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SOC 101
Section: 17
Research Paper
Growth and mental health barriers of children/adolescents in Bangladeshi

Submitted to:

Azmat Ara Ahmad

Department of sociology

Submitted by:

Afia Ebnat Ruponty (1931116030)

Shahriar Rahman Pritom (1931058030)
Shezan Hossain Shezan (2013184642)

Date of submission: 17th September 2020

Executive Summary: ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 4
Hypothesis & Importance of this Research ................................................................................................... 5
Literature review ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Survey ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Interview ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Limitations .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Data Presentation and Analysis .................................................................................................................. 12
Summary of the Interview and Explanation ................................................................................................ 22
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 25
Reference .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Executive Summary:
In this modern era where people are becoming more vocal day by day, there are some prudent issues
that are being overlooked. We are shedding light on one of these issues, the growth and mental health
barriers of children in Bangladeshi society. This is a topic, about which most of us are not comfortable
talking about, solely because it is directed to our respective families. There are many signs of bad
parenting that people in our society don't even realize. These family issues can seriously harm the child’s
demeanor and psychology. Sadly the mental health of teenagers in Bangladesh is not prioritized as much
as it should be. Teenagers are not made to be independent, it starts from a very young age when
parents make their children sleep with them in the same room because they are way to concern to see
the fact that they are somehow making their children be dependent on them, whereas child should be
shifted to a separate room from the age of 3-7. Another big problem is that Bangladeshi parents won’t
let their offspring’s on their own, even when they are of age, especially girls due to the fear that
something might happen to them. Because of such barriers teenagers miss out on a lot of experience
and lessons in life which are very valuable to prosper in life. Another impactful part of this is domestic
violence, which is very common in our society. This is one of the worst things teenagers face in our
country, nobody should go through this kind of toxicity. Reprimanding the child excessively is another
example of bad parenting, if your child does something wrong and you reprimand or scold him
excessively for the mistake, it can have a negative influence on them. Parents should be more patient
and understanding, they should look into the problem, rather than jumping in scolding their child again
and again, or comparing with other kids who are better than them. In the end we all have our strengths
and weaknesses, this is something parents should figure out about their own children, help them
overcome their weaknesses and improve the things they are already good at. A friendly relationship
with the family member will always be fruitful for everyone. When we create that conform zone,
children will surely open up, which will ultimately be beneficial for parents way more than they can
expect. Even a positive thing, said in a negative tone will turn into something negative. Teenagers should
be encouraged, because encouragement is always better than advice and commands. Half of all mental
illnesses begin by the age of 14 and three-quarters by mid-20s and 10-20% of children and adolescents
experience mental disorders worldwide, these statistics clearly show the severity of the issue. All the
matters that have been discussed lead to many mental health disorders at a very young age which the
children have to bear most of their life. Depression comes on top of that list, many studies have shown
that parents who have a negative approach will have children with a higher susceptibility to depression,
where they will feel lonely and purposeless due to the treatment they received from their family, that
they are just not good enough, they keep questioning their entire existence. Aggression is another
problem, negative parenting techniques like rough handling and expressing negative emotions towards
the child during infancy will cause the child to have high levels of anger.


Bangladesh is a densely populated county here the culture and religion are different from
western culture. The selected topic that Growth and mental health barrier of children/adolescents in
Bangladeshi society is quite unmentionable topic and you may not found such information even in
google. Worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders. Half of all mental
illnesses begin by the age of 14 and three-quarters by mid-20s. Children with mental disorders face
major challenges with stigma, isolation and discrimination, as well as lack of access to health care and
education facilities, in violation of their fundamental human rights. Mental health disorders are common
among children and adolescents, with an estimated prevalence rate of 13.4%. Youth is a time of
heightened risk for mental health disorders, with half of all lifetime mental health disorders emerge
before the age of 14 years. Moreover, the negative impact of poor mental health early in life extends
into adulthood, predicting poor academic outcomes, increasing the risk of subsequent mental health
problems. From our research and finding we get to know that most of the poor mental health cases
occur due to traditional society thoughts, family issues like over populated family, conflict between
parents, disrespecting children’s thought and demotivating them and so on. We believe that family is a
place which supposed to be a comfort zone for children’s but most of the time we found family is
becoming the rezone of the barrier of mental and behavioral growth of a child. With this paper we will
show how family and society can also be the rezone of mental health barrier of children/adolescents in
Hypothesis & Importance of this Research

Worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders. Half of all mental
illnesses begin by the age of 14 and three-quarters by mid-20s. Children with mental disorders face
major challenges with stigma, isolation and discrimination, as well as lack of access to health care and
education facilities, in violation of their fundamental human rights.

In this following topic we will be focus on the kid/teenagers growth and mental health situation
from family and social perspective.

Issues that teens are facing in Bangladeshi Society

 Most of the teens of Bangladesh face the common Parents aggressive and family conflict issues.

 Insults

 Parents discouraging independence of their children

 Threats of abandonment (such as divorce)

 Any form of physical aggression (including throwing things)

 Walking out or withdrawing from the argument

 Parents spoil their own children unknowingly

 Parents compare their children with others

Effects on mental and Physical health of teens

 Relationship Issues: Being exposed to parents fighting increases the chances that kids will treat
others with hostility.

 Behavior Problems: Parental conflict has been linked to increased aggression, delinquency, and
conduct problems in children.

 Eating Disorders and Physical Issues: anorexia and bulimia and sleep problems, stomachaches,
or headaches due to high parental discord
 Substance Use: Researchers have found that living in a home with high levels of conflict
increases the odds of smoking, binge drinking, and marijuana use.

 Negative Outlook on Life: Children who are raised in high-conflict homes are more likely to have
negative views of their family relationships.

Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect mood, thinking and
behavior. Unfortunately, there are relatively few trained psychiatrists in the country. Factors that may
lead to depression, anxiety and addictive behaviors, and eating disorders include stressful life situations,
use of alcohol or recreational drugs, imbalance of a chemical substance in the brain, and genetic
disorder or having a blood relative with a mental illness. Depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) are some common mental illnesses prevail in the society.

This research will help us to find some realistic situation based answer from different people
perspective like what they think about it and should we change our traditional society thought or should
we change ourselves. In this paper we tried to find the core rezone of growth and mental health barriers
of children and this paper is important for not only the children’s but also the parents and society. The
situation and question are being used here are so much realistic that anyone can relate any situation
with their everyday life and hopefully they will try to understand that such small issues can be the cause
of mental health barrier of a children or it can destroy a society over the generations.
Literature review

Mental illness is a curse upon modern society that refers to a wide range of mental health
conditions that affect mood, thinking and behavior. Unfortunately, there aren't many trained
psychiatrists in our country, as mental health is not prioritized as much as physical health. Such
problems that ultimately lead children to depression, anxiety and addiction, use of alcohol or
recreational drugs, imbalance of a chemical substance in the brain, and genetic disorder or having a
blood relative with a mental illness. Anxiety, Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are
some common mental illnesses that are now thriving in our society. This research will help us find some
realistic situation based answers from different people's perspectives like what they think about it and
should we change our traditional society thought or should we change ourselves. In this paper we tried
to find the core rezone of growth and mental health barriers of children and this paper is important for
not only the children’s but also the parents and society.

You will find very few researchers on that topic because this is a verse topic and most of the
time we face many problems regarding collecting information from people. Interviewing people during
this current pandemic situation was quite challenging. Another problem we faced during the survey. As
all the questions of our survey were based on impacts of family conflicts on children, so many people
had less interest in completing the survey.

Mental illnesses constitute a major Sociological problem globally with higher burden in low and
middle-income countries. In Bangladesh, systematically-collected data on mental disorders are scarce
and this leaves the extent of the problem not so well defined. We reviewed the literature on Growth
and mental health barriers of children/adolescents in Bangladesh to summarize the available data and
identify evidence gaps. We have gathered relevant literature on mental disorders within Bangladesh
published between 1975 and October, 2013 through a systematic and comprehensive search and also
about the poor mental health treatment publisher in 2015. Relevant information from the selected
articles was extracted and presented in tables. We identified 32 articles which met our predefined
eligibility criteria. The reported prevalence of mental disorders varied from 6.5 to 31.0% among adults
and from 13.4 to 22.9% among children. Some awareness regarding mental health disorders exists at
community level. There is a negative attitude towards treatment of those affected and treatment is not
a priority in health care delivery. Mental health services are concentrated around tertiary care hospitals
in big cities and absent in primary care. The burden of mental disorders is high in Bangladesh, yet a
largely unrecognized and under-researched area. To improvise the mental health services in Bangladesh,
further well-designed epidemiological and clinical research are needed.

Our topic is about one of those problems that are less talked about. Many people won't share
such experiences and traumas they have faced as this issue is regarding family, which is not comfortable
while discussing it with others, and that's what makes this issue even more severe, this is something we
choose to ignore and such mental disorders keeps growing inside us day by day and reaches such
lengths where we have no other choice but seek medical help. It's about time we shed some light into
this topic, where we note people’s responses anonymously through surveys while keeping full
confidentiality. We should really avoid asking people direct questions about their family, rather design
generalized questions to know their thoughts and views on this matter which will give us a hint about
what they have face in their teenage life

In this research we have used two types of research methods, one is questionnaire
survey and another one is interviewing people. We have conducted survey which has 10
questions and an interview part contains 5 questions. The survey has been conducted randomly
on the students of North South University and the interview was conducted face to face. Each
of the member of the group help to create the survey form and collect information from them
and each member of the group helped to take interview from there known people around.

We have conducted the survey including 10 questions. The type of those questions is
based on growth and mental health barriers of children in Bangladeshi society. We have also
investigated the impacts of family conflicts on children. The reason behind choosing the topic is
because this kind of situations is taking place at our society and many children of our society
are victim of these issues. In fact, some children get mentally sick by facing this family problem.


1. Family conflicts have an impact on mental health.

2. Parents should get aggressive with small issues like using phones or sleeping.
3. Parents should not blame each other for their children’s mistake.
4. Parents shouldn’t let their children go on tours with their friends, without their
5. Parents should respect their children’s privacy.
6. Parents should compare their children with other children.
7. Parents should use abusive words if their children don't listen to them.
8. Parents should demotivate their children if they try to do something new.
9. Physical abuse should be used on children when necessary.
10. Teenagers should walk out of the house because of family conflict.

Each question had 5 options where the respondent had to choose any one option for each


1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither Disagree or Agree
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

The reason behind choosing the topic (Growth and mental health barriers of
children/adolescents in Bangladeshi society) is because this kind of situations is taking place at
our society and many children of our society are victim of these issues. In fact, some children
get mentally sick by facing this family conflict. Not only that it is time to eliminate those
barriers and make a better society for the next generation. We have conducted the interview
part with 5 questions. The questions are basically based on growth and mental health barriers
of children in Bangladeshi society. We have also investigated the impacts of family conflicts on

Question that we interviewed:

1. When parents compare their children with other children, what impact do you think it has
on the children’s mind?

2. Why should parents in Bangladesh be more understanding towards their children’s dreams?

3. When parents use physical abuse on their children, what impact does this have on the
society ultimately?

4. Why do you think adults in Bangladesh are more dependent on their parents, compared to
western countries?

5. When we look at the bigger picture, why do you think it is more fruitful for parents being
friendly with their children rather than being strict?

We have faced many problems during the survey as well as interview. There were fewer
respondents that we thought we will get. Interviewing people during this current pandemic
situation was quite challenging. Sometimes we had problems while communicating with group
members through internet. We had to make this whole report within a short time though group
work made it easy for everyone. Another problem we faced during the survey. As all the
questions of our survey was based on impacts of family conflicts on children, so many people
had less interest on completing the survey. Sometimes they just left it half way done, even
some people left the whole survey blank and left it without answering a single question. There
were so many limitations while making the report; nevertheless we tried our best to do the
report with every single information we have collected.
Data Presentation and Analysis

From the following online survey we will analyze the collected data’s about the growth and
mental health barriers of adolescents in Bangladeshi society.

Question Number 1: Does family conflicts have an impact on mental health?

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 1 4.34%

Disagree 0 0%

Neither Disagree or Agree 0 0%

Agree 10 43.47%

Strongly Agree 12 52.17%

In this following chart we

Does family conflicts have an impact on mental
can see that 12 to 10 out of
23 people are strongly
agree or agree with the
term that family conflicts
have an impact on mental
health. They believe that
most of the time the
Strongly Disagree parents conflict in every
family is caused a massive
Agree impact on children’s mental
52.17% 43.47% health and become a
growth barrier. This
Strongly Agree
increases the chances that
kids will treat others with
hostility and it’s been
linked to increased
aggression, delinquency,
and conduct problems in
Question Number 2: Parents should get aggressive with small issues like using phones or

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 5 21.74%

Disagree 12 52.17%

Neither Disagree or Agree 4 17.39%

Agree 1 4.35%

Strongly Agree 1 4.35%

In this following chart we can

Parents should get aggressive with small issues see that 12 out of 23 people
like using phones or sleeping Disagree with the term that
parents should get aggressive
with small issues like using
4.35% phones or sleeping and 5
people are strongly disagree
which means that getting
aggressive about small issues
Strongly Disagree
21.7% like sleeping or using mobile is
simply hamper children’s
17.39% Disagree mental health and this leads
children to become getting
aggressive about small issues in
Neither Disagree or Agree
their life. Though parents don’t
want that their kids get lazy or
Agree west time on using mobile
52.17% phone so they should be
friendly in giving advice and
Strongly Agree
telling children’s with love that
using devices too much is also
harmful instated of getting
angry and shout on them.
Question Number 3: Parents should not blame each other for their children’s mistake

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0.00%

Disagree 1 4.35%

Neither Disagree or Agree 2 8.70%

Agree 10 43.48%

Strongly Agree 10 43.48%

In this following chart we can see

that 10 people out of 23 are agree
Parents should not blame each other for and strongly agree with the term
their children’s mistake that parents should not blame each
other for their children’s mistake. In
our society it’s a common seen that
fathers are blaming mothers about
their children’s fault that mothers
4.35% aren’t taking a good care of child.
Which eventually impacting the
8.70% Disagree
children’s phycology that mothers
are for taking care of child and they
supposed to get blame because of
43.48% Neither Disagree or their children’s fault. This kind of
Agree mentality is grow in most of the
43.48% children’s from their family practice
which is because sometime they
don’t respect women’s, their wife or
mother, which is directly impacting
children’s mental health. So instead
Strongly Agree of blaming each other for their
children’s fault they should figure out
the exact problem and try to find a
solution together.
Question Number 4: Parents shouldn’t let their children go on tours with their friends, without
their supervision.

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 6 26.09%

Disagree 10 43.48%

Neither Disagree or Agree 6 26.09%

Agree 1 4.35%

Strongly Agree 0 0.00%

In this following chart we can see

that most of the people of the
Parents shouldn’t let their children go
chart either disagree (10/23) or
on tours with their friends, without their strongly disagree (6/23) with the
supervision. statement that Parents shouldn’t
let their children go on tours
4.35% with their friends, without their
supervision. In our society we
26.09% can see that most of the parents
Strongly Disagree
don’t let their children go out
with friends for tour because
26.09% Disagree they are afraid of their safety and
security. But most of the
teenagers are love to be a part of
Neither Disagree or friendly tour during varsity life
Agree and personally I think parents
should allow them because it’s a
Agree time to explore, understanding
the world and people, taking
self-responsibilities. So it seems
parents in our society should be
more flexible with such issues
like that.
Question Number 5: Parents should respect their children’s privacy.

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0.00%

Disagree 0 0.00%

Neither Disagree or Agree 1 4.35%

Agree 10 43.48%

Strongly Agree 12 52.17%

In our society privacy is a biggest concern

Parents should respect their children’s for teenagers even in their home, as we
privacy. are densely populated country most of the
family live here jointly, so the rezone why
privacy is an issue here. Some of us can
also relate that most of children’s in our
society are not allow closing their room’s
door or can’t laugh while using their
mobile phone which seems suspicious to
the parents. Even when they are out of
home they are still not free from their
neighbor’s eye. So we have to change our
Neither Disagree or
perspective and thing openly about such
43.48% issues because such mentality affects
children’s mental health and become a
barrier in their physiological growth.
In this following chart we can see that our
responders also either agree or strongly
agree with the statement that parents
Strongly Agree should respect their children’s privacy.
Question Number 6: Parents should compare their children with other children.

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 20 86.96%

Disagree 3 13.04%

Neither Disagree or Agree 0 0.00%

Agree 0 0.00%

Strongly Agree 0 0.00%

In this following chart we can see

that 20 out of 23 people are strongly
Parents should compare their children with disagree with the term that parents
other children. should compare their children with
other children. Which seems no one
wants get compared with their
neighbors kids which directly become
13.04% an insult for children’s that effects on
their mental health.

In our society this comparison of

Strongly Disagree children is common between parents
and neighbor or colleagues or even
Disagree with cousins who live in rural area.
Which is pretty much insulting for
children’s and it’s demotivated them
86.96% to doing anything better. This
comparison is like a mental torture
and it directly put an impact on
children’s mental health and become
a barrier of their exploring, learning
something new and trying something
by own. So society should appreciate
whatever their children are getting or
doing and help them to become a
better person instead of bulling.
Question Number 7: Parents should use abusive words if their children don't listen to them.

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 15 62.50%

Disagree 6 25.00%

Neither Disagree or Agree 1 4.17%

Agree 1 4.17%

Strongly Agree 1 4.17%

In Asian countries like Bangladesh

most of parents when get
Parents should use abusive words if
aggressive they usually use abusive
their children don't listen to them. word toward their children’s and
this thin is becoming so common
4.17% that even children’s are learning this
4.17% habit from very early of their age.
4.17% But this habit should reduce from
family practice of not using abusive
Strongly Disagree words even if parents get so angry,
because abusive words have an
Disagree immediate impact on children’s
mental health and behavior and
Neither Disagree or disrespect toward others.

62.50% Agree In this following chart be can see

that majority of the responses are
Strongly Agree goes with the disagreement with
the given statement that Parents
should use abusive words if their
children don't listen to them. So it
might be a better time to practice
the good habits and learn children’s
about them instead of using abusive
words toward them.
Question Number 8: Parents should demotivate their children if they try to do something new.

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 20 86.96%

Disagree 3 13.04%

Neither Disagree or Agree 0 0.00%

Agree 0 0.00%

Strongly Agree 0 0.00%

In this following chart we can see

majority of the responders
Parents should demotivate their responded against the agreement
children if they try to do something that parents should demotivate
new. their children if they try to do
something new.

In our society sometimes we see

that parents are too busy to
appreciate the little things done or
achieved by their children’s. So that
thing actually leads to demotivating
children’s. These kinds of small
Strongly Disagree
issues can also affect children’s
Disagree mental health and become a barrier
in their interest of learning or doing
86.96% something new. So our society
should understand those affects and
appreciate any single or small
achievement done by their children.
Question Number 9: Physical abuse should be used on children when necessary.

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 9 39.13%

Disagree 8 34.78%

Neither Disagree or Agree 3 13.04%

Agree 3 13.04%

Strongly Agree 0 0.00%

From the following chart we

can see that this is a verse
Physical abuse should be used on children topic and we get a different
when necessary. opinion from the responders,
but majority of the responds
goes against the issue that
physical abuse should be used
on children when necessary.
13.04% We can see 39% people
responded strongly disagree
Strongly Disagree and 13% of people are agree
13.04% 39.13% with the statement.
In our society it’s a common
Neither Disagree or Agree view that children’s are get
physically abused due do very
small issues like poor result,
34.78% and such things leads to a
mindset of those children that
it’s okay to react or physically
abuse other with a very small
issues. So we should change
our perspective of thinking to
make a better world.
Question Number 10: Teenagers should walk out of the house because of family conflict.

Options Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 9 37.50%

Disagree 10 41.67%

Neither Disagree or Agree 3 12.50%

Agree 0 0.00%

Strongly Agree 2 8.33%

From our family and religion practice we

Teenagers should walk out of the never have been thought that walking
house because of family conflict. out of house because of a small conflict
with parents. It’s strongly prohibited in
our society. These behaviors usually grow
on a child maybe from their parents or
sometime influenced from different
shows of internet which is impactful in
8.33% their mental and physiological growth.
12.50% From the following chart we can see that
37 to 42 present of the response are
Strongly Disagree against with the issue that teenagers
should walk out of the house because of
37.50% Disagree family conflict. We can also see that most
of our responders are just crossed their
Neither Disagree or
teenage and they understand the
situation. Sometime family conflict might
Strongly Agree
be so intolerable to them that they have
to walk out of their house.

So it’s just a request to all parents to not

involve children in such situation where
they feel unsafe even in house, and such
conflicting behavior of parents is strongly
harmful for children’s mental health
growth and behavior
Summary of the Interview and Explanation

 When parents compare their children with other children, what impact do
you think it has on the children’s mind?

From the taken interview the information I gathered is when a parents comparing their children
with other children’s it usually it leads children into a bad feelings like low self-esteem, less confidence,
and most of the time they feel down. And after that it’s become hard to grow confidence in doing other

As we know that teen age is a period when children’s are start to learn something by their own or
try to do something by their own capabilities. But the worst part is when they are learning or trying
parents come to compare there activates with their neighbors or colleagues children’s or even
sometime with cousins. This is because children start to feel so down and low self-esteemed. So all the
information I collected through the interview its seems pretty much everyone thigs that this kind of
abuse like comparing children’s with others is leads them toward less confidence and hamper their
career development.

 Why should parents in Bangladesh have to be more understanding

towards their children’s dreams?

First of all children’s dream maters, from the very beginning of their life they started seeing dreams
to become an pilot or an business man or so on in which field he/she feels comfortable with. But in
Bangladeshi society parents are not much understand toward their children’s dream. They always think
of making their children either doctor or engineer which is a traditional thought and by this meantime
they kill the drams of their child.

It may be every parents wish to make their children either doctor or engineer, but everyone’s dream
is not same children’s dream to become something they like or they love with but in society like ours the
dreams are keeps as dreams forever. Without even noticing parents and society is killing children’s
dreams every day. So from the collected information throughout the interview I get to understand that
majority of the teenagers in our society thinks that parents should me more understanding and
respective toward their children’s dream.

 When parents use physical abuse on their children, what impact does this
have on the society ultimately?

Physical abuse is strong enough to destroy a society because when a child get abused because of
even for a small issues like poor results. This physical harassment usually stays on children’s mind and
these things become in a never ending process. Physical abuse becomes repeated from generation to
generation and it badly impact children’s mental health and behavior.

Physical abuse usually put children’s in a negative path which leads to the bad habits and bad
behavioral problem. Abused children may repeat the same to their family members or their children in
future so by continuing this this can easily destroy a society.
Physical abuse in children never leads to any positivity some of us can relate that if parents ask not to do
something that might be harmful, children’s try more to get into that thing cause they like to explore
what bad can be happen. So like that if strict parents always abuse their children, verbally or physically
they will become get into more negativity and which can also lead a society to the darkness.

 Why do you think adults in Bangladesh are more dependent on their

parents, compared to western countries?
Children’s in Bangladesh are more dependent on their parents because of their early family practice.
We can relate that most of the time parents love their children’s so much that they don’t even let them
do their own work like washing cloths, cleaning room, help to find or even wear cloths when going
school and so on. That’s because children’s in our society get more involved and lazy to do their work by
own. If that don’t even seems relevant you can also found that in Bangladeshi society children’s don’t
have to personal space or opinion space in family or sometimes parents don’t let children’s go out with
friends or in a tour. So such things usually make kids more dependent on their parents and it harmful for
them because they can’t learn taking responsibilities even after their teen age.
Comparing that issue with western culture is much more transparent and clear because we can see that
in other countries or in western countries parents let their children do their work by their own and also
in most of the family after completing school children’s become separated from home and find their
own way of success.
But the main problematic part is our society and religion has some issues with children’s
independency and not only that in our country it’s hard to become financially independent because we
don’t have much part time job scoops cause small works like food delivery or receptionist or so on, are
known as a poor and negated job in our society whether in western counties it’s easy to become
financially independent by doing such works.

 When we look at the bigger picture, why do you think it is more fruitful
for parents being friendly with their children rather than being strict?

From the collected information I can say most of the people think that parents of our society should
have more friendly rather than strict. We can see that most of the children’s in our society are kind of

afraid with their parents or afraid only with someone specific like mother or father. And it’s also very
common that most of the children’s don’t like to share their everyday activates or life with their parents
the rezone because they are not that friendly to understand our problems or because they are way
more strict to share with.

So being strict with children does actually hamper the relationship of parents and children. As
children they should have a minimum space to talk or share things with their parents but in our society
it’s totally different. The problem that occur is children’s are afraid or won’t come to their parents and
don’t share things with them which leads to an emptiness in parents children relationship.

So in every family child’s should have a comfort zone to share things with their parents and parents
should support them and understand their feelings instead of making fun of it or negate them as minor

To sum up, after the research we have made we can come up with the decision that
almost 90% of people strongly does not support those bad impacts that our children face
mentally in their family. And most of the respondents are teenagers from an age range of 18-
25. This research paper has been made based on some realistic situation that children’s might
faces during their teenage. Most of the situations are mentioned here is the rezone of barrier in
children’s mental health growth and behavioral changes. So we can at least hope that those
family issues will not be able to take place in a society of Bangladesh in future. And also from
the interview section we found that majority of the responders are positive and similar about
parents shouldn’t compare their child with others, parents should have to be more
understanding and respect children’s dream, parents shouldn’t use abusive words and physical
abuse toward children’s, dependency of children on their parents and parents of our society
should have more friendly rather than strict. Such issues are seems like an everyday problem in
our society which should be eliminated and we need to think more openly and widely.


Growth and mental health barriers of children/adolescents in Bangladeshi society

Survey Question for report

1. Family conflicts have an impact on mental health.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree

2. Parents should get aggressive with small issues like using phones or sleeping.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree

3. Parents should not blame each other for their children’s mistake.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree
4. Parents shouldn’t let their children go on tours with their friends, without their supervision.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree

5. Parents should respect their children’s privacy.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree

6. Parents should compare their children with other children.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree
7. Parents should use abusive words if their children don't listen to them.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree

8. Parents should demotivate their children if they try to do something new.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree

9. Physical abuse should be used on children when necessary.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree
10. Teenagers should walk out of the house because of family conflict.

 Strongly Disagree

 Disagree

 Neither agree or disagree

 Agree

 Strongly agree

Interview Question for report

6. When parents compare their children with other children, what impact do you think it has
on the children’s mind?

7. Why should parents in Bangladesh be more understanding towards their children’s dreams?

8. When parents use physical abuse on their children, what impact does this have on the
society ultimately?

9. Why do you think adults in Bangladesh are more dependent on their parents, compared to
western countries?

10. When we look at the bigger picture, why do you think it is more fruitful for parents being
friendly with their children rather than being strict?

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