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Human Physiology in an Aquatic Environment

Article  in  Comprehensive Physiology · October 2015

DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c140018


68 2,958

5 authors, including:

David Robert Pendergast Richard Moon

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Duke University Medical Center


Paola Zamparo
University of Verona


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Human Physiology in an Aquatic Environment
David R. Pendergast,*1,2 Richard E. Moon,3 John J. Krasney,2 Heather E. Held,4 and Paola Zamparo5

Water covers over 70% of the earth, has varying depths and temperatures and contains much
of the earth’s resources. Head-out water immersion (HOWI) or submersion at various depths (div-
ing) in water of thermoneutral (TN) temperature elicits profound cardiorespiratory, endocrine, and
renal responses. The translocation of blood into the thorax and elevation of plasma volume by
autotransfusion of fluid from cells to the vascular compartment lead to increased cardiac stroke
volume and output and there is a hyperperfusion of some tissues. Pulmonary artery and capillary
hydrostatic pressures increase causing a decline in vital capacity with the potential for pulmonary
edema. Atrial stretch and increased arterial pressure cause reflex autonomic responses which re-
sult in endocrine changes that return plasma volume and arterial pressure to preimmersion levels.
Plasma volume is regulated via a reflex diuresis and natriuresis. Hydrostatic pressure also leads
to elastic loading of the chest, increasing work of breathing, energy cost, and thus blood flow to
respiratory muscles. Decreases in water temperature in HOWI do not affect the cardiac output
compared to TN; however, they influence heart rate and the distribution of muscle and fat blood
flow. The reduced muscle blood flow results in a reduced maximal oxygen consumption. The prop-
erties of water determine the mechanical load and the physiological responses during exercise
in water (e.g. swimming and water based activities). Increased hydrostatic pressure caused by
submersion does not affect stroke volume; however, progressive bradycardia decreases cardiac
output. During submersion, compressed gas must be breathed which introduces the potential for
oxygen toxicity, narcosis due to nitrogen, and tissue and vascular gas bubbles during decompres-
sion and after may cause pain in joints and the nervous system. © 2015 American Physiological
Society. Compr Physiol 5:1705-1750, 2015.

Introduction HOWI in thermoneutral (TN) water (34 or 35◦ C for 3-

6 h) results in a translocation of blood from the depen-
Water covers ∼70% of earth’s surface. The aquatic environ- dent limbs to the chest, as well as increased plasma vol-
ment is unique. While it is an environment with spectacular ume (PV) due to transcapillary autotransfusion of fluid from
flora and fauna, geology, and vast resources, the physical char- the cells (201, 204). These responses augment intrathoracic
acteristics of water impose profound physiological stresses on blood volume (11, 109, 203) which in turn increases cardiac
humans and animals. The underwater world is far less under- end-diastolic volume, stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output
stood than space or high altitude where extensive exploration (CO) due to increased end-diastolic cardiac fiber length (237).
has been carried out for many years. This review offers an Atrial stretch and elevated arterial pulse pressure (PP) elicit
overview of how the major environmental challenges, that baroreflex neuroendocrine responses that increase urine flow.
is, increased hydrostatic pressure, cold or warm water tem-
peratures, the unbreathable ambient medium and pressure of
the “Silent World” affect breathing, circulation, fluid and * Correspondence to
electrolyte balance, locomotion, and thermal regulation in 1 Center for Research and Education in Special Environments,
humans. In addition, the effects of the depth and time of div- University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York, USA
ing can cause deleterious pharmacological and toxic effects. 2 Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University at Buffalo,

As humans are terrestrial, exposure to the aquatic envi- Buffalo, New York, USA
3 Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology,
ronment is often viewed negatively and being problematic for
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA
man. While this is partly true, it must be emphasized that life 4 Biomedical Hyperbarics Research Laboratory, Molecular
evolved in the oceans and aquatic organisms leaving the seas
Pharmacology and Physiology, College of Medicine, University of
had to adapt to new terrestrial habitats. Coming out of the sea South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA
required profound circulatory and musculoskeletal adapta- 5 Department of Neurological and Movement Sciences, University of
tions to gravity, marked alterations in the capacity to maintain Verona, Verona, Italy
fluid and electrolyte balance and of course a switch to lung Published online, October 2015 (
versus gill respiration. Failure to maintain homeostasis in the DOI: 10.1002/cphy.c140018
aquatic environment can result in injury or death. Copyright © American Physiological Society.

Volume 5, October 2015 1705

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

Autotransfusion may persist for as long as 24 h (depending periods (TN = 35◦ at rest and 28-30◦ C during exercise), and,
on the level of volume repletion). as water has high thermal conductance and capacity, there is
As the baseline characteristics of cardio-renal regulation danger of hypothermia when diving in these waters without
are altered compared to terrestrial exercise, the CO, SV, and adequate thermal protective gear. HOWI or diving in cold
blood flow to nonmuscle tissues are greater, and HR and total water temperatures below TN results in greater translocation
peripheral resistance (TPR) are lower. However, mean arterial of blood into the chest relative to the increase in TN immer-
blood pressure (MAP) responses are similar to those observed sion and reductions in intracellular fluid, although there is less
in air (297). In spite of this different baseline cardiovascular autotransfusion and PV is not increased as much (358) such
and renal status in water, increased metabolism during exer- that there is a similar increase in CO in both cold and TN
cise results in similar adjustments in TN water and air, at immersion (297). Although there is increased sympathetic
oxygen consumption (VO2 ) above 1.0 L min−1 , and as high activity, arterial blood pressure is not increased in HOWI
as 80% of maximal aerobic power (VO2 max ) (297, 309). The in cold water as the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and muscle
potential for pulmonary edema increases during exercise in reduced blood flow and increased resistances are likely off-
water (352), particularly in cold water (196). set by increased blood flow in other areas and TPR remains
Breath-holding for a short time is possible for air breath- unchanged (297). The effects of HOWI in warmer or hot
ing mammals, including man. For longer submersions, the water, particularly during exercise, are not extensively inves-
diver has to use pressure compensating equipment to provide tigated and present great challenges to adjustment.
free access to suitable gas. At shallow depths, a snorkel can be Due to body size and physiological differences there
used; however, its effective depth is limited to just under the may be gender differences in the responses to HOWI in TN
surface due to the inability of the respiratory muscles to over- (408), cold, and warm water. Age may also affect physio-
come the hydrostatic pressure on the chest wall and of course logical responses to HOWI, as the increase in CO reported
water entering the snorkel (23). At greater depths, gear called for younger subjects in HOWI is not as great in older sub-
Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus (SCUBA), jects (302). In addition, there may be different physiological
or a closed-circuit rebreathing system [using special gas mix- responses to body cooling or warming in the elderly, specifi-
tures or pure oxygen (O2 ) in combination with a carbon diox- cally regulation of metabolism and vascular control (147).
ide (CO2 ) scrubber] control gas flow from a high pressure The stresses and strains resulting from the aquatic envi-
tank via a regulator (172). Breathing underwater is also influ- ronment may pose dangers to humans’ exposure to them. On
enced by the depth-induced hydrostatic pressure differences the other hand, HOWI has potential therapeutic benefits and
across the chest wall (static lung loading, SLL) (368), gas this area requires further exploration. The wide variety of
density and composition, and by exercise hyperpnoea, which aquatic environments will be further developed in the sec-
in combination cause increased power of breathing (POB) and tions below. The understanding of the aquatic environment
fatigue of the respiratory muscles (14, 321, 322, 425). starts with its physical properties. HOWI is not only a com-
Alveolar ventilation in normal conditions is regulated to mon aquatic environment, but also a tool to understanding the
maintain arterial PCO2 (PaCO2 ) at ∼40 mmHg with little interactions between the cardio-renal systems and thus is a
variation in normal healthy subjects (167), while matching major part of this paper. As most of the waters of the world
O2 delivery to metabolic demands. The translocation of blood are relatively cold, its effect on physiological systems has to
from the periphery to the chest in HOWI results in reduction be explored. The aquatic environment involves being on the
in air in the lungs, and thus alters ventilation both at rest and water in a water craft, at the water’s surface swimming, as well
during exercise. In addition, diving may promote hypercap- as being submersed in the water during diving. Each of these
nia (CO2 retention) due to a routine practice by divers of different aquatic environments has specific requirements.
hypoventilating to conserve gas and extend dive time and/or
the increased respiratory work which cannot be performed
due to weak or fatigued respiratory muscles. Physical Properties of Water
When compared to altitude, hypoxia is not an issue in the
The properties of the aquatic environment (69) both individu-
aquatic environment as at the surface air is breathed and during
ally and collectively impose critical challenges to physiologi-
submersion breathing with SCUBA gear increases total pres-
cal adjustment. Some of these challenges cannot be compen-
sure and also increases PO2 . However, hyperoxia can damage
sated for physiologically, and thus devices or equipment have
pulmonary (25, 76) and neural (84) tissues. Human adap-
to be used for humans to function in the aquatic environment.
tive responses to hyperoxia appear limited since man is not
normally exposed to high ambient PO2 . In addition to O2 ,
pressures of other gases such as N2 may be increased during Density
submersion at depth such that the gas is absorbed by tissue The density of water is about 1 g cm−3 ; however, it is also
compression to the point of saturation; the unloading of which influenced by temperature (69). The density of liquid water
during decompression imposes further stress on the diver. increases with temperature and maximal density is at approx-
Most swimming and diving occurs where water is colder imately 4◦ C (39◦ F), which is the water temperature of arctic
than the temperature to which subjects can adjust for long water. In addition, there are thermoclines in water, the colder

1706 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

the temperature the deeper the water. In fresh water at 4◦ C, the human function in the aquatic environment. Water is in liq-
water closer to the surface and cold air lose heat energy such uid form at normal temperatures, and holds 80% to 90% of
that the water at the surface is less than 4◦ C. These thermo- the earth’s heat. Water has the capacity to cool the human
clines in water have an impact on thermal stress in humans. body nominally 20 times greater than air. Therefore, hypother-
Floating in water is made possible because of the den- mia or hyperthermia are significant risks in cold and warm
sity of water (69). Density of water is also dependent on the water, respectively. Although the effects of cold water are
salt content which is high in some bodies of water. However, most common and well-studied, exposure to warm/hot water
the high density of water reduces the ability to function in (hyperthermia) is understudied.
water, i.e. there is an increase in the energy cost of locomo-
tion. Dynamic viscosity determines how easily bodies move
through water. Dynamic viscosity divided by density is kine- Head-Out Water Immersion in
matic viscosity. It is easier to float in saltwater as it is denser
Thermoneutral Water
than fresh water. It costs less energy to swim in warm water
even though it is harder to float. The body is about 75% Humans can be in the aquatic environment either immersed
water, but body fat contains less than 75% water so humans with the HOWI or head in the water (swimming) or sub-
with higher fat may float better and have greater resistance to mersed underwater at various depths (diving). Body posture
heat loss. during immersion is significant. One may be immersed either
Compressibility of water is influenced by both pres- in the head-out vertical posture or supine in the water so that
sure and temperature (69) and impacts performance in the the profile of external hydrostatic pressure forces on depen-
aquatic environment. Water compressibility ranges from dent regions differs between vertical and supine. Erect HOWI
5.1 × 10−10 to 4.4×10−10 Pa−1 and is dependent on water has been used as a simple, noninvasive maneuver to increase
temperature (0-45◦ C, respectively). The low compressibility central blood volume and has provided useful insights into
of water often leads to the erroneous conclusion that water is the regulation of blood volume. Increased body buoyancy
incompressible. in HOWI minimizes the influence of gravity and therefore
HOWI has provided important insights into the physiology
of microgravity. In addition to its utility for understanding
Pressure effects of microgravity and volume regulation, HOWI is an
Sea level pressure is 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA) and ambi- obvious useful tool for the study of the physiology of the
ent pressure increases by 1 ATA for every additional 10 m of aquatic environment. Lastly, HOWI can be a useful nonphar-
depth. Air in gas-containing spaces contributes to buoyancy in macological therapeutic modality for the treatment of fluid
water, however since air is compressed with increasing depths retention disorders. An overview of the physiological status
of submersion, buoyancy decreases as depth increases. Gas- during immersion is shown in Figure 1, and will be described
containing spaces in the body are compressed underwater, and in the section on immersion below.
then the volume reexpands when returning to the surface. On As stated above, since there is a hydrostatic pressure gra-
returning to the surface from submersion the increase in vol- dient acting upon the body surface, an erect versus supine
ume may cause problems in air-containing tissues/organs, par- posture in water influences the character of the physiological
ticularly during uncontrolled ascents. Other pressure-related responses as shown in Figure 2. In this article, the focus will
effects during diving include the concomitant increase in gas be primarily upon upright HOWI, unless noted otherwise. In
partial pressures (e.g., O2 and N2 ), and the higher breathing addition, the TN temperature for humans is considered to be
gas density. 34 to 35◦ C for water immersions of 3 to 6 h and we will first
At depths beyond 100-150 m, there are effects of pres- discuss responses to TN HOWI, followed by a description
sure per se, which include tremors and “microsleep.” This is of how varying water temperatures influence the basic TN
termed the high pressure nervous syndrome (HPNS) (22). response. The physiological responses to HOWI are not sim-
Convulsions have been observed in monkeys (22). Other ply due to the removal of gravity because during immersion
effects include partial reversal of sedation or general anes- there is a unique set of stimuli that are not present in true
thesia (382, 383). It is believed that these phenomena occur microgravity.
due to pressure-related changes in macromolecule conforma- The overall physiological responses during water immer-
tion and altered neurotransmitter release (331). Narcotic gases sion appear to be directed toward the homeostatic main-
such as nitrogen can partially offset the effects of HPNS (24). tenance of central cardiopulmonary blood volume via car-
diopulmonary and arterial baroreflexes. Normally, there is a
tight coupling between oxygen delivery and metabolic rate
Heat capacity via autoregulation of blood flow (151). By contrast, in water
The specific heat capacity of water is high (pure liquid water = immersion, there appears to be a unique resetting of vascular
4.182 J K−1 g−1 ) and conducts heat effectively based on autoregulatory control such that the ratio of oxygen delivery
temperature gradients (69). The high heat capacity and high to metabolism increases in the systemic circuit and in some
heat conductivity of water can have significant influences on regional vascular circuits.

Volume 5, October 2015 1707

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

Head-out immersion:
thermoneutral water

Hydrostatic compression
of immersed tissues

Cell Venous
volume capacity

potassium, amino acids Blood flow/oxygen
shift uptake

Diuresis Hypervolaemia Venous return Cardiac output

Major effect

Renal Cardiac volume Stroke volume

nerve activity
Activation of
cardiac receptors
Vasopressin Aortic pulse pressure
Release of atrial
natriuretic peptide
aldosterone Activation of
secretion arterial baroreceptors

(?) Redundancy:
Renal atrial
natriuretic Time-dependent effects
peptide Bipeds versus quadrupeds
sensitivity Resetting of reflexes
Hydration state
Physical training

Figure 1 Summary of the circulatory, renal hormonal and neuro responses to thermoneutral HOWI. Central volume expansion and
elevated CO are caused by compression of the dependent veins and autotransfusion. The rise in CO exceeds the metabolic demand
at rest and during exercise. Activation of cardiovascular mechanoreceptors and increased atrial natriuretic peptide secretion sets into
motion neural and hormonal mechanism that promote sodium and fluid loss, thus minimizing hypervolemia and theoretically readjusting
blood flow to the prevailing oxygen uptake. The most powerful efferent mechanism affecting the kidney appears to be sympathetic nerves.
The associated hormonal responses appear to modulate the primary renal response, with many additional factors modulating the basic
renal neurohumoral responses to immersion. Redrawn from Krasney (201) and reproduced with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford,
United Kingdom (204).

Circulatory responses and fluid shifts pressure (184). The major role of the kidney in HOWI is to
blunt the expansion of PV and prevent a further increase in PV
Hydrostatic pressure during HOWI translocates blood
(see Fig. 4) and CO as seen in Figure 5 (201,256,257). Early in
to the thorax by compressing the venous compartment.
immersion PV increases about 7% (Fig. 4). There is a signif-
The translocation of blood to the thorax is shown in Figures 2
icant increase in tissue pressure compared to capillary hydro-
and 3 (186). The fluid translocated into the vascular compart-
static pressure promoting capillary reabsorption. Tissue pres-
ment is derived from the intracellular compartment (see Fig.
sure, capillary pressure and central venous pressure (CVP)
2). This autotransfusion into the plasma compartment origi-
are coupled in a linear fashion. Stepwise levels of immersion
nates primarily from the capillaries of the dependent limbs and
from dependent limbs to abdomen, to mid-thorax and to mid-
both expands PV (see Fig. 4) and decreases plasma oncotic
cervical level cause CVP to increase progressively. Plasma

1708 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

Upright in air Upright water immersion

Right atrial Right atrial

pressure: Aorta pressure: Aorta
0 kPa (mmHg) 2 kPa (15 mmHg)

Venous return

Venous return

Autotransfusion Hydrostatic
Filtration pressure:
16 kPa (120 mmHg)
compartment Hydrostatic
of dependent
Systemic hypervolaemia
due to autotransfusion

Figure 2 While standing in air (A), right atrial pressure is low and gravity-dependent veins are distended
resulting in increased net plasma filtration in the limb capillaries. During HOWI (B), central volume expansion
occurs with increased right atrial pressure and cardiac output. These result from hydrostatic compression of
the dependent tissues and capillary reabsorption, or an autotransfusion in the dependent limbs. Redrawn
from Krasney (201) and reproduced with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom (204).

Lymphatic oncotic pressure is decreased in HOWI resulting in hemodi-

lution, whereas plasma osmolarity is unchanged. Amino acids
Plasma Interstitial Intracellular
and potassium are increased in the plasma suggesting that the
volume fluid fluid majority of the fluid shifted is out of the intracellular compart-
Capillary Cellular ment (83, 201, 358). In spite of this, interstitial fluid volume
Immersion and lymph flow do not change in HOWI. PV, SV, and CO are
elevated and sustained throughout 6 to 12 h immersions com-
pared to erect in air (348). These data support the contention
that the intracellular reservoir of fluid is not diminished sig-
Fluid change (mL·kg–1 · min–1)

nificantly during HOWI (185). CO is increased in HOWI and

Rest Water immersion

–0.05 110

PV(% Δc)


Lymphatic 100
–0.15 Cellular

–40 0 40 80 120 0
Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (h)
Figure 3 There are three major fluid shifts that occur during HOWI
(upper flow diagram): across capillary, across the cell wall and across Figure 4 Human plasma volume (PV) expressed as a percentage
the kidney. The lymphatic fluid shift is minor. These compartmental fluid change during HOWI in TN water (35◦ C) (squares) and sitting in
changes are then illustrated (graph) for the 120-min upright, thermoneu- thermoneutral air (22◦ C) (circles) from their respective control values.
tral HOWI. Redrawn from Krasney (201) and reproduced with permis- The ∗ indicate that HOWI values are significantly higher than the air
sion from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom (204). counterparts.

Volume 5, October 2015 1709

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

12 Rest Water immersion the cerebellum. HOWI in TN or warmer water results in

increased temperature of the integument causing significantly
increased blood flows to skin and subcutaneous fat. Urine out-
Q (1 · min–1)

10 put increases, in spite of the absence of increased blood flow

9 during HOWI. By comparison there are immediate, although
temporary, increases in blood flows (and O2 delivery) to the
gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and spleen. As HOWI

7 continues, blood flow to visceral tissues decline to pre-HOWI

6 levels. At this point, the increased CO is redistributed to non-
respiratory skeletal muscles. The elevated blood flow to some
0 1 2 3 4 5
tissues may counterbalance fluid shifts out of cells in some
tissues. The increase in CO and tissue blood flows promote
Time (h)
total-body nitrogen elimination during oxygen breathing dur-
Figure 5 Resting cardiac output (Q, L/m) is plotted as a function ing HOWI in TN water compared to nonimmersion (15).
of time for humans resting HOWI in TN water (35◦ C) (squares) and Circulatory and renal responses to HOWI are elicited by
sitting in TN air (22◦ C)(circles). The ∗ indicate that HOWI values are
significantly higher than the air counterparts.
reflex activation due to mechanical loading of cardiovascular
stretch receptors. As stated above in humans, HOWI to the
mid-cervical level is estimated to increase CO from 32% to
its level is greater for the erect posture, increasing from leg 62% which is shown in Figure 5. The magnitude of the esti-
only immersion to mid-cervical HOWI. The increased CO is mated increases in CO depends upon the method and subjects
maintained for many hours. CO is increased 32% to 62% dur- used (201). The increased CO is due to a significant increase
ing HOWI (Fig. 5) due to an increased SV, even though HR is in SV since HR decreases. MAP reported by most studies is
decreased. The relative increase in SV exceeds the observed not shown to change in HOWI, in spite of the increased CO,
decline of HR such that there is a net increase in CO as as TPR is proportionally decreased. Arterial PP is increased
shown in Figure 5. MAP is not effected by HOWI and there- in HOWI, due to the increase in SV (281). The magnitude
fore TPR must be decreased (11, 201, 281). VO2 is unchanged of the increase in CO is coupled to the depth of immersion.
during HOWI in TN water, thus it is apparent that systemic CO increases in a graded fashion from leg (only) immer-
O2 delivery quickly exceeds systemic O2 demands in HOWI. sion through mid-thorax to mid-cervical immersion and the
Blood flow to specific tissues is autoregulated to meet their increase in CO is sustained for several hours (18, 113). The
metabolic demands (151); however, it is blunted in HOWI as elevated CO in immersion is a result of increased cardiopul-
shown in Figure 6 for limb blood flow. The expected autoregu- monary blood volume which in turn increases cardiac filling
latory readjustment of systemic blood flows to match tissue O2 pressures and preload (11).
demands does not occur in HOWI but rather sustained hyper- Pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular vol-
emia occurs in some tissues (see Fig. 6) (59, 154, 297). Blood ume increase in water immersion and there is a decline of vital
flows to respiratory muscles and cardiac muscle increase as capacity (VC) (364). External water pressure compresses the
expected in response to their increased metabolism, secondary chest which in-turn increases elastic loading of the chest wall
to increased respiratory and cardiac work (154). HOWI- and results in negative pressure breathing (171). The resul-
induced changes in vestibular and proprioceptive inputs tant increase in energy cost of ventilation, secondary to the
caused by buoyancy-microgravity result in hyperemia of increased POB causes an increases in blood flow to the respi-
ratory muscles (154, 314, 366). Prefaut et al. (314) observed
mild hypoxemia in humans with increased lung closing vol-
6 Rest Water immersion Recovery ume (CV). While the apical portions of the lung are less
perfused when upright in air, HOWI causes their flow to
LBF (ml · min–1 · cm–1)

5 increase (314). The overall effect of immersion on ventilation-

4 perfusion (VA /Q) relationships depends on the relationship of
CV to expiratory reserve volume (ERV). When CV is less than
ERV (usually in young individuals), during immersion VA /Q
2 relationships are preserved. Arterial PO2 is usually increased
due to an increase in the ventilation to oxygen consumption
ratio (VE /VO2 ) ratio (87). When CV exceeds ERV (common in
0 older individuals), immersion is associated with an increase in
0 1 2 3 4 5 right-to-left shunt (87) and a widening of the alveolar-arterial
Time (h) PO2 difference (86).
Figure 6 Resting lower limb blood flow measured by plethysmogra-
Von Diringshofen (400) was the first to postulate that fluid
phy is plotted as function to time of HOWI. The ∗ indicates a significant shifts into the plasma compartment during water immersion
increase above air control. (see Fig. 3). This hypothesis was validated in dog studies

1710 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

(83, 254-257, 260), with increases of PV on the order of ∼7% for regulation of neurohumoral activity and circulatory func-
following 100 min of immersion. Interstitial pressure during tion in HOWI. The volume of fluid expanding the plasma
HOWI is above the capillary hydrostatic pressure, promot- compartment via the transcapillary fluid shift appears to inde-
ing capillary absorption. There is a linear coupling of tissue pendently influence the magnitude of suppression of the renin-
pressure, capillary pressure and CVP and the depth of HOWI. angiotensin system (127, 128).
Plasma osmolarity is not affected by HOWI; however, plasma There are several possible mechanisms for the dramatic
oncotic pressure is decreased and leads to hemodilution. Inter- fluid shift out of the cellular compartment during immer-
stitial fluid volume and lymph flow are not effected by HOWI; sion (See Figs. 1 and 3). First, a primary movement of iso-
however, there is an increase in both amino acids and potas- tonic fluid out of the interstitium into the capillaries leaves
sium concentration in plasma. These changes suggest that the behind osmotically active proteins that could in-turn draw
fluid is shifted out of the intracellular compartment (83, 201). water out of the cells. Second, relative differences in compli-
The kidneys act to minimize the rise in PV, since evidence ances between cells, the interstitial compartment and capil-
from immersed, anaesthetized and nephrectomized dogs has laries could promote a decrease of cell volume more than the
shown PV to increase by 40% instead of the 7% increase interstitial fluid, thus increasing interstitial pressure that could
observed in dogs with intact kidneys. Figure 3 indicates the in turn increase capillary reabsorption. Third, if cells per-
transcellular, transcapillary, and renal fluid shifts that occur ceive hydrostatic compression as an increase in cell volume,
during water immersion. then this could activate cellular volume regulatory decreases
Graded immersion studies indicate that blood is shifted via solute efflux as cells sense and react to volume changes
from the legs to the abdomen, then from abdomen to chest as of 3% or more. The rise in plasma potassium content dur-
shown in Figures 2 and 3. The abdominal splanchnic veins ing water immersion is compatible with cellular regulatory
are an important volume reservoir (186). The increase in CO volume decreases due to loss of potassium chloride perhaps
is graded depending on the depth of HOWI in the erect posi- caused by activation of separate cell membrane potassium
tion (113). The initial increase in cardiac preload increases and chloride channels, and potassium-chloride cotransporters
the change in cardiac chambers and inferior vena cava diam- (360). It has been suggested that the fluid shift occurs mainly
eter, but this is followed by the excretion of nominally 1.5 L from the lower extremities (186). In addition to the increase in
(range 1.0-2.0 L, 202) of urine that in turn decreases intratho- blood flow to the respiratory muscles (diaphragm and inter-
racic blood volume, cardiac preload, SV, and CO (see Fig. 5). costals), coronary blood flow increases commensurate with
The initial HOWI-induced increase in CO is associated with the increase in cardiac work during immersion (153, 154).
peripheral vasodilatation, which is followed later by periph- Secondary to changes in vestibular and proprioceptive inputs
eral vasoconstriction so that lower limb blood flow decreases due to buoyancy and the microgravity state, blood flow to the
over time as CO falls toward control levels (35). HOWI to cerebellum is also increased. However, total cerebral blood
the mid-cervical level results in greater increases in left atrial flow is not changed, implying vasoconstriction in some brain
diameter; however, MAP remains unchanged and arterial PP regions. While core temperature is unchanged, HOWI in TN
does not change any further. Although there was a greater water heats up the integument, since there is an 8◦ C to 10◦ C
increase of CVP during mid-cervical HOWI, plasma nore- difference between the temperature of TN air and warmer TN
pinephrine (NE) declined to levels observed during shallower water. Accordingly, blood flow to skin and subcutaneous fat
immersions. The decline of plasma NE reflects attenuation rises in the order of several hundred percent. Increased cuta-
of sympathetic nerve activity (SNA). Subcutaneous vascular neous blood flow could account for the common observation
resistance in the forearm decreased similarly during HOWI that the cutaneous veins on the dorsum of the feet and hands
both to the xiphoid level and mid-cervical level, whereas remain distended while standing in water.
forearm vascular resistance in muscle declined only during The mechanisms for other regional flow adjustments
mid-cervical HOWI. This observation implies that cutaneous during water immersion are less certain. While blood flow
vasodilation in the forearm reaches maximal levels at shal- to the kidney is unchanged, there are early increases in
lower immersion depths compared to vasodilation in skeletal flows to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and spleen
muscle (127, 128). CVP increases about 5 mmHg along with (154). These increases are proportional to the change in CO.
an increase of left atrial diameter during mid-cervical HOWI After about 30 min of immersion, the increased visceral
and the expansion of cardiac volume is related to decreases of flow declines to preimmersion levels, and the increased CO
plasma renin activity (PRA), as well as plasma protein con- is redistributed to nonrespiratory skeletal muscles. These
centration. By comparison, when the central translocation of regional hyperemias suggest that HOWI has the potential
blood out of the lower limbs during HOWI was prevented by to be a treatment of decompression sickness (DCS) and
placing pressure cuffs on the thighs, the increases of atrial muscle injury and to increase drug delivery to specific
dimensions were similar to those observed in the uncuffed organs, such as the liver. Perhaps these regional hyperemias
situation, whereas the degree of plasma hemodilution was elicit local elevations of capillary hydrostatic pressures that
less and the level of suppression of PRA was attenuated. This counterbalance fluid shifts from the cells in selected tissues.
observation suggests that mechanisms in addition to input In humans, HOWI in either 8◦ C or 22◦ C water results
from low- and high-pressure baroreceptors are responsible in a reductions of femoral artery and cutaneous vascular

Volume 5, October 2015 1711

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

(.10) _ 28
1.6 (a-v)O 1·1–1 (.05) (.10)

(.15) 24

1.2 20 H 2O (.20)

Q (1 · min–1)
Qm (1 · min–1)

12 Rest Temp Max

Air A

30° 8 35
25° 30
20° 4 25
0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 1 2 3 4
· –1 ·
VO2 M’ (1 · min ) VO2 (1 · min–1)

Figure 7 Muscle blood flow measured by 133 Xe washout from Figure 8 Cardiac output (Q, L/min) is plotted as a function of oxygen
quadriceps muscle at rest and during cycling exercise is plotted as a consumption (L/min) for air and HOWI in 20◦ C to 35◦ C water at rest
function of VO2 for air and HOWI in 20◦ C, 25◦ C, and 30◦ C water. (VO2 < 1.0 L/min) and exercise (VO2 > 1.0 L/min).
The dashed lines represent a constant (a-v)O2 as a function of VO2 .

diuresis-induced hypovolemia does impair orthostatic adjust-

conductance immediately upon immersion (30-40%). By ment (173)
comparison cutaneous vasoconstriction was less in 8◦ C water The physiological responses to HOWI are temperature
than 22◦ C water (150). Other studies have demonstrated that dependent and this is shown in Figures 7 and 8 (297) and,
cutaneous (394) and muscle (see Fig. 7) (297) blood flows therefore, the study of water immersion requires the elimina-
decrease in cold water. Blood flow to skin and subcutaneous tion of thermal stress. In humans, this is achieved by using
tissues reach minimum levels in cool water (≤30◦ C), whereas water temperatures of 34 to 35◦ C for exposures up to 6 h. For
there is a graded temperature-dependent blunting of resting measurements of hemodynamics, it is important to determine
and exercise hyperemia as seen in Figure 7 (297). the hydrostatic indifference point which is the location in the
During TN water HOWI in humans, cardiopulmonary vol- vasculature at which pressure is independent of posture. This
ume is increased (109, 199), which augments CO via the is a transition zone at which intravascular pressure remains
length-tension response. Since by definition systemic VO2 constant and as such represents a center of gravity for the
does not change during TN immersion, an unusual situation cardiovascular system (132, 332, 333). In humans, this point
develops where systemic oxygen delivery exceeds systemic is usually considered to be at the level of the right atrium
tissue requirements more than usual at rest for sustained peri- (332, 333). However, during HOWI it is very likely to shift;
ods. Autoregulation typically matches metabolic demands of therefore, it is inappropriate in immersion to reference mea-
peripheral tissues to blood flow (150). However, this relation- sured physiological pressures to the surface level of the water.
ship is modified during immersion (Figs. 1, 4, 6) to allow It is better to insert a reference catheter in the esophagus for
for increased systemic blood flow (60, 153, 154). Gauer and estimation of pleural and transmural pressures across the heart
Henry (131) postulated that the diuresis by the kidneys during and great vessels (11, 256, 258).
HOWI results in a net reduction of PV. However, this view was HOWI is a noninvasive maneuver and therefore it has been
later modified when it was shown that PV is expanded during considered to be the investigative tool of choice for studying
HOWI as a result of the transcapillary fluid shift (see Fig. physiological mechanisms of PV regulation (131). Never-
3). Therefore, the increased urine flow and sodium excretion theless, HOWI cannot be strictly compared to true volume
during immersion does not reduce PV below preimmersion expansion, microgravity or head-down tilt, since there are
levels, at least during short-term immersions, as previously unique characteristics associated with each maneuver. Com-
postulated (131). Instead, the kidneys act to off-set the PV pared to true volume expansion, the magnitude of the diuresis
expansion due to HOWI, which if not compensated for would and natriuresis caused by HOWI is equivalent to the infusion
cause a 40% increase in PV (201, 254, 256). The elevation of of 2 L of 0.9% saline (sodium chloride) solution (109). In
PV is sustained during HOWI lasting at least 6 to 12 h (185). terms of the coupling of the cardiac and renal responses, the
In fact, if the renal response did produce a net reduction in induction of hypovolemia as a result of the removal of 15% of
PV as previously postulated (131) the hypovolemia would the total blood volume does not affect the 22% increase in CO
be expected to impair orthostatic adjustments upon emerging in HOWI; however, the diuresis and sodium excretion were
from the water. In fact, a previous study demonstrate that this previously reported to be significantly decreased suggesting

1712 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment


Neural lobe
of hypophysis
(antidiuretic hormone)

Blood reabsorption

Figure 9 An early version of the Gauer-Henry hypothesis. Arrows indicate an increase or stimu-
lation of the variable, darkened arrows indicate a decrease or inhibition of the variable. Redrawn
from Krasney (201) and reproduced with permission from Elsevier Limited, Oxford, United Kingdom

that the renal responses are quantitatively not well-coupled to is increased (19). The level of physical fitness also affects the
the cardiac response (350). nature of the HOWI renal responses. It has been shown that
HOWI has been shown by many authors to reduce HR, the diuresis and natriuresis due to HOWI were significantly
and more so in cold water. Both apnea and immersion of the blunted in runners and swimmers compared to control
face in cold water have demonstrated a biphasic decrease in subjects in spite of larger and more persistent increases in CO
HR, with a rapid initial decrease and a later slow phase. These (65). Kidney responses to water immersion are primarily due
bradycardia responses are exaggerated in adolescent subjects to alterations in renal tubular functions because glomerular
and they are associated with a high probability of arrhythmias filtration rate (GFR) does not change. In spite of the lack of
(412). The apnea-face immersion bradycardia is partly due increase in plasma osmolarity during HOWI, plasma vaso-
to reduced cardiac SNA and increased vagal tone. Muscle pressin (antidiuretic hormone) level was decreased and asso-
SNA decreases in TN HOWI (262, 263). The decreased HR ciated with the observed increase in CH2 O (26,110,128,282).
and increased SV are associated with an unchanged MAP The primary mechanoreceptors regulating vasopressin secre-
in HOWI. This observation is compatible with the view that tion appear to be the high-pressure arterial baroreceptors
SNA to systemic resistance vessels and heart are suppressed and cardiac volume receptors since plasma osmolarity does
during HOWI while cardiac vagal activity is enhanced. (263). not change (127, 128, 201, 333). It can be concluded that the
In contrast to the suppression of cardiac and vascular SNA depression of PRA and aldosterone levels are more consistent
in TN immersion cold water immersion (26-27◦ C) increased than changes in plasma vasopressin, and in addition seem to
vascular SNA (277). be less associated with the degree of hydration (111, 201).
It is unlikely that the diuretic and natriuretic responses to
HOWI are caused by suppression of aldosterone secretion as
Renal responses to intrathoracic volume expansion they appear after 20 min and thus too rapid in onset. It has
HOWI in a euhydrated subject causes a diuresis, natriuresis, been reported that renal responses to immersion were poorly
kaliuresis, and an increased free water clearance (CH2 O) correlated with right atrial pressure in awake dogs (153, 354).
(108, 109, 319). In nonvolume replete subjects, the renal It is clear that the primary increases in cardiopulmonary
responses gradually return to control levels over a 4 h and PV elicited by HOWI are wholly or partly compensated
period while in subjects that have fluid replacement the for by the renal responses. As seen in Figure 9, Gauer and
renal responses are sustained for the duration of immersion, Henry (130) were the first to demonstrate that stretching the
although at somewhat lower level. In subjects that are not cardiac atria causes a reflex diuresis (increased renal water
euhydrated the diuresis is reduced and thus osmolar clearance loss). In anesthetized dogs obstruction of the mitral valve

Volume 5, October 2015 1713

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

with a balloon catheter in the left atrium, resulted in reduced homeostasis. Jimenez et al. (183) immersed unprotected Navy
vasopressin secretion and elevated CH2 O. These responses swimmers for 6 h periods in 34◦ C, 18◦ C, and 10◦ C. In this
were abolished by cutting the cervical vagus nerves, indicating study, immersion in 34◦ C decreased PV by ∼7% after 6 h. Pro-
that PV is controlled by intrathoracic stretch receptors by way longed immersion at both colder water temperatures resulted
of cardiac reflex neurohumoral control of the kidneys as seen in a more rapid and greater reductions in PV (14.3%-16.3%).
in Figure 9. Plasma osmolarity did not change in TN water whereas
After 20 to 40 min of TN HOWI in euhydrated humans plasma osmolarity increased during the cold water immer-
the diuresis, natriuresis, kaliuresis, and increased renal free- sions. While GFR did not change at 34◦ C (consistent with
water clearance commence (108). As pointed out above, both other observations) the plasma hyperosmolar responses in
the hydration state and physical training have major quantita- cold water were associated with increases of GFR corre-
tive influences on the renal response to HOWI. The kaliuresis lated with significant renal losses of 1.6-1.7 L of water and
reflects tubular washout of potassium secondary to high urine sodium (6-8 g) and increases of osmolar and free water clear-
flow. In subjects who are well hydrated prior to immersion ances (185). PRA and vasopressin levels were unchanged
but then are not allowed to drink, the renal responses persist while aldosterone decreased similarly at all three temper-
for 2 to 4 h. Euhydrated subjects, on the other hand, maintain atures. Jimenez et al. (183) studied trained swimmers. As
a diuresis for the duration of the HOWI (4 h), although at a described above, training can influence the renal responses to
blunted rate. Dehydrated subjects, have less diuresis, but an immersion. Nevertheless, comparing studies of one hour vs
increase of osmolar clearance (19). Similar observations have six hour immersions suggests that progressive hypovolemia
been made in volume repleted and nonrepleted awake dogs develops with longer immersions in both TN and cold water
(354). There have been many studies of the renal response to secondary to increasing renal losses of water and sodium. It
HOWI in dogs; however, many of these animals were anes- might be expected that both hypovolemia and cold exposure
thetized which reduces their natriuretic response, so conclu- would lead to increases in SNA to peripheral vessels and the
sions about kidney regulatory mechanisms from anaesthetized kidneys causing salt and water retention. In this regard, it
studies are not valid (201). is surprising that GFR increased along with a diuresis and
Studies in humans confirm that PV increases in TN immer- natriuresis in the Jimenez (183) study. Perhaps prolonged
sion as reported from conscious animal studies. However, cold HOWI and/or cold water alters neurohumoral regulation of
water dramatically changes the pattern of body fluid shifts. renal function. Sramek et al. (357) studied subjects during 1 h
Stocks et al. (358) found that immersions limited to one hour immersions at 32, 20, and 14◦ C. In this study, subjects in 32◦ C
in 33◦ C versus 18◦ C water both caused reductions of intracel- had lower PRA, cortisol, and aldosterone, and the urine flow
lular volume of similar magnitude in humans. PV increased was increased by 107%. In the same study (357), in colder
in 33◦ C water accompanied by hemodilution. By contrast PV water the cortisol was decreased less, but the aldosterone lev-
decreased in 18◦ C water. Total body water remained constant els were greater. Metabolic rate increased by 350% at 14◦ C
whereas intracellular volume decreased by similar amounts in in this study (357) and it was associated with 530% increase
both TN and cold immersion. This indicates that, compared in NE and 250% for dopamine concentrations. Thus at colder
to TN immersion, movement of fluid out of the intracellular temperatures, there was an uncoupling of the relation between
compartment increases interstitial fluid volume during cold PRA and aldosterone, and SNA. Again it is surprising that
water immersion whereas PV decreases. Therefore, it is likely urine flow increased significantly more at 14◦ C than at 32◦ C
that microcirculatory dynamics during one hour periods of (163% vs. 107%) despite increases in antinatriuretic influ-
cold water immersion impair the entry of fluid from an ele- ences from aldosterone and sympathetic activity. Although
vated interstitial volume into the plasma compartment (358). strict comparisons of the Sramek (357) and Jimenez (183)
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is increased during cold water studies are not possible, the data suggest that altered neuro-
immersion. Since ANP reduces transcapillary fluid exchange humoral control of renal function may be more affected by
(201, 202), it is possible that ANP contributed to the reduc- water temperature than the duration of immersion. Although
tion in PV in cold water. This study indicated that changes renal responses to immersion are clearly altered by cold water
in PV were not associated with changes in total extracellular and vary among studies, the data from basic TN immersion
fluid volume at least in immersion (358). A further study by studies are consistent in demonstrating a diuresis and a natri-
Stocks et al. (358) established that acclimation to 14 days of uresis and that these responses are related to a decrease of
cold water immersion does not qualitatively or quantitatively PRA, aldosterone, and renal SNA.
alter the fluid shifts during 1 h HOWIs. Intracellular and PVs
were reduced by 5% to 6% while intercellular volume was
increased by ∼ 5% before and after cold acclimation. Thus
during 1 h immersions in cold water intracellular fluid is dis- Vasopressin mediates the regulation of the total body fluid and
placed into the interstitium even after cold acclimation (358). plasma osmolarity. Since plasma osmolarity is not affected by
By contrast to observations of TN versus cold water HOWI, the control of vasopressin secretion likely depends
immersions for 1 hour periods immersions for longer peri- upon stimulation of volume receptors. Norsk and Epstein
ods appear to elicit more pronounced changes in body fluid (282) have indicated that a reduction in plasma vasopressin

1714 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

concentration causes increased CH2 O in humans during II (ANGII) levels declined also. The authors then infused
immersion. However, vasopressin levels are quite low in ANGII to keep plasma ANGII levels unchanged from control
euhydrated subjects and it has been difficult to detect reduc- levels during immersion. Infusion of ANGII markedly attenu-
tions in circulating vasopressin, although recent studies with ated the immersion natriuresis and reduced lithium clearance
improved vasopressin assays report consistently small but implying increased fractional distal reabsorption of sodium.
significant reductions in such subjects (128). By contrast, Thus reduced formation of ANGII is an important natriuretic
vasopressin concentrations are high in dehydrated subjects mechanism in humans immersed in water and the natriuresis
and decrease during immersion, but CH2 O does not increase. is in part due to decreased fractional distal tubular sodium
However, the kidney is quite sensitive to small changes in reabsorption.
plasma vasopressin (26), and the CH2 O response is abol- However, as emphasized above, the rapid onset of diuretic
ished when subjects are pretreated with vasopressin (110). and natriuretic responses suggest that they are not due to
Hammerum et al. (155) investigated plasma vasopressin in suppression of ANGII formation and aldosterone secretion.
hydrated subjects immersed in TN water with controlled Indeed, Hajduczok et al. (153) and Sondeen et al. (354)
sodium intake. In this study (155) vasopressin and CH2 O reported that renal responses of immersed awake dogs were
declined. Plasma vasopressin remained suppressed while poorly correlated with PRA.
CH2 O rose later in immersion. Collectively, the data indi-
cate that in humans the immersion diuresis can be related
Atrial natriuretic peptide
to suppression of vasopressin secretion. The level of hydra-
tion appears to determine whether an increase in CH2 O is Distension of the atria stimulates ANP release, eliciting
manifest. diuresis, natriuresis, and vasodilatation and fluid shifts from
In animal studies, Hajduczok et al. (153) found a diure- the vascular to extravascular compartment (301). HOWI
sis and natriuresis in awake dogs during water immersion increases ANP in plasma without delay in humans, dogs,
but no change in either vasopressin or CH2 O, despite large and rats (201). However, the relative time courses of the
increments in atrial pressure. By contrast, after total cardiac ANP and renal responses during immersion differ. For exam-
denervation, immersion led to a decline of vasopressin con- ple, although circulating ANP concentration rises rapidly, the
centration, with the diuresis due to an increased CH2 O. The diuresis and natriuresis are evident at 20 to 40 min. In fact,
Bainbridge reflex increases HR and CO in the intact dog it is uncertain whether these renal responses can actually be
during water immersion due to increased venous return and elicited by the levels of ANP that are attained during water
stimulation of the low-pressure baroreceptors, while arterial immersion (149), and the renal responses are poorly corre-
PP does not change. However, after cardiac denervation, the lated with plasma ANP concentrations (254, 354). The renal
increase in HR is abolished, since it was driven autonomically, responses to ANP were greatly augmented in hypervolemic
but CO increased the same as the preload-induced elevation in (but not hemodiluted) awake dogs (253). Subsequently, it
SV was similar, and arterial PP was increased. These observa- was demonstrated that the renal sensitivity to two doses of
tions indicate that, in the dog, the decline in circulating vaso- ANP was greatly augmented in conscious dogs during volume
pressin was due to increased high-pressure arterial barorecep- replete water immersion (202). These observations indicate
tor loading, unmasked by cardiac denervation. Furthermore, that the renal response to ANP is greatly potentiated when the
the natriuresis was dependent upon intact cardiac nerves. It is, PV is expanded. ANP reduces PV and increases hematocrit
therefore, evident that considerable redundancy exists within by causing a transcapillary shift of fluid out of the plasma
the control systems for body fluid regulation, as is evident compartment (334). In awake dogs, it has been shown that
for other regulatory systems. In awake dogs, monkeys, and ANP infusion caused a hemoconcentration in air (202). Dur-
humans, the major mechanoreceptors regulating vasopressin ing water immersion, there was an expected hemodilution.
secretion are likely arterial baroreceptors (201,333), although However, the immersion hemodilution was attenuated in a
graded distension of central cardiac receptors modulates vaso- graded fashion by increasing doses of ANP. Thus, ANP mod-
pressin secretion in humans (128). ulates and opposes the autotransfusion during water immer-
sion, possibly by raising capillary hydrostatic pressure (201).
Renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the renal sym-
pathetic nerves are antinatriuretic, and interact with ANP to
Nitric Oxide
regulate extracellular fluid volume and plasma sodium con- Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized in the kidney and is natri-
tent. In immersed humans, the decrease in PRA and aldos- uretic. Djikhorst-Oei et al. (91) reported that there is inhibi-
terone concentrations are more consistent than changes in tion of renal NO synthesis on renal hemodynamics and renal
plasma vasopressin, and are less associated with the sub- function during 7 h of TN HOWI. During the timed con-
jects’ hydration (109, 201). Schou et al. (340) demonstrated trol immersion with infusion of placebo, arterial pressure and
using lithium clearance that fractional distal tubular reabsorp- renal vascular resistance declined while there was a natriuresis
tion of sodium is reduced during TN immersion. Angiotensin and diuresis.

Volume 5, October 2015 1715

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

A second immersion study was carried out with infusion of that the roles of vasopressin, aldosterone, and ANP are less
l-NMMA (N(G)-monomethyl-l-arginine) to inhibit NO syn- important. Neurohumoral control of renal function in water
thesis. Prior to immersion l-NMMA decreased the [(15)N- immersion is mediated by low-pressure cardiopulmonary and
arginine to [(15)N]-citrulline conversion rate with profound the high-pressure arterial baroreceptors. Since vasopressin
elevations in arterial pressure and reduction of sodium excre- only declines during immersion in awake dogs after cardiac
tion and urine flow. When the subjects were then immersed denervation there may be a shift in neurohumoral regulation
during l-NMMA infusion, there were relative reductions in of renal function from the cardiopulmonary baroreceptors and
arterial pressure and renal vascular resistance and increases in arterial baroreceptors. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that
sodium excretion and urine flow that did not differ from those in awake dogs water immersion selectively increased central
induced prior to NO inhibition. The authors concluded that input from the cardiopulmonary baroreceptors that acts to
although NO synthesis was estimated to be reduced to one- simultaneously inhibit arterial baroreceptor control of renal
third of control levels, the kidney continues to be sensitive to SNA (260). This indicates that the major reflex input that regu-
volume expansion from HOWI resulting in renal vasodilation lates renal function during TN water immersion in the neurally
and natriuresis and diuresis. These data support the view that intact state is from the low-pressure cardiopulmonary barore-
multiple redundant mechanisms are available to bring about ceptors. The potential contribution from the arterial barore-
the renal response to the volume expansion of immersion. ceptors is unmasked by cardiac denervation. These conclu-
sions are derived from studies in quadruped dogs. Additional
effort is essential to fully understand the relative contributions
Renal sympathetic nerves
of low vs high pressure baroreceptors in biped humans.
DiBona and Kopp (90) and others have shown that renal SNA
can elicit important modulation of kidney function even with-
Circadian influences and intrarenal starling forces
out renal hemodynamic changes. For example, renal sympa-
thetic activation at intensities that have no effect on renal In addition to the denervation and neural recording studies
blood flow or glomerular filtration causes antinatriuresis, in animals, the differential effects of neural versus hormonal
whereas suppression of renal neural activity evokes a natri- control were clarified further by experiments showing a dra-
uresis. Mechanical stretch of atrial or arterial baroreceptors matic circadian influence on the renal response to immer-
results in significantly decreased renal SNA, increasing urine sion in humans. The renal responses to TN HOWI have been
flow, as well as sodium excretion. In addition to this suppres- reported to be attenuated at night (205). Subsequently, these
sion, it has been shown that plasma NE concentration declines observations were confirmed and further showed that the ele-
by as much as 50% during water immersion (111, 281). Haj- vation of CO and the reduction in PRA, aldosterone, and vaso-
duczok et al. (153) found in dogs with denervated hearts pressin were similar during the day and night was confirmed
that the natriuresis of water immersion was entirely due to (344). Later, it was reported that elevations of ANP during
the presence of the cardiac nerves, although a water diuresis HOWI at night were similar to those during the day, despite
persisted in the cardiac-denervated dogs, due to a decline of nocturnal suppression of the diuretic and natriuretic responses
vasopressin levels. Thus, the reflex suppression of adrenergic (259). Since the day versus night hormonal responses were
systems in water immersion is dependent upon the stimula- similar, by exclusion, these circadian studies imply that a
tion of cardiac afferent nerves, and major alterations in vaso- reduced reflex suppression of renal SNA at night is respon-
pressin do not occur in neurally intact animals. The decline sible for the attenuated diuresis and natriuresis during water
in PRA usually observed in HOWI is, therefore, likely to be immersion.
related to a decline in renal SNA. Recording of renal SNA It has been well documented that the kidneys respond
activity in awake dogs, provided the first direct evidence that to increased arterial pressure with a rise in interstitial pres-
SNA is suppressed during water immersion (257). The magni- sure, and this causes pressure-induced diuresis and natriuresis
tude of this neural activity suppression was about 50% below (72). However, it has been demonstrated that the immersion-
preimmersion levels, and the renal response in these dogs induced natriuresis was abolished after cardiac denervation,
consisted of diuresis and natriuresis, with no change in renal despite similar elevations in MAP (153), and that abolition
CH2 O. After chronic bilateral renal denervation, the diure- of the natriuresis and diuresis following renal denervation
sis and natriuresis in HOWI were eliminated. Subsequently, occurred despite similar elevations in MAP (257). Thus,
strong evidence was reported that immersion elicits a car- increased renal arterial pressure does not appear to contribute
diac reflex neurogenic natriuresis, since this natriuresis was in a major way to the water immersion natriuresis. Auto-
also abolished by denervation of the heart (257). Later, it was transfusion during upright immersion causes a hypervolemic
demonstrated that the decline in renal SNA and increased hemodilution and a decline of plasma colloid oncotic pressure.
sodium excretion during water immersion were greatly atten- The latter would diminish the tubular reabsorptive capacity for
uated in cardiac-denervated awake dogs (258). The dramatic sodium, contributing to natriuresis. Using graded immersions
consequences of renal and cardiac denervation emphasize the in humans when thigh cuffs were inflated to reduce fluid shifts
important role of reflex suppression of renal sympathetic acti- from the legs, it has been postulated that the decline in plasma
vation in the renal responses to water immersion, and imply colloid oncotic pressure could be responsible for a significant

1716 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

amount of the elevated sodium excretion observed during from studies in air where CO is increased (328). The regula-
water immersion (187). On the other hand, as indicated above, tion of blood flow in the lung is likely due to active vascular
the hemodilution response in humans during HOWI revealed responses to HOWI, and not as dependent on gravity as previ-
minimal circadian influences, yet the natriuretic responses are ously reported. It can be concluded that higher blood flow to
suppressed at night, reinforcing the primary impact of renal pulmonary capillaries is responsible for increased lung blood
sympathetic nerves in mediating immersion-induced natriure- volume, as recruiting additional capillaries does not appear to
sis and diuresis. occur (114,298,328). The high levels of pulmonary blood flow
and pressure in HOWI may lead to failure of the capillary wall
and, in some cases, result in pulmonary edema and sometimes
Effects of exercise during immersion on renal
hemorrhage, particularly during exercise (see below, under
“Immersion Pulmonary Edema”). During HOWI hydrostatic
It is well documented that exercise carried out on land results pressure compresses the body’s fluid and gas containing com-
in vasoconstriction of blood flow to the kidney and thus blunts partments, thus breath-hold dives can lead to “lung-squeeze”
the diuresis and increases sodium reabsorption (333). Dur- with hemorrhage and edema due to the compression of the
ing HOWI where at rest there are diuretic and natriuretic gas containing compartments (220).
responses, exercise attenuates these response and potentiates As opposed to the depressing effects of a gradual immer-
the kaliuretic response (326). These exercise-associated alter- sion on HR, a rapid immersion in 0◦ C water results in an
ations are likely the effect of increased SNA blunting the sudden increase in HR, respiratory rate and tidal volume with
mechanoreceptor-mediated suppression of renal SNA during an associated decrease in end-tidal CO2 (237). However, pro-
HOWI. In addition, plasma renin and aldosterone remained longed exposure to cold water results in decreased ventilation
unchanged while vasopressin was significantly increased and breathing frequency (Bf ), and this was the case even if
(326). torso or legs were protected (379). HOWI has been shown to
increase CVs in TN water. On the other hand, ERV decreased
in immersion and the alveolar plateau (Phase III) slope was
Pulmonary adjustments less steep (86).
The HOWI-induced CO induces an increase in pulmonary HOWI increases the demands on the respiratory system
blood flow, causing elevation of pulmonary artery blood vol- due to the hydrostatic pressure differential between the feet
ume and pressure. The changes in blood volume result in and chest and the translocation of blood to the chest discussed
increased residual volume and decreased VC (171, 227). The above. If the person is breathing with a snorkel, or SCUBA,
compression of the chest wall causes elastic loading and nega- there is likely an increase in breathing resistance. In addition to
tive pressure breathing (171, 227, 368). The negative pressure the increased SLL described above, the effects of HOWI cause
breathing has an effect on pulmonary mechanics, causing ele- increased WOB at both rest and during exercise (162,322). In
vated pressure difference between the outside of the chest addition, during HOWI, there is a translocation of blood from
and the alveolar air pressure (SLL) (227). Increased SLL the dependent limbs to the chest (11, 201, 368), resulting in a
results if the source of breathing gas (breathing regulator) decrease in total lung capacity, residual volume (171,228,363)
is at a different hydrostatic pressure than the lung centroid and lung compliance (227, 228). The sum total of the HOWI-
(228, 366, 369). SLL is typically negative during immersion induced changes in lung volume increase the elastic WOB.
and submersion due to the negative body attitude, even dur- HOWI causes increased airway resistance (Raw) (162).
ing exercise (228), when the mouth is at lower pressure than The increases in resistance would demand a concurrent
the chest which increases the force required by the inspira- increase in alveolar pressure (PA ) to maintain VE . Airway
tory muscles, while assisting expiration. The elevated SLL resistance has been shown to be modulated by NO (4). It
has been reported to increase ERV (227, 364, 365), resulting has been reported that synthesis of, or administration of NO
in the respiratory muscles being stretched to a less functional results in a decreased airway resistance in a dose-dependent
length resulting in a reduced force development and mainte- manner (103, 166) and due to the increased airway resistance
nance (39,247). The inadequate force may not be sufficient to in HOWI NO production is blunted during HOWI. Ventilation
accomplish the increased total work of breathing (WOB) and in water is also dependent on the water temperature on the face
may lead to respiratory muscle fatigue. The increased total (82). A recent study proposed that the increased inspiratory
WOB demands more O2 increasing the demand for blood force needed to overcome negative SLL during immersion
flow to the respiratory muscles (154, 162), which may also resulted in increased breathing cycle, that is, increased Bf
reduce blood flow and O2 delivery to other skeletal muscles (162).
(158). Immersion results in a decrease in WOB for each breath
HOWI has been reported to increase lung CV in humans, that is a result of the decrease in resistance for that individ-
and may lead to slight hypoxemia (314). It is widely accepted ual breath, and thus WOB ̇ per breath was less. The expira-
that there is increased blood flow to apical regions of the lung ̇
tory WOB per breath was unaffected by immersion. Negative
(11). Its effect on VA /Q depends on the relationship between SLL increases the inspiratory effort to overcome the nega-
CV and ERV as discussed earlier (114,298) and can be implied tive pressure and likely explains the total WOB ̇ changes due

Volume 5, October 2015 1717

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

Regional blood distribution in the lung to decreases in ETCO2 and cerebral vasoconstriction reflected
400 at various levels of water immersion by a decline of middle cerebral artery velocity and is sufficient
to cause disorientation and loss of consciousness (236).
Regional lung volume (counts/pixel)

350 Cooling and heating during HOWI can affect contractile

properties (force generation) of muscle. However, HOWI does
300 not result in changes in muscle fascicle, tendon, and aponeu-
Region 1
Region 2 rosis were during passive stretch, and in addition there was no
250 Region 3
Region 4 change in contractile performance of muscles (206). Another
Region 5 study found that HOWI was associated with a decrease in
200 Region 6
Region 7 maximal voluntary contraction of plantar flexors and the elec-
Region 8
150 Region 9 tromyography amplitude, as well as the Hofman and Achilles
tendon reflexes and these data imply that there is a triggering
100 of inhibitory mechanisms (313).

0 Air Knee Hip Xyphoid ss Modulating factors
Water immersion level
Figure 10 Regional lung volume determined by radioactive labeling Various fluid supplementation protocols have been applied
of red blood cells is plotted as a function of the depth of water immersion
(progressive increasing pulmonary blood flow). The lung was divided
during extended water immersion, with the idea of helping
into nine equal layers from the apex to the top of the lung. The slopes of to sustain the blood volume and are based on the assump-
the increase in lung volume as a function of increasing cardiac output tion that the PV declines in HOWI (131). Protocols have
for the nine layers were not significantly different from each other. In
parallel measurements diffusion capacity (DLCO) was measured and
included hourly boluses of water and replacement of fluid
confirmed the increase in pulmonary blood volume was a result of cap- losses with saline, resulting in a water diuresis. However, due
illary enlargement, and not capillary recruitment (data not shown). to immersion-induced autotransfusion, the assumption that
there is reduced PV is incorrect, and the rationale for partic-
to immersion where negative SLL is increased (162). Dur- ular hydration protocols has never been entirely clear (201).
ing immersion, the energy cost of breathing is increased as a
result of the increased total WOB and a decrease in the net
Egress from water immersion
mechanical efficiency of the respiratory muscles (162, 351).
HOWI results in decreased PaO2 and alveolar-arterial O2 Upon exiting the water, the fluid shifts experienced during
difference and increased CO-transfer factor, due to the redis- immersion are reversed, causing reductions of PV and thus
tribution of lung perfusion to the apical lung (223). How- CO, and favoring orthostatic intolerance (35). Although CO
ever, VE in relation to functional residual volume does not is elevated during diving at rest and low exercise levels (209)
change in immersion (223). HOWI in 35◦ C water has been due to immersion, a decrease in CO due to reduced SV has
shown to increase VE while shunt, VA /Q, and the perfusion been shown after a dive (29, 102). It is unclear how long this
distribution were unaffected (88). More recent studies using depressed cardiac function lasts, or if it is persistent until the
nuclear techniques and diffusion capacity data have shown next dives or accumulates with repeat dives.
that the increased pulmonary blood flow due to HOWI results A recent study has shown that both decreased SNA and
in increased volume of blood in the capillaries (capillary increased para-SNA followed 6 h in-water immersion when
engorgement), as opposed to the opening of more pulmonary PV was significantly reduced (117). By contrast, they reported
capillaries at the top of the lung (capillary recruitment) as seen that aldosterone, ANP, AVP, and NE were unchanged postim-
in Figure 10 (114, 298, 328). Increases in lung blood volume mersion. Importantly, they also showed that cardiovascular
during HOWI is shown in Figure 10. The capillary engorge- and autonomic control are not sufficient to prevent orthostatic
ment, when combined with increased MAP due to exercise intolerance postimmersion (117).
and the vasoconstrictor effects of cold water may predispose
subjects to pulmonary edema. These studies also show that
the capillary engorgement is sustained for 6 h of HOWI. Gender
Cutaneous cold-induced vasodilation has been reported to not
be different between men and women during HOWI (30 min
Cortical and neuromuscular responses at 9◦ C) of the hand (148, 378). Cutaneous cold immersion
Sustained HOWI (34◦ C) increases the activity of both sen- resulted in increased SNA of the hand and reduced blood flow
sory and motor areas of the cortex (339), influencing cortical in both females and males (176) with equal time courses and
processing of somatosensory inputs (337). Rapid immersion magnitude. In addition, the rates of decreases in deep Ts was
in cold (0◦ C) water results in an immediate increase in HR, similar between the genders (234). When differences in body
respiratory rate, and tidal volume. The hyperventilation leads size are considered, the cardiovascular or renal responses to

1718 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

TN HOWI are likely similar (408). While short-term ventila- sympathetic suppression induced by TN HOWI (262). Older
tion with immersion have not been reported to be different in subjects have a blunted increase in SV and CO in TN HOWI
men and women, during cold, HOWI females were shown to to both the shoulder and neck (302). SBP and TPR decrease
have a greater increase in ventilation than males (176). During in response to HOWI, however less so in the elderly. Ectopic
HOWI in water below TN temperature, no gender differences arrhythmias occurred regularly in elderly, but not in young
have been reported after correction for body fatness and sur- subjects. In elderly subjects, blood pressure is elevated in
face area in either the physiological or metabolic responses HOWI, in spite of the blunted increase in SV and constant
(378). Thus, the above description of responses to water HR suggesting that vasoregulatory mechanisms dependent
immersion can most likely be applied to both men and women on the baroreceptor reflex diminish with age (361).
(148). However, one study reported that in water of 20◦ C, the No difference in thermosensitivity, mean Ts , metabolic
drop in Tc was greater in women than men, but only after cor- heat production, Tc and slope of Tc and heat production were
rection of body fat content at rest and low levels of exercise, observed between old and young during HOWI for 40 min
while no differences were seen at higher exercise levels (230). in 20◦ C (147). Sensory perception determined by cold hand
Still another study showed that the time course of changes in immersion detection threshold was higher in older subjects
deep Ts are not different between men and women (176). and required a greater noxious stimulation to reach the thresh-
In TN HOWI, the increases in CO and SV and unchanged old for pain (407).
HR and BP, and a decrease in TPR, at rest were not different Older subjects have been reported to have more shunt
in adult men and women (428). No significant difference in blood flow in the lungs than younger subjects resulting in
atrial diameter, HR, BP, urine volume, osmolality, endothe- lower perfusion areas and perfusion distributions showing
lium, urodilatin, sodium, and potassium excretion were found more inequality in VA /Q (88). No temporal changes were
between men and women (408). However, in females urodi- seen in old or young subjects over 30 min. In young subjects,
latin excretion per kilogram was reported to be higher and CV increased 77%; however, it was below the tidal breath-
there was a delay in the kaliuretic response, while men had a ing range upper limit. However, in older subjects, CV only
greater potassium excretion, presumably due to greater body increased 34% and was not different from the tidal breathing
mass (408). range. While the absolute volume change during HOWI is not
Thermosensitivity, as judged by limb blood flow, was dependent on age, ERV was decreased both groups but was
shown to not be significantly different between genders lower in older.
immersed in cold water (20◦ C), and the phase of the men- In spite of a lesser elevation of CO in older subjects, their
strual cycle of the females did not affect limb blood flow natriuretic response to HOWI was augmented, with increased
(148). This is supported by the data of a study that reported GFR (361) in spite of a decline in pressure-dependent sodium
in women of high versus low body fat the Ts or total body and water excretion in older subjects (395). Nocturnal urine
insulation were not different; however, the fatter group main- production increases with age after 50 years, with increased
tained a higher Tc than the thinner group, presumably due to urination frequency being reported during supine position dur-
increased body insulation (315). ing sleep when CO is increased (28). Similarly, the renal
Responses of BP, HR, and CO and TPR were similar responses to HOWI are attenuated at night in young subjects;
during exercise, and there was no significant effect of age this may not be the case in elderly subjects (205, 344).
or acclimation (428). In 28◦ C, the drop in Tc was inversely
related to exercise VO2 ; however, this was not the case in 20◦ C
water in either men or women (230). It has been shown that no Exercise in Head-Out Water Immersion
gender adjustments are necessary for the metabolic pathways
during shivering or prediction models of cold exposure, as The modes of exercise in the aquatic environment are man-
long as percentage of body fat and the ratio of body surface ifold and so are their respective physiological responses. In
area to size are taken into account (378). this section, this topic will be covered by dividing the modes
of exercise in water into two main categories.
1. Water locomotion. The energy requirements of cyclic type
It has been reported that the well documented increase in activities such as swimming, rowing, and kayaking can be
CO in young subjects during HOWI is blunted in older appropriately described by measuring their “cost of trans-
subjects (302). In TN HOWI, older subjects had less sensitive port” (C). It will be shown how this parameter depends
spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity than younger subjects on the speed and the mode of locomotion and how C is
based on the variation of HR (390). This may be due, in part affected by “biomechanical” factors such as hydrodynamic
to older subjects having less carotid arterial compliance than resistance and propelling efficiency; the former is larger,
young, and increased systolic blood pressure (SBP) (390). the higher the speed, and the wetted area of the immersed
SNA is depressed in all subjects during TN HOWI; however, body/boat, the latter is larger, the greater the distance cov-
there is much less suppression in the older subjects (262). ered per cycle. These forms of exercise in water could
In fact, there is an inverse relationship between age and the also be defined as “competitive aquatic sports” even if this

Volume 5, October 2015 1719

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

definition includes other activities (such as water polo and 2.5

synchronized swimming) that will not be considered here.

2. Water-based activities. These are performed in HOWI 2.0

(e.g., water walking, water running, and water fitness).
The main difference between these activities and the other
competitive aquatic sports is in their aim: while the former 1.5

E (kw)
are mainly performed to improve an athlete’s performance,
water-based activities are mainly performed to maintain L

and improve health in the general population, and/or as a 1.0 UWF
rehabilitation mode for athletes and patients. These activ- AL
ities can be carried out with or without specific equipment K
and their energy demands depend essentially on two “water 0.5
characteristics”: buoyancy and drag. The former is larger
the deeper the immersion level of the body/body parts, the
latter is larger the greater the frequency and the amplitude 0
of the movement of the submerged body parts. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
υ (m · s–1)

Water Locomotion: Energetic and Figure 11 Net energy expenditure (E′ , kW) is plotted as a function
of the speed (v, m . s−1 ) for different forms of aquatic locomotion (orig-
Mechanical Determinants inal data were interpolated over the aerobic speed range, see text for
details). L: swimming by using the leg kick at the surface; UWF: under-
As is the case for land locomotion, locomotion in the aquatic water swimming with SCUBA diving equipment; AL: swimming the front
environment can be sustained with or without locomotory crawl; K: kayaking; R: rowing. Taken from Pendergast et al. (308) with
tools; these tools do not supply additional energy but provide
effective compensation for the limitations in our anatomical
design and for inadequacy in muscle performance (2, 261); where E′ is metabolic power expenditure and v is the speed
their effects on the energetics and mechanics of water loco- of progression. Expressing the velocity as m . s−1 and E′ in
motion allow to better understand the general principles that kJ . s−1 , C results in kJ . m−1 (94): (it represents the energy
determine the physiological responses in this environment; expended to cover a specific distance at a given velocity).
for this reason, data referring to some of these tools (i.e., fins, Equation 1 indicates that, for a given metabolic power, the
kayak, and rowing shell) will be presented in the following locomotion speed will depend on the differences in C among
paragraphs, along with data referring to the swimming strokes locomotion modes. This is shown in Figure 12 where the
(the “unaided” cyclic modes of water locomotion). energy cost of the forms of locomotion considered above is
In Figure 11 (adapted from 308) the metabolic power reported. The solid lines are the iso-metabolic power hyper-
expenditure (E′ , kW) of different forms of aquatic locomo- bolae of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2 kW. For the same metabolic
tion is reported as a function of the locomotion speed (v, power (e.g., 0.5 kW), the locomotion speed will be larger in
m . s−1 ): surface swimming with leg kick (barefoot) (E′ = the forms of locomotion with the lower C, that is, from about
0.91 . v1.75 ), fin swimming below the surface with SCUBA 0.6 m . s−1 in SCUBA diving to about 2.4 m . s−1 in rowing.
diving equipment (E′ = 1.08 . v1.39 ), front crawl swimming For a swimmer, or a boat, to progress in calm water at a
(E′ = 0.60 . v1.87 ), kayaking (E′ = 0.098 . v2.76 ), and rowing specific, constant, velocity, the propulsive force must be equal
(E′ = 0.088 . v2.05 ). The equations listed above are determined to the sum of the resistances opposing locomotion. Thus, the
from reanalyzing the original data (92,299,338,431,438) with increase in E′ with the speed mirrors the increase in (total)
power functions over the aerobic speed range. As indicated mechanical power output (Wtot ′ , kW) that the swimmer has
by Figure 11, metabolic power increases sharply as a function to supply to maintain that velocity (261). Figures 11 and 12
of speed and, at similar velocities, it is greater for leg kicking indicate, therefore, that the speed of locomotion is a “mea-
(both underwater and at the surface), slightly lower for the sure” of the intensity of exercise and that, for a given form of
front crawl and lower by a significant amount in kayaking aquatic locomotion, the physiological responses to exercise
and rowing. depend on (could be graded based on) the locomotion speed.
The energy expenditure of cyclic forms of locomotion As for land locomotion, the total mechanical power of
such as those indicated above, can be expressed not only as aquatic locomotion (Wtot ′ ) is the sum of two terms (e.g., 50):
a function of time (e.g., L O2 . min−1 or kJ . s−1 ) but also as the power required to move the limbs with respect to the centre
a function of the distance covered, by calculating the energy of mass (the internal power, Wint ′ ) and the power required to
cost per unit distance (C) as: compensate for external forces (the external power, Wext ′ ):

C = E′ v−1 (1) ′
Wtot ′
= Wext ′
+ Wint (2)

1720 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

1.5 ηP . Propelling and Froude efficiency refer to the mechanical

partitioning only, whereas the performance and the overall
efficiency take into account also the energy expenditure. The
efficiency with which metabolic power input (E′ ) is trans-
formed into useful mechanical power output (Wd′ ) is termed
1.0 K performance (or drag) efficiency (ηd ) and is given by:
C(kJ · m–1)

ηd = Wd′ ∕E′ (6)

The efficiency with which metabolic power input (E′ ) is

0.5 transformed into mechanical power output (Wtot ′ ) is termed

overall (or gross or mechanical) efficiency (ηO ) and is given


ηO = Wtot ∕E′ (7)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 It follows that: ηO = ηd /ηP . Combining Eqs. (5) to (7) one
υ (m · s–1) obtains:

Figure 12 Net energy cost (C, kJ . m−1 ) is plotted as a function of the E′ = Wd′ ∕(ηP ηO ) (8)
speed (v, m . s−1 ) for different forms of aquatic locomotion (original data
were interpolated over the aerobic speed range, see text for details).
The continuous lines represent iso-metabolic power hyperbolae of 0.5, that relates the metabolic power input (E′ ) with the power
1.0, 1.5, and 2 kW (from bottom to top). L: swimming by using the leg needed to overcome hydrodynamic resistance (Wd′ ) and with
kick at the surface; UWF: underwater swimming with SCUBA diving
equipment; AL: swimming the front crawl; K: kayaking; R: rowing. Taken
propelling (ηP ) and overall (ηO ) efficiency, at a specific veloc-
from Pendergast et al. (308) with permission. ity.
Since, for any given speed, C = E′ /v and Wd′ = Wd . v:

For aquatic locomotion Wext ′ is comprised of two factors:

C = Wd ∕(ηP ηO ) (9)
the power to overcome drag, generating thrust (Wd′ ), and that
that does not add to the thrust (Wk′ ): that relates the energy cost of locomotion with the work, per
unit distance, that is necessary to overcome hydrodynamic

Wext = Wd′ + Wk′ (3) resistance (Wd ) and with propelling (ηP ) and overall (ηO ) effi-
ciency, at a specific velocity. For further details, see Zamparo
Both Wd′ and Wk′ accelerate water giving it kinetic energy et al. (433).
but only Wd′ contributes to propulsion (e.g., 8, 80). The Equations (8) and (9) show that differences in E′ (or in
efficiency with which the external mechanical power pro- C) among locomotion modes in water, at any given speed and
duced the swimmer/kayaker/rower is transformed into “use- for a specific ηO , depend on differences in ηP and/or in Wd′
ful” mechanical power (thrust) is termed Froude (theoretical) (or Wd ); it also indicates that, for a given locomotion mode,
efficiency (ηF ) and is given by: increasing ηP and/or decreasing Wd′ (or Wd ) would result in
decreased E′ (or in C). The justification for this postulate is
ηF = Wd′ ∕Wext

(4) discussed in the following paragraphs.
All cyclic forms of locomotion involve the intermittent
The efficiency with which the overall mechanical power application of forces: the mean velocity (v, m . s−1 ) is indeed
produced by the swimmer/kayaker/rower is transformed into the product of the cycle frequency (f, cycle . s−1 , Hz) and of
“useful” mechanical power (thrust) is termed propelling effi- the distance covered per cycle (dc , m . cycle−1 ) (e.g., 75). As
ciency (ηP ) and is given by: shown by Figure 13 (which reports the f vs. v relationship
in the forms of locomotion in water taken as an example)
ηP = Wd′ ∕Wtot

(5) each mode of locomotion is almost univocally defined by its
dc : surface leg kicking = about 0.5 m . cycle−1 ; underwater
This parameter (ηP ) is of utmost importance in water fin swimming with SCUBA diving equipment = about 1 m
locomotion since it indicates the capability of the swim- . cycle−1 ; front crawl swimming = about 2.5 m . cycle−1 ;

mer/kayaker/rower to transform at best his or her muscular kayaking = about 4 m . cycle−1 ; and rowing = about 8 m .
power into power useful for propulsion. Propelling efficiency cycle−1 . These differences have to be attributed (at least in
could vary from 0 (none of the power provided by the muscles part) to the length of the “propelling tool” (i.e., arms, legs,
is useful for propulsion) to 1 (all power is utilized for propul- paddles, or oars) but essentially indicate the capability of the
sion); if the internal power (Wint′ ) is nil or negligible η = swimmer/rower/kayaker to exert useful forces in water: the

Volume 5, October 2015 1721

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

150 150

100 100
ƒ(cycles · min–1)

D (N)

50 50 UWF

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
υ (m · s–1) υ (m · s–1)

Figure 13 Cycle frequency (f, cycles . min−1 ) is plotted as a func- Figure 14 Active/passive drag (D, N) is plotted as a function of
tion of the speed (v, m . s−1 ) for different forms of aquatic locomotion the speed (v, m . s−1 ) for different forms of aquatic locomotion (origi-
(original data were interpolated over the aerobic speed range, see text nal data were interpolated over the aerobic speed range, see text for
for details). The average distance the body/boat travels per cycle (dc , details). L: swimming by using the leg kick at the surface; UWF: under-
m . cycle−1 ) is indicated by the continuous lines irradiating from the water swimming with SCUBA diving equipment; AL: swimming the front
origin. L: swimming by using the leg kick at the surface; UWF: under- crawl; K: kayaking; R: rowing. Taken from Pendergast et al. (308) with
water swimming with SCUBA diving equipment; AL: swimming the front permission.
crawl; K: kayaking; R: rowing. Taken from Pendergast et al. (308) with

To understand the physiological demands of cyclic forms

of aquatic locomotion, it is therefore sufficient to measure the
power available for propulsion (Wd′ ) is indeed responsible locomotion speed and to know the E′ versus v (the C vs. v)
for the distance the body/boat travels per cycle, as originally relationship of that locomotion mode. A deeper understand-
indicated by Craig and Pendergast (75); dc is thus an index of ing of the energetics of aquatic locomotion can be obtained
propelling efficiency and these two parameters were indeed by assessing the hydrodynamic resistance and the propelling
found to be related: ηP = 0.46 . dc 0.21 (R = 0.78), as shown by (and overall) efficiency of the locomotion at stake. These are
Pendergast et al. (308) for these forms of water locomotion. not easy tasks in this environment and in the following sec-
The power to overcome drag (Wd′ , W) is given by: tions a survey of the techniques mostly used to assess these
Wd . v, where v is velocity (m . s−1 ) and Wd is the work parameters are reviewed.
to overcome drag in the unit distance (J . m−1 = N), Wd has
thus the same units and significance of hydrodynamic resis-
tance (D, N). Hydrodynamic resistance increases as a function Measurement of E ′ , W ′ d , and ηP in the water
of velocity in a similar fashion as E′ and C as seen in Figure environment
14; at comparable (paired) speeds D is larger in underwater
Metabolic power (E ′ )
fin swimming (SCUBA diving, D = 115.7 . v1.57 ), slightly
lower for kicking at the surface (D = 42.9 . v1.55 ) and the The large majority of aquatic locomotion studies report data of
front crawl (D = 49.8 . v1.03 ) and significantly reduced for submaximal energy expenditure after steady state conditions
boats locomotion A rowing shell (D = 12.8 . v1.33 ) offers a are attained, a condition for which is not necessary to esti-
lower resistance to motion than a kayak (D = 14.5 . v201 ) (see mate the role of anaerobic energy sources, the determination
308). of which, as indicated below, is based on several (and some-
Taken together, the differences in ηP (or dc ) and D can times debated) assumptions. Metabolic power (E′ ) at constant,
thus explain the differences in E′ (and C): as an example: (i) submaximal (aerobic) speeds can be calculated by measuring
in SCUBA diving ηP (dc ) is larger than when leg kicking at the the oxygen consumption after a steady VO2 is obtained (VO2 ss )
surface but the former demands more energy than the latter using standard open-circuit techniques. Under this condition,
because its D is larger; (ii) the similar values of D between leg energy expenditure is based only on “aerobic energy sources”

(E′ = EAer = VO2 ss ) (93). Douglas bags, balloons, or portable
kicking and front crawl swimming indicate that the primary
difference in the metabolic power (E′ ) or in the energy cost metabolimeters can be utilized to measure continuously VO2
(C) between these two forms of locomotion must be in their during exercise but often this is a challenging task in the water
relative propelling efficiencies (in their dc ). environment. An alternative way to assess VO2 ss is to use the

1722 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

“back extrapolation technique” where breath by breath oxy- Table 1 Percentage contribution of aerobic (EAer ), anaerobic lactic
gen consumption is taken during the first 30 to 45 s immedi- (EAl ), and anaerobic alactic (EAnAl ) energy sources to overall energy
expenditure during maximal swimming trials (average for the four
ately postexercise (e.g., 327, 431). From the linear regression strokes) over three distances (adapted from 46) and during maximal
of the logarithm of the VO2 values as a function of recovery trials on the Olympic kayak over four distances (adapted, with permis-
time, VO2 can be backward extrapolated “at time zero” and sion, from 434).
the VO2 ss can be estimated (e.g., 71, 269, 270).
Since VO2 reaches a steady state value (at muscular level) Distance Time Speed EAer EAl EAnAl
with a time constant (τ) of about 30 s (330), the methods (m) (s) (m/s) (%) (%) (%)
indicated above could also be applied to measure the aerobic
contribution to metabolic power (Eaer ′ ) in maximal trials last-
Swimming 45.7 25.9 1.76 19.2 54.8 26.0
ing at least 2 to 3 min (e.g., more than 4-5 τ). In these cases,
Swimming 91.4 57.5 1.59 37.4 44.2 19.4
the anaerobic lactic energy contribution to metabolic power
′ ) plays a significant role, the more so the shorter the exer-
(EAnl Swimming 182.9 126.6 1.45 62.4 25.3 12.3
cise time; in these conditions: E′ = Eaer ′ + E′ . The lactate Kayaking 250 61.9 4.04 40.5 37.3 22.2

contribution to E can be calculated from the net increase of Kayaking 500 134.8 3.71 60.4 26.9 13.4
blood lactate concentration (ΔLab ) determined after exercise: Kayaking 1000 289.0 3.46 83.3 8.8 7.9

EAnl = b ΔLab . t−1 , where t is the exercise time and b is
Kayaking 2000 568.2 3.52 89.5 6.1 4.4
the energy equivalent of lactate (e.g., 3 mLO2 . mmol/L−1 .
kg−1 , as proposed by di Prampero (93). As can be evaluated
from the above equation, the role of EAnl′ is reduced for longer

exercise durations, regardless the absolute peak lactate con-

centration in blood. This approach has been validated and as the exercise time gets longer, regardless the absolute PCr
used to determine the energy cost of maximal swimming and concentration at rest.
kayaking trials by several authors (e.g., 47, 431, 432). This approach to estimate E′ [by means of Eq. (10)] is
During all-out tests of shorter duration (less than 2-3 min), discussed in detail by di Prampero (95) and Capelli et al.
metabolic power (E′ ) can be estimated as the sum of three (47) and is only applicable to “square wave” exercises at
terms, as proposed by Wilkie (414) and later applied to land intensities at or above maximal aerobic power where oxygen
locomotion (94), to swimming (115,432,437) and to kayaking uptake does not achieve a steady state, and where other energy
(42, 431): sources play a major role.
The percentage contribution of the aerobic (Eaer ′ ) and
′ ′
anaerobic (EAnl and EAnAl ) energy sources to total metabolic
E′ = EAnS t−1 + α VO2 max − αVO2 max τ ⋅ (1 − e−(t∕τ) )t−1 (10) power is shown in Table 1. The percentage contribution of
′ , E′ , and E′
Eaer is almost independent of gender, skill
Anl AnAl
and mode of aquatic locomotion, but is dependent on the dura-
where α is the energy equivalent of O2 (e.g., 20.9 kJ . lO2 −1 tion of the exercise (t). As an example, for all out efforts of
consumed, for a QR of 0.96), τ is the time constant (s) where- the same duration (about 1 min, e.g., over a distance of 100 m
with VO2 max is attained at the onset of exercise at the muscular in swimming and 250 m in kayaking) the aerobic and anaero-
level (about 30 s, 328), EAnS is the amount of energy derived bic lactic energy sources supply about 40% and the anaerobic
from anaerobic energy utilization, t is the time of performance alactic energy source about 20% of total power expenditure
(s), and VO2 max is the net maximal oxygen uptake (above rest- (47, 432).
ing values). The third term of Eq. (10) is an estimate of the
oxygen debt incurred at the onset of exercise and, therefore,
the aerobic contribution to metabolic power (EAer ′ ) can be esti- Passive and active drag
mated as the sum of the second and third term of Eq. (10). EAer ′
The hydrodynamic resistance (D) determined by towing a
thus increases with the duration of exercise becoming equal “passive” subject (or a boat) through the water (when the
to α VO2 max in maximal exercises of 2 to 3 min or more (e.g., subject is not providing propulsion) and is defined as passive
more than 4-5 τ). EAnS′ (EAnS . t−1 ) is equal to the sum of the drag (Dp , N). When this resistive force is measured (e.g., by
′ ,
metabolic power derived from lactic acid production (EAnl means of a force transducer) at constant speed (v, m . s−1 ),
see above) plus that derived from phosphocreatine splitting: the power to overcome drag (Wd′ , W) is simply calculated as:
′ = PCr (1 − e −t/τ) . t −1 , where PCr is the phosphocre-
EAnAl Dp . v. By repeating these experiments at different speeds,
atine concentration at rest (in the contracting muscles), t is the Dp versus v relationship can be determined. Data of Dp
the exercise duration, and τ is the time constant of PCr split- reported in the literature are fairly consistent (for a review, see
ting at work onset (about 30 s). This analysis assumes that 159, 160). Females and children are characterized by lower
the time constant of PCr breakdown at the start of exercise values of Dp compared to adult male swimmer due to their
is equal to the time constant of the VO2 -on response at the smaller body dimensions and better floating characteristics
muscle level (330). As was the case for EAnl ′ , E′ decreases (e.g., 52, 64, 195).

Volume 5, October 2015 1723

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

In “passive conditions,” no propulsion is provided by determinants of Da that are more easily calculated than Da
the swimmer/rower/kayaker whereas, in actual swimming (or itself on energy expenditure.
paddling) conditions, the arms/paddle/oars movements create Hydrodynamic resistance can be considered as the sum of
propulsion but also create additional resistance; thus, active three simultaneously created drag components: (i) form (pres-
drag (Da ) is expected to be significantly larger than passive sure) drag, that depends on the wetted area of the immersed
drag (Dp ) (159, 417, 433, 436). body/boat [see Eq. (11) below]; this component of drag
The Da versus v relationship in swimming has been inves- increases with the speed of movement and prevails at low
tigated with a specially designed Measuring Active Drag sys- to moderate speeds (up to about 1.2 m . s−1 ); (ii) friction drag,
tem which measures the push off forces (F) exerted by the that depends on the surface characteristics of the body/boat
swimmer using only arm strokes at a constant speed. The F is and that is determined by viscosity effects between the water
measured by pads fixed to a solid rod positioned underwater particles that are carried away in the vicinity of the body/boat;
under the swimmer. Under this condition, for the action reac- this component of drag is rather unaffected by the speed of
tion principle, it is assumed that Da = F (e.g., 387). According movement; and (iii) wave drag, that derives from displac-
to these authors Da ≈ Dp , this unexpected finding could be ing and rising water masses against gravity and thus from
explained by the fact that it is required that the swimmer does creating waves at the water surface; this component of drag
not use the legs, they are floated by a pull buoy, thus reducing increases as the speed of movement increases and is prevail-
the swimmer’s wetted area (as discussed below). Therefore, ing at the highest speeds attained in swimming competitions
with this method, the values of Da are probably underesti- (1.8-2.0 m ⋅ s−1 ) and in boat locomotion. For more details,
mated. Active drag has also been estimated by the difference see (268, 306, 307).
in swimming speed caused by free swimming with various Form, or pressure, drag can be calculated as:
hydrodynamic bodies attached that create a known additional
Dpr = 1∕2 ρCd Av2 (11)
resistance (197). This method, however, can be applied only
at maximal speed and thus does not allow to determine the Da where ρ is water density, v is the velocity, Cd is the drag coef-
versus v relationship. ficient, and A is the projected frontal area (in the direction
Active drag can be inferred from metabolic measures as of movement). Cd is a coefficient that takes into account the
originally proposed by di Prampero et al. (96): the hydro- shape of the body in motion; smaller values of Cd are asso-
dynamic resistance of a swimmer/boat moving in water at ciated with elongated shapes oriented in the direction of flow
constant speed, could be increased or decreased by attaching (streamlined objects) (397). For partially submerged bodies,
to the swimmer/boat known forces (e.g., an added drag, AD) A is the “wetted” area: the surface exposed to the water, since
acting in the direction of progression. Using this method, the that exposed to air has a negligible resistance (ρ of air is about
relationship between steady state VO2 and added/subtracted 800 times lower than that of water).
drag is linear for any given speed. The extrapolation of this Kayaks and rowing shells float on the surface and have
relationship to resting VO2 yields a value of AD that is in abso- lower values of Cd compared to human swimming; these
lute terms (and opposite in sign) equal to the average active boats are long and narrow (a single scull is about 8 m long
drag (Da ), that is, to the propelling force that the person has to and 0.3 m wide) and their design keeps pressure and wave
provide to proceed at that velocity (see also 94,300,432,438). drag low. In boat locomotion, the weight of the boat (about
With this method, the active drag of front crawl swimming 10-15 kg for a single sculls) is the major determinant of the
and kayaking was investigated; these studies have shown that: wetted surface area: an increase in weight has been reported
(i) in front crawl swimming active drag is almost twice than to increase hydrodynamic resistance by 10% for rowing and
passive drag: Da = 44 . v1.60 and Dp = 24 . v1.99 (in elite 20% for kayaking for a 20% increase in weight (299, 343).
male swimmers) (436), and (ii) not only active drag is larger As for boat locomotion, the wetted area of the swimmer
than passive drag but the former depends on the technical depends on the dimensions of the body (e.g., it is larger in
skill of the subjects; as an example in kayaking: Dp = 0.90 . heavier and taller swimmers) and on the fraction of the body
v1.63 whereas Da (elite men) = 1.48 . v2.01 and Da (unskilled that is submerged (which is larger the larger the “underwater
man) = 2.32. v1.75 : the lower the technical skill the larger the weight” of the swimmer) but in swimmers A depends also on
additional resistance to motion “created” by the subject while the body incline. Indeed, whereas the “underwater weight”
moving in water at a given speed (299). of the swimmer is determined by Archimedes’ principle as is
These data indicate that Da > Dp , as expected; they also the case for boats, in swimmers the “wetted area” depends not
indicate that, to understand the effects of hydrodynamic resis- only on the balance between weight (W) and buoyant force
tance on the physiological responses of exercise in the aquatic (B) but also on the distance between the points of application
environment Da and Dp are not interchangeable and that of these two forces. In the human body, these do not coincide
Da should be assessed/estimated instead of Dp . However, and this induces the body to rotate, the entity of this rotation
whereas measurements of Dp have been made for a long time (the angular momentum) depending on the values of W and B
using many methods, the measure of Da is still a controver- and on their lever arms. Particularly at low speeds, swimmers
sial issue (e.g., 160, 387, 416, 436). The difficulty measuring are not horizontal to the surface of the water and this
Da prompted some authors to investigate the effects of some increases their projected (wetted) frontal area. As the velocity

1724 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

of progression increases, the body becomes more horizontal in kayaks and rowing shells (e.g., 307, 434). Drag efficiency
to the surface and the wetted area decreases (436); in this increases with increasing velocity in both swimming and boat
condition, the major determinant of D is the underwater locomotion, as is the case for ηO (e.g., 308).
weight of the swimmers, as is the case for boat locomotion. Even more controversial than ηd are the methods utilized
Due to its importance in determining wetted area, and due to estimate overall and propelling efficiency, and the range of
to the difficulties of measuring Da , body incline was inves- their values. The values of ηO reported in the literature, for
tigated in static or dynamic “conditions” by several authors. swimming, range from 0.1 to 0.2 (387, 438) and the values of
The effect of the underwater static position on the energet- ηP range from 0.2 to 0.8 (115, 243, 386, 429, 438). As previ-
ics of swimming can be described quantitatively by measuring ously indicated (441), ηp can be calculated based on values
(with an underwater balance) the underwater torque (T) which of drag efficiency provided that overall (gross) efficiency is
is a quantitative measure of “the tendency of the legs to sink”: known (ηO = ηd /ηp ). In cycling, where Wtot ′ can easily be

the greater T the higher the wetted area (and thus D) and the measured with proper ergometers: ηO = 0.25-0.30. Overall
greater the C is for a given speed. As men have greater T, they efficiency in all cyclic forms of locomotion should theoreti-
expend more energy per unit distance than women; at low cally have the same value, as long as elastic energy does not
swimming speeds (0.9-1.1 m . s−1 ) about 70% of the variabil- play a role. In addition, the total power output must be pre-
ity of C is explained by the variability of T, regardless of the cisely measured to have a valid calculation. This proposal is
gender, age and skill of the swimmer (e.g., 96, 300, 431). At supported by a study (152) that demonstrated that ηO can be
higher swimming velocities (> 1.2-1.4 m . s−1 ) the hydrody- as high as 0.24 (in elite oarsman during a simulated 2000 m
namic lift counteracts the T, so that the body is horizontal to race on a rowing ergometer) and the same value was reported
the water surface,; at these speeds no relationship between T for “simulated swimming” on a laboratory based ergometer
and C could be observed anymore (431), at least in the front (441). The values of v, C, Wd′ , and ηp for various forms of
crawl. aquatic locomotion are shown in Table 2. Thus, the lower ηO
In “dynamic conditions” (during actual swimming), the values for swimming are likely due to the failure to account
wetted area depends on the body incline of the swimmer’s for all forms of work or lost energy during free swimming. It
body in respect to the waterline and the latter can be measured necessarily follows that, for ηO values of about 0.20 to 0.25,
by means of underwater cameras (e.g., 268, 435, 436). The and since ηd = 0.03-0.09, ηp could be as high as 0.36 to 0.45:
relationship between the static and dynamic position in water for example, only 50% of total power output results in propul-
depends thus on the speed and, at high swimming speeds, A sion (useful thrust) in subjects while swimming (441). These
is essentially determined by body surface and by the fraction estimates appear valid as humans are not ideally designed
of body that is submerged (the body incline being negligible). physically for locomotion in water, as compared to cetaceans
As shown by Zamparo et al. (436) at speeds from 1 to 1.6 that have ηp values ranging from 0.75 to 0.90 (116).
m . s−1 the average body incline during (front crawl) swim- In the last decade, a novel approach to determine pro-
ming is about twice that measured when the same swimmer pelling efficiency was put forward (243, 429, 435, 437, 441):
is passively towed in water (about 10◦ and 5◦ , respectively); instead of attempting to assess ηP based on measures of
this supports the hypothesis that Da > Dp and actually these
authors calculated that Da is indeed about twice than Dp (see
above), as previously reported also by other authors (e.g., Table 2 Values of speed (v) energy cost (C), power to overcome drag
96, 300). (W′ d ) and propelling efficiency (ηp ) at metabolically equivalent speeds
(E′ tot = 0.5 kW) in different modes of aquatic locomotion. Adapted,
with permission, from Pendergast et al. (308) and from Zamparo et al.
Drag, propelling, and overall efficiency
The determination of ηP and ηO requires the measure of the Mode of Speed range v C W′
total mechanical work (or work rate) of aquatic locomotion locomotion (m/s) (m/s) (kJ/m) (W) ηp
[Wtot or Wtot′ , see Eqs. (5) and (7)]. Given the difficulties in

just assessing Da it is not a surprise that only few papers UWF 0.4-0.8 0.6 0.88 31 0.58
attempted to estimate these two parameters. Drag efficiency
LK 0.6-1.0 0.7 0.70 17 0.36
(ηd ) only requires measures of drag and energy expenditure
[Eq. (6)] which are easily made and thus ηd values are likely FC 0.9-1.4 0.9 0.55 40 0.45
valid. This is the case even if the methods currently used to PW 1.1-1.3 1.3 0.36 44 0.39
estimate drag (active and/or passive) are controversial, they K 1.0-3.0 1.8 0.28 85 0.70
reliably show that less than 10% of the subject’s metabolic
WB 1.2-2.9 2.3 0.23 73 0.57
power can be transformed into mechanical power output
(ηd = 0.03-0.09) in the aquatic environment (e.g., 169, 300, R 2-5 2.4 0.22 99 0.70
387, 438).
UWF: underwater SCUBA diving with fins; LK: swimming with the leg
In boat locomotion, the values of drag efficiency are higher kick only; FC; front crawl swimming; PW: paddle-wheel boat; K: kayak-
than reported for swimming: for example, about 0.15 to 0.20 ing (slalom kayak); WB: water-bike: R: rowing shell.

Volume 5, October 2015 1725

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

force/power (which is quite difficult in the aquatic environ- differences in C should be accompanied for by differences in
ment, as indicated above) the efficiency of leg kicking and arm maximal swimming speed (vmax ) among strokes. Indeed, this
stroking were determined by methods designed for analysis was reported for male swimmers (US Olympic trials, 1976)
of animal locomotion. In swimmers using the leg kick (with over the 100 m distance, the corresponding vmax are: 1.92,
and without fins), ηp has been determined from values of for- 1.70, 1.78, and 1.48 m . s−1 , respectively (75). Moreover, the
ward speed and of the speed of the backward wave traveling differences in C among strokes should depend on differences
along the body (439, 440) as previously applied to the study in Da and ηP . Active drag or ηP have not been studied for
of undulating fish (e.g., 8, 80, 217). The technique for the arm swimming strokes other than the front crawl but, as indicated
stroke in front crawl swimming is comparable to the tech- above, the distance covered per stroke (dc ) is an index of pro-
nique used for animals using a “rowing” motion that move pelling efficiency. As reported by the same authors for the
water by producing power strokes, due to the backward move- same swimmers in the same conditions, dc is of 2.03, 2.24,
ment of their appendages, with the recovery strokes returning 1.99, and 1.46 m . cycle−1 for the front crawl, backstroke,
the appendages back to their starting position, moving for- butterfly, and breaststroke, respectively. Thus, as indicated by
ward (8, 80). In the front crawl, as a first approximation, the Eq. (9), the greater the distance the body travels per stroke
body can be assumed to move forward at constant velocity (an index of ηP ) the lower the C; this general rule seems not
(v) while the upper limbs (the appendages) move forward and to hold for the backstroke which is characterized by a larger
backward with a velocity u relative to the body. The ratio v/u dc than the front crawl but also by a larger C. This state of
is proportional to the Froude efficiency in animal locomotion affairs is probably due to differences in active drag between
(8) as well as in fluid machines (pumps, turbines, propellers, these two strokes.
fans, water wheels, and paddle wheels) as it is dependent on Compared to other forms of locomotion (e.g., cycling
the velocity of the components of the fluid and rotor at the or running) where minimal differences in C are observed
inlets and outlets (122). The velocity of the appendages (u, the among subjects with different technical skills (5-10%), tech-
hand speed for the arm stroke) can be directly measured by nical ability in swimming has a significant influence on C,
means of underwater kinematic analysis (115) or estimated, thus improving skill significantly reduces the C. As previ-
by modeling the upper arms motion as the motion of a pad- ously indicated, a recreational swimmer can spend as much
dle wheel (438); the values of ηp calculated in this way were as twice the energy a good swimmer uses for proceeding in
about 0.45 (in male elite swimmers). This value was expected water at the same speed (its C is 200% larger) and the latter
on theoretical grounds (441), and was not different between consumes about 20% to 30% more energy than an elite swim-
the two methods (115). mer at comparable speeds (169, 170). Training is expected
Propelling efficiency in boat locomotion is larger than in to improve technical skills and thus would lead to improved
swimming (in the 0.65-0.75 range [e.g., 51,308)], and overall ηP and reduced C. It has been shown that 4 years of high
efficiency was reported to be of about 0.20 to 0.22 (e.g., 92, velocity training caused a 20% decrease in energy expendi-
308) as previously found for exercise on a rowing ergometer ture (E′ ) and a 16% improvement in dc (propelling efficiency
(where mechanical work can be accurately assessed) (e.g., was not calculated in this study) (367). In addition improved
152, see above). skill would decrease Da by 15% to 35% (308); as shown by
Eq. (9) the reduction of Da is an important factor in reducing
C rafter training.
The determinants of the energy cost of locomotion Both ηP and Da are influenced by the anthropometric char-
acteristics of the swimmer that change with growth, and are
Data reported in Figures 1-4 refer to selected aquatic loco- also influenced by concurrent development and training. C
motion modes and to elite male athletes. Differences in E′ , C, is thus expected to differ between children and adults and
D, and ηP are however reported in the literature as a function between males and females. Women have indeed a lower C
of age, gender, and skill level; these parameters also differ (10-30%) than men (e.g., 52, 53, 269, 300, 431). The lower C
among strokes (in swimming) and depend on the specific has been reported to be due to lower hydrodynamic resistance
locomotor tool utilized to move in water. In the following secondary to smaller body size, and higher body fat (thus
sections, more detailed information regarding the energetics they assume a more horizontal attitude in the water) (e.g.,
of water locomotion is reported. 300, 430). A few studies have investigated the determinants
The energy cost of swimming, for a given speed, is the of C in children and adolescents. These studies indicate that,
lowest for the front crawl, then backstroke and butterfly, with at similar velocities, C is lower (10-50%) in children than in
breaststroke having the greatest cost (47, 170). For young adults (195, 312, 320, 437), the more so the younger the sub-
elite swimmers, the relationships between C and v for the four jects (437). Master swimmers are characterized by a higher C
strokes are well described by the following equations (adapted compared to younger swimmers and, at comparable speeds,
from Capelli et al. 47): front crawl: C = 0.670 . v1.614 , Back- C increases as a function of age (435); the decrease in maxi-
stroke: C = 0.799 . v1.624 , Butterfly: C = 0.784 . v1.809 , breast- mal metabolic power (Emax ′ ) that occurs with age forces these

stroke: C = 1.275 . v0,878 . Since elite athletes are characterized swimmers to reduce their speed; this, in turn, is related to an
by similar values of maximal metabolic power (Emax ′ ) these unfavorable alignment of the body (and thus with an increase

1726 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

in Wd ). More importantly, though, with age a deterioration in (a combination of water based activities to improve the
propelling efficiency occurs so that C increases due both to athletes’ physical performance); and (iii) “aquatic rehabilita-
an increase in Wd and to a decrease in ηP (435). tion” (a combination of water based activities aimed to total
These examples indicate that differences in C (E′ ) should or partial orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation). These
be expected based on differences in Wd , ηP , and ηO among activities can be performed without specific equipment (i.e.,
swimmers. The ACSM guideline tables (9) emphasize this water walking and running, aqua gym, and aqua aerobics),
relationship by warning readers that physical activity energy can utilize small tools to increase water resistance (e.g.,
expenditure (PAEE) “can vary substantially from person to hand paddles) or to improve buoyancy (e.g., pull buoys and
person during swimming as a result of different strokes and buoyant jackets) or can be performed with specific equipment
skill levels.” Thus, whereas it is true that in aquatic locomo- (such as water steps, treadmills, and bikes). The physiological
tion an increase in speed corresponds to an increase in exercise responses to these forms of exercise (the energy expenditure
intensity, care should be taken in selecting the appropriate C of WA) are greatly influenced by: (i) buoyancy and (ii)
versus v (or E′ vs. v) relationship to estimate the actual values hydrodynamic resistance.
of C (E′ ) in this environment. This is at variance with land
locomotion where in “healthy young adults” interindividual
differences in C for walking, running, and cycling are negli-
gible allowing for a proper and simpler prescription of PAEE Archimedes’ principle is a law of physics stating that an
in “standardized conditions” (e.g., on flat and firm terrain, at immersed body is buoyed up by a force (B) equal to the
sea level and in the absence of wind). weight of the fluid it actually displaces. According to this
Compared with swimming, boat locomotion is charac- principle, the submerged weight of a body in water (UW =
terized by far lower values of drag and far larger values of body weight − B) is reduced in proportion to the immersion
propelling efficiency; this means that, according to Eq. (9), level; as a rule of thumb it allows for a 35% reduction in body
C is much lower than in swimming. As is the case for swim- weight when the body is submerged up to the thigh, 50% up to
ming, however, the energy cost of boat locomotion increases the navel, 75% up to the chest, and 90% up to the neck. In full
(nonlinearly) as a function of the speed and is determined by immersion, a human body thus weights only few Newtons. A
the design of the boat and the skill level of the athlete. As an larger “unloading effect” could be obtained with immersion
example, for sprint flat-water kayaking (K1 scull) C = 0.020 in seawater (which has a larger density than fresh water).
v2.26 (441) and for rowing C = 0.088 v1.05 (92). Body volume (Vb ), mass (M), and density (Vb ) are related
By analogy to swimming studies, in kayaking C was found as: Vb = M/ρb and thus, for a given immersion level, the
to be up to 30% to 50% lower (at paired speeds) in elite than in buoyant force will be larger the smaller the body density and
less experienced paddlers (42, 299). These differences were the larger the body mass. The density of muscle is about 1
attributed to differences in propelling efficiency. As is the g . cm−3 , of fat about 0.8 g . cm−3 and of bone about 3 g .
case for swimming, for the same skill level, male kayakers cm−3 ; this means that different buoyant forces will charac-
were found to be less economical than females (299): a 5% terize subjects with different anthropometric characteristics
to 12% difference in C, increasing with increasing speed. In (e.g., lean muscular subjects are less buoyant than subjects
this case, the difference was attributed to differences in Wd (a with a large percentage of body fat due to their different
lower body mass in female kayakers and hence a lower wetted values of ρb ; hence differences should be expected between
area). males and females and between young and elderly people).
As previously indicated for swimming, training decreases Moreover, when the lungs are also submerged, body density
the energy cost of boat locomotion (of about 25-33% in rowing will change with the changes in lung volume since air density
and 6-10% in kayaking), due to an increase in dc (an index of is about 800 times lower than that of water.
ηP ) and a decrease in Da (e.g., after 4 years of training active Thus, the “unloading effect of water” depends on the
drag can be reduced by 18-50% in kayaking) (307). level of immersion, on the density of water, on the volume
of the immersed body, on its density and on the volume of
air filling the lungs (when these are submerged). Therefore,
Water based activities for a given water depth, different “unloading effects” can be
Water-based activities (WA) are modes of physical exercise elicited in different subjects resulting in different physiologi-
performed in water and in HOWI. This general definition is cal responses.
useful to distinguish these exercise modes from the cyclic The buoyant force has also a deep impact on the “static
modes of aquatic locomotion (e.g., swimming, kayaking, and equilibrium” (e.g., on the “static position” the body assumes
rowing) and from other sport activities performed in water in water) as well as on the “dynamic equilibrium” (e.g., dur-
(e.g., diving, synchronized swimming, or water polo). ing body movements). Let us consider, as an example, the
WA (besides the recreational purposes) could be divided condition of a subject standing still (upright) in water up to
into three major categories: (i) “aquatic fitness” (activities to the neck: since the points of application of the buoyant force
maintain and improve physical fitness carried out in water (B) and body weight (W) do not coincide (the former is more
using different techniques and methods); (ii) “aqua training” cranial and closer to the lungs than the latter) if they are not

Volume 5, October 2015 1727

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

aligned on the vertical line (a condition in which the lever reducing the overall energy requirements of exercise, the more
arms of these two forces are nil) the body will rotate. so the larger the level of immersion; but (ii) the larger den-
In dynamic conditions (e.g., while raising an arm) the sity of water (compared to air) provides “loading” during
body’s centre of gravity changes and, if the arm is raised out all movements so that hydrodynamic resistance works as a
of the water, the value of B will also change. Furthermore, “confounding factor” increasing the energy requirements of
inspirations and expirations will change the position of the WA compared to the same movements performed on land,
centre of buoyancy (and also the value of B); this means that, the more so the larger the speed (frequency) of movement
in water, energy has to be expended to maintain the desired and the larger the submerged area of the body/body segments
body position (e.g., vertical during head out water activities) in motion. As an example, in water walking, the “favorable”
and to avoid unwanted (and unbalancing) rotations, the more effect of buoyancy seems to be offset by the added resistance
so the larger the amplitude of the movements. of water when the level of water approaches/exceeds waist
Buoyancy helps a body/body part to move toward the level (145).
water surface but resists a body/body part moving from the Since there is no means to assess with accuracy the
water surface; buoyancy can be increased “artificially” by intensity of WA on the basis of “standardized biomechanical
utilizing flotation devices (e.g., pull buoys or buoyancy jack- parameters” (such as speed in swimming and boat locomo-
ets); since this equipment comes with a variety of size and tion), the physiological effects of WA are difficult to sum-
shapes this has an obvious influence not only on the value marize and, indeed, the energy requirements of WA could
of B itself but also on the angular momentum (depending on be larger, equal or lower than those of the same exercise
where these devices are positioned on the body) as well as on performed on land. The example of water running will be
hydrodynamic resistance (see below). reported as a reference of this state of affairs.
Buoyant force can reduce the effect of the body’s weight
on its joints thus reducing compressive forces (e.g., 100). WA
can thus be a good alternative to land exercise in persons Deep water running
with low physical fitness, that is, elderly individuals, people Deep water running (DWR) is running in place in the deep-
with orthopedic or neurological disabilities, injured athletes, end of a swimming pool, usually wearing a buoyancy vest that
as well as obese patients (see below). floats the body so the head is out of the water. The standard-
ized technique that must be used is, as an example, described
by Chu and Rhodes (61): “(i) the trunk should be slightly for-
Hydrodynamic resistance
ward in respect to the upright position; (ii) the arms and legs
The resistance to movement in water is the result of an effort should follow a “unilateral forward motion,” thereby avoid-
to move aside masses of water coupled with the effort to ing the motions of treading water (i.e., circular leg and arm
overcome its frictional characteristics (density and viscosity). motions); (iii) the elbows should be at a 90◦ angle with the
When the movement in water is slow (or when the body is trunk; and (iv) the hands should remain completely open in
still) buoyancy is the principal force acting on the body; as the sagittal plane or in a closed fist to avoid “dog paddling” in
the speed of motion increases, the resistance to movement the water.
(D, hydrodynamic resistance) increases, becoming the most In DWR, there is no loading of the skeletal system and
important force acting on the body. As indicated previously, the workload is generally incremented by increasing the fre-
form or pressure drag [Eq. (11)] is the most important compo- quency of the movement (i.e., the “stride frequency”) by using
nent of total drag at low to moderate speeds and thus the most a metronome.
important form of drag for WA. According to Eq. (11), D (and DWR could be considered as: (i) an “aquatic fitness” activ-
thus energy expenditure) will be larger the larger the speed ity when aimed to maintain and improve physical fitness in
(v) of movement (or its frequency) and the larger the sub- health individuals (e.g., 41,316); (ii) an “aqua-training” activ-
merged (wetted) area of the body/body segments in motion ity when utilized to maintain and improve the athlete physical
(A). Indeed, the energy expenditure of a given WA is larger performance (43,324,413); or (iii) an “aquatic rehabilitation”
the larger the movement frequency (e.g., 6, 7, 48, 246, 317). activity when utilized for total or partial orthopedic and neu-
In WA, D can be increased “artificially” by utilizing “resis- rological rehabilitation (e.g., 125).
tance equipment” (e.g., hand paddles). Since this equipment Lower values of VO2 max and HRmax are reported for
comes with a variety of size and shapes this has an obvious DWR compared to running on land or on a treadmill) (e.g.,
influence on A (and hence on D and on energy expenditure). 100, 123, 362). The lower values of HRmax were attributed
Moreover, the “added resistance” depends on how this equip- to physiological factors (e.g., altered baroreflex response
ment is used since the value of A depends on the level of and increased venous return in water compared to land, see
immersion of the equipment and on its orientation along the below) but they were also found to depend on the different
direction of movement. “running techniques” adopted in water that could alter
Water immersion has thus two main consequences on the segment kinematics and muscle activation patterns and could
physiological responses to exercise: (i) it reduces the energy prevent the runners from attaining the same intensity level
needed to rise the body/body segments against gravity thus in the two conditions (266, 362). Indeed, Ghering et al. (143)

1728 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

showed that competitive runners, familiar with water running, WA in “uncontrolled conditions”: General
were capable of achieving similar VO2 max values on land and considerations
in water; however, those who were untrained in water running
Exercising at submaximal levels in TN water HR is simi-
showed a larger difference in VO2 max in the two conditions.
lar (e.g., 11) or slightly reduced (e.g., 305) compared to that
Familiarity thus plays an important role in physiological
assessed at similar VO2 values in air. The differences in the
requirements of DWR as previously shown (27, 124). Thus,
HR response between water and land are expected to increase
in accordance with what found is for water locomotion,
at lower water temperatures where lower HR are observed for
another parameter that has to be taken into consideration
a given VO2 (e.g., 230, 362). The lower HR has to be con-
to explain the energy expenditure of WA is the technical
sidered in WA exercise that is prescribed based on HR in the
skill (the efficiency) in performing that specific movement
swimming pool (with water temperatures of about 28◦ C) even
in water.
if exercise of moderate-high level reduces the temperature of
When comparing land treadmill running with aquatic
thermoneutrality (74).
treadmill running (or with running in shallow water) with
As suggested by Reilly et al. (324), the lower values of
a level of immersion up to the xiphoid process, the differ-
HR at a given VO′ , during submaximal exercise in water
ences in the physiological responses at maximal effort dis- 2
appear (e.g., 349, 388). In this case, however, the running compared to land, can be due to the ability of the subject
technique is expected to be more similar in the two condi- to exercise in water (as it occurs when comparing trained
tions (a push off phase on a solid surface is present in both and nontrained subjects for exercise on land). Also for this
cases) and the “unloading effect” is lower than in DWR as reason, care should be taken when using HR to grade exercise
lower could be expected to be the difference in the kinematic intensity in WA. Finally, the difference in maximal HR and
pattern between the two conditions, and hence in their energy VO2 values observed in some studies (see the example of
expenditure. DWR above) suggests that care should be taken also when
grading WA exercises based on the HRmax and VO2 max values
assessed on land.
WA in “controlled conditions” All these considerations suggest that the differences in
A fair comparison between exercise in water and on land can the physiological response observed in WA studies between
be performed using cycloergometry in TN water conditions water and land exercise in “uncontrolled conditions” could
so that the pattern of movement can be accurately matched be attributable to: (i) differences in exercise intensity (e.g., in
in the two conditions. To match the power output in the two water mechanical power output is influenced by buoyancy and
environments the effect of water resistance on the energy drag and HR could not be used to grade WA intensity), (ii) dif-
requirements of exercise has to be taken into consideration. ferences in the movement pattern (i.e., in neuromuscular and
The oxygen uptake of moving the legs underwater at a fre- kinematic responses); (iii) unfamiliarity/unhabituation with
quency of 60 rpm was suggested to be equivalent to about the “new” environment; and (iv) to thermoregulation issues.
25 W of external power (e.g., 118, 297). By taking this into
account, it is possible to match also the power output in the
two conditions and thus have a direct comparison of the “spe- WA: The effects of training
cific” effect of water immersion on the type of exercise. In Even if it is difficult to estimate with accuracy the inten-
these conditions V′O2 increases linearly as a function of exer- sity/physiological response of a given WA based on some
cise intensity, and the slope in water is comparable to that on E′ versus v relationships, as is the case for swimming and
land; no differences are observed in the VO2 /VE ratio and in the boat locomotion, it is well recognized in the literature that
slope of the HR versus VO2 relationship between conditions. VO2 increases when the immersion level is reduced and when
However, resting HR is about 10 bpm less in water compared the frequency of the movement in increased. This allows the
to land and HR is lower in water (of the same amount) at gradation of any WA in prescribing these exercises in accord
low exercise intensities (< 1-1.2 L/min), as well as at VO2 max . with dose-response principles (e.g., 9) as well as to utilize
Additionally, no differences in VO2 max between conditions these exercises for training purposes in different populations
are observed (309). of subjects.
As a general rule, in HOWI in TN temperature at rest, tho- Water-based physical activities are suitable for persons
racic blood volume, CVP and CO increase (e.g., 11,113), HR who have low physical fitness, that is, elderly people (e.g.,
remains unchanged (11), or decreases slightly (113). In spite 41, 389), persons with orthopedic or neurological disabilities
of the increased CO, MAP is unaffected as TPR is reduced, (e.g., 61, 81, 99), athletes after surgery or for treatment of
secondary to increased blood flow to muscles and/or visceral injuries (e.g., 362), and overweight or obese patients (e.g.,
tissues (e.g., 11, 201). During moderate exercise CO remains 129). Physical activity in water is also beneficial for fitness
elevated whereas ventilation, VO2 , and HR do not differ from for young adults and other healthy persons participating in
those on land (e.g., 11,113,188,297). At higher exercise inten- recreational activities (67,68,241). In general terms, when the
sities CO becomes more directly dependent on VO2 and the effect of water exercises is considered, there is general agree-
ventilatory response is similar to that on land (e.g., 297). ment among the studies that water exercises are an effective

Volume 5, October 2015 1729

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

alternative to traditional physical activities to improve health, expiratory pressures (321, 322, 425), but not to the extent that
physical fitness, aerobic capacity, muscular strength, flexibil- training with 100% did in the previous study (216). In addition
ity, and balance (e.g., 31, 61, 67, 68, 241, 313, 389, 398). in the latter studies (321,322,425), there was an improvement
in respiratory endurance, which was not reported for the train-
ing that used 100% pressures (216). Some previous studies
Respiratory muscle fatigue and training used a fixed resistance over the period of RMT (321,322,425).
In comparison to exercise on land at the surface, exercise More recent studies reported greater improvements in strength
both in and under water has been reported to increase the total and endurance using progressively increasing resistances as
WOB and respiratory muscle fatigue. During submersion, training persisted over 4 weeks (415). It is important to note
divers have increased airflow resistance (227, 233, 392, 393) that many of these studies failed to show an increase in max-
due to breathing resistance and SLL (87, 369). The increased imal VO2 , or cardiovascular function; most of the improve-
WOB is exacerbated at deeper depths as the pressure increases ments were in respiratory function.
gas density in the lung and SCUBA gear that has to be used Several studies have reported a reduced VE for a given VO2
to breathe (227). An additional factor may be increased end after resistive RMT during a submaximal constant-work rate
expiratory lung volume (EELV) present both at rest and during exercise at 70% to 85% of VO2 max exercise test (80% VO2 max )
exercise (227, 364). However, it has been reported that EELV (214,321,322,425). The reduced V̇ E was secondary to reduced
is not elevated under these conditions (364), but negative SLL Bf , even if Vt was either maintained or slightly increased both
may actually decrease EELV at rest and during exercise (227). for exercise on land (214) and in water (320,321,421). Resis-
Breathing at decreased or increased EELV, changes the respi- tive RMT increased the strength of the respiratory muscles
ratory muscle length to a disadvantaged length in reference to and was also associated with reduced VO2 for given WOB
the length-tension relationship and thus the force developed (efficiency). In addition, the ventilatory pattern (increase in
for the same effort is reduced (39,247). The combination of the VT and a decrease in Bf , i.e. reduced dead space ventilation)
factors described above causes an increase in the WOB, and decreased the WOB. The combination of decreased VO2 and
when combined with a lower efficiency (162) lead to higher increased VT allowed swimmer to exercise longer times for
energy cost of ventilation and likely lead to the increased the same work rate.
respiratory muscle fatigue observed in aquatic exercise. Res- Ventilation is known to be tightly correlated to VCO2 , how-
piratory muscle fatigue has been demonstrated for surface ever, in the presence of metabolic acidosis caused by anaer-
swimming, and this observation led to a recommendation to obic glycolysis and lactic acid accumulation VE is increased
use respiratory muscle training (RMT) to improve swimming out of proportion to VCO2 (respiratory compensation for a
performance. metabolic acidosis). Tachypnea occurring at voluntary exer-
Until recently, respiratory muscle fatigue was not appre- cise exhaustion pre-RMT is consistent with an increase in
ciated as limiting exercise power or endurance. However, this lactic acid and may have induced premature respiratory mus-
opinion has evolved recently for both maximal and submaxi- cle fatigue (36-38). It has been demonstrated that 4 days of
mal exercise (38,157,158,158,231,356). Due to the increased nominally 80 cmH2 O intermittent inspiratory loading in dogs
total WOB and potential reduced efficiency, the respiratory increased the expression of the slow myosin heavy chain iso-
system may be more limiting during aquatic exercise, par- form in the costal, crural diaphragm, and intercostal muscles
ticularly at depth. Although it was shown some time ago (134). An increase in the slower myosin heavy chain isoform
that training the respiratory muscles could improve respira- is likely the result of increased airflow resistance and thus,
tory muscle strength and endurance (216), it was not until improves respiratory muscle and exercise endurance, espe-
more recent years that RMT (37) was shown to improve exer- cially under conditions of airflow limitation.
cise performance, and more importantly that various forms of
respiratory muscles training improved running, cycling, and
rowing performance (141, 168, 175, 198, 199, 214, 219, 238,
248,273,329,356,399,410). Leith and Bradley (216) were the Head-Out Water Immersion in Cold
first to demonstrate that RMT could improve peak mouth pres- Water
sures (respiratory muscle strength) and the time a high level
of ventilatory work could be endured (endurance) with spe- Heat loss during cold HOWI is reduced by vasoconstriction
cific protocols that improved either strength or endurance, but of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer that increases tissue
not both (216). They (216) demonstrated that high resistance insulation (289-291, 396). Acclimatization also increases the
breathing (100% of maximal voluntary inspiratory and expira- resistance to heat loss via peripheral vasoconstriction due to
tory) improved maximal respiratory pressures but not respira- either or both central or local factors (213). In addition, to
tory endurance. They also demonstrated that high inspiratory reductions in Ts and Tc , muscle blood flow is reduced in a
and expiratory flows, while isocapnic increased respiratory graded manner to the drop in Ts and Tc and maximal CO is
endurance, but not strength (216). A later study showed that reduced leading to reduced VO2 max and exercise performance
resistance RMT at nominally 40% individual maximal inspi- in the cold (297). If the increased insulation does not prevent
ratory and expiratory pressures increased both inspiratory and a reduction in Ts and or Tc shivering takes place in a graded

1730 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

manner, increasing VO2 and heat production in an attempt to colder the temperature, the shorter the time to hypothermia.
mediate heat loss (213). Shivering endurance is important in thermal protection; the
HOWI in TN water does not increase or decrease resting shivering drive, but not the intensity of shivering, decreases as
VO2 ; however, at cooler water temperatures, VO2 increases a function of time, suggesting fatigue and habituation, which
in proportion to the drop in Ts and Tc as a function of time in turn cause decreased cold sensitivity (377, 378). Blood
(297). Swimming in water increases the work due to its higher glucose levels increase with shivering on land and increase to
density than air, and thus the VO2 for a given velocity is higher levels during immersion, but as time progresses there
increased (307, 308). is increased fat oxidation (378).
The most dangerous situation in the aquatic environment Cold water HOWI, relative to TN water immersion,
is drowning, which is more likely to occur in cold water elicits similar decreases in intracellular fluid volume; how-
immersion. In nonacclimatized individuals, sudden cold water ever, the initial increase in PV is reduced during cold water
immersion results in an increase in HR (31 b/min), hyperven- HOWI (358) compared to TN HOWI. Exercise performance
tilation (both Bf and VT ) with a lowering of PaCO2 , and a is impaired by brief exposures to cold water, even in elite ath-
reduction (50%) in cerebral blood flow velocity (235, 236). letes, and the impairment is magnified by prolonged exposure
These physiological changes can lead to drowning, without (297, 341). SNA is responsible for the majority of physiolog-
hypothermia. Acute cold water immersion commonly results ical changes due immersion in cold water (357).
in an initial gasp, and is followed by hypertension and hyper- CO generally increases similarly during both cold and
ventilation that significantly reduce arterial CO2 (hypocap- TN HOWI but there is a bradycardia during cold immersion,
nia). Thus, the expected effect of hypocapnia on ventilation is which is compensated for the increased SV in HOWI. How-
overridden by the sudden exposure to cold water. (82). It has ever, studies at depth report an increase in CO (411). MAP
been reported that after just 30 min of immersion or swim- is mostly reported to not be elevated in HOWI because the
ming in cold water decision making ability is impaired (101). reduced blood flow to skin, subcutaneous tissues, and mus-
Furthermore, swimming failure in cold water is not due to cle is balanced by increased blood flow to other tissues and
general hypothermia, but more to muscle failure of the arms TPR remains unchanged (297). At pressure, however, there is
or legs as the reduction in core temperature is greater with an elevation of MAP as the thermal-mediated vasoconstric-
movement due to increased convective heat loss (101). tion is not offset by vasodilatation in other areas to offset the
By comparison, instructing subjects about the effects of increased CO (411). In water below TN temperature, there
sudden immersion in cold water is an effective way to reduce is a reduction in cutaneous blood flow due to the reduction
negative physiological effects and to prevent the reduction in Ts . However, if there is also a decrease in Tc , SNA is
in cerebral blood flow velocity (235). In addition, 5 days of increased more causing further reduction in blood flows and
acclimatization to cold immersion (3 min in 10◦ C water) this response is increased by acclimation (283). Cooling the
results in significant reductions in respiratory frequency, skin, but not the core, reduces thermal strain during exer-
minute ventilation, and heart rate, and these effects last 7 cise and may improve performance in warm air environments
to 14 months (383). However, sustained immersion in cold (189). Cooling the body after exercise may facilitate sub-
water can lead to hypothermia, which if uncorrected, does sequent exercise performance and assist with tissue repair.
lead to death. The response to cold water is dependent on However, it should be noted that jumping in cold water baths
both the water temperature and duration of immersion. Many after gym workouts with high Ts and Tc may lead to arrhyth-
studies have shown that TN water temperature is 35◦ C in mias, cessation of ventilation and exasperate the effects of
resting humans. The minimal temperature that can be tol- pulmonary edema.
erated using physiological adjustments (vasoconstriction of Cold HOWI (16.4-24.1◦ C), for up to 10 h, initially
subcutaneous and muscle blood vessels to maximize tissue resulted in an increased Tc , presumably due to cutaneous vaso-
insulation) is the critical water temperature (CWT) and is constriction; but thereafter Tc dropped exponentially down
nominally 30◦ C at rest, while temperature below this results to 35◦ C within 1 to 2 h (376). Shivering can be increased
in increased metabolism, and over time leads to hypothermia. three to four times basal VO2 . Heat debt is peaked after 2 h
CWT is the lowest temperature that can be tolerated at rest of immersion, due to body’s fat, connective tissue, muscle,
for 2 h without increased VO2 , and is associated with maximal and bone components; and Ts and Tc are also reduced (277).
peripheral vasoconstriction and body insulation (178). The Another phenomenon in cold water is cold-induced vasodi-
CWT does not appear to be effected by water depth (178). lation (CIVD) during cold immersion (30 min at 9◦ C) of the
Shivering is driven by changes in Tc , as well as body heat hand in men and women, increasing hand skin temperature,
content (376) and may increase resting metabolism by a factor but not the upper arm Tc (142). CIVD during prolonged cold
of 3 to 4. In water below CWT, there is an association between immersion of the hand has been demonstrated in both men and
changes in deep Ts and hyperventilation, however there is no women, and twitch force, time-to peak tension, and 1 /2 relax-
association with surface Ts (244). Both CWT and the rate ation time were increased during CIVD compared to control
of development of hypothermia are also influenced by the and were associated with the finger temperature (142). Impor-
subject’s subcutaneous fat content (291). The specific time to tantly, CIVD is phasic, does not persist, and is not likely to
hypothermia is dependent on water temperature, that is, the have a major influence on performance in cold water.

Volume 5, October 2015 1731

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HOWI in cold water immersion immediately decreases Ts increase in plasma NE, but not epinephrine or dopamine
to that of water temperature. However the sensory inputs from (180, 181).
Ts and Tc differ when skin temperature changes are uniform The thresholds for both shivering and vasoconstriction
versus nonuniform as the differences in the uniformity of Ts may be influenced by the initial Ts , either due to previous
yield different physiological responses. With a uniform Ts exposure to warm conditions or exercise. Elevated Ts signif-
(WI in 31.4◦ C) changes in mean Ts and Tc were identical; icantly affects the shivering and vasoconstriction thresholds
however, Ts in trunk was higher and the Ts of the limbs was (190). When subjects were immersed in 10◦ C water with
lower in when Ts changes were nonuniform. Heat production limbs protected but the torso exposed, HR decreased along
and overall skin heat flux with cold HOWI were identical with ventilation and skin blood flow during the first initial
when Ts changes were uniform, but were 25% lower with period of immersion. However, when the torso was protected
nonuniform Ts than with uniform Ts and insulation was higher ventilation and skin blood flow still decreased but HR did
due primarily to higher limb insulation. Thermogenesis due not. This suggests that the cold stimulus to the limbs is more
to shivering was lower (62%) with nonuniform Ts than with important than the cold stimulus to the torso in in regulation
uniform Ts . It can be concluded that when Ts of the trunk is HR during cold HOWI (379), but not for regulating ventilation
higher there is an attenuation of shivering in cold water, and or skin blood flow.
this is likely related to higher overall insulation which defends Plasma renin-angiotensin activity was decreased to 1 /2 by
Tc (58). cold HOWI, but aldosterone levels did not decrease. SNA
Preheating subjects prior to HOWI results in a larger increased but it did not appear to influence HR whereas it was
decrease in Tc and muscle temperature in 14◦ C HOWI in associated with peripheral vasoconstriction (increased TPR)
a time-dependent manner (5-20 min) (296). Another study and a small increase in MAP (180).
showed that increasing Ts by preimmersion in 40◦ C predis- It is well documented that Tc is lower in the morning than
posed subjects to greater heat loss and greater decrements in later in the day. In this regard, men immersed in 20◦ C for 2 h
Tc in cold water than without the increased Ts (7◦ C) (342). in the morning did not display shivering or vasoconstriction,
When subjects were exposed to 18◦ C, 22◦ C, and 26◦ C while later in the day they did and they were important adap-
HOWI for up to 90 min, some subjects completed the set tations to maintain Tc . This suggests that there is a greater risk
of immersions, others did not. The subjects who completed of hypothermia during cold exposure in the morning (49).
the test and those that did not had the same TS and increase Protection against cold water exposure can be achieved by
in VO2 ; however, Tc dropped more rapidly in the intolerant insulating suits such as a wet suit, dry suit, or active heating
group, presumably due to less metabolic adjustment, as well suit. Wearing thermal protection gear provides insulation but
as less vasoconstriction of the skin and fat tissues and therefore results in nonuniform and higher skin temperatures. Although
lower overall body insulation. This suggests that shivering- there are apparently no differences in thermal sensation and
induced thermogenesis can provide enough heat to protect shivering thermogenesis when Ts decreases uniformly versus
some individuals but not all (146). nonuniformly (wet suit covering trunk upper arms and legs),
The depth of immersion affects thermal regulation, as is tissue insulation (vasoconstriction) was significantly higher
the case with the cardiovascular responses to graded HOWI. In when Ts changes were nonuniform due to augmented cold
cold water (15◦ C), Ts reductions were similar for the shoulder sensory input form the periphery (404). It has also been noted
and hip, but higher for the knee during both rest and exercise that when Ts were maintained at a higher level during cold
(215). In 25◦ C water, Ts reductions when the level of HOWI immersion the temperature gradient between body and water
was below neck level were less than mid-cervical HOWI, and actually increases and this may result in greater heat loss
Ts levels during exercise were higher (215). and decrease in core temperature (16, 267, 305). This may
HOWI for one hour at 32◦ C did not affect VO2 or Tc but be an issue with wet suits. Wearing a wet suit in cold water
lowered HR (15%) and SBP and diastolic blood pressure resulted in a higher esophageal temperature and attenuation
(DBP) (12%) compared to the nonimmersed condition. By of shivering and thus VO2 did not increase as much due to the
comparison, HOWI at 20◦ C lowered Tc and increased VO2 higher insulation (404).
(93%) and urine flow increased sharply (89%), while levels Wearing a wet suit during intermittent exercise in cold
of renin, HR, and BP were similar to TN HOWI. In 18◦ C, water was superior to continuous thermogenesis in sustaining
there was a further decrease in Tc and a further increase of body temperatures (402). While wearing a wet suit does not
VO2 (230%) and HR and MAP (5-8%), while plasma NE rose affect the acute response to cold water immersion, wearing a
(250-530%) and urine flow (163%) increased more. When dry suit significantly blunts decreases in body temperatures
both Ts and Tc fall there is a greater effect on thermogenesis in cold water (380). Although wet suits significantly increase
than when Tc alone falls (402). Changes in plasma cortisol body insulation, the higher Ts while wearing a wet suit may
are not temperature dependent, and there is no association result in greater heat loss. Therefore, wet suits may not provide
between Tc and other hormonal responses. These data suggest sustained thermal protection.
that in addition to physiological responses to WI per se, cold Although wearing a dry suit can provide thermal insula-
WI specifically, increases SNA (357). HOWI for one hour tion sufficient to prevent hypothermia, it is only the case if
in 14◦ C water increased SNA, as indicated by a fourfold the suit stays dry; even then it does not adequately protect

1732 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

the hands and feet of the subject. Use of a dry suit eliminates was no significant change in CO in cold water compared the
long term core cooling; however, greater cooling (Ts and Tc ) TN water. Both MAP and TPR are increased in cold water,
has been observed in the first 10 min of HOWI in cold water while they are decreased in warm water (33).
(112). Active heating systems are available and have been HOWI in 39◦ C causes dehydration, even with fluid
shown to protect the swimmer from hypo- and hyperthermia replacement. Hematocrit increases and there is a decline in
(16, 267, 305); however, they require an electric power source mean power and peak power during exercise as well as a
and thus may not be practical. Previous studies have shown greater level of perceived exertion (200). HOWI in warm
that having divers cool during compression and warm during water has been shown to increase total urinary Aquaporin 2
decompression is advantageous for N2 washout (less wash- excretion suggesting elevation of plasma vasopressin levels
in and greater washout) and may reduce the incidence of (391). Forty-five minutes of TN HOWI followed by warm
DCS (140). water immersion at 41◦ C caused an immediate decrease of
plasma fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor activ-
ity concentration decreased immediately. These observation
Head-Out Water Immersion in Warm suggest that warm HOWI leads to hemoconcentration and
Water minimal activation of coagulation, implying increased risk of
thrombotic activity (32).
Cold HOWI has been well researched, with most adjustments
known. However, swimming and diving also occurs in warm
water. Immersion in warm water at or under water, when Acclimatization
combined with exercise, results in an uncompensated heat While acute HOWI in water below TN temperature causes
load which cannot be balanced by heat loss. Moreover, the adaptations, chronic exposure results in acclimation, and may
reverse thermal gradient (water to body) may lead to hyper- be a result of central or/and peripheral adaptations. Original
thermia and even death. There are likely few acclimatizations studies of fishermen indicated that they had developed suffi-
in warm water as those factors that show this adjustment cient acclimatization of the circulation of the hand allowing
in air cannot function in water (sweating, evaporation, etc.). them to work for long periods while fishing. However, in this
Immersion/submersion in warm water results in a temperature case the cold exposure was confined to the hands, while the
gradient favoring increased body heat stores. The inability to rest of the body was warm. More recent studies in air have
evaporate sweat causes a fast and high elevation in Ts and shown that if the body (torso) is warmed, blood flow to the
Tc which could quickly reach serious levels. The addition of hands is maintained and the hands remain functional in cold
exercise leads to significant additional heat production and air (101). However, this has not been shown to be the case
thus increases the risk of hyperthermia. Although sweat can- when the total body is immersed or submersed.
not be evaporated, sweating continues, and eventually would One study has shown that 5 days of acclimatization to
result in reduced PV and, when added to the increased blood cold HOWI (3 min in 10◦ C water) resulted in significant
flow to the skin, leads to lower CO and skeletal muscle blood reductions in Bf , V̇ E , and HR, and these effects last 7 to 14
flow, resulting in reduced exercise capacity and hyperthermia. months (383). However, these changes do not effect overall
Although not documented, based on data for subjects accli- thermal resistance which is likely not changed much due to
matized to air persons in water could be at a greater risk of acclimatization to immersion in water.
hyperthermia as this may potentiate sweating and vasodilata- Chronic exposure of the hands to 10◦ C water resulted in
tion, risking reduced PV, and blood flow to working muscle reduced HR and ventilatory responses in habituated male sub-
and brain. Immersion in water at temperatures greater than jects, in spite of identical Ts declines, suggesting a more cen-
TN can cause hyperthermia. This condition is more risky than tral regulation of circulatory and ventilatory responses (382).
hypothermia because there are no defenses against hyperther- This is in agreement with the historic study of the responses of
mia in warm water due to the high heat conductivity of water fishermen to cold hand immersion. It has been suggested that
and elimination of heat loss by evaporation of sweat. This is the vasoconstriction response due to cutaneous cold receptors
an area of underwater physiology that needs additional study. in 15◦ C can protect even in colder water (382). These adap-
It has been proposed that intrathoracic blood volume tations are due to a decrease in the immediate changes in Bf
should be less in warm water due to the peripheral vasodi- and VT , and HR to acute HOWI (381, 382). Repeated HOWIs
latation (109); however, it was shown to be not lower in 41◦ C in 15◦ C for 1 h three times per week for 4 to 6 weeks has
HOWI, compared to 35◦ C and 25◦ C HOWI (279). This is sup- demonstrated that subjects had lower Tc , presumably due to a
ported by the demonstration that HOWI in water temperatures delayed metabolic response and subjective shivering in accli-
of 32◦ C, 34.5◦ C, or 36◦ C did not affect the net transcapillary matized subjects, while they had less sensation to the cold.
fluid shift into in the face of temperature-dependent increases These changes suggest a slight increase in insulation due to
or decreases in vascular tone (426). TN HOWI increases SV acclimatization (180).
and CO and HR is decreased. By comparison, HOWI in warm While acclimatization has some cardiorespiratory effects
water results in an increase in HR of 32%, while CO increased it does not appear to have a major effect on thermal status,
18% as compared to a 44% increase in TN water and there which is also the case for plasma renin-angiotensin activity

Volume 5, October 2015 1733

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

and aldosterone concentrations (181). Chronic HOWI in due mainly to decreased water reabsorption (289). The renin-
10◦ C to 4◦ C water for three months resulted in decreased angiotensin II-aldosterone system is activated at depth in dry
catecholamine response to cold HOWI (174). conditions secondary to the transient dehydration induced by
the early hyperbaric diuresis (289). Although these responses
are due to pressure alone, when the subject is submersed in
Submersion—Diving water the effects of the submersion overshadow the pressure
effects and the cardio-renal responses are similar to those
Ventilation can be maintained during shallow immersion described above for HOWI.
while breathing from a snorkel, however during submersion
special equipment is needed to compensate for the hydrostatic
pressure created by the depth of immersion. The required Pulmonary gas exchange during diving
equipment for breathing underwater (SCUBA) provides com- During exercise at 1 ATA V̇ E normally increases in proportion
pressed gas with a pressure that compensates for the hydro- to metabolic demand, which maintains arterial pH constant.
static pressure, allowing breathing (23). In theory breathing In untrained individuals exercising at a constant work rate
from SCUBA has no depth limit; however, physiologically (nominally 50% VO2 max ) there is a 20% to 25% increase in
there are limits. One limit is the potential for oxygen toxicity VE after 12 to 15 min (425). A similar, more gradual increase
while breathing air with the pressure-dependent increase in in VE occurs during the same timeframe underwater (321).
partial pressure of O2 (23). Another issue is that the nitrogen This is not due to a change in acid-base status (292), and since
pressure in air nitrogen is a depressant (nitrogen narcosis) at it can be attenuated or abolished by RMT (321, 425), is most
depths greater than nominally 100 fsw. Still another issue is if likely due to respiratory muscle fatigue. At extreme levels
a diver breath-holds during ascent the air in the lungs would of exercise acidemia may occur despite disproportionately
expand with the potential for alveolar rupture (embolism), increased V̇ E and hypocapnia.
even in relatively shallow waters (23). By following proper Compared with the surface, for any given work rate during
procedures, these risks can be minimized; however, there is a a dive V̇ E tends to be lower, resulting in hypercapnia. All but
further complication of diving with SCUBA. While the sub- a few studies examining contributors to hypercapnia in diving
ject is breathing compressed gas the body takes up inert gas, (56, 210, 278, 335-337) have used end-tidal PCO2 (PET CO2 )
usually N2 , and as the diver ascends, this gas has to be elim- as a surrogate for arterial PCO2 (PaCO2 ), which is usually
inated. If this is not done following proper decompression valid under resting conditions. However, during exercise the
protocols, it can lead to the formation of bubbles which may approximation is less satisfactory: during exercise at 1 ATA
form at the joints causing the victim pain. A further compli- PET CO2 exceeds PaCO2 (222); under conditions in which
cation is that the bubbles formed during decompression may dead space is increased (e.g., when gas density is increased)
occlude blood flow and compress nervous tissues, causing the PET CO2 is lower than PaCO2 . Only two studies have directly
victim neurological pain. This condition is called DCS or the correlated the two in diving, in the dry at 2.8 ATA (278) and
bends. DCS rarely occurs in diving that follows acceptable submersed at 4.7 ATA (56), both demonstrating a reasonable
decompression procedures. correlation, although with significant scatter.
Total ventilation is maintained to result in an alveolar ven-
tilation that is tightly coupled to PaCO2 , typically ∼40 mmHg
Cardiovascular and renal responses to diving in healthy individuals (167), while matching O2 delivery to
Submersion has been shown to increase CO and more in cold metabolic demands (1). Divers have been reported to sponta-
water than TN water (411). Breath-holding during submer- neously or voluntarily hypoventilate leading to CO2 retention
sion results in greater depression of CO than during immer- (272). Hypoventilation and thus CO2 retention can also be
sion with free breathing, as the bradycardia is due to face due to divers’ inability to meet the force and energy require-
immersion related to the diving reflex (218). Subjects who do ment of the increased respiratory work secondary to weak or
not ventilate sufficiently have increased PaCO2 , however, this fatigued respiratory muscles. Hypoventilation and CO2 reten-
does not cause modulation of cardiovascular variables (17). tion (see below) may increase the likelihood of CO2 narcosis
HR at depth is reduced compared to submersion at the sur- (e.g., 17, 212, 406), as well as central nervous system oxygen
face resting, as well as at exercise intensities (303), resulting toxicity and nitrogen narcosis (44, 212). A study has shown
in lower maximal HR at maximal exercise. In addition, the that CO2 retention in divers may cause convulsions due to
reduced maximal CO may account for the reduced maximal O2 toxicity, in spite of the dive profile being what would be
VO2 observed at depth, in spite of the increased PO2 . The considered a safe limit for hyperoxic exposure (212).
changes in CO are less important at depth than the changes in In resting subjects, VE is increased at depth primarily due
pulmonary function. The latter is discussed at depth below. to an increase in VT with submersion depth (162, 280, 406).
The cardio-renal responses to dry pressure exposure alone It has been hypothesized that the depth-dependent hyperoxic
result in an increased urine flow, but not GFR (289). This hyperventilation is due to the effects of high PO2 at depth
diuresis is accompanied by excretion of potassium, sodium, on the reduced peripheral chemoreceptor sensitivity (293).
calcium, and phosphate (289). Urine osmolality is reduced Reactive oxygen species, secondary to the high PO2 at depth

1734 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

are proposed to accumulate in the tissues of the brain and are the effects of diving on mechanical load, gas mixing and
result in stimulation of the central chemoreceptors in the cau- diffusion, VA /Q matching and respiratory drive (271).
dal solitary complex (84), resulting in the observed hyperven-
tilation, by dampening the feedback in the respiratory control.
Mechanical Load
This postulate is supported by data from a study that reported
a similar observation after carotid body denervation in vivo During a dive there are three load parameters that change. The
(73, 133). If hyperventilation occurs by this, or other mech- major one is flow resistance due to the higher gas density (10),
anism, it would result in a reduction of arterial PCO2 below which increases linearly with ambient pressure. In turbulent
its normal level; however, this is not supported by studies flow (which occurs in large airways) resistance is density-
examining this potential mechanism (120). It is also possible dependent. Higher airways resistance caused by increased
that the depth-dependent hyperventilation observed at rest at gas density occurs during both inspiration and expiration.
depth is the “Haldane effect.” This effect suggests that if there During expiration there can also be expiratory flow limitation
is less O2 released by hemoglobin that CO2 elimination would due to airway collapse (421). These effects can be detected by
be reduced leading to increased PaCO2 which would lead to reduced forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1 ), peak
a hyperventilation to reduce PaCO2 (227). The hyperventila- expiratory flow and maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV)
tion many have negative consequences for the brain (208), as (70, 209, 233, 355, 401). At any gas density ρ, peak expiratory
well as stimulating central chemoreceptors. However, even if flow or MVV can be predicted by the following formula (420,
these changes occur PaCO2 would be only slightly increased 422):
(nominally by 1 mmHg), and thus not important (272). It
has also been shown, and is the most probable explanation A = Ao (ρ∕ρo )−k
for the depth-dependent hyperventilation, that dead space
ventilation is increased, as is the dead space and the dead where A is either MVV or peak expiratory flow at gas density
space-to-tidal volume ratio, as a function of the less effective ρ, A0 is MVV (or peak expiratory flow) at 1 ATA, ρ is gas
gas mixing in the lungs at depth (272). To compensate for the density at the ambient pressure of the dive, ρ0 is gas density
increased dead space the diver would have to increase V̇ E via at 1 ATA, and k is a constant with the value 0.4 to 0.5. A sim-
an increase in VT to maintain adequate alveolar ventilation. ilar equation has been published for the relationship between
The increased VO2 and VCO2 during exercise results in an airway conductance and gas density (10).
increase in VE in a dose-dependent manner. The increase in External resistance is present in all underwater breathing
VE as a function of VO2 was reported to be greater when sub- apparatus and adds to the overall respiratory load. Changes in
mersed than in the dry condition, but was decreased at depth viscosity could affect gas flow in small airways where there
when compared to the surface (162). Increased V̇ E has been may be laminar flow. However, within the pressure range to
suggested to be due to facial immersion when submersed (82); which humans have been exposed (up to 70 ATA), there is no
however, another study does not support this conclusion (56). measurable change in gas viscosity.
The increased SLL at depth likely results in increased respira- A second component of mechanical load is elastance.
tory muscle activation during inspiration, as well as increased Elastance is the quality of recoiling on removal of pressure
duty cycle (162). It has been reported that VT is increased without disruption, or an expression of the measure of the
at depth; however, V̇ E was reduced resulting in an increase ability to do so in terms of unit of volume change per unit
in elastic work (162). This breathing pattern could blunt the of pressure change; it is the reciprocal of compliance. Tho-
effect of the depth-dependent increased airway resistance and racic elastance is composed of the individual elastances of the
work due to the increased gas density at depth, but it could lung and chest wall. Chest wall compliance does not change
maintain alveolar ventilation even though there is increased significantly during immersion; however, lung elastance is
dead space. During spontaneous breathing at 1 ATA the bf and increased, most likely due to vascular engorgement caused
VT are proposed to be regulated to produce the most efficient by redistribution of blood from the periphery into the tho-
duty cycle (251, 286, 287). If the same is true at depth both at rax (78).There may also be an effect on elastic load of the
rest and during exercise, bf and VT are likely balanced by the difference in external hydrostatic pressure between the lung
respiratory drive in response to the increased dead space and and the mouth due to the position of the diver in the water
higher PaO2 to optimize V̇ E . column (365, 366). The immersion-related increase in elas-
High external breathing resistance may cause severe tic load causes a further decrease in MVV from that due to
hypercapnia without prodromal symptoms (dyspnea) increased gas density (424).
(212,406). One possible mechanism is inadequate respiratory The third component of respiratory load is inertance,
muscle performance (e.g., due to fatigue). Interestingly, which is the tendency to resist acceleration. Inertance is
RMT can improve respiratory muscle function and exercise a function of the combined masses of the chest wall, the
capacity (214, 219, 425). CO2 sensitivity in low responders gas flowing within the airways and breathing apparatus,
tends to increase; in high responders it tends to decrease and to a minor extent the water surrounding a diver’s torso.
(304). Respiratory muscle fatigue and CO2 retention are Respiratory system inertance at 1 ATA, typically 0.01
both attenuated (321). The principal causes of hypocapnia cmH2 O⋅L−1 ⋅s2 , increases in direct proportion to gas density

Volume 5, October 2015 1735

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

(250, 310). During cyclic breathing at a frequency lower than reduction in WOB (321, 322), as well as increased efficiency
the resonant frequency of the system inertial impedance is (351). These data further demonstration that RMT reduced
less than elastic impedance. At a higher frequency, inertial the energy cost of ventilation (VO2 and La) for iso-workloads,
impedance exceeds elastic impedance. Resonant frequency which has been shown by many authors (356). Prior to RMT,
of the human respiratory system is typically 6 Hz at 1 ATA the increase in V̇ E and fb combined with a decrease in VT at
breathing air. This decreases to around 2 Hz if breathing gas the end of exercise as well as the reduced ability to generate
density is higher, as is the case at depth. Therefore, since maximal expiratory and inspiratory pressure postexercise sug-
most divers tend to breathe more slowly at rest and during gests that reduced respiratory muscle performance may have
exercise underwater (56, 119, 164, 278, 292, 337), inertial been a limiting factor during the swimming endurance test
impedance plays only a minor role in overall respiratory at depth.
effort. Assuming a reasonable value for peak acceleration of Increased hydrostatic pressure is depth dependent and
30 L⋅s−2 , in an exercising diver breathing a gas with density causes an increase in the POB. The increase in POB as a func-
10 g⋅L−1 , the transrespiratory pressure due to inertance tion of depth is mostly a result of the increase in the airway
would be only ∼3 cmH2 O (271). Inertance can actually be resistance which is related to gas density, which is increased in
manipulated to a diver’s benefit: if a breathing circuit is a depth dependent manner (240). Airway resistance recently
deliberately designed such that the resonant frequency of the has been calculated from measures of esophageal pressure as
system approximates the normal breathing frequency, elastic an estimate of alveolar pressure (PA ) and air flow (179, 252);
and inertial work offset each other, resulting in a reduction however, a more accurate measure of PA may be made from
in peak-to-peak (inspiratory-to-expiratory) pressure. Using the mouth pressure measured during an airway occlusion
this principle to design a tunable closed circuit breathing accomplished by a shutter placed at the mouthpiece (P.1 tech-
apparatus, Fothergill et al. demonstrated that divers optimize nique) (285, 318). P.1 also measures the level of activation
their breathing pattern by adjusting their respiratory rate to of the respiratory muscles (161), as well as central nervous
match the resonant frequency of the system (121). system respiratory drive (419). Airway resistance at sea level
using the P.1 technique are not different from those measured
using the esophageal balloon method (179, 252). In the past
Work and Energy Cost of Breathing Underwater
the P.1 was used to estimate PA and to calculate airway resis-
Respiratory muscles, like other muscles, perform work to tance in subjects submersed at depths of 45 ATA (63).
inspire and in some cases expire (WOB). However, as VE is a Another factor affecting pulmonary mechanics is the role
rate it is the POB, along with net mechanical efficiency that of NO in pulmonary resistance. Previous studies in animal
determines the energy cost of ventilation. models have demonstrated a role of NO in airway resistance,
Negative SLL causes the inspiratory muscles to work that is, increased NO reduces airway resistance in a dose-
harder, but may benefit the expiratory muscles. This is also dependent manner (103, 166). In addition, the effect of depth
associated with the increase in thoracic blood volume due to on NO production (V̇ NO ) is reduced in the cerebral vascular
its translocation from the dependent limbs during submersion as the PO2 increases in a depth-dependent manner (85) to
(78), which also results in a decrease in total lung capac- prevent an increase in PO2 to the brain to maintain normoxia
ity and residual volume (78, 272, 364) and lung compliance (30). These studies in the brain suggest a similar effect of NO
(78). Combined, these factors during submersion cause an on the smooth muscle of the respiratory airways. If this is the
increased POB due to the elastic component. Increased blood case a reduced VNO would constrict the airways and lead to an
volume in the chest may provide a small increase in the airway increased airway resistance in a depth-dependent manner. If
pressure and require less work to generate expiratory pressure there is bronchoconstriction and increased airway resistance
(PE max ) as blood is nearly incompressible. due to depth, the PA would have to be increased to accomplish
The effect of water depth on total WOB has been shown the required alveolar ventilation.
to have a dose response relationship, as have the RMT-
induced improvements in swimming endurance progressively
Gas mixing and diffusion
increased with greater depth, that is, 30% for surface, 50%
for 4’ and 60% for 55’ and 86% for 120’ of water depth There are three processes by which inspired gas mixes with
(321, 322, 425). These data strongly suggest that respiratory alveoli gas: convective mixing, Taylor dispersion, and diffu-
muscular adaptations due to RMT were primarily responsible sion (107). Convective mixing of inspired and resident gases
for increased swimming time, especially when studies using occurs predominantly due to turbulent flow in large conduct-
placebo groups failed to show any performance improvement ing airways. Taylor dispersion consists of radial diffusion
(214, 425). Protocols where subjects were studied at the time along a radial concentration gradient that occurs in laminar
of exhaustion, prior to and after RMT, show that the res- flow due to the parabolic flow distribution, where flow rate at
piratory muscles have greater strength and endurance sug- the center of a tube that at its periphery. Mixing of inspired
gesting they were less fatigued post-RMT (321, 322, 425). In and resident gases is further augmented by both Taylor diffu-
addition, it has been shown that RMT reduced the energy sion and cardiogenic oscillations. Diffusion occurs in distal
cost of swimming (351) and these changes were related to gas exchange units where flow is extremely low.

1736 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

When gas density is increased, turbulent flow occurs in while submersed, the SLL in submersion likely assisted expi-
more distal airways, thus facilitating convective mixing and ration and thus Ẇ E was not different during submersed and
improving gas exchange efficiency (271). Increased gas den- dry conditions (162).
sity is also likely to facilitate cardiogenic mixing (353). On the NO inhaled or produced results in bronchodilation of the
other hand, higher gas density should reduce the effect of Tay- airways (21, 249), thus should have an impact on breathing
lor dispersion (and thus worsen gas exchange) by reducing the resistance during submersion and could be affected by the
number of airways with laminar flow. Increased density also depth of submersion. However, recent data suggest that V̇ NO
reduces gas phase diffusivity (393). Diffusion depends on gas during submersion was not significantly different from the
diffusivity (related to molecular weight), concentration gradi- dry condition, both at rest and during exercise (162). The
ents, time for diffusion, number of molecules per unit volume, V̇ NO observed while exercising at 50% of VO2 max at 2.7 ATA
and the shape of the space in which the gas is contained (393). was slightly decreased compared to rest (162). One possibil-
While gas phase diffusion is impaired by higher gas den- ity for the lack of increase, and decrease, in V̇ NO could be
sity, convective mixing is enhanced. The net effect of these the depth-related increase in PaO2 (hyperoxia), which was
processes on pulmonary gas exchange has been illustrated proposed earlier (85), which may have blunted the increased
by measurements of arterial blood gases during hyperbaric VNO that has been reported for similar exercise intensities at 1
chamber studies (56, 126, 192, 278, 288, 292, 335-337). Over- ATA (57, 177). In addition to the high variability among sub-
all, despite mild or moderate hypercapnia, adequate blood jects due to fitness (57, 177, 239) and body types (284), the
oxygenation occurs at gas densities up to 17 g/L (337) and competing effects of exercise, submersion and depth likely
exercise performance is maintained up to 25 g/L (209). account for the lack of change or decrease reported (162).
The interaction with depth and submersion may account for
the VNO not being elevated during exercise that has typically
Airway resistance, alveolar pressure, and work of
been observed (57, 177, 239). The effects of submersion and
depth on V̇ NO during exercise may be due to the PO2 in these
Airway resistance (Raw ) increases with increasing gas den- conditions as studies at 1 ATA have shown that NO production
sity secondary to increased hydrostatic pressure, thus PA has is associate with PO2 in the surrounding tissue thus is likely
to increase proportionally to ensure adequote alveolar ven- responsible for ensuring appropriate tissue PO2 (30, 104). If
tilation (24, 405). Raw increases by the square root of the the effect of PO2 at the surface is true at depth, the decreased
increase in density (294). The increase in VE and rate of VNO at depth (i.e., increased PO2 ) previously reported (162)
flow are increased by exercise resulting in an increase in would be reasonable. In this case NO may be regulated to
Raw which requires and higher PA (163). Reviewing studies ensure PO2 to the tissues does not increase with hydrostatic
does not suggest that Raw would be affected by submersion pressure and not to minimize airway resistance which may be
per se (34). However, a recent study has shown inspiratory the case during exercise.
resistance (RawI ) and expired airway resistance (RawE ) were
decreased in submersion in resting subjects (162), in spite of
Energy cost of ventilation
the observation that Bf , VT , VE , PA during expiration, POB
during expiration that effect RawI and RawE were not signifi- Since the respiratory muscles are comprised primarily of
cantly affected by submersion (162). Based on these changes slow twitch oxidative fibers, the energy required for respi-
airway caliber was likely greater during submersion than in ratory muscle contraction is largely from oxidative mecha-
the dry conditions, in contrast to decreased VC (5,162,207) as nism (VO2 ). Using a unique protocol to determine the VO2
decreased lung volume has been reported to affect Raw (40). to breathing two studies have shown an increase in VO2 sec-
The more-negative PA during inspiration recently reported ondary to the increase WOB and POB in submersed subjects.
for submersed subjects is most likely related to SLL and not In addition to the increased WOB and POB, calculated net
submersion, per se, as the latter would increase chest wall mechanical efficiency (WOB/VO2 after correction for units)
elastic recoil at the start of inspiration (369). is reduced slightly during submersion (162, 351). It has been
The changes in Raw and PA previously reported (162) shown that RMT could reduce WOB (321, 322), and may
resulted in increased WOB and POB (162). Expectantly then, improve net mechanical efficiency (162).
POB increases with greater depth, as its components are also
increased with depth (162). The increased PA at depth is
Distributions of ventilation, blood flow, VA /Q
needed to ventilate with the greater density of gas at depth
where there is also increased airway resistance. Submersion Distribution of ventilation depends upon several factors,
has been reported to decrease inspiratory POB, mainly due including cyclic fluctuations in externally applied pressure
reduced RawI and thus the WOB per breath, at rest; however, from the respiratory muscles and regional mechanical prop-
it is increased while exercising (162). During exercise sub- erties of the lung and chest wall. Despite the vast range in path
mersed, bf has been reported to be higher than dry; however, length in the lung from large airways to gas exchange units,
WOB per breath was unchanged, and thus inspiratory Ẇ I was at 1 ATA breathing air ventilatory time constants of different
greater (162). Although POB during inspiration is increased lung units, and hence ventilation of different lung regions, are

Volume 5, October 2015 1737

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

Human dry, 1 ATA 1.00

Human dry, 1-7 ATA
Anesthetized dogs dry, 1 ATA VD/VT = 0.331+0.138*log10 ρ (R2 = 0.85)

Deadspace/tidal volume ratio

Human immersed, 1 and 19 ATA

PAO2 -PaO2 (mmHg)





0 0.1 10 100 1000
0.1 1 10 Density (g/L)
Breathing gas density (g/L)
Figure 16 Dead space/tidal volume ratio versus gas density. From
Figure 15 Alveolar-arterial PO2 difference versus gas density in four Moon et al. with permission (272).
experiments. From Moon et al. with permission (271).
with respiration. It has been predicted that this phenomenon
similar. This is largely due to the geometric properties of the improves alveolar-pulmonary capillary oxygen exchange
airways. However, at increased gas density the geometry of (13). Dense gas breathing leads to greater breath-to-breath
the lung is no longer optimal and heterogeneity of ventilation variation in pleural pressure, thus augmenting cyclic vari-
is increased. Time constants are more variable and ventilation ability in lung perfusion and improving pulmonary oxygen
of different lung units can become asynchronous (119, 295). exchange (reduced alveolar-arterial PO2 , A-aDO2 ) (12).
Gas distribution may also depend on other factors. Pleu-
ral pressure variation is not uniform over the entire lung
Pulmonary-blood transfer of oxygen
(107). Even during resting breathing at 1 ATA, regional pres-
sure changes are less in the upper than in the lower chest Increased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen (decreased P50)
(79). When gas density is increased this variation becomes has been observed at high pressures in vitro (139, 193, 194,
exaggerated. 323, 359) and in a human in vivo study during a saturation
If regional ventilatory inequalities are appropriately dive to 49.5 ATA (355). This is probably due to pressure-
matched by changes in perfusion, VA /Q matching would be related conformational changes in hemoglobin and, to a small
preserved. Indeed, despite evidence of impaired CO2 trans- extent, binding by inert gas. The effect of these small changes
port (increased physiological dead space) breathing dense gas in hemoglobin P50 on pulmonary gas exchange or exercise
actually seems to improve VA /Q matching, as evidenced by a capacity is probably minor (403).
decrease in alveolar-arterial PO2 difference as seen in Figure
15 (60, 118, 144, 335, 423). Decreased alveolar-arterial PO2
indicates more efficient matching of ventilation and perfu- Ventilatory drive
sion. Paradoxically, dead space/tidal volume ratio (VD /VT ) is One mechanism for hypoventilation in divers may be low
usually increased (56, 249, 278, 335, 423), implying impaired ventilatory CO2 sensitivity (hypercapnic ventilatory response,
pulmonary exchange of CO2 . Immersion effects modify the HCVR) (56,191,211,274-276). Overall, however, while there
effect, as shown by Peacher et al. In their study, the increase is indeed a correlation between low HCVR and hypercapnia
in dead space/tidal volume ratio may not occur during immer- at depth there are many outliers, and this test cannot be used
sion except at extremely high PO2 (1.75 ATA) (292). as a predictor for a particular individual (56, 229, 292): in one
A previous study speculated that increased breathing gas study, only 60% of military divers with hypercapnia at depth
density reduces PAO2 − PaO2 by promoting intraregional had a low HCVR (211). It has been reported that a subject
convective mixing and thus reduced VA /Q dispersion (423), with extremely low HCVR (0.10 L⋅min−1 ⋅mmHg−1 ) had an
which affects VD /VT to a lesser degree than PAO2 − PaO2 as arterial PCO2 no higher than 43 mmHg during immersed exer-
shown in Figure 16. They proposed that the increase in VD /VT cise (VO2 2.3 L/min) at 37 m depth with a breathing gas PO2
is mostly due to impaired molecular diffusion of carbon diox- of 1.75 ATA (292).
ide (Fig. 16). Although oxygen diffusion should be similarly As pointed out earlier, HCVR can be influenced by RMT,
affected, they suggested this may be insufficient to offset the which tends to change the HCVR of both low and high respon-
convective mixing effect (97, 98). ders toward the mean (304), suggesting that RMT could
Another phenomenon is related to the fact that lung reduce the likelihood of hypercapnia in susceptible divers
perfusion is not temporally uniform, but varies cyclically (CO2 retainers).

1738 Volume 5, October 2015

Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

Effect of hyperoxia impairment in pulmonary gas exchange (374). A major role

for pulmonary oxygen toxicity is supported by results of an
It has been speculated that respiratory drive in divers may experiment in which volunteers were exposed for 28 days in a
be affected by a high partial pressure of oxygen, which for hyperbaric chamber to an ambient pressure of either 2.5 ATA
a fixed O2 fraction as in most diving, increases linearly with (atmospheric PO2 0.4 atm) or 1.5 ATA (atmospheric PO2 0.21
depth. Hyperoxia is therefore a feature of diving even using atm). Neither exposure produced venous gas emboli during
a breathing gas that is normoxic at the surface. Still higher decompression. Nevertheless, the participants exposed to the
PO2 can occur (up to 1.75 atm) when using enriched oxy- higher PO2 experienced a significant reduction in VO2 max and
gen breathing gas mixtures that are intentionally designed carbon monoxide transfer factor, with no change in DL CO
to reduce inert gas partial pressure. Hyperoxia attenuates after the lower pressure exposure (373). These data strongly
the ventilatory response to hypercapnia (77, 135, 265, 293), suggest that hyperoxia is the major contributor to pulmonary
and has been observed to decrease VE during exercise gas impairment after long saturation dives.
(3, 106, 165, 210, 264, 292, 311, 418). However, even under
extreme hyperoxia (breathing 100% O2 at 2 ATA) the rise
in arterial PCO2 during moderately heavy exercise has been Immersion pulmonary edema
observed to be modest (PaCO2 = 44 mmHg) (62). Immersion pulmonary edema (IPE, often termed swimming-
induced pulmonary edema, SIPE) causes cough, hemoptysis,
Effect of narcosis dyspnea, and hypoxemia after surface swimming or diving,
It has been suggested that inert gas narcosis, for example frequently in young, healthy individuals (156, 196, 224, 232,
when breathing nitrogen-oxygen mixtures, could contribute 242,352,416), including exceptionally fit military divers (226,
to hypercapnia during diving. Indeed, HCVR is reduced 232, 346, 409). The condition usually resolves spontaneously,
at an increased ambient pressure; however, studies using although it can be fatal in some subjects (66, 105, 352). β2
increased breathing resistance and non-narcotic gases sug- adrenergic agonists or diuretics have been used for treatment.
gest that increased gas density is the predominant mechanism Risk factors may include cold water (196,416), exertion (156,
(56, 136, 229). 346,347,409), fluid loading (409), negative SLL (375), or low
VC (346).
It has been proposed that hydrostatic pulmonary edema
Effect of pressure
is due to capillary stress failure due to high pulmonary cap-
In one study in normal volunteers breathing gases of differing illary flow and pressure (196, 225). Possible mechanisms for
densities at rest, it was observed that while increased ambi- high pulmonary vascular pressure include the additive effects
ent pressure was associated with an increase in PaCO2 , gas of increased afterload, immersion-induced increase in pul-
density appeared to have only a small effect (335). The mech- monary blood volume and pulmonary artery hypertension due
anism of this effect is unclear, but exercise studies have largely to exertion, and cold water (138, 416).
excluded pressure per se as having a significant influence on Many of the published IPE cases have occurred in mil-
ventilation (221). itary divers or combat swimmer trainees, in whom no pre-
disposing factors can generally be identified. Pulmonary
artery wedge pressure after an IPE episode has been reported
Pathological Effects of Diving as normal (156), although pulmonary capillary hyperten-
sion is likely during the acute IPE event. Bronchoalveolar
Impaired gas exchange after saturation dives lavage studies have excluded an inflammatory process. Post
During saturation dives, divers often remain in a hyperbaric event echocardiography in military cases is usually normal
environment for several days or weeks. There are reduced (156, 196, 224, 352). In nonmilitary cases identifiable pre-
opportunities for normal exercise activity, thus cardiorespi- disposing factors have been found, including left ventricular
ratory fitness is gradually reduced. Furthermore, the ambient dysfunction (20, 89) and acute coronary syndrome (137). A
PO2 is higher than normal (typically 0.4-0.5 ATA), thus review of published cases and series revealed potential risk
exposing the divers to oxygen tensions that could be mildly factors in approximately 50% of civilian cases (245). A recent
toxic to the lung. Additionally, venous gas embolism often publication observed acute reversible myocardial dysfunction
occurs during decompression, often lasting for several days. in nearly 1 /3 of 54 consecutive civilian cases of IPE (138),
Thorsen has observed that after a saturation dive to 37 ATA suggesting that during the acute event hypoxemia due to pul-
divers may experience persistent reduction in VO2 max and monary edema may have impaired cardiac function. A number
DL CO, and increased respiratory deadspace (372). Decon- of the cases reported in previous studies developed hyperten-
ditioning, the cumulative effect of venous gas embolism on sion, consistent with increased afterload and perhaps SNA as
the lung (372) and mild pulmonary oxygen toxicity may predisposing factors (138, 416).
all contribute. Logistic regression analysis of possible risk By contrast, compressed gas in isolated spaces, such as
factors after a series of saturation dives implicated both the middle ears and sinuses, has to be vented during decreases
hyperoxia and venous gas embolism as factors contributing to in pressure as depth is decreased to prevent barotrauma (24).

Volume 5, October 2015 1739

The Aquatic Environment Comprehensive Physiology

Figure 17 Mechanism of pulmonary barotrauma in a diver breathing compressed

gas and ascending while holding his breath. From Vann et al. with permission (394).

A diver breathing from diving breathing gear, breathes gas commonly tracks through the pulmonary interstitium into the
provided at essentially the same pressure as the hydrostatic mediastinum, from where it can enter the neck, subcutaneous
pressure on the chest. If however, the diver ascends after tissue or abdomen. It can also enter the pulmonary capillary
inspiration that fills the lung at depth and does not expire blood, and then arterial tree causing arterial gas embolism
gas to eliminate the expanded volume there is risk of pul- (AGE) as seen in Figure 17. Pleural rupture and pneumotho-
monary barotrauma and gas embolism (24). Another fac- rax are less common. The second mechanism is in situ bubble
tor is that the depth-dependent elevated gas pressure in the formation due to supersaturation of inert gas in tissues. This
lungs causes an increased partial pressure of the gases and occurs with slow tissue inert washout during decompression,
may introduce the potential for nitrogen narcosis and oxygen allowing tissue inert gas tension to exceed ambient pressure.
poisoning (24). De novo bubble formation can occur in tissues around joints,
in spinal cord, and other tissues. Clinical manifestations due
to the second mechanism are referred to as DCS. AGE and
Decompression illness DCS are collectively referred to as DCI.
Decompression illness (DCI) consists of a syndrome initiated Bubbles exert their immediate effects via mechanical dis-
by vascular or tissue bubbles. There are two mechanisms for tortion (pain) and vascular occlusion (stroke-like manifesta-
bubble formation in divers breathing compressed gas. Alve- tions). Secondary effects include endothelial disruption caus-
oli can hyperexpand and rupture during ascent when gas exit ing extravasation of plasma, hemoconcentration, and shock.
through the tracheobronchial tree is prevented by breath hold- Vasoplegia due to endothelial hyporesponsiveness to vasoac-
ing or bronchial obstruction. In such cases, alveolar gas most tive agents has been reported in vitro. Platelet activation

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Comprehensive Physiology The Aquatic Environment

and endothelium-leukocyte adhesion have also been reported. experimentally, exercise is carried out on a cycle ergometer,
Microparticle generation may also play a role (370,371,427). in practice locomotion in water is typically carried out by
Tissues commonly targeted include the joints (pain), spinal swimming, where the efficiency is lower and the resistance
cord, brain, and inner ear, although skin and lung can also to movement (drag) is much greater. Drag is comprised of
be involved. The most common manifestations include pain friction, form and wave forms and all are velocity dependent.
(typically near a joint), hypesthesia/paresthesias, nonspe- As the drag increases with increasing swimming velocity
cific malaise, motor weakness, mental status changes, dizzi- with an exponent from 1.7 to 2.0, the increase in the energy
ness/vertigo, and incoordination. Frank paralysis is less com- cost of swimming increases exponentially with velocity, as
mon (394). Symptoms of DCI typically occur within minutes opposed to land exercise which increases linearly with speed.
of surfacing in AGE, while DCS manifestations can also be Major differences between the sexes in physiological
delayed, often up to 24 h after surfacing. responses to the aquatic environment have not been reported,
even after correction for body size and fatness. Age does
make a difference in physiological responses to the aquatic
Summary environment. Adolescents appear to have greater sympathetic
neural response that declines with maturation, while older
The physical properties of the underwater environment make subjects have blunted cardio-renal and sympathetic responses
it unique, and impose pronounced physiological stresses on to HOWI.
humans. It imposes major stresses due to the unbreathable A major modulator of physiological responses to the
ambient medium, water temperatures higher and lower than aquatic environment is the temperature of the water, as Ts
TN temperatures, and pressure stress breathing, circulation, rapidly equilibrates with ambient temperature. A decrease in
renal-body fluid and electrolyte balance, locomotion, and Ts results in a proportional increase in heat flux from the body,
thermal balance. These stresses are all unique to the underwa- unless it is opposed by increased body insulation. Thermo-
ter environment. Even immersion at the surface of the water genesis is also triggered by decreases in Ts and Tc , which
poses different challenges vs. being in air, and these chal- can increase VO2 by threefold to fourfold, but in colder tem-
lenges are amplified with submersion and its depth. HOWI peratures thermogenesis is not sufficient to maintain a phys-
results in fluid shifts from both cell and the vascular compart- iological Tc . Immersion in water lower the TN temperature
ment, resulting in an expansion of PV and venous return, thus results in increased vascular resistance of subcutaneous tis-
increasing CO, in spite of the reduced HR as SV is increased sues, as well as muscle to increase resistance to heat loss.
by increased cardiac preload. In spite of the increased CO, This vasoconstriction is initiated by a decrease in Ts , but as
BP is generally believed to be unchanged, secondary to a Tc decreases the vasoconstriction become more pronounced.
reduction in SNA reducing vascular resistance. The reduced At a CWT, resistance is maximized and Tc is sustained at a
vascular resistance leads to increases in tissue blood flows that normal level. At temperatures below this the body cools in
are time-dependently regulated among tissues to prevent sus- a time-dependent manner, and hypothermia can occur. Insu-
tained overperfusion. The increased venous return and atrial lation suits can only partially protect divers in cold water.
stretch lead to attenuated secretion of antinatriuretic hormones Exposure to warm or hot water is even more threatening than
and vasopressin which result in a diuresis and natriuresis that cold water, and occurs in water temperatures above 35◦ C. As
act to return the PV to normal levels. As restoration of PV the body takes up heat from the water, and the ability to elim-
evolves, there may be a small overshoot and PV may decrease inate heat by evaporation is limited, body temperature can
an additional 7% as the increased CO is sustained. While the rise rapidly to dangerous levels, particularly during exercise.
diuresis peaks at about 2 h and then abates the renal-hormones In warm water, no apparent protection is known, and active
remain elevated, indicating the regulation of PV is multifac- cooling systems are required to maintain core temperature.
torial. Another major modulator of the physiological responses
The translocation of blood effects on pulmonary blood to the aquatic environment is the depth of the water, and
flow and gas compartments. There is an increase in ventilation the resultant hydrostatic pressure. There are cardio-renal
during HOWI. The increased blood volume in the lung results responses to pressure per se, however, in submersed con-
in engorgement of capillaries which displaces gas volumes ditions, the responses are primarily due to the submersion.
and may increase the risk of pulmonary edema. In spite of There are suggestions that postdive resting cardiac responses
these changes, arterial saturation is not compromised, even are depressed, but it is unclear for how long and if this has
during exercise. physiological significance. The major effects of depth are
Although resting cardiorespiratory variables are altered in on the respiratory system. In addition, to the increased fluid
HOWI, the cardiopulmonary responses to exercise are simi- volume and reduced gas volume in the lung due to immer-
lar; however, maximal aerobic power is lower, secondary to a sion/submersion, the presence of SLL, increased breathing
lower maximal CO. A negative consequence of the increased gear resistance and hydrostatic pressure on the lung increases
pulmonary blood flow and blood pressure that causes the work (power) of both inspiration and expiration, reduces
lung capillary engorgement may cause pulmonary edema, mechanical efficiency and thus increases the energy cost of
particularly during hard exercise and in cold water. While ventilation.

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