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Supplementary Learning
Materials for
Senior High School
Grade Levels: Grade11
Core Subject: General Mathematics
Semester: 1st Semester (Module 4-Week 4)


(Representing Real-Life Problems Involving Exponential Functions – MIIGM- Ie.–3 and g-2)
(Graphing Exponential Function- M11GM – f-2, f-3, f -4 and g-1)


Adviser: ________________

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Exponential function is very useful in senior high students for various real
world situations. One of the examples of exponential function that needs to be
studied is the growth of bacteria. Notice the pattern that at in each 15-minute interval,
the bacteria have doubled in number. Other examples include spread of news
stories, with broadcasts over televisions and radios, millions of people listening to
important events within an hour. Spread of diseases, changes in population,
temperatures, bank savings, drugs in the bloodstream, and radioactive.
An exponential function is a mathematical function in which an independent
variable appears in one of the exponents in the form of f(x) = bx The constant b is
called the base of the exponent. For example, f(x) = 2x is an exponential function
with base 2.
Most applications of mathematics in the sciences and economics involve
exponential functions. It is probably the most applicable class of functions that we will
study in this course.

In this unit you will learn about:

1. Exponential functions;
2. Properties of exponential function and its graph;
3. Population growth, exponential decay and compound interest; and
4. Real-life situations involving exponential function.

At the end of the module, you will be able to:

1. Define exponential function;

2. Recognize the properties of exponential function and their graph;
3. Apply exponential function in analyzing population growth, exponential
decay, and compound interest; and
4. Represent real- life situations involving exponential function.

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Direction: Read each item carefully and write your answer on the space provided.

______1. Range of an exponential function is the set of all positive real numbers.
A. True
B. False

______2. Domain of an exponential function is the set of all real numbers.

A. True
B. False

______3. Range of f(x) = bx , is the set of positive reals (0, ∞)

A. True
B. False

______4. For any small positive number, we can make b x smaller than y by just
making x a negative number with a large absolute value.
A. True
B. False

______5. The domain of f(x) is equal to b x, then the entire real line (-∞, ∞). Since b is
a positive, bx will be positive if x positive.
A. True
B. False

______6. In General, we will assume that our base b is less than 1.

A. True
B. False

______7. With exponential functions such as y = b x, we will assume that our base b
is negative.
A. True
B. False

______8. An exponential function with base b is a function of the form, f(x) =b x or y =

bx (b > 0 ), b ≠ 1).______
A. True
B. False

______9. A transformation of an exponential function with base b is a function of the

form g(x) = a ▪ bx-c + d, where; a, c, and d are real numbers.
A. True
B. False

______10. The natural exponential function is the function f(x) = e x

A. True
B. False

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Task 1: Perform me!

Directions: Read carefully and perform the activity below. Write your answers on
the space provided below.

Materials: One 2-meter string and scissor

(a) At Step 0, there is 1 string.
(b) At Step 1, fold the string into two equal parts and then cut at the middle.
How many strings of equal length do you have? Enter your answer in the table
(c) At Step 2, again fold each of the strings equally and then cut. How many
strings of equal length? Enter your answer in the table below.
(d) Continue the process until the table is completely filled-up.

Step 0 1 2 3 5 6 7


(a) What pattern can be observed from the data?


(b) Create a formula for the number of strings as a function of the step

(c) Can you relate this problem to the real-life situation? How?

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Task 2: Read and solve me!

Read and answer the following questions.

Some organizations need to spread accurate information to many people in the

shortest time possible. One way to do this efficiently is by a cell phone texting tree.
The Antonio W. Lopez National High School with 1,500 populations, including the
teaching and non-teaching staff, is one of the flooded areas of the province. During heavy
rains, everyone wants to know if classes are suspended. The school principal makes a
decision and sends a text message to the assistant principal and to the prefect of activities.
These two members of the community each sends the text message to two other members
of the community, and so on.
A tree diagram that goes like this can represent this texting pattern:
Principal Grade 7

Grade 8
Principal coordinator

Prefect of Grade 9
Grade 10

Guide Questions;

1. What do the smart phone of this tree diagram represents? What do the
segments represent?


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Based on the tree diagram, the number of persons receiving the message is
a. Complete the table below to show the number of persons receiving the
message at the given stage and connect the graph that corresponds to
the table below.



4 .
2 .
1 ▪
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Stage Member
of s (x, y)
Texting Informed
Tree (y)

0 1 (0, 1)
1 2 (1, 2)
2 4 (2, 4)

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a. Describe how the number of persons receiving the messages increases as the
texting stage progresses.

b. What is the required number of texting stages needed to inform 1, 500



In mathematics, an exponential function is a function of the form where b is a

positive real number, and in which the argument x occurs as an exponent. 

The exponential function is used as a model for population growth, compound

interest and natural exponential function. An exponential function can be written as;

f(x) = bx ----- equation 1

where; b > 0, b ≠ 1, and x is any real number.

In equation 1, f(x) = bx, b is a constant called the base and x is an

independent variable called the exponent.

Note: The domain of an exponential function is the set of all real numbers and the
range is the set of all possible real numbers.

Here are some examples of exponential functions,

f(x) = 3x g(x) = 10x h(x) = 2x+

Base is 3 Base is 10 Base is 2

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The two restrictions of b in the equation:
1. The definition does not include b = 1 because 1 x has a value of 1 for all values
x and the function would simply be the constant function f(x) = 1
2. Requires b to be positive so that the function can be defined for all real
numbers x.
Example 1.
Complete a table of values for x = –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, and 3 for the exponential
functions y = (1/3) x, y = 10x, and y = (0. 8)x.


X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
1 27 9 3 1 1/3 1/9 1/27
y =( )x
y = 10x 1/ 1000 1/100 1/10 1 10 100 1000
y= (0,8)x 1.95312 1.5625 1.25 1 0.8 0.64 0.512

Properties of Exponential Functions and Their Graphs

Let f(x) = bx, b > 1, and b ≠ 1;

1. The domain is the set of real numbers, (- ∞, ∞).
2. The range is the set of positive real numbers, (0, ∞).
3. If b> 1, f is an increasing exponential function. If 0 < b< 1, if f is a decreasing
exponential function.
4. The function passes through the point (0, 1) because f(0) = b 0 = 1
5. The graph approaches but does not reach the x- axis. The x- axis is the
horizontal asymptote.

Example 2. Sketch the graph of f(x) = 2x

Step 1. Construct a table of values of ordered pairs for the given function. The
table of values for f(x) is as follows:

x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

f(x) 1/16 1/8 1/4 ½ 1 2 4 8

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Step 2. Plot the points found in the table and connect them using a smooth curve.

It can be observed that the function defined for all values of x is strictly
increasing, and attains only positive y-values. As x decreases without bound, the
function approaches to 0. Thus, the line y = 0 is a horizontal asymptote

1 x
Example 3. Sketch the graph of g(x) = ( )
Step 1. The table of values for g(x) is as follows.

X -3 -2 1 0 1 2 3 4
f(x) 8 4 2 1 ½ 1/4 1/8 1/16

Step 2. Plot the points found in the table and connect them using a
smooth curve.

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It can be observed that the function defined for all values of x is strictly decreasing,
and attains only positive values. As x increases without bound the function
approaches 0. That is, the line y = 0 is a horizontal asymptote.

In general, depending on whether b > 1 or 0 < b < 1, the graph of f(x) = b x has the
following behavior.

Let b be a positive number not equal to 1. A transformation of an exponential
function with base b is a function of the form

g(x) = a ▪ bx – c + d

where a, c, and d are real numbers

Most common applications in real-life of exponential

functions and their transformations are the

A. Population Growth- growth whose rate becomes ever more rapid in proportion to
the growing total number or size.

Y= y0 (2) t/T ____________

equation a.

Equation a. shows the population growth where quantity y doubles every T

units of time. Y0 is the initial amount, then the quantity y after t units of time is

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Example 2. Let t = time in days. At t = 0, there were initially 40 bacteria. Suppose
that the bacteria doubles every 50 hours. Give an exponential model of the
bacteria as a function of t.
Initially, at t = 0 Number of bacteria = 40
at t = 50 Number of bacteria = 40(2)
at t = 100 Number of bacteria = 40(2)2
at t = 150 Number of bacteria = 40(2)3
at t = 200 Number of bacteria = 40(2)4
An exponential model of this situation is y = 40(2) t /50.

B. Exponential Decay
The decrease in a quantity according to the law of a parameter and constant
(known as the decay constant), where exponential function and it is considered as
the initial value.
Exponential functions can be used to model radioactive decay. The half-life of a
radioactive substance is the time it takes for half of the substance to decay (equation
y = y0 (1/2) t/T ___________
equation b.

Example 3. The half-life of a certain radioactive substance was halved in every 10

days with an initial amount of 10g. Determine the amount of substance after 30 days,
and give an exponential model of the amount of remaining substance.
Initially, at t = 0. Amount of Substance = 10 g
at t = 10 days. Amount of Substance = 5 g
at t = 20 days Amount of Substance = 2.5 g
at t = 30 days Amount of Substance = 1.25 g
An exponential model for this situation is y = 10 (1/2)t/10

C. Compound Interest
If a principal P is invested at an annual rate of r, and is compounded annually,
then the amount A after t years is given by A = P (1+r)t _______ equation c

Example 4. Mrs. De la Cruz invested P100,000.00 in a company that offers 6%

interest compounded annually. Define an exponential model for this situation.
How much worth of his investment?
Initially, at t = 0 Investment = P100,000
at t = 1 Investment = P100,000(1.06) = P106,000
at t = 2 Investment = P106,000(1.06) = P112,360
at t = 3 Investment = P112,360(1.06) = P119,101.60
at t = 4 Investment = P119,101.60(1.06) = P126,247.70
at t = 5 Investment = P 26,247.70(1.06) = P133,822.56
An exponential model for this situation is y = 100,000 (1.06) t . The investment is
worth P133,822.56.

The Natural Exponential Function

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The (natural) exponential function f(x) = ex is the unique function which is
equal to its own derivative and has initial value f(0) = 1, and one may define e = f(1). 
While an exponential function may have various bases, a frequently used base is the
irrational number e ≈ 2.71828. The enrichment in this lesson will show how the
number e arises from the concept of compound interest. Because e is a commonly
used base, the natural exponential function is defined having e as the base.

Note: The natural exponential function is the function f(x) = e x.

Example 5. A large slab of meat is taken from the refrigerator and placed in a pre-
heated oven. The temperature T of the slab t minutes after being placed in the oven
is given by T = 170165e0.006t degrees Celsius. Construct a table of values for the
following values of t: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and interpret your results. Round off
values to the nearest integer.

Solution. The solution is as follows:

t 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
T 5 15 24 32 40 47 54

The slab of meat is increasing in temperature at roughly the same rate.

Task 3: Complete Me!

Direction: Complete a table of values for x = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 3 for
1 x
the exponential function y = ( ) , y = 10x , and y = (0.8)x.

Sample answer

X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

1 x 27
y=( )
y = 10 x 1000

Y = 1.953125

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Task 4: Match it down!
Direction: Match each statement problem to its equivalent answer from choices 1 to
6. Write the correct answer in the appropriate column. If the equivalent is not among
the choices, write it in other column.

1. A couple invested 50, 000 pesos in an account when their child was born, in
order to prepare the child’s college education. If the average interest rate is
4.4% compounded annually. What is the exponential model of the situation?
2. A population starts with 1000 individuals and triples every 80 years. What is
the size of the population after 100 years?
3. ᵽ10,000 is invested at 2% compounded annually. What is the amount after
12 years?
4. Suppose that the half- life of a substance is 250 years. If there were initially
100g of the substance. What is the exponential model for the situation?
5. A population starts with 1000 individuals and triples every 80 years. Give an
exponential model for the situation?
6. You take out a ᵽ20,000 loan at a 5% interest rate. If the interest is
compounded annually. How much will you owe after 10 years?

1 ᵽ 12, 682. 42 1,000 (3)80/x

100 ( ) x / 250
50, 000 (1.044)t 1,000 (3)x/80 3,940
ᵽ 32,000.00 50, 000 (1+ 4.4%) ᵽ 32, 577. 89
1 3, 948 ᵽ12, 682.41
100 ( )250 / x

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


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Based on the discussion;

I learned that ___________________________________

I was surprised when_____________________________

I noticed that ___________________________________

I discovered that ________________________________

I was pleased that_______________________________

I have understood that_____________________________


Word Problems
A. Directions: Solve the following problems. Write your solutions and
answers on the space provided.

1. A town has a population of 40,000 and is increasing at the rate of 5%

each year. What is the population of the town after 6 years?
2. Suppose a culture of 300 bacteria was put in a Petri dish and the culture
doubles every hour. How many bacteria will there be after 9 hours?

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3. Carbon-14 is the radioactive form of carbon. The half-life of carbon-14 is
5,770 years. Carbon-14 is present in all living things. When a living thing
dies, the carbon-14 begins to decay. Suppose a newly excavated fossil
of an organism contained 10 grams and the amount of carbon-14 in a
similar living organism is 40 grams, how old is the fossil?
4. Immanuel deposited ᵽ10, 000 in a bank that has 3% compound interest
annually. How much money will he acquire after 11 years?
5. A certain radioactive substance decays half of itself every day. Initially,
there are 10 grams of this substance. How much substance will be left
after 8 days?

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Answers and Solutions:

Directions: Complete the following table of values for f(x) = 2x and g(x) = 3x .
After that, construct a coordinate plane-showing x from -4 to 4 and y from -1 to 30.
Sketch the graphs of f(x) and g(x) on coordinate plane. Compare both graphs.

x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
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The following terms used in this module are defined as follows:

Compound Interest is when a principal P is invested at an

annual rate of r, compounded annually,
then the amount of after t years is given
A = P (1+r)t .
Domain an exponential function, is also the set
of all real numbers.
Exponential Decay is the decrease in a quantity according
to the law (1) for a parameter and
constant (known as
the decay constant), where is
the exponential function and is the
initial value.
y = y0 (1/2) t/T
Exponential Function in Mathematics, is a function of the form
where b is a positive real number, and
in which the argument x occurs as an
f(x) = bx
Population Growth growth whose rate becomes ever more
rapid in proportion to the growing total
number or size.
y = y0 (2) t/T
Range It is set of all possible real numbers.
Transformation an exponential function with base b is a
function of the form,
g(x) = a ▪ bx – c + d
where a, c, and d are real numbers

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Orlando A. Oronce, General Mathematics first edition, 2016

Durwin c. Santos and Ma. Garnet P. Biason, Math Activated: Engage

Yourself and Our World for Senior High School, 2016

Teacher’s Guide User/Documents/ General Mathematics/pdf.

Learner’s Guide User/Documents/General Mathematics/pdf..

Math Activated: Engage Yourself and Our World, General Math for Senior
High School, k-12 by Durwin C. Santos and Ma. Garnet P. Biaso, 2016.


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