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Evidence: My life plan

Camila Londoño

My life plan is to be able to evolve every day through continuous learning. Mainly I want to assume behaviors that allow me to be an enterprising person,

achieving personal, family and social improvement; Starting with my inner being. See life with positivity despite the obstacles that are presented to me on a

daily basis, being in a comfortable financial situation for me and my family. I want to have my own psychological office to help many people. Spend and

enjoy with the family all the opportunities you have.


I am very willing to collaborate and help many people; I do it through advice and words that help improve the person from their internal thinking, self-assess

my knowledge and learning, make the most of each person who teaches me new ways of seeing life and how to put it in my favor. advantage of each situation



Some fears that I had in my life, I did not trust my skills which are very good, I did not exploit my full potential, my productive ideas are not communicated

by fear.


To be humble and overcome my fears to achieve a radical change in my life, based on my personal flaws. Know and monitor many principles and values.

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