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ACT, 1872


1-------------,-_.,. ADMISSIONS TATEMENTS Sett n~xt pag~s

IS.5) (S.111 [S. 37J

Evidence m.oy bl! given jn In •ull• In which damag~ n,ef\t, oral 01' e..,.,.,.,c'fl.••, wr.CCC:'fl OI" When the Court has lo foTm :an
any •uh Or prooc·cdlJ\g of are dahned, documentary, which 11,ua;g.,.t,. ilTI)' v .. rb.,I, of celevanl f.,.cls n,ade by a opinion•• to lh,r cJ<illlcnc,e of
lhot e,cistence or any fact whkh wlll ,n,.. -- as. to any In 11'0!iue or p-rq.o" who 111 dead are lhcm:eclVc-t: any fact of• public nahlr.., any
non-e~l.:Jl.enel!: of ,;,very ,,. enable lhc Court lo rc,cv .. nt .filct, and which is mad., by .ony ... 1 .. vaftt f.,.ct!I. when It ~1.-, ... 10 •tat<1:m<1:r1t of it. made in a
'" Issue. delermine t.hc amounl of of the persons. c:au:,.c of dcalh oras "'"'de ,n co·unc rwcilal conhllncd In any Ac:I of
d•rn•ge·a whlc;h ought to ofbusln<t P ... 11 a>ncn t I• tii: lc va,n
(S.61 be award .. dl, I• r,dev.anl. IS.181
Facl6 whi.::h, though nol In St111emenU m.,.J., by a p:inty lo the (S.331
iilS\lc,, iilrc •A> c;onncctc-d IS.HJ pro~e.tlng. or by •n aogc,,,I lo any ,nuh .vldcncc gtven by • Whc:n the Court h•• to foHn .an
with• {act in ,.,.,,..., as lo Paci• •bowing I.he p,art.y, whom the Court r.,,11,,.rd11. under the ...,Hne•s in a j\ldlc:i;ol proc.,...,dlng. or opinion,.. to" 1 .. w of any
form part of lhc aamo, c,xl•lence of a,ny at•tc: of cir;cum-.,lanc:c• o( the c.a:sc-, ais C1;11Cpl'e-ssly O T' bcfoN" .any pcl"IIOn •uthoriu,d by country, any
lr.&n·~ct,on, a'l"e- relev~n•~ mind, auch •• lnlenUon, tmpUedly •uthorJzed by him I<> m.ake J.a..., to tak .. JI, I• ffl.,vant. 11tatemcnt of auch l•w
knowledge, good laUh, the1n; .&l'e adrni,.$lun•- cont.alncd ln II book.
(S. 7) negllgc:nc•., raahn•o;•, ill• (S. 34) to be pr,lntcd under
'Factfl which arc, n,., wUl.or (S.'2.01 ntrlca in book• the a .. thorUy :I• N:·1...,ant.
ocuslon,. c:~u•~ or rffecl,. good-~vlll IOW'arda an)" Stiillemcnl• m;odc by pcn;on to whon, a, of account, irtduding tho,a., kcpt In
l·n,med'lah! o par11c.. 1ar ptt'ro;on, or party to the ... u hllls e1<pn,.,~1y ,.,fcrre,t clcclt"Onlc ,..,...,,., .... g .. 1,uly kepi •n lS.391
olherwis·r, o{ rclrvant iaocl, •howlng the •><lo;tence o( for Information in refcrcncc lo .a nuU;,r ,course of busln;,s.s, :are ... tevanl. When any •t•l•m•nl of which
o• facts I,> l1J111u;; "'" ""Y •t,.1e of l:>ody QI' In dlspul cvld•nce I$ glv<1:n forms pal'I of
rel•vanl. bodily feeling. 11rc ~(h"iP11o•lon8 .. cs. 3~1 • Ion.get alalC'mcn~ or I•
.-elev ant. An entry 1 .. .,.ny put>llc or olher contained ln part of cle<;t ..on·I
(S. l'I (S. 2.1} offkh.l book, '"Kh•tef oor ,c-co«I, RConl, cvldenC't! shall be given
J\r,y 1.. c, b ro:lcv•M which Admla!ltnn& aro;, •rlcv,1nl ;and maoy be •••HnK • fad •n l•sue or 'Nlhevant of •o n.uch and no m<>rc of du,
•how• or conslltut proved •• ag;alnst the p<'nion who ,n.,ke fact, 1111 lbelf • •el.,.v•nt h,<;t. tatcmcnl, documotnl or
'n1ollvi- or pr<lpauati then,, or hi• repn,s.,nto,livc, in lnt.,r;,.st.
any fact In hsu
relevant f.ilct.
r-•I .ad11nh~lQr1 ·ontenls of"'
document And :f"\,•COl'dS .If' ....
($. 2_,;J ~
No confe1,slon
,nade to• p,;,Uce-orOcc.- shall b.., proved
a& aga,lnsl"' per1iOI\
a«u .. cd o( a,ny off.en
l 0
Judgments Opinions Character
CHAP. Ill See ~
CHAP.IV next

IS. 521

IS. 561 JS.591

The existence of any When the Court has to In civil cases the fact that No fact of which the Court All facts, except the
judgment, order or decree form an opinion the chauclcr of any will take judicial notice contents of documents, ~
which by law prevents
any Cou11 from t.iking
uPon .J. p~i ... t of foreign
law, or of science or art,
person concerned is such
•S to render probable or
need be proved. may be proved by oral
evidence. 1::r:
oogniLance of a suit or the opinions upon that improbable any conduct IS. 571 tr1
holding a t.rial, is
relevant fact.
,1 point of persons specially
skilled in such foreign
imputed to him is
irrelevant, except in so far
The Court shall take
judicial notice of all laws
(S. 60) evidence rnust, in all
1411w, or of science or art, as such character in force in the territoty of cases whatever, be direct, s;
IS.42) are relevant facts. Such appears from facts India. if it refers to a fact which z
Judgments, orders or person are catled experts. otherwise relevant. could be seen, it must be rn
decrees are relevant if they (S.581 the evidence of a witness <
relate to matters of a (S.46) IS. 53 & 53-AI No fact need be proved in who says it. 6
public nature relevant to Facts, not otherwise In criminal proceedings any proceeding which the z
the enquiry; but such relevant, are relevant if the fact that the person parties thereto or their
judgments, orders or they support or are accused is of a good agents agree to admit
decrees are not conclusive inconsistent with the character is relevant. at the hearing.
proof of that which· opinions of experts, when Evidence of character or R
they state. such opinions are previous sexual ~
relevant. experience not relevant in ij
certaln cases. ·

' ··-


CHAP.V Publk Pre:su.mptions EXCLUSION OF ORAL
DOCUMENTARY Doc::ument·s .1.s to Doaam1!nt5 BY DOCUMENTARY

(S.611 (S.66)
(5. 74)
IS. 911
The: conte:nt• of dO<Vm~nU Any lnform.alion Document» Conn ing lhc The Court The Court shall presume \Vhcn 1hr t..erm:J of a.
inay be proved cillher by In a ,in •dt or records of the .act• •hall presume (gcnuint.) the ge-nulnc:ne•j: of every contuict, 01 of a
prinury or by ae<.ond.11ry rlcctronlc rr.cor-d which Is of the ,overelgn .authority, e-vcry document book purport ins to be grant, or of any othcr
rvldt?.n.c::e. printrd on .a paper, stored:, offldal bodies a,id purpol"llng 10 be .:11 printed or publi~hcd under- disposition of
rite0rdecl or eopiecl in tribunah, etc., .arc public ccrtific,1,tc, <"crllffcd copy the ;JUthority of the property, have be-en
(S.62) or m•gnctic: media documi!nt.s, or olhe-r dceument, which Covcmment ur .1cny cou.nh')', rcduttd to the forrn
Prim.Ary evidu,ce: m.e.uu produced by• computer 15 by J.11.w to be •nd to contain .any of the of a document, no
the doaunent ic.df 1hi11l be admiHible:, IS. 771 ~dmiull,lit .at evldcnc:e uf l.1.wll: of !hat evidence sh.1U be
prod uud for the ~rtifird copiH nu,y br any pudcular ~.act. country, and of every book given in proof of th~
ln1pc<t.lon ol the CoW1, (S.67) produced 1n proof of the purporting to contain terms of the contract
If• docwnent b: allrged to amte-nts of the- (S. 81) reports of dcciidons of or di:,.po.sUion ~xcll!'pt
(5,631 bit 1lg,icd or lo have been public documrnta or p.11r·1• Court ,hall prcaumc the thie Courts of aut:h eou.nt·ry. the document IC:,elf.
Sec:IOnd&I)" ev".Jdencc mans wrlltrn wholly or in p,u1, of the pubUc document, gcnuine-nelit of every
eutified copi.H, counte:rpuct; by .,.Y pe.r.on t.he- of which the-y purport to dO(;umt:,l'lt purportlng to IS.90)
ol doalmen ts,. o,-.U a,,co()WJb aJgnahur or handwrhing be cople:s. bot: the London Cazclle or, \Vht::tl! .any do~unu!!nl,
ol thit eont.cnt:5 ot .a of •o mud\ of Lhr: Cazeue of any purp<n1lnQ o,· pnlvctl to be
doaunent gi"'a, by 5('.NIV docu.ment H 11 .tllege.d to colony, dcpende-ncy or thirty yenra old, 15 produced
puiiOnwbohimadl haaAft:11 br. ln that pcrtl<ln't: po••P.ulon of the Brhbh from ""Y 1.--ua,Jody which tlu:
iL handwritlng mutt be: Crow11, or to be .a Court In thr pardculu ca.le
proved to be !n hi• ncw~p.apcr or jou.m:11, If con1ldus proper, the Court
(S.64.J handwriting, fuch documenl Is kepi may rrc:11urne .Juch
Document• m1,1.5t be sub»lanll.1.lly In the form do<"Uff'~nt lo be duly
pro"' by primary IS. 71) required by Jaw and Iii executed .S.. a11e,1ed b)• the
evtdeece e:xcr:pt ln Ute If the nte,Ur,g wHnc" produced from prope, pe:non• by whom It
caae.• dcnlra. or d.oc• not C'Ulilody. purport• to be cx~c::u.ted &c
rncntioncd, r,cc.oUed lhc execution of ::attesh:d.

15.65) e-·xecu.Uon ma)• bit proved [5.90A)

Srconduy evld~ce may by othcl' evtdence. Where .11ny etcetsonfe
be: g-lvr.n of the itld5t<nu,
wndidon or contents. of .11
record, pu'J)Orting or
proved to be fivc• old~
docume:nl when thte J:s produeed from any
orlgb,.111 iii of ai\.lch n,ilurr cu1tody which 1h11' Court Jn ~
•• not to be .r•»ily rnovablr the poutic\llt.H caf~ con•ldcr'$
a.mong.t,1 olher CJltr:t rrnprr. the Cou.rt miay
oudlncd Ir, Kctlor, 65. preaum~ •u<h eteeteonte
algn .. tut'e to be rropt"r.
PART HI ->-.



[S.• 1021 [S,J"l!il [S. 1181 [S.148) IS. 167'1,

The burden of proof in "s .. it or Whc,r, one p.,rson, by his All pc..,Qn" ohall be compet.,nt When either If ;any q ue:1,tion •el.. tc• to " Thc hnpropeT
pr<l<'.c.,eding lic.,s on, th,it puson d.,cl;or,.Uon, .act Qr omi,islon, lo te6tify uni.,.,,. u,.,
Court p;;,rty propos.,s to give nullcr not r.ele,••nt to U,c auil admi...,.lon or
who would fall If no c,vl,d .. n<:e at lnt~nlionally eau~ed o,.. c:on•ld.,,.,. that th"')''"'" vldc,nce of any fact, th., Judg., or proce.,dlng, .,,..,...,1
In. s.o br rejection of evldenc,c
.all wcri.e given on citl1e.'!r 6ide. p-..rmit1o0d .another p,orson lo prevcrted from uncte ... tandins may •Ilk tho, p.arty proposing '"" it .. r,.,ct .. lhc c,.,dil o( t.hc shall not be
brli"""',. lhlng U) be true .and the questions put lo them. to give the evid.,n<'"' in wh .. 1 wlmeas by Injuring his gl!'Ound of lts.olf fo~ a
[S.1031 to ,0c,t upon suc,h b<'lkf, neilh.,r nur,n.,r the alleged fact, il. ch"'""""· the Court $h~II new trtal O'f' rcvc,-...1
The burdc,n of proof as to •m h., n,\f his ,-,.,.,.,,..,n,alivc, sh;oll (S. 1 l!ll proved', would be relevant.. d.,...ide ..,hcth.,r or :not the of ""Y d.,d .. ion In any
pan.kular fa<:t lie,o on that pe...,.on b,e .allowed.,. in any •uh or A wilnesa who I• un.oblc to wlmo011• ah.all be c,ompeUed to ca ....
who wishC11 the Court 10 bc,Uc,v., in pl'"oc,cedi1>g between ape•k may give his .,.,ldo,nc,e 1S.U7J an.,:w cr iit..
ita e>iist~n.c:e. hin,self ,..,d auch pers.on or hi in ;any o•hcr m.anneT In whkh Th., eo,.amlnation of wi1neH by
........... n111Uve, to de,ny th .. he, un make U lnlclligibl ,he party who c.oll5 him 51,.oll [S.1511
[S.108) truth of th•t thing. be .,..11.,d hi• e_,c.amlnatl<.>n-ln- : "'J"he Court may fort.Id any
The •1'"'"""" la whethe•.,. n,an le (S.12,1 .;J,lef~ The cx.aTnin~tion of :iii Ii que•lfon• or ;r,qulri,ca which It
au.,., o.- d.,ad, a,nd h io; prnv.,d 1hal 1.S,1161 No ,one witn4'•• by the •dv"""" party :r~g..11rd!I ~11 lnd~~nt or
he, has not bc,.,n h.,ard o( for seven No tf:n;ant of ·immov.-bl~ 11h.. 11 be compelled Io disclos 5h"ll t,.,_ <:all.,d hi" cro••- ,..,_nd.alou.:11, althous-h 'IJUCh
yea ... by those who would property, or penon cl;a•ming 10 the Court any =nfldenllal ex.aml;,.;11ililc."l11.~ Tht: 1:x.aminatiQ11 q\le·st;on• or inq\llrle:• m.oy
n.alur.,lly have heard of him If h through auch lenanl, 11h~II, c(Jmmun1c.ation which ha of .a wltnt!!.il:i, 8,ubfc:qu.:nt 1-0 lhe
h.-vc so-rne be~ri"g on the
ha.-f been ~live, lhe burden c,f during the cantlnua,11\te o( th~ t•ko0n pl.oee bct..,.,en him and .,,on-c><•mln.otlon by the party qu.,,.Uow,.a b•fore the Court
proving th,it h., Is alive 111 shifted •-~-n~nc-y, be- pcrm:i1tcd 10 hi, 1 .. profeulon•I .adviser, wh<> c.all.,d him. sh.all be c,.U.,d unlc,t1S they .-el~tc to (ad•'"
to lhe pe~on who aHlrms It. d.,ny th., landlord of suc,h ur,I,..• he oUer• him11,elf .a~ a hi:i re-<,11;~min•tio". isin1e.
ten.ant, .at the beginning of ..
[S.110) the 1c:n.11ocy., .a 1i1le to •ueh (S. l<nl lS.'1621
When the- qu«t'ti.un :ll'i wt,-:Utorir any Immovable proverty; .ond no rs.u:,1 Any quntio., ,.,.ggc,o;ting th-, A wltnc,u sun,moned to
per.,,on iOI o-ner of ;anything of per$-Qn 'Wlli'ho ican:11!: upon any An •ec:ompH..-e sh•ll be a ainsw.,, whie:h the, J>"'rson pr<>duc,., a do«11nent :11hall, If It
which he, is &hown to be in hnmo.,;able property by lhe compet.,,,t witness putting It wl•h,e;i o, ;,;1<pC<if tu is in hi:,. pONc,11t1!on Or power., 1 1

pos,...•slon. the burd.,n of J>roving li<'.,nu of lh., perp;on in oll\ aCCU liC d peT6-0n; .and rea,;.,., ;,. c.olled a leadir\g · bring It to Court,
1hM he ill "ot tJ,c- ow"'C'T is on Che pQ"'"'"nlon lhcr.,of ~hall be • convktlon l,i not 111.,,;11,I qua;flion. notwith:111.andlng any obj~c;:tlon
p,<rson who ,i{fi.-m5 o, .. , he is r,01 po,rrnitted lo deny th"t 8ucJ, merely brc,;0use h procced which there, "'"Y be to lt11
the" (}Wftl!I'. person had a lith, to uron the unn,rroborat,od lS.1451 produc,lion or to It
•1.u::h p-os.-cs•ion ail 1hc tim t~;jUmony of .an Ji.c.< on,pli~c. A Mri,nceis m~y be croa:a- atJmi.,...ibilit)c The valldhy of
IS.113BI when •ucl1 li<enC"'C" w•1 R,ivf'n. "'""min"d as lo prevlou any such object·ion
Wh"n l.h., quest.Ion I;>, lJ"I ta,lement" m•dc by him in •h•II be decld.,d on by the
w:u:1t.her a pc-Non h•lil <:on1Jmi11a,-d No pu11c.. 1111r nu...-,ber of wrillng O< reduced lnlo Court.
the dQwry de;alh nf,. worn'"" and ii witn,es1,e4 shall in any c,1se t,., writing. and ,.,1.,..,..,nl to
is •ho..,n tt, .. 1 S<•on bcfo,., he·r ,.,qul,.,d for th., proof of .an tti:AtlC'rS, in q'\IC1JliOn,
ti"'"'"""ch worn.on b.,.,.., f,1ct. without o;uch ..,dUaj; b"lng
subj.-c1.,d by such prnlon lo tihown 10 him, o, b~,i·ng
cruelty or>sm~PI fo:r, Ot' In proved; bul, if h
co,-,n~,ctlan wltt.,. .111,y demand for lnt .. nd.,d lo contr.adl<:1 him
do..,ry, the Cou.-t •h.oll pr~umc, by th4' wrilins. his ,utenUon
••••• •uch pc,r...,n ...... ,..,d the mu,;t, before th., ..,,Hing ca,n
duwry d.,,.,h, be proved, be <:,illed to lho;i.,
,.,....,. o( it which .. ~.. lo b• u,e,I
for the purpo~e of
·ontradklinA him.

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