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Sno county judge position 8 Term: 4 Years Lopez-Shaw, Cassandra unknown

As the final arbiter of the law, the court is charged with ensuring the
American people the promise of equal justices under law and,
thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the


What qualified you to be a judge, beyond a law degree? Why should I vote for you? What qualifies her to ' a
judge for the superior court is that she is and has been a lawyer. `You need to be a lawyer to qualify." "I also
have twice as much experience as him." (in reference to what separates her from her competitor.) "I am a
person of color." "I have had to do everything by myself -- especially when people told me not to." "My
opponent is very similar to all the judges who are already there, they are all white males, a lot of them, they
come from the prosecutor’s office, they all have the same background, so there like no difference in thought." "I
bring diversity."

How will you deal with injustice when you confront it in the court room? "I deal with that every day." "Male
prosecutors and male judges speak over me all the time." She deals with people speaking over her a lot, but she is used
to having to correct them. "I have to constantly fight prosecutors or the judge -- when they make assumptions about my

How will you work to ensure equality for people of all backgrounds in the courtroom? "I don't speak legal Es."
Legal E's are words are similar to "plaintiffs" "respondents." "When judges use legal E's they intimidate people in
front of them, my goal is to not intimidate people by using legal E's." "I know that everyone who comes to court are not
the same." Understanding each person's story and to understand where people come from with their background to
better make judgements.

With all the people rooting, do you think they overextended their rights and deserve a felony charge? "Judicial
candidates are not allowed to answer questions on topics that may come before them." "I can't answer that because I
may see that case if I win." "I think that judges in general need to be careful to protect people's rights on both sides."

Endorsements Press
JUDGE. VERONICA GALVAN-KING COUNTY, SUPERIOR lawyers-running-for-snohomish-county-judge/ 
MEGAN DUNN-SNOHOMISH COUNTY, COUNCILMEMBER. alexander-endorses-lopez-shaw-for-superior-court-judge/ 

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