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Name: Fyea Hope J. Osano Course& Year: BSED IV-English

Instruction: Choose the title out from the given picture. Discuss the connections of
Foregrounding Theory based on your chosen title. (150-200 words only)

A forest with a house in it A house in a forest

As the picture shown above, it is more precise to use the title “A house in a
forest”. Why? simply because according to foregrounding theory in stylistics, it suggests
that it is the linguistic strategy of calling attention to a certain language features in order
to shift the reader's attention from what is said to how it is said to a prominent portion
of text that contributes meaning, contrasted with the background, which provides
relevant context for the foreground.

The role of foregrounding is by analysing the effect that it has on a piece as a

whole. In other words, how does foregrounding impact the composition of a piece and the
experience of readers?
It doesn’t mean that the other one title “A forest with a house in it” is not also
accurate to use, since the picture shown presented with two objects, which is house and
a forest. But, when we try to analyse the given picture it emphasizes the house which is
the center of attraction and the forest is only a background that surrounds the house,
meaning as foregrounding theory teaches us to locate a certain words or any kind of
events which stands out from the whole scene or statements.

Therefore, the right title to be used is “A house in a forest”, it’s simpler and more

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