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I. Health Perception and Health Management Pattern

Before Hospitalization

The client stated that she is healthy and he rated his health as 9/10. patient viewed that health is important

in her daily living. She perceived her health in a good condition and claimed that she occasionally catches cold

in the past year, seldom absent from school and she only seek medical advice depending on the severity of her

health. When sick, she takes over the counter drugs like Paracetamol instead. According to her she doesn’t

encounter any accidents lately.

During Hospitalization

According to the patient, she does not look like she is in a good condition. The client stated that she feels

weak and rated his health as 4/10 and is experiencing fever for 4 days and can’t hardly speak due to the pain

she experienced at the right neck, but she manages her illness by having a will to accept and listen to the health

teachings, showing interest to recover easily and having a good behavioral pattern for her own lifestyle.

II. Nutrition and Metabolism Pattern

Before Hospitalization

The client stated she doesn’t have a specific diet to follow but is advice to not intake foods that will trigger
her Glucose-6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD), such foods includes beans, soya beverages and food and
peanuts. Client eats her meals regularly with some snacks like fries, chips, milk tea and soft drinks during her
breaktime usually at 10 o’clock in the morning and in 4 o’clock in the afternoon and also claimed that she has a
good appetite. The patient stands 5’ and weighs 41 kg and can consume 2 glasses of water a day.

During Hospitalization

The patient claims that she still eats her meals three times a day but in a minimal amount where she can
only eat half cup of rice and can now consume 800-1000ml of water because she is not adviced to drink other
beverages than water. She stated that she is unable to swallow food properly and experience problem in intaking
of solid foods causing the decrease of appetite every meal time and the client’s meal would include sopas and
lugaw or soft foods.

III. Elimination Pattern

Before Hospitalization
The client stated that she urinates 2-3 times a day around 500-600ml with a yellow color of urine. She
moves her bowel once every morning and describe her stool as a brown and light formed.

During Hospitalization
The patient stated that she is did not experience any decrease in defecating or difficulty of urinating. She
said that she can now urinate 3-4 times a day for about 600-800ml with a urine color of sometimes yellow.

IV. Exercise Pattern

Before Hospitalization
During weekdays after class when she is not in a rush to go home she walks with her friends heading to
tricycle station and during weekends, she helps her parents doing household chores like sweeping the floor then
watch or play games on her phone or in television. The client can ambulate within the house, does chores and
considers simple aerobic exercise such walking and has the right amount of energy to do desired activities and
usual activities of daily living like able to bathe herself, dress, feed and groom, goes around the town and care
for self at toilet with a ADL’s score of __

During Hospitalization
The patient stated that she doesn’t have energy to exercise or do activities and is lazy to get up every
day. She doesn’t do household chores recently and cannot able to bath herself properly at most times, eats with
minor assistance at meal times and during these times she cannot help in food preparation or cleaning up after
meals, needs moderate assistance in dressing and selection of clothes and grooming with a ADL’s score of __

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