Dr. BK Chaudhary). The Journal
Goriya by way Kaimur is a of the K.P. Jaisawal Research
have been of a sedimentary Institute, Patna, pp. 38-44.
natural rock zone and a
or major problem
on the physical of the Kaimur SACHIN KR. TIWARY, PhD, is an
steep face property Fig. 3. Samples of hematite from a rock art is archaeologist at the Archaeologi-
cave near Badkigoriya (Badki Goriya)
of the hill of the approximately 20 kilometers south- weathering cal Survey of India. Prior publica-
rock). west of the Bhagwanpur block head- (Tiwary 2010: tions include, among many oth-
… at such ers, Management of Rock art
Some quarters in the Kaimur district, State 38-44). The
heights hematite of Bihar, East India. sites (2010, Pragya-Bharati Jour-
petroglyph was nal XV: 38-44), Rock Art Discov-
which is has also carved under eries in Rohtas Plateau Region,
quite as- been recovered from the the open sky, exposed to Rohtas District, Bihar (2013, Man
cave (Fig. 3). the
tonishing. and Environ-
ele- ment 38(2):
It is diffi- The second evidence of 86-91), and
petroglyphs is from the ments.
cult to say The Extinction in
Chandauli district. The Dis- the Late Qua-
how the trict of Chandauli is located author ternary Period
painters at a distance of about 30 will (2010, Intian
conduct civilization
could reach km east-southeast of Vara-
nasi (Fig. 4). Here the more through the
up to that explo- millennia)
author noticed a petroglyph
level to that looks like a dog carved ration Address
execute on the in this
region, Dr. Sachin K.
the low slope Tiwary
floor which
paint- may Assistant
(Fig. 5). Archaeologist
ings. ” The throw Archaeological
meas- light on Survey of
urement the India
of the petro- Government
Fig. 5. Engraved image of what appears of India
carving glyphs.
to be a dog observed by the author Ministry of
is 90 cm As of outside a double-storied rock shelter Culture
in width, southeast of Varanasi in the Chandauli Sarnath Cir-
90 cm District of north-central India. Photo by cle, Sarnath,
writing, Sachin-Tiwary.
high, Varanasi-
the age
and with 221005, Uttar
of the Pradesh, India
a depth petroglyphs is unknown.
Fig. 4. Location of the rock
of 4 cm. E-mail
paintings and engravings in the
Chandauli district, in East India. It was
Light-colored area is India; made References
State of Uttar Pradesh is in red; outside
arrow points to the Chandauli the dou- Prasad PC, and K Anand. 2001.
region. Background map, Wiki- ble- Kaimur Archaeological District
media Commons. Gazetteer, (Edi. AK Sinha), De-
partment of Archaeology, Gov-
rock- ernment of India, p. 3.
shelter. Similar to this dog-
figure petroglyph, a dog- Soni, MK, S Chakrabaorty, and
like animal painted near the SK Jain. 1987. Vindhyan super
group—A Review. In, Purana
shelter on the wall was also
basin of India, Memoir of Geo-



The Kaw River People, Part 1

By Neil Steede Mesoamerican archaeologist

Introduction tured. It was a special called, thought only to have been in

The Mysterious Origins of the area since about 10,000
In the following paper, I Man, and aired on NBC Feb- years before the present.
“Dr. Mar- intend to give an account of ruary 25, 1996. It was re-
a people whom I will call the Of course, I was well aware
tin was Kaw River People. The dis-
broadcast on June 8 of the
of the Valsequillo, Puebla,
quite same year. (See PCN #11,
covery of these people oc- May-June 2011, for Director Mexico excavations and the
friendly. curred in stages which I will Bill Cote’s experience with San Diego, California finds
He imme- attempt to describe. I have mainstream science attempts but I was not yet prepared
to block the film. for what I was about to find.
Cote’s films also in- Peterson had shown me a
volved the Producer series of stone artifacts
of 2001: a Space which had been collected
Odyssey, Star Wars, from the Kaw River basin in
etc.). All of this plus Kansas. The gravel from the
my involvement in layer in which they were
the Valsequillo Pro- found was composed mostly
ject led to the uncov- of polished chert. It seemed
ering of The Kaw to date from the period of
River People and sub- the Kansas Glaciation (from
sequent adventures. 80,000 to 400,000 years
ago, as I thought then).
My final conclusion "Highly unlikely," I thought.
was that man ap-
Fig. 1. The largest megafauna butcher sites known to have existed At the behest of Mr. Peter-
along the Kaw River are indicated by red stars. peared to be older in
the Americas than he son, I then went to the Wy-
was in even the most andotte, Kansas Museum
diately been under a “gag order” for ancient sites in Africa. And and found that they had a
the past 8 years but am now the differences were not just series of artifacts which
recognized matched those that he had.
free to speak. It is possible a few decades or millennia,
my arti- that some details or the or- but rather close to a half- But the curator pointed out
facts and der in which they occurred million years. The confirma- that the artifacts appeared
then went have eluded me. But, the tion of this seemed to be to be “strange” in some way.
essentials are all here. verified by Dr. Louis
to collect The First Skull
Leakey’s Calico finds as well
several The Story
as those by Dr. George The next event occurred at
castings of The story actually begins Carter in the San Diego, the “Have Gun Will Travel”
skulls that with the filming of The California area. Costume Shop in Kansas
he had.” Mystery of the Sphinx City, Kansas, where I found
(Emmy Award-winning NBC The First Artifacts the owner to be an avid col-
documentary by BC Video In the 1980s, a Mr. Peterson lector of all things. As we
which aired in 1993). This came to me and shared a visited, we discovered com-
made-for-television special great find that he had made. mon interests. He then
became an over night sen- He claimed that he had dis- showed me a piece of skull
sation. It questioned the covered evidence that an- which he claimed possibly
age and origins of that cient man had lived along came from some sort of
well-known artifact and the Kaw River (The Kansas “pre-man.” I was intrigued,
much more. The film stimu- River) between 12,000 to but had nothing to offer at
lated me to begin my own 80,000 years ago (Fig. 1). that time.
personal investigation into It was all very interesting, Dr. Martin’s “Little People”
the origins of man, which but it seemed to me to be a
coincidentally became the bit of a stretch. I “knew” My next step along the trail
title of the next BC Video that ancient man in mid- of knowledge was to Law-
venture in which I was fea- continent America was > Cont. on page 11



The Kaw River People (cont.)

rence, Kansas. Here at Kan- denced by its shoulder cal- that was quite out of the
sas University I went to the luses. I also suspected that question because the site
Anthropological Department the beast had been dated from before man’s
to show my artifacts. The “harvested” when it died, as arrival to the area.
two people to whom I dis- evidenced by the lack of
played them looked at each thigh bones in the skeleton. The following Sunday I went
other and said, “Martin’s One thing that I wished to back with several friends and
‘little’ people.” They then look for was stone butcher we made several sweeps
explained that my artifacts tools. I had noticed that Dr. around the site and found
“I had no- many stone tools. Each
looked too small to them to Martin’s collection of “little
ticed that have been used by normal- people” artifacts had con- sweep was 10 feet wide and
Dr. Mar- sized people. Possibly Mar- tained no stone tools, yet began 20 feet away from the
dig so as not to disturb it in
tin’s col- tin’s “little people” could be the evidence on all of the
any way. I wrote a paper on
lection of the answer. Dr, Martin was little people “butcher sites”
the head of the Paleontology consistently had demon- my findings.
“little peo- Department at the Univer- strated megafauna bones The Paper
ple” arti- sity. So, I then went to visit with stone tool markings.
facts had Dr. Martin. In the paper, I stated that I
In Martin’s megafauna had found a series of arti-
contained Dr. Martin was quite friendly. butcher sites, located along facts which matched those of
no stone He immediately recognized the length of the Kaw River, previous finds relating to
tools, yet my artifacts and then went no projectile points had ever Martin’s “little people.” Since
to collect several castings of been found. A few skeletons the mammoth was only
the evi- skulls that he had. The skull had been recovered, and all missing its rear femur
dence on fragments that he produced seemed to be of “little peo- bones, I would make the
all of the were the forehead plates of ple.” Moreover, all of the supposition that the meat of
little peo- a male and a female of 35– skeletons were from 35–40 this animal had been har-
40 years of age. They were years of age. Martin had vested by the “little people.”
ple identical to the skull plate ground up one whole femur Moreover, I declared that I
“butcher that the costume store bone for radiocarbon (C14) believed that this animal
sites” con- owner had shown me. At analysis, which had yielded a may have been
sistently that time I requested that reading of “0”—i.e. no dat- “domesticated” as evidenced
Dr. Martin cast me a copy of able carbon detectible. To by its reported shoulder cal-
had dem- each of the skulls. He agreed Martin this meant that the luses. Finally, I claimed that
onstrated for a cost of $400.00. This skeletons were undatable by the “little people” should be
megafauna seemed somewhat steep, the method, so Martin esti- referred to as “pigmies” be-
bones with but I paid the cash. I waited mated them to be about cause that, in effect, was
for five years. About once a 6,000 years old. I read his what they were. I then sent
stone tool year I would remind him. I findings differently. a copy of my paper to Dr.
markings.” kept getting comments like: Martin at KU.
“I don’t have time for this!” Meanwhile, back to the
and the like. But, he had Oak Grove Mammoth The Suit
taken my money and had I went to the site and met Within days I received a
never offered to return it. the paleontologist of the dig telephone response from Dr.
The Oak Grove Find who presented me with a Martin which surprised me. I
single skull casting which was to be further surprised
Around the year 2000 a new Martin had sent with him. by Dr. Martin’s seemingly
discovery of a mammoth had It appeared that my 5-year unreasonable anger ex-
been made in a town to the wait was finally over, and I pressed during the call.
east known as Oak Grove. had been shorted by one There was no question con-
While excavating into the skull. Fortunately Martin had cerning my ignorance. Ap-
side of a hill, the caterpillar cast a female’s skull and the parently, Dr. Martin had
tractor driver had uncovered costume shop owner had a made the immediate as-
the remains. It was found male skull which I was able sumption that the paper
that the mammoth was to cast. Thus I finally ob- which I had sent was already
missing it’s rear thigh bones tained a set. scheduled for publication. In
and had calluses on it’s the accompanying letter sent
shoulder bones. I called Dr. The student paleontologist
showed me around the site. to him I had not stated this;
Martin and requested a visit rather, I had simply re-
to the site. Though I didn’t In my mind it was clear that
the mammoth had been quested his opinion of the
tell him, I suspected that the article. But his ranting on
mammoth might have been butchered, but upon asking,
a beast of burden as evi- the student assured me that
> Cont. on page 12



The Kaw River People (cont.)

the phone had framed no ward to my day in court. these findings. While to
questions concerning any- many they may seem to be
thing. It had only consisted “Why, sir”, said the surprised radical, I can find no other
of a series of threats, which aide, “don’t you realize that reasonable conclusions.
included a large lawsuit. I you are being sued with There may, in fact, be some
was not given an opportunity 100s of thousands of dollars aspect of these findings that
to get in a word. This call in fines at stake?” is beyond my vision and
was followed by a call from "Of course, I realize that,” I comprehension. If someone
the paleontologist of the site responded. can see what I cannot (and I
which also included a ton of am legally blind!), then
“This “Then, if I may
threats. In all, it appeared to please let me
call was have been a bad day. ask, just what is know.
followed it that you find
I have to admit that I was so funny?”
by a call shaken and had to take sev-
from the “It’s the oxymo- NEIL STEEDE, MA, is
eral days off to sort out the a Mesoamerican
paleon- “lectures” that I had re- ron,” I ex-
archaeologist. He
ceived. Fortunately, within plained.
tologist made an appear-
the next few days I did man- ance, along with
of the age to realize that I had
He asked, “What
PC founding mem-
site oxymoron?” ber Virginia Steen-
probably been totally misun-
McIntyre, in the
which derstood as to the status of “You are claim-
popular 1996 NBC
also in- my manuscript. Without ing that I am special, Mysterious
thinking, I had placed the stealing arti- Origins of Man,
cluded a name of the journal where I facts, but in the hosted by Charlton
ton of had planned to submit it on same breath you are claim- Heston. Steede’s part in the
threats.” the title page. I had done ing that those artifacts are film featured his observations
this to reveal my plans for being used to perpetrate a on the stonework and metal-
lurgy at the site of Tiahuanaco
the paper’s publication to Dr. ‘fraud’ and, therefore, are
in Bolivia. For 11 years Steede
Martin. Actually, I had not not authentic artifacts. I’m was employed by the Mexican
yet submitted it to the jour- looking foreword to this Government as an archaeolo-
nal, pending Martin’s review. court date to see how the gist. During this time he exca-
judge will rule on this. Plus, I vated some 200 sites through-
About a week later I had a out the country. He has also
have photographic evidence
call from the Legal Depart- worked as an advisor at exca-
and testimonial evidence
ment of KU which informed vations in Thailand, Guatemala
that in no way did I nor my
me of the upcoming suit in and Honduras. Steede has also
colleagues ‘trespass’ upon worked on some 20 sites in the
which I was to be accused of
any of the excavation site in United States, as well as sites
a variety of “sins.” I was
Oak Grove,” I stated em- in Canada, Peru, and Bolivia.
caught off guard with this
phatically. He has also served as Director
call but managed to have of the Early Sites Research
enough control to listen to The aide quietly told me Society (ESRS) a group whose
the long list of charges. That “thanks” and that he would aims are the study of foreign
list included accusations “be in touch,” and hung up. I influences on Pre-Columbian
from: “interfering into an on- never heard from him again. cultures of the Americas and
other evidence of early man in
going excavation,” “stealing
Now seven years have the Americas.
Native American artifacts
from a Native American passed and the statute of
site,” “utilizing Native Ameri- limitations has come and
can artifacts to promote gone. Unfortunately, I am
fraudulent concepts,” and not under the burden of a
“promoting concepts com- suit anymore. I say
posed of fraudulent facts to “unfortunately” because it
establish nonscientific con- would have been most inter-
cepts.” This was quite a load esting to see what the
that was being piled on. court’s findings would have
The legal aide was rambling
along about the preparations Today
that I needed to make when So, now I can finally show
I began laughing. The aide my evidences and discuss it,
stopped and inquired as to which I will do in Part 2. I
my mirth and I informed him can hopefully challenge oth-
that I was truly looking for- ers to follow through on



Avocational archaeology
Levallois lithic technology in the USA, Part 2:
The cores tell the story
By Richard Doninger

Eds. disclaimer: We reproduce proclamation the

here a portion of our disclaimer field makes needs
in Rick Doninger’s Part 1 as Don- to be questioned.
inger’s collection is controversial One thing that we
and may can be certain of
indeed be is that once some-
a mix of one becomes
genuine “professional” in
artifacts this field, in all
and geo- likelihood, they
facts. One will already be
of the stongly opinion-
primary ated regarding
reasons to what is possible.
look at his
material is Dr. Steen-
the story McIntyre, who
he tells. It started this regu-
is one that lar feature section
the foun- of PCN made it
ders, members, and many readers as a means to
of PCN are very familiar with. It encourage avo-
“They re- involves a mainstream science cational archae-
ologists and to Fig. 1. Top: Three “exhausted” tortoise-style Leval-
peatedly community that is so dogmatic in lois cores from my southwest Indiana, USA, collec-
its beliefs that it is willing to both help them raise
told me block evidence or not even look the bar above the tion which consists of hundreds of similar artifacts.
that such at evidence that might challenge mere collecting of Bottom: For Old World comparison; three drawings
artifacts (the easy of an Acheulian-age Levallois core, Douro Basin,
lithic tech- those beliefs. These beliefs include Portugal; by José Manuel Benito-Álvarez, released
that there were no genuinely part) to adopting
nology as many profes- into the public domain.
ancient people in the Americas
sional practices as
wasn’t and that early people throughout
possible especially in the re-
the world were less intelligent than In Part 1, I shared the
present in us. The idea that Lower, Middle, cording and presenting of their story of my initial experi-
this coun- or Early Upper Paleolithic-style finds. While Doninger’s artifacts ence in trying to get input
tools (in the European archae- are all surface collected, with few
try.” from the mainstream
ology sense) are present in the specific details of their discoveries
recorded he does, nonetheless, American archaeology
Americas and mainstream resis-
present an interesting case that community regarding Leval-
tance to the possibility is some-
thing that founding members Levallois technology was estab- lois artifacts including cores I
geologist Virginia Steen-McIntyre lished and varied in the southwest have found in southwest
(volcanic ash specialist), archae- Indiana (c. Evansville) region. Indiana (e.g., Fig. 1). They
ologist Chris Hardaker, and geolo- Our publishing Rick’s series is not repeatedly told me that such
gist, the late Sam L. VanLanding- an endorsement of his collection lithic technology wasn’t pre-
ham (diatomist) are/were all too per se, but a reminder that we in sent in this country. After
familiar with as are also copy the U.S. need to hold our anthro- many years of research and
editors Tom Baldwin and David pologists accountable as objec-
Campbell. This is not to mention communication with many
tive scientists, and, like in the professionals, I came to re-
the layout editor’s experience of field of astronomy, take the con-
censorship regarding evidence alize a few things that I was-
tributions of its amateur enthusi-
disproving cognitive evolution.
asts with a degree of interest. n’t aware of. The first thing
So, in a field where censorship of is that just because someone
challenging evidence is routine—
anthropology—virtually every > Cont. on page 14



Levallois in the USA: The cores tell the story (cont.)

is an archaeologist by pro- Neanderthal occupations. nizable to the trained eye
“I was told by
fession it does not mean that The terms “Acheulian,” familiar with Native Ameri-
lithic experts they have any expertise in Mousterian,” or “Levallois” can tool industries. The
abroad that lithic technology from pre- all seem to produce per- same applies with Levallois
historic times. The plexed looks when men- technology and the debitage
second is that just tioned in most archaeologist produced from it. It is un-
because an archae- circles and among those who mistakable to the trained
ologist has expertise are considered experts in the eye but can remain virtually
in Native American area of ancient flint tools and invisible to the eye pro-
lithic technology, flintknapping. grammed to see Clovis and
does not mean they later evidence, which seems
have any knowledge Having said all of these to have been the case for
about lithic technol- things, I would like to share decades now among Ameri-
ogy of early man a bit from an amateur per- can archaeologists. They
such as that found spective on the subject. I have been recognizing only
abroad, e.g., mentioned in the last article the evidence that they have
“Levallois.” This leads that I was told by lithic ex- been trained to see. That
to the third and perts abroad that the only can now change as there is
most disappointing way to identify Levallois sufficient evidence in enough
which is that many lithic reduction was to have quantity to recognize what
mainstream archae- some of the cores from has been considered late
ologists will pretend which the proposed Levallois Lower and Middle Paleolithic
to know a great deal flake tools were struck. technology all over the world
more about the sub- Levallois cores are very dis- and is now available for
ject than they actu- tinct in appearance and are analysis here in the USA.
ally do and, often, rarely mistaken for later type
rather than admit technologies such as those If “the cores tell the story” it
that they don’t will blade cores from what is can now be told because we
Fig. 2. Top: “Centripetal-style” fall into simply toe- considered the Upper Paleo- have the cores! For this arti-
Levallois core from hundreds of ing the party line lithic. There are at least four cle I have included an exam-
similar Indiana, USA, artifacts in
and coming back known core preps which I ple of each core preparation
my collection. Bottom: For Old have found to be considered as well as an example point
World comparison, drawing of with a standard
mainstream answer Levallois which yield several tool (Fig. 4 on the following
Acheulian-age centripetal core,
should you offer different flake types used in page) made on Levallois
Valladolid, Duero Basin, Spain, by
José Manuel Benito-Álvarez, re- them any kind of producing a fairly wide vari- flakes from such cores. A
leased into the public domain. evidence that chal- ety of tools found from what close look at the cores will
lenges their long is considered the late Lower reveal the negative triangu-
held beliefs such as about and Middle Paleolithic. All of lar scars from where triangu-
the only way our origins or how old were these are unmistakably dif- lar flakes were struck reveal-
the “first Americans” or who ferent from the American ing the method of reduction.
to iden- Clovis and later technologies Levallois lithic reduction has
might they have been.
tify Levallois commonly found in the USA. been shown to be a more
lithic reduction I guess one lesson I have Those four include the most productive method of tool
was to have learned well is that PhD B.S. commonly described making in general than the
is still discernible as B.S. even “tortoise” (again, Fig. 1, on later blade technologies as a
to a window cleaner the previous page), the wider range of tools can be
such as myself and “centripetal or dis- produced by making the
even though the at- coidal” (Fig. 2), the tools on flakes rather than
tempt to camouflage “triangular or chapeau de blades. Contrary to the most
it in scholarly data is gendarme,” and the “blocky” commonly held belief that
present. core (Fig. 3), all of which later blade technologies such
Fig. 3. Left: “Triangular” or
yield a very specific type of as Clovis or Solutrean were
“chapeau de gendarme”-style Leval- After almost two
lois core; Right: “Blocky”-style
tools which are similar in more advanced, I personally
decades of inquiry morphology and are mostly believe the Levallois reduc-
core; Each, southwest Indiana.
and research on made on flakes rather than tion resulted in a much wider
early lithic technol- blades (which are the hall- range of tools from the same
some of the ogy it seems to me that mark of most known Native basic core preps which leave
there is still very little known
cores from by American archaeologists
American technologies). one to conclude that it is
which the pro- When archaeologists or col- actually more advanced and
about what is considered lectors discover lithic scat- complex than those who are
posed Leval- late Lower or Middle Paleo- ters or “debitage” left from assumed to have come later
lois flake tools lithic technology such as that Clovis or later archaic tool in history. Over the last sev-
found in sites abroad which
were struck.” are “usually” associated with
production it is very recog- > Cont. on page 15



Levallois in the USA: The cores tell the story (cont.)

eral years I have witnessed many as eight different life of the core and its utiliza-
many who claim expertise in states now. These collections tion as different tools during
flint knapping who are able clearly display a specific the reduction process of ex-
to produce virtually every identifiable technology com- tracting flakes for points,
kind of Native American monly found in sites around blades and other uten-
“arrowhead” or bifacial blade the world which are always sils. Although considered and
tool commonly seen within believed to be from contexts labeled as “primitive man”
the known Clovis or later thousands of years older technology when found
tool industries. Some tal- than any yet recorded in the abroad to support the pro-
ented knappers can produce USA. The scholarly critics of posed “out of Africa” human
a very fine Clovis point in a “pre-Clovis” claims often use migration theory, I disagree
matter of minutes and other the reasoning that none of with such labels and as-
arrowheads present little the sites have produced a sumptions in regard to this
challenge in reproduction; “coherent set of lithic arti- technology. Levallois reduc-
Fig. 4. Top: An
but rare are the ones who facts” to justify the claims. tion obviously requires both
example point from can reproduce Levallois Having seen much of the planning and skillful execu-
hundreds showing tools. How the flakes are lithic evidence from the sites tion to produce such an in-
similar consistency struck so systematically and such as Buttermilk Creek dustry in such an efficient
of technique in my consistently from the same and Meadowcroft, I can un- use of available lithic mate-
southwest Indiana core preparation remains a derstand the reluctance to rial resources.
collection. At the very
mystery to most. One simply welcome such scant evi-
least, there should be The presence of what has
no doubt that this is
cannot appreciate the com- dence to support the claims
plexity of the industry with- because of the absence of a been called “old world” tech-
an “artifact” made nology here in the USA
by man and not a out having such an industry recognizable technology.
“geofact”—a desig- to observe and most Ameri- clearly shows that what is
nation mainstream can archaeologists have Levallois technology is not being taught in regard to our
archaeologists give never seen much less han- ambiguous when it is found, origins as a nation is wrong
for lithics discovered
dled tools from an actual regardless of the location. and needs to be acknowl-
in the U.S. with the The name is the first indica- edged by those who are pro-
potential of being
Levallois assemblage.
tor in the process of identifi- moting such error. The evi-
extremely old. Bot- We have in recent years cation …”prepared core.” dence is as solid as the rock
tom: Sketch of a
typical Middle Paleo-
witnessed various claims of When such cores are found, from which it is hewn.
lithic-age Levallois alleged “pre-Clovis” tools identification of the
point; Fig.9-3 from F. having been found. There “industry” can begin and an
Bordes, 1961, La are the tools from Meadow- understanding of the actual Eds. Comment. Rick makes
dénomination des croft Rock Shelter, Butter- “technology” becomes com- a very interesting case for a
objects de pierre milk Creek, Paisley Cave, prehensive. Although I am
taillée. Gallia Préhis-
lithic technology that appears
Cactus Hill, Topper and oth- only showing a few cores and to be little-known to archae-
toire IV Suppl., CNRS,
Paris, France.
ers, each producing artifacts point tools in this article, ologists in the U.S. There is
believed by the finders to there are hundreds more in still the problem that the arti-
represent cultures living here my possession to support my facts are not documented as
“The schol- prior to those which pro- claims of an actual “industry” to the exact context of each,
arly critics duced the famed Clovis in- based on Levallois reduction. which, unfortunately, limits
dustry. Unlike Clovis tech- As I have stated previously, I the value of the specimens.
of “pre- nology which has been found am making no claims regard- However, if the technology is
Clovis” in sufficient quantity to es- ing the age of these artifacts as abundant as Rick’s collec-
claims of- tablish an identifiable indus- but rather the “technology” tion suggests, we simply rec-
ten use the try, none of the alleged pre- of the tools which is clearly ommend that he “re-collect”
Clovis artifacts have been paralleled in the later duplicate examples from spe-
reasoning proven to be of an identifi- Acheulian and Middle Paleo- cific locations with an exact-
that none able technology which has lithic Mousterian industries of ing record of what he has
of the sites been seen anywhere else in the Old World. Although the found and where.
have pro- the world in contexts be- images shown are some
lieved to be older than of the basic cores and points
duced a Clovis, leaving only specula- of the industry, there are RICHARD DONINGER is a long-time
“coherent tion and theory in regard to also dozens of other tool surface-artifact collector living in
set of lithic an actual identifiable types present in our assem- Evansville southwest Indiana.
artifacts” to “industry” to accompany the blages such as burins,
Avocational archaeology is a
claims of a “pre-Clovis” ori- blades, hand axes, bolas,
justify the gin. This is not the case in scrapers, planes, awls, och-
special section of Pleistocene
Coalition News started by PC
claims.” regard to the assemblages of ers and effigies. Tools made founding member, Dr. Virginia
Levallois artifacts such as on the cores themselves are Steen-McIntyre, to encourage
the ones being found in as also common, displaying the amateur archaeologists.



Debunking evolutionary propaganda, Part 13

The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Plants
A lifelong reader of textbooks in every field exposes “thousands” of
examples of false statements of fact and other propaganda techniques
easily spotted in anthropology, biology, and paleontology textbooks
By John Feliks Genus, etc.
Fossils recovered in
living fossils situ by the author
“Just a single species Unchanged
of green algae gave Plantae 1.2 billion years
rise to the entire ter-
restrial plant lineage.” Chlorophyta 1.2 BYA–Present
…“Exactly what this
*Follow botanist JE Arm-
ancestral alga was is green algae strong (2014) to eliminate Worldwide
still a mystery.” Receptaculites ‘unneeded jargon’ and ignore
botany’s use of ‘Division’ in See also
“In which group to class it place of ‘Phylum’. Plant
Biology, 6th Ed., Raven et classification is a huge mess
Fig. 4
will depend on the scientist
al, 2002: pp. 735 & 736. or the university.” blown about by every whim.
-Fossilarium, Quebec Darwinism obfuscation also Bottom view 2 3/4" wide (7.1 cm)
includes such as renaming Top: Receptaculites
As shown from the In other words: the 1830 genus Receptacu-
calcareous green algae,
beginning of this series No evolutionary
lites oweni (right) to
Bottom: Cross-section;
Fisherites reticulatus. See
(Part 1), the evolution links PCN Jan-Feb 2015: 13 for Devonian; recovered in situ
community continu- info on trick. by the author; Alpena, MI

ously uses false state- Tracheophyta Unchanged

Superphylum 419 million years
ments of fact and other
Vascular plants
tricks to sell a fictional Devonian–Recent;
Horsetails, ferns,
story of human origins clubmosses, quill- 418.7 MYA–Present*
as ‘science.’ One place worts, gymnosperms
Sphenophyllum Ringlets 9/16" wide (1.4cm)
(e.g., conifers), and
I've proven they do this Sphenophyllum horsetail
angiosperms *Opinions on the origins of
is in college textbooks land plants are literally preserved in iron nodule
No evolutionary across the board as far (two halves); Pennsylva-
where biology students links back as 700 million years. nian; Youngstown, Indiana
allow themselves to be Equisetophyta
intellectually compro- Phylum
mised in order to obtain Horsetails Unchanged
Fig. 1. Top: a degree. Yet, within
Sphenophyllum 365 million years
Reconstruction of those very texts, stu- Worldwide
the fossil horsetail Horsetails are known for their
dents can learn to find Devonian–Recent;
segmented trunks and Ringlets 1/2" wide (1.3cm)
Calamites (public 364.7 MYA–Present
domain) which— false statements fol- whorls of branches or leaves Sphenophyllum majus
horsetail preserved in shale;
though up to lowed by admissions No evolutionary
100' tall—were links Pennsylvanian; St. Clair, PA
that the authors really
still horsetails just
like today. Bottom: don’t know what they
Calamites trunk (10 are talking about—as in Ancient trees
1/4" tall); com- Unchanged
the quotes above (see Tracheophyta
pare to right of “A” Superphylum 419 million years
above. Pennsylva- also Sponges and Corals,
nian. Terre Haute, Echinoderms, Bryozoans, Lycopodiophyta Devonian–Recent;
Worldwide Diamonds 1/2" wide (1.3cm)
IN. See Fig. 3 for Arthropods, Brachiopods, Phylum 418.7 MYA–Present
L. Bark from the giant lycopod
leaves and cones Molluscs, Trace fossils and Related to club tree Lepidodendron pre-
of Calamites. Lepidodendron, etc.,
Graptolites). They all mosses and quillworts served in sandstone; Trees
covered the whole
involve ignoring the up to 180' tall, trunks 6' wide;
No evolutionary planet
The date Pennsylvanian; Huntsville,
fossil record. links
Arkansas; R. Reconstruction of
ranges in this
Lepidodendron (public dom)
article are from This article features
Fossilworks: several quotes showing
Gateway to the
that the world’s evolution
Paleobiology Ancient trees
Database, Mac-
community is especially
quarie Univ. frustrated with the fos- Phylum Unchanged
sil plant record. These Squares 5/16" wide (8mm)
Dept. of Biologi- 390 million years Worldwide L. Outermost bark layer from
Related to club-
cal Sciences, quotes are supplemented mosses and quillworts the giant lycopod tree
Sydney, Austra- Devonian–Recent;
by Figs. 1–6 showing 390–Present
Sigillaria; Trees reached
lia—assembled No evolutionary over 130' tall; Pennsylva-
fossils recovered by the links
by hundreds of nian; Terre Haute, IN; R.
author direct from for- Depictions of Sigillaria (pub.
internationally; mations in Pennsylvania, dom). See Fig. 3 for leaves.

and many other Indiana, Arkansas, and Fig. 2. A few examples of “thousands” of living fossils—classes, orders, families, gen-
sources. Michigan—none of which era (presently plant fossils), showing no evolution over hundreds of millions of years.

> Cont. on page 17



The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Plants (cont.)

has ever been proven to be “The fossil record of plants people that there are no “out of
part of any chronological is not good enough to sim- place fossils” and that the fossil
evolutionary ‘fossil’ sequence. ply ‘read out’ the story of record shows evolutionary pro-
their evo- gressions
Current Fossils recovered in
Genus, etc. Range lution.” from simple
living fossils situ by the author
to complex.
–R. Fortey,
famed paleon- Dr. Dawkins
Equisetophyta tologist, British is appar-
Phylum Museum; ently un-
One of 300 different ways
1982. Fossils: aware of the
to classify horsetails Unchanged The Key to the
Past, p.102.
bulk of the
Calamites 365 million years fossil record.
Giant horsetail grew Devonian–Recent; Stem 1/16" wide (2cm)
As ex- Here are a
to a height of 100 364.7 MYA–Present plained
feet (30m)
Top: Asterophyllites equi- few proofs of
setiformis; foliage of the before, this related
No evolutionary giant horsetail, Calamites; Fig. 4 “No precur-
links Pennsylvanian; Terre Haute,
this trick sors of diatoms have to plant
IN; Bottom: Equisetum excuse is been identified from fossils alone:
telmateia, a modern horsetail given for the fossil record.” –
all organ- David G. Mann, PhD, “Some of
Royal Botanic Garden
isms. This Edinburgh, the earli-
UK; President
Equisetophyta Unchanged means the of the International Society est plants
365 million years problem is for Diatom Research do not ap-
Calamites Worldwide 1 7/16" wide (3.7 cm)
with the (2010–Present); Editor-in- pear to be
Devonian–Recent; Annularia, foliage or leaves Chief, European Journal
No evolutionary of the giant horsetail, Cala- theory— the most
364.7 MYA–Present of Phycology (2011–
links mites; Pennsylvanian; not the Present); expert in botany, primitive,
Shelburn Formation; cell biology and taxonomy. and vice
Youngstown, IN fossil re-
Diatoms are a major verse. …
cord. Since group of algae the Primitive
the re- individuals of which species have
Equisetophyta Unchanged cord does are known by the persisted
Phylum not sup- zillions in living and alongside the
365 million years Ringlets 1/2" wide (1.3cm)
Calamites Worldwide port their fossil form. Just like innovations.
Calamostachys, spore
No evolutionary
cones of the giant horsetail, beliefs experts in the inverte- The fossil
364.7 MYA–Present brate phyla (Parts 6–
links Calamites preserved in they at- record is
shale; Pennsylvanian; from 12), Dr. Mann admits full of
the famous St. Clair, PA site
tempt to there is no evidence
discredit it. for the origins of yet curious
Unchanged another group within plants that
Cycadophyta 345 million years “[For] the the fossil record. do not fit
Phylum evolution Extinct diatoms photo comforta-
Medullosa seed ferns, Worldwide 1 9/16" tall (4cm)
of ‘the by PC founding mem- bly into
345.3 MYA–Present
cycads Neuropteris perfect leaflet root’ … ber and renown dia- classifica-
No evolutionary Note: The ‘trees’ and ‘leaves’ of the Paleozoic Medullosa The fos- tomist the late Sam L.
of Medullosa are classified seed fern tree preserved in iron
links into two different phyla sil record VanLandingham (PCN
nodule (in two halves); Penn-
just in one system alone.
is, as we #11, May-June 2011). –R. Fortey.
sylvanian; Terre Haute, IN
1982. Fossils:
shall see, The Key to the Past, p. 102.
Unchanged not very
Cycadophyta 345 million years
Phylum helpful.” “Based on the available
Mississippian–Recent; fossil record, the Charales
Medullosa seed ferns, Worldwide –Raven et al.
345.3 MYA–Present section 1 1/8" tall (2.8cm) [pond weeds] already had a
Neuropteris ovata; leaf of 2001. Roots:
Note: The “trees” and the the Paleozoic Medullosa tree evolutionary
morphology similar to
No evolutionary
“leaves” of these plants preserved in iron concretion; origins and that of extant forms in
are classified into two
Pennsylvanian; Shelburn the Silurian period.”
different phyla. biogeochemi-
Formation; Terre Haute, IN
cal signifi-
-Wodniok at al. 2011. Origin of land plants:
Oldest trees cance. Journal
Do conjugating green algae hold the
of Experimen- key? BMC Evolutionary Biology 11: 104.
Superphylum tal Botany
52, p. 381. Let’s put this Darwinian rhetoric
Lycopodiophyta 419 million years 2 3/4" long (7cm)
Phylum Worldwide into terms everyone can under-
Devonian–Recent; We typically
Cyperites, the grass-like
leaves of giant lycopod trees stand: “The fossil record shows
Related to club 418.7 MYA–Present hear outspo-
such as Lepidodendron or
mosses and quillworts that modern pond weeds are
ken evolu-
Sigillaria; Pennsylvanian;
No evolutionary just like those of the ancient
tionary bi-
Shelburn Formation;
links Youngstown, Indiana Silurian period, 440 million
ologists like
years ago.” Confusion between
Fig. 3. Promoting evolution as fact the science community has no choice but to ignore Richard expected ages and fossil facts
the fossil record. Once in the record every taxon, including plant fossils, remains the Dawkins try
same. Plant fossils recovered by the author in situ in four U.S. States over 30-yr. span. and tell > Cont. on page 18



The inconvenient facts of living fossils: Plants (cont.)

hold true for other plants as well: among the earliest land plants, probably evolved from
“The origin of hornworts are yet the earliest hornwort fossil green algae … Evolutionally
a puzzle. They are most likely spores date from the Creta- they are very conservative
ceous pe- and have
Current Fossils recovered in
Genus, etc. Range riod...when hardly
living fossils situ by the author
angio- changed
sperms [the over a
most advanced period of
(Conifers: pines, cy-
press, fir, cedar, and plants] were more than
spruce trees, etc.) Unchanged emerging.” 300 million
Pinopsida Class, 361 million years 14" tall, 8" wide, weight 28 lbs years.” -
Worldwide L. Araucarioxylon arizoni-
-Raven et al.
Pinales Order Turek, V., et al,
Devonian–Recent; cum fossil conifer trunk; 2002. Biology,
All categories 361 6th Ed., p.736 authors superb
360.7 MYA–Present Evergreens reaching 200';
million years old. compendium
Triassic; Specimen was gift
In other words: So, the Fossils of the
to the author; Chinle Forma-
World, 1989:
No evolutionary tion, northeastern Arizona; ‘primitive’
links R. A modern cypress tree 36. Below
is a less
Unchanged with the most
Cycadophyta 345 million years ‘advanced’?
One of 50 taxonomic Mississippian–Recent; Following is a phrase:
options* 345.3 MYA–Present
section 5" tall (12.7 cm) recent exam-
Medullosa seed ferns,
Worldwide “We have
*This one: Hilton, J. et al. L. Alethopteris serlii leaf of ple of craftily-
cycads 2007. Pteridosperms are Medullosa seed fern tree no idea
the backbone of seed-plant preserved in shale; Pennsyl-
maintained whatso-
No evolutionary
phylogeny. Journal of the vanian; Schuylkill Co., PA; R. evolutionism ever where
Torrey Botanical Society
Blechnum appendiculatum, despite the Fig. 6. Top: Alethop-
teris seed ferns; Penn- the bryo-
33: 119-68.
a modern ‘true’ fern; Wiki-Com
sylvanian, St. Clair, PA phytes
“Rapidly (in negative); Bottom: came
Cycadophyta permineral- Modern royal fern from, and
Phylum Unchanged ized fossils (Osmundaceae) the
345 million years we can’t
Medullosa seed ferns, Worldwide 4" tall (10cm) can provide fossil genome recently
show that
cycads Alethopteris or Neuropteris exceptional proved unchanged for
Mississippian–Recent; they
frond Medullosa tree; 180 million years.
No evolutionary 345.3 MYA–Present
Pennsylvanian; St. Clair, PA; insights into evolved
R. Pteridium aquilinum, the evolu- ’into’ anything else either.”
modern ‘true’ fern; WikiCom tion of life....
The ge- “Fossil evidence bearing on
Unchanged nome size the origin of the first plants
Lycopod roots 390 million years of these is as yet fragmentary and
Section 9" long (23 cm)
No evolutionary Stigmaria, the name for reputed sparse.” -Graham, LE, et al. 2000.
links Devonian–Recent; roots of giant lycopod trees
‘living fos- The origin of plants: Body plan
390–Present such as Lepidodendron; changes contributing to a major evo-
Pennsylvanian; St. Clair, PA sils’ [royal lutionary radiation. PNAS 97(9): 4536
ferns] has
Cycadophyta Unchanged remained There are trillions of plant
345 million years un- fossils of all ages and types.
Medullosa, cycads Worldwide Leaflet 5/8" wide (1.7cm)
Cyclopteris trichomanoides changed ... Yet, the idea of a fragmentary
No evolutionary
345.3 MYA–Present leaf of Medullosa tree; Penn- at least record is appealed to not only
links sylvanian; Terre-Haute, IN
180 million for the “origin” of plants but
years—a for every proposed stage as
Pteridophyta paramount well, as shown in this article.
Phylum Unchanged Here is one more paraphrase:
(One of 20 options) example of
361 million years
True ferns
Worldwide Frond 2 1/2" tall (6.5cm) evolution- “The ancestral plants we need
Devonian–Recent; Pecopteris fern; Pennsylva- ary stasis.”
No evolutionary 361.0 MYA–Present nian; Kittanning, PA; where to prove evolution is true are
–Bomfleur B, et
links author devised the censored al. 2014. Fossil- not known in the fossil record.”
‘natural representations theory’ ized nuclei and
JOHN FELIKS has specialized in the
Pteridophyta reveal 180 million
study of early human cognition
Phylum Unchanged years of genomic
(One of 20 options) stasis in royal for 20 years demonstrating that
361 million years human cognition does not evolve.
Worldwide Leaves 2 1/2" tall (6.5cm) ferns. Science 343
True ferns Pectopteris fern leaves
Devonian–Recent; (6177): 1376. Earlier, his focus was on the inver-
No evolutionary 361.0 MYA–Present preserved in mirror-image iron tebrate fossil record studying fossils
links nodule; Pennsylvanian; Shel- “Bryo- in the field across the U.S. and parts
burn Form.; Youngstown, IN
phytes of Canada as well as studying many
Fig. 5. Fossil plants. One reason biology, paleontology, and anthropology can [mosses, of the classic texts such as the Trea-
spread evolutionism without even rock-bottom scientific restraint is because most liverworts, tise on Invertebrate Paleontology
scientists have little contact with fossils in the field across a variety of contexts. hornworts] and Index Fossils of North America.



Decoding the messages of pre-Aboriginal

rock art—Part 3
By Vesna Tenodi MA, archaeology; artist and writer

Eds. Note: This is an abridged the same time, these dog- 1922 followed the moment of
version of Vesna’s much longer matic researchers are quick epiphany he experienced in
article with a portion of the pri- Egyptian pyramids (Mel Law-
to condemn, vilify, and ridi-
marily spiritual sections re-
moved. The reason for this is not
cule archaeologists who re- renz, Putting the Pieces Back
that the PC takes ject the established dogma Together: How Real Life and
any particular and criticise their double Real Faith Connect, 2009).
stance on the standard. This is a topic I
topic but for the have discussed in prior arti- It is interesting that such
newsletter to stay cles and will expound upon breakthrough discoveries
close to its purpose more in this one. were made by foreigners—or
as a scientific perhaps because they were
venue. Being unable or unwilling to foreigners—with a fresh vi-
“It is distinguish between super- sion, unclouded by common
stition and spirituality, the local beliefs.
inter- Spiritual Ar-
Aboriginal industry has cre-
esting chaeology In spiritual archaeology to-
ated the absurd situation in
day, the most significant
that When exploring Australia. Superstitious be-
research is conducted by
such the meaning of liefs are glorified, while spiri-
tuality is denigrated. Michael Cremo, a true revo-
break- rock art, we need to keep in
lutionary in contemporary
through From epiphany to discovery thinking (he has a couple of
mind that everything about
very informative articles in
discoveries Australian prehistoric art and Not all well-known historical PCN as well). He explores
were made archaeology is now based on archaeologists or modern highly developed ancient civi-
the Aboriginal worldview and researchers take an entirely
by foreign- its animistic cult of worship-
lizations and their peaks and
materialistic approach to troughs. Coming from a per-
ers—or per- ing anything in their environ- their work. This is true for spective of ‘devolution’ rather
haps be- ment. Australian archaeolo- some well-known archaeolo- than ‘evolution,’ Cremo thor-
cause they gists see no problem in ac- gists who have made some of oughly researched the evi-
cepting—or inventing—any the greatest archaeological
were for- tale about spiritual origins or
dence labelled and dismissed
discoveries and contributions. by the mainstream as
eigners— metaphysical explanations Heinrich Schliemann, for in- “enigmatic,” “mysterious,”
with a for Pre-Aboriginal rock art. stance, discovered the once- “inexplicable,” or as
fresh vi- On the one hand, they ac-
thought fictional city of Troy “anomalies.” Cremo and his
sion, un- in 1868, relying on an epiph- co-author of Forbidden Arche-
cept any Aboriginal claim
any he experienced in child- ology (1993), the late Richard
clouded by that something is accurate
hood while reading Homer’s
because they “saw it in their L. Thompson, provided evi-
common tales as well as information dence from scientific publica-
dream” and include it in their
local be- textbooks as a fact.
he claimed to receive spiritu- tions that humans might have
liefs.” ally (H. Schliemann Autobi- existed as far back in the past
On the other hand, they can- ography, 1892). In 1911, as 50 million years ago.
not accept the fact that Hiram Bingham found the
there are spiritual archaeolo- famous Incan mountaintop Enter the Abrajanes
gists who may include a city, Machu Picchu, after an
epiphany he experienced at I too am a spiritual archae-
good portion of the intuitive
Sacsayhuaman, which gave ologist first and foremost.
in their work. In their litanies
new meaning to the local For me, my academic train-
of platitudes, the Aboriginal
legends (Christopher Heaney, ing was a logical way to
industry keeps glorifying
Cradle of Gold: The Story of complement or balance what
Aboriginal spirituality, which
Hiram Bingham, 2010). How- might, in the language of
is now suspect, and tainted
ard Carter, an artist and ar- science, be termed a more
through constant misuse for
chaeologist who discovered intuitive approach including
very mundane goals of ob-
taining money and power. At king Tutankhamen’s tomb in > Cont. on page 20



Pre-Aboriginal rock art—Part 3 (cont.)

my background in spiritual- Spiritual archaeologists such other is the hypothesis of
ity. I am still reeling from as Rhys who were working in the presence of advanced
the backlash from the main- the 1970s and 1980s looked civilizations predating Abo-
stream but have learned to into Pre-Aboriginal past and riginal tribes by hundreds of
cope with it. investigated the possibility of thousands of years.
Pre-Aboriginal races inhabit-
Pre-indigenous races in the ing Australia in deep antiq- In my theory, in the overlap-
deep past of mankind, the rise uity. They were heavily ma- ping period before a com-
“Archae- and fall of cultures and ideas ligned. Australian main- plete demise of the Abra-
ologists about the cyclic evolution (or stream archaeology de- janal civilization, while inter-
devolution) of mankind are acting with the incoming
such as now being researched by both
manded ‘from the bottom
Aboriginal tribes, the Abra-
Rhys Jones up’ logic, collecting the finds
conventional and spiritual and artifacts and using these janes used anthropomorphic
and Gra- archaeologists. For instance, to build a theory. Spiritual cave art as a teaching tool.
hame it is quite safe now to discuss archaeologists such as Rhys The images were the best
the “pre-Inca,” “pre-Maya,” method of conveying infor-
Walsh or “pre-Colombian” cultures
were working ‘from the top
mation, ideas and concepts,
called the down’ reasoning, having
and speculate on how these insight into the ‘heavenly to the tribal mind.
Aboriginal sophisticated societies could paradigm’ and then looking
have just vanished without a I further propose that Abra-
predeces- for evidence to test their janal culture vanished much
trace. In the Pleistocene Coa-
sors simply lition there is also the well-
hypothesis. [Eds. Note: the like the pre-Maya and pre-
‘pre- top-down approach is not Inca pyramid builders. At the
known topic of “pre-Clovis” restricted to spiritual archae-
aboriginal cultures in the Americas. My same time of the last cata-
ologists but tends to be ma- clysmic event (which, ac-
races.’ So, experience relates more di- ligned by mainstream scien-
rectly to deliberate misrepre- cording to Rhys, occurred
I decided sentation of Australian Abo-
tists nonetheless.] about 25,000 years ago),
to name riginal culture, both ancient My working hypothesis is most of the first Aboriginal
these as and contemporary. The living based not only on my stud- tribes were obliterated. What
descendants of—for instance, ies in traditional archaeology remained was a handful of
two tribes dwelling on the fringes
the Maya—are not known to (which includes a Masters in
groups— respond violently to discus- archaeology) but also in phi- of North-Western Australia.
’Rajanes’ sions of pre-Mayan culture. losophy and spirituality. In time, as my proposition
(for the But talking about pre- Some of the controversial continues, they forgot all
Aboriginal races in Australia evidence I found in support their ancestors were taught
oldest and by the Abrajanes and de-
is a dangerous business. of my theory will be offered
most ad- in a future instalment. I scended to a stone age cul-
vanced) Archaeologists such as Rhys would like to say though that ture of semi-nomadic hunt-
and Jones and Grahame Walsh if some of the evidence I’ve ers and gatherers.
called the Aboriginal prede- uncovered were made gen-
‘Abrajanes’ cessors simply “pre-aboriginal Now back to a more historical
erally known to the Aborigi- perspective. When questioned
(who fol- races.” I termed them the nal community, in the cur- by early researchers about
lowed the ‘Rajanes’—the first and most rent political climate, the the iconography and mean-
Rajanes advanced civilization in the evidence would certainly risk
Australian past, and the ing of anthropomorphic rock
and being destroyed or buried, art, one of the main answers
‘Abrajanes’—-who followed literally, just as was done
marked a the Rajanes, marking a de- that tribal informants gave
with the rest of “politically was that it was something
decline of cline of that civilization, and offensive” archaeological “sacred” or “secret.”
that prior who preceded the ancestors material which does not fit
of contemporary Aborigines. into today’s narrative. (See Lost in translation
Those two terms contain geo- my prior articles for some of
tion).” the proof of this.)
Early researchers in the 19th
logical information that in the century struggled to compre-
past Australia formed part of Two theories about Aus- hend the tribal mind. They
the same land mass as the tralia’s past did not know Aboriginal lan-
Indian subcontinent and guage, and Aborigines did
South East Asia. It is known We essentially have two dia- not know English. As a con-
as the ‘supercontinent’ Gond- metrically opposing theories sequence, what the tribes-
wana. In Vedanta philosophy, about Australia’s past. One is men were saying was often
‘Raja’ is a Sanskrit word the established dogma of misinterpreted.
meaning ‘highest principle,’ Aborigines being the first
‘rulers,’ and ‘kingdom.’ people in Australia. The > Cont. on page 21



Pre-Aboriginal rock art—Part 3 (cont.)

The researchers assumed that the deeper meaning Author’s note: This article is
that the tribes meant to say behind the images, the en- dedicated to Michael Cremo.
that the images and certain crypted ideas and concepts
objects were “sacred to associated with the symbols,
them,” and “their secret.” were Abrajanal secrets kept VESNA TENODI is an archaeolo-
from them. gist, artist, and writer based in
In my view, what the Abo- Sydney, Australia. She received
rigines actually meant was The Abrajanes stopped her Master’s Degree in Archae-
“So, we that the Abrajanes said it teaching because of Aborigi- ology from the University of
find two was sacred knowledge not to nal misuse of the knowledge Zagreb, Croatia. She also has a
diametri- be divulged to Aboriginal given to them. The tribes- diploma in Fine Arts from the
tribes as yet. And that the School of Applied Arts in Za-
cally op- men applied the newly
greb. Her Degree Thesis was
Abrajanes said the higher learned skill of painting to
posing concepts will be kept secret create the malevolent Mool-
focused on the spirituality of
Neolithic man in Central Europe
theories from Aboriginal tribes until gewanke figures, filled with as evidenced in iconography
about they understand and adopt evil intentions, for malicious and symbols in prehistoric cave
the basic concepts, i.e. much purposes of punishing the art and pottery. After migrating
Austra- to Sydney, she worked for 25
like learning the alphabet enemy, and turning white
lia’s past. before reading a book. magic into black magic (Paul years for the Australian Govern-
One is the ment, and ran her own busi-
Hamlyn, 1974). ness. Today she is an independ-
Continuing with this idea, or
estab- ent researcher and spiritual
speculation, if the reader Seeing this misuse, the
lished prefers, Bradshaw and Wan- Abrajanal teachers again
archaeologist, concentrating on
the origins and meaning of pre-
dogma of jina images would have been conveyed their message Aboriginal Australian rock art.
Aborigi- created at the same time, through a Wanjina image— In the process, she is develop-
and represent the two com- by excluding the element of ing a theory of the Pre-
nes being Aboriginal races which she has
plementary aspects of the a mouth. This was a warning
the first Rajanal-Abrajanal civilisa- to the tribes, to remind them called the Rajanes and Abra-
people in tion. The clothed Wanjina that such misuse of knowl- janes. In 2009, Tenodi estab-
lished the DreamRaiser project,
Australia. figures would represent the edge has consequences. The with a group of artists who ex-
Abrajanal spiritual teaching, Wanjinas, in the role of
The other plore iconography and ideas
or their trying to make the teachers, were no longer contained in ancient art and
is the hy- Aboriginal tribes aware of willing to speak to them. mythology.
pothesis visible and invisible realms
Accepting the possibility of Website:
of the of existence. Further, the
clothed Bradshaw figures advanced races such as Ra- E-mail:
presence janes and Abrajanes, and
would represent Abrajanal
of ad- practical teaching, relating to using it as a working hy-
vanced everyday life. pothesis, will allow for the All of Tenodi’s articles published in
investigation of Pre- Pleistocene Coalition News can be
civiliza- From this perspective, the Aboriginal Australia to start found at the following link:
tions pre- iconography of both the again. The Australian past,
dating Wanjina and Bradshaw reinvented by archaeologists
Aboriginal clothed figures might be who belong to the Aboriginal
interpreted as containing industry, will be sent to the
tribes.” encoded information about rubbish bin of history, where
the origin of Rajanes and it belongs.
Well-meaning friends keep
Unfortunately, all it takes is warning me about the dan-
misinterpretation of a few ger of upsetting the main-
words to create a completely stream dogma keepers. But
false foundation for an in- I am not worried about the
vented culture. Aborigines criticism. Because, as Albert
who informed the early re- Einstein said: “Arrows of
searchers did not mean to hate have been shot at me
say that Pre-Aboriginal an- too, but they never hit me,
thropomorphic cave paint- because somehow they be-
ings incorporated symbols longed to another world with
and concepts which were a which I have no connection
secret kept by them. whatsoever.”
What they meant to say was



• Learn the real story of our Palaeolithic ancestors—a

cosmopolitan story about intelligent and innovative peo-
ple—a story which is unlike that promoted by mainstream

The • Explore and regain confidence in your own ability

to think for yourself regarding human ancestry as a
Pleistocene Coalition broader range of evidence becomes available to you.

• Join a community not afraid to challenge the

status quo. Question with confidence any paradigm
Prehistory is about to change
promoted as "scientific" that depends upon withholding
conflicting evidence from the public in order to appear


NEWS, Vol. 7: Issue 3 ISSUE
News is produced by the
Sachin K. Tiwary Pleistocene Coalition
© Copyright 2015 bi-monthly
Neil Steede
since October 2009.
PUBLICATION DETAILS Richard Doninger Back issues can be found
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/LAYOUT Richard Dullum near the bottom of the
John Feliks PC home page.
Greg Miklashek

Tom Baldwin To learn more about early

man in the Pleistocene visit
Virginia Steen-McIntyre Vesna Tenodi
our website at
Tom Baldwin
David Campbell Virginia Steen-McIntyre
John Feliks
The Pleistocene Coalition is now
James B. Harrod, Rick Dullum,
into its sixth year of challenging
Matt Gatton
mainstream scientific dogma. If
you would like to join the coalition
please write
to the editors.
Virginia Steen-McIntyre


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