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aesthetic medicine After recently shifting from a

How I started
pure NHS background to working
in aesthetic medicine, I found it
to be both a steep and stimulating
incline for my learning.
I have stumbled along, had tre-
mendous self-doubt and found
some success and some failures.

in aesthetics
Independent Practitioner Today
asked me to share some of my
thoughts to save you time, energy
and money if you are thinking of
going into this area – and to make
the right decisions at the start.
Here are my top ten tips. I have
confidence you will enjoy them
and they may be useful if you are

Thinking of entering aesthetic medicine? Then follow purely considering aesthetics,

have just started or even if you are

our top ten tips from an entrepreneur who has just more established.

done it – Dr Rajveer S. Thethi (right) 1 Find the right course

for you
Starting out in aesthetic medi-
cine, you will soon discover the
amount of choice you have can
become overwhelming. There are
course providers up and down the
country delivering a vast range of
workshops and training.
There are the standard com-
bined Botox and dermal filler
training days, the separated days
for toxin and filler training, the
one-to-one courses and every-
thing in-between.
One thing you must understand
is that in aesthetics, although you
are still answerable to the GMC,
there are no formal regulations,
no overarching body and no one
to uphold any professional con-
duct in the field.
Given these facts, there are
many ‘training schools’ popping
up with minimal experience and
normally no formal teaching or
training accreditation. So be alert!
Do your research thoroughly and
pick the course that is right for
you. Look at:
n The student to trainer ratio;
n How many models are injected
in one day?
n Are there live models? Some
just inject dummy heads.
n Do you get a manual?
n Do you need to bring your own
n Will the organisers provide any
take-home kit?
n Can you take ‘before and after’
pictures of your models?
Of course, price is also an
important issue that should not
➱ p26

february 2018  independent practitioner TODAY


Salons can range from being and you can quickly think: ‘I
be ignored. Just because a course is high-end boutiques to complete could do that.
expensive does not mean you are wastelands, so make sure you Unfortunately, it just is not that
going to necessarily get superior
Some large providers of training
know what you are signing up for
before you agree to anything.
I hire a clinical premise for all
simple. The clinics that you see
doing so well and the people
flaunting all their ‘before and
treat their students like cattle, my procedures, therefore it is afters’ on social media have had Dr Thethi’s coach, Pam
herding you between rooms with clean, reputable and clinical and to work at it. Piece by piece, chip- Underdown, chief executive at
exceptionally large student-to- just being in that environment ping away, day and night. And, Aesthetic Business
trainer ratios. The syringes of Botox gives me an edge over my com- unfortunately, all that hard work Transformations, says:
get passed around and you all share petitor. is quickly overlooked by those
‘I have loved every moment
one to two injection points each – joining the industry.
coaching and mentoring Dr Raj and
overall a rather underwhelming
educational experience. 3 Get your first patients
sorted early
I mention this from my own
Expect it to be tough, expect to
have to work hard and expect
yourself not to be stable and con-
seeing how much he has grown in
just a few months.

2 Choose your working

environment carefully
There is no right or wrong answer
experience. I spent so much time
contemplating what my course
was going to be like and the tech-
tent for at least the first two
Looking back with hindsight, I
‘From the moment we first spoke, not only could I tell how determined
he was – and is – to make a success of his new business, but how
coachable, open and willing to learn he is.
here. Doctors, nurses, dentists, niques I need to understand that I struggle to comprehend the
‘In addition to having the right attitude, it is critical for me to know
dental therapists, dental hygien- completely forgot about the rea- amount of challenges I have had
that Raj was going to take action and implement everything he learns.
ists, paramedics and soon beauty son I wanted to do it: the patient. to overcome along the way.
His burning desire to learn the business and marketing side of private
therapists are all in this game and I walked away from the course
practice will ensure that he doesn’t make the expensive mistakes that
want a slice of the cake just as
much as you.
Patients want discretion, privacy
raring to go. Sadly, I had not
planned for the next step – find-
ing a patient and getting my kit
5 Stay medical; don’t get
I am a true supporter of the camp
others can and do make.
‘Raj has fitted into our private coaching group extremely well and, due
and so a lot of my colleagues have ready. I needed to find someone that my NHS training has paved to this, he has had a huge range of help and support not only from me,
opted to go mobile. This means quickly who was willing to let me for my good practices that I wish but from the whole group of experienced aesthetic practitioners. I am
they work from various locations stick needles in their face for free to carry through to my aesthetic really looking forward to seeing this rising star continue to grow and
including salons, hairdressers and or cost price. career. This means stick to things shine.’
even people’s homes. This is very This task is easier said than you know work.
common practice. done, as most people want some With more unexpected entrants
As a healthcare practitioner who
is used to scrubbing up to remove a
skin tag, I found the concept of
assurance of your experience
before you approach them with a
27-gauge needle.
into the aesthetic community
daily, you need to stand out.
Becoming a doctor was not easy
6 Find support wherever
you can
I underestimated the power of
Have someone you can trust to
give the right advice, because the
wrong decisions initially can
strolling into a patient’s home to I am fortunate in that my train- – we all know that and working as having support and how it become costly mistakes to rectify
fill their lip a bit distasteful. But it ing provider, for a completely rea- a doctor to strict ethical code, improved my practice in the later.
happens and it happens a lot. sonable price, provided me with a regulation, guidelines and clinical beginning. Support can be gained Another powerful support sys-
Make sure you know where you suitcase containing all my essen- governance becomes a part of through so many channels and, tem are the online social media
are going and tell someone the tial kit ready for collection on the your practice. Do not forget that trust me, you are going to need forums.
address if you decide to make this day of my training course. So when you enter aesthetic medi- them all. On Facebook, there are multi-
part of your practice. many quirky items that I would cine. Your aesthetic medicine journey ple, national, UK-specific aes-
Put simply – you can be either never have associated with aes- I too frequently observe people is a marathon and you are going thetic forums where the big names
clinical or not. There is not really thetic medicine, including a small just jabbing faces like it is a slab of to struggle working alone for such in the industry are all within mes-
any middle ground. Opening a pair of plyers. meat. Anatomy is only one of the a great length of time. Hence, saging distance.
dressing pack onto a cat fur-ridden Finding these items separately bugbears. Know your anatomy make sure you have someone Frequently, if there is a compli-
sofa, is not ‘clinical’, so make sure would not only have been expen- inside out. There is no excuse. there with you: a business partner, cation or a question, leaving a
you have the right kit on board. sive but extremely time-consum- Even cannula work can do a lot of close colleague or a spouse. ➱ p28
ing. Hence, I would opt for the damage if you do not know the
lazy doctor’s route and buy a kit- locations of the branches and
ted suitcase. Then your only job is facial nerve.
to organise the actual toxin, filler, Other areas such as documenta-
insurance, premises and find a tion, audit, teaching, keeping up
victim. to date and patient feedback are
Do not leave it too long or your important to consider. It is funda-
skills will fizzle out and there are mentally about self-improvement
too many stories of people doing and that needs emphasising in
these courses and never getting this industry.
started. In the NHS, if you are struggling At the heart of medical finance
to manage a patient, you would The Association of Independent Specialist Medical

4 Do not underestimate
the time you need
Coming from the NHS into the
refer to a specialist in that field.
You would not try to fix a neck of
femur fracture in the GP clinic
Accountants is a national network of firms advising over
3,700 medical practices across the UK. For some of the best
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naivety in us all. You see these big strongly believe the same ethical
corporate clinics turning over mil- principles apply within aesthetic
lions and see these happy patients medicine.

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independent practitioner TODAY  february 2018 february 2018  independent practitioner TODAY
query on the forum will mean you
get floods of positive, useful infor-
mation back from people with a
7 Re-invest and do not
stop learning
So, you have done your founda-
Diverting your time and energy
spent looking at the competition
towards something constructive

lot more experience, who have tion course and treated your first for yourself and your business will ĐŽŵƉƌĞŚĞŶƐŝǀĞƉĂĐŬĂŐĞŽĨƐƵƉƉŽƌƚĂŶĚ
been where you are and made the patient. Now what? make you feel less anxious, stay in ŝŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞƚŽƉƌŽƚĞĐƚĂŐĂŝŶƐƚŵĂůƉƌĂĐƚŝĐĞĐůĂŝŵƐ
same mistakes. It seems many practitioners feel more control and it will further
However, be aware that, nowa- now they have achieved the goal your own business and your drive.
days, everybody is an expert if they can take their foot off the Focus on gaining experience
they write ‘in my opinion’ at the accelerator. more than anything. If you are
end of a statement. Do not follow Unfortunately, this is the perfect not getting complications, it ▪ &ƵůůLJƐĂƚŝƐĨŝĞƐ'DƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ
blind advice and make sure you time to quickly realise how little means you are not doing enough
are getting it from a reputable you actually know from a founda- procedures. No race is won look-
source. tion course. You need to take any ing sideways at the competition. ▪ WƌĞŵŝƵŵƐďĂƐĞĚŽŶĚĞƚĂŝůĞĚĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐŽĨƌŝƐŬƐ
Some of the training providers funds generated from your hand- Dr Raj Thethi and his wife and Look onwards and upwards…
business partner, Dr Sharan
have secret online forums with a fuls of patients, suffer the losses
10 ▪
closed aesthetic community. and re-invest that money – plus a Thethi, at their Leeds clinic Get clued-up.
These can be amazing places to lot more – into more courses. Regulation is coming ▪ /ŶĐůƵĚĞƐůĞŐĂůĐŽǀĞƌĨŽƌĚŝƐĐŝƉůŝŶĂƌLJŚĞĂƌŝŶŐƐ
absorb knowledge and I advise A patient is not going to come to This is a sore topic to end on but
you to find training providers you if all you do is fill a nasolabial another commuter I can make a perately not to mentally cannu- the slightest idea how to run a one that will carry a lot of weight
with a forum already live and run- fold. You need to start to think lengthy aesthetic plan of all the late it. business. in the next few years.
ning, as you can join a commu- pan-facially and these concepts of things I can improve with their This is where you need to If you are not already aware, ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͘/ƚŝƐƚŚĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƚŚĂƚ/ŚĂǀĞ
They not only help with your
clinical work, but these forums
advanced facial analysis only
come with further training and
As a medical student, I used to
look at their hand veins and guess
8 Get a business coach
You’ve only just started, you
do not have the capital or the
become savvy and start switching
your subconscious to a business
mode. When I first started, I was
after Sir Bruce Keogh’s 2013 report
Review of the Regulation of Cosmetic
Interventions, key recommenda-
can also tackle all aspects of the You need to get to the point I am who I would be able cannulate. patient flow and a coach is quite basically handing out discounts, tions have been flagged which will
job, including the business side approaching now, that when I sit Now I am tracking the route of costly. But, coming from an NHS making everyone’s third aunt shape the way the industry
too. on a train and look across at their facial artery and trying des- background, I know I do not have twice removed my best friend and evolves. &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶƉůĞĂƐĞĐĂůůůŝƐŽŶEŽƌƚĐůŝĨĨĞŽŶϬϮϬϯϬϱϴϯϳϯϯŽƌĞŵĂŝů
giving them ‘mate’s rates’. With rumours of Level 7 super- ĞŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐΛŵƌƐůĞŶƚĞƌƉƌŝƐĞ͘ĐŽŵ  ǁǁǁ͘ŵƌƐůĞŶƚĞƌƉƌŝƐĞ͘ĐŽŵ
After acquiring one of the best vision and GMC-approved spe-
aesthetic business coaches in the cialist registers, there is currently &ŝŶĚŚƌŝƐƚŽƉŚĞƌůŽŬĞƌŽǁŶĞŽƌZŽŐĞƌ,ŽƵƐƚŽŶĂƚ&ƵƚƵƌĞ,ĞĂůƚŚĐĂƌĞϮϬϭϴ
UK – Pam Under­down, head of a lot of smoke in the arena which



Aesthetic Business Transform­ will take a while to clear before we ĂŶĚƌĞŐƵůĂƚĞĚďLJƚŚĞ&ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂůŽŶĚƵĐƚƵƚŚŽƌŝƚLJ͘&ŶƵŵďĞƌϱϴϳϴϬϰ
ations – I have quickly discovered see the beast before us.
the error of my ways and, more With acceptance of beauty ther-

Always on the go?

importantly, how to correct them. apists into the aesthetic circle
Since startingininthe
Since starting in the mid 1970’s Sandison Easson has Another good tip from my from the Government and crea-
continued togrow
continued to grow and is one of the largest independent coach is to spend all car journeys tion of the Joint Council for
medical specialistaccountants
accountantsin inthe
UK. listening to business and self- Cosmetic Practitioners, there is a
medical specialist accountants in the UK.
Sandison Eassonactsactsfor
throughout growth audiobooks. This has paradigm shift ahead. It will
Sandison Easson acts for medical professionals throughout meant I have developed so much change the way we view our roles
all stagesof
all stages of their career and has clients in almost every in so little time. and the way in the public views
town inEngland,
town in England, Scotland and Wales. I am learning concepts in busi- us.
We providethe
fromanan ness I did not even know existed You will be warned that regula-
We provide the usual services you would expect from an
accountant suchas aspreparation
tax and have started actioning these tion is coming from all angles, but
accountant such as preparation of your accounts and tax changes in my own business. My no one really knows yet what that
declarations butoffer
declarations but offer so much more including advice on: coach has opened so many doors means. Who will regulate what
for me in the aesthetic world that and how these pieces of a com-
•• Settingup
Setting upin
Practice I would not have even fathomed plex jigsaw from three different
• Setting up in Private Practice
•• Developingyour
Developing yourPrivate
Practice sat alone at my desk by myself. boxes are even going to come
• Developing your Private Practice My network within the aes- together – no one knows.
•• Tapering of the Annual Allowance
Tapering of the Annual Allowance
• Tapering of the Annual Allowance
Lifetime Allowanceplanning
thetic community has grown ten- Do not look at the beauty thera- Then don’t miss our electronic version of
• Lifetime Allowance planning fold with her introductions of pists as your competition or
•• PersonalAllowance
Personal Allowanceplanning
planning past colleagues. My business something to get worked up over.
Independent Practitioner Today in a page-turnable
• Personal Allowance planning

Expenses thatyou
Expenses that you can claim and those you cannot
aside, I have also grown signifi- Concentrate on your business and edition – together with a library of back issues –
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Minimising your tax bills her support and guidance. You are a medical professional
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Reviewing yourPAYE
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9 Do not pay attention to

the competition
I did this a lot at the start. I would
from you. Work hard, keep your
head down, focus on your goals
and good luck. It is an amazing
TT 01625
351 spend my days looking at com- journey you are embarking on.
T 01625 527 351 petitors’ websites, looking at their Enjoy the ride! 
E flyers, their prices and treatments.
AA Rex
1HY Another thing I learned from Dr Rajveer S. Thethi is medical direc-
A Rex Buildings, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 1HY
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independent practitioner TODAY  february 2018 february 2018  independent practitioner TODAY

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