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Oh, and for those that want all these disciplines really fast, do this....

1. In the options menu under game settings, set the match number of VS
Standard matches to 1 round.
2. Create two characters of the SAME CLASS.
3. Go to VS Standard.
4. Have Player 1 select one of the two created characters.
5. Have Player 2 select the other one, but give Player 2 0% handicap.
6. Select an arena to fight in, whose music won't bother you.
7. Have Player 1 kill Player 2, as it should only take one strike.
8. Choose to retry to match.
9. Repeat steps 7-8 until Player 1 has 50 wins.
10. Exit Vs Standard.

Soul Calibur 3

Weapon Attributes FAQ

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Das Fahigkeiten

Similar to the previous installments of Soul Calibur, there are various

advantages and disadvantages for each weapon in Soul Calibur 3. Most (if not
all) the weapons are available in the in-game shop. Some of them you earn for
free from mysterious circumstances in RPG mode or by simply clearing the
tutorial session with Olcadan. For all intents and purposes, you can buy most
of the weapons from the shop. Bring money.

Each weapon power in Soul Calibur 3 is briefly explained in the shop (press
then SELECT). What's her face (the really manly Chun-Li shopkeeper) will hand
out a one sentence explanation which when combined with the fighting
definitions in practice mode, should let you know what to expect. That or
a lot of Soul Calibur 1 and 2. However, the weapons now sport nifty icons
only relay an inkling of what they might do, thus this FAQ to help to decide
what to buy in RPG mode.

Attack Range Increased

Self-explanatory. The reach of your character's attacks are increased
slightly. It's one of the weaker powers, but for short range characters, this
power can let you strike a little further and may actually mess around with
players who enjoy abusing the range game.

Attack Range Decreased

Self-explanatory. The reach of your character's attacks are decreased. It's
one of the weaker disadvantages and will only throw you off if you're playing
a technical fighter (Setsuka for example). For the long range characters such
as Astaroth, Siegfried, Nightmare, and Rock, this is not a big of a problem
you think.

Penetrate Guard
This power is a niftly one, although not as seriously unbalanced as in Soul
Calibur 2. Normally, if you or an opponent guards an attack properly, no
damage is incurred. This power lets you do chip damage even if an attack is
blocked. Characters who attack like crazy (i.e., Maxi) can rack up some
damage, although the amount of life lost is miniscule. However, in an even
match where both fighters block frequently, the fighter with this power comes
out on top. Overall, it isn't a terribly unbalancing power, but it can be a
participant in a heated match. Ain't that right, Ryan?

Some Counters Have No Effect

Counter-attacks occur when a fighter is guard impacted during an attack,
allowing the opposing fighter to deliver a more punishing version of their
normal attack. This power negates some of those moves, although exactly which
ones the simalcrum don't know. This power is more of the hardcore Soul
crowd (i.e., but for playing against players who can guard
impact at will, this power might be handy. Note, not all counter-attacks are
disabled with this power!

Some Attacks Are Counters

Counter-attacks occur when a fighter is guard impacted during an attack,
allowing the opposing fighter to deliver a more punishing version of their
normal attack. This power makes some of your regular attacks as powerful as
counter-attacks, as best the simalcrum can ascertain. Somewhat useful,
provided you live, breathe and have sex with the fighter character you're
playing with. If you know a particular fighter and his/her moves better than
your girlfriend, you should re-prioritise your need for human interaction on
your Maslow's Pyramid of Need.

Some Attacks Guard Break

Guard break describes a move that stuns a blocking fighter so they can be
attacked quickly. Guard break moves are signified when your weapon has
lightning running along it. When you see the opponent with this -- don't
block, side-step or evade. This power makes some of your moves guard break
even though they don't normally. A very handy power, especially for fast,
offensive fighters like Yun Sung, Maxi, Xianghua, et al. Note not all moves
guard break -- your fighter will retain their own guard break move as well.

Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks

Guard impact (or GI) is a corner stone of Soul Calibur's fighting system,
allowing you to instantly parry an incoming attack and immediately follow up
with a counter-attack. This power automatically guard impacts some moves
(generally the weak one button press ones) provided your fighter is capable
doing so. Having a weapon with this power gives you more defense than you
realise against button mashing newbies, but is generally less effective
against SC veterans. However, the game is still relatively new and not all
quirks of every move is well known, so this power is somewhat handy against
humans. In RPG mode, this will help against the lower level enemies, but not
much more so against some of the more active bots.

Guard Impact Damages Enemy

This power is similar to the one above, but the icon is entirely red. When
successfully guard impact (not repel) with this power, the opponent takes
damage. Fighters with weapons having this power and either the one above or
below (Setsuka, Mitsurugi, Siegfried, Xianghua, Talim) make for deadly
opponents with players who excel in guard impact, since they ward your
damaging you, then whack you normally. Call for a handicap against such
players - it's only fair.

Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

Guard impact (or GI) is a corner stone of Soul Calibur's fighting system,
allowing you to instantly parry an incoming attack and immediately follow up
with a counter-attack. This power makes guard impact easier to perform as
passes in the round (even if there is infinite time alloted). Guard impact is
very precise, but this power gives you a progressively larger window as time
passes, allowing even slowpoke mo'fugger'chuggers like the simalcrum beat out
Mr Faididi in a GI face-off. Eat that punk. If you're not terribly dependent
on GI or you can time your fighter's GI relatively well, this power is less
beneficial to you; pick something else.

Offence Increased
This is a helpful little power that tends to get magnified in RPG mode due to
the statistics for your fighter. Basically increases the damage your fighter
does with attacks, and who wouldn't want that? Often paired with some other
powers and sometimes with disadvantages (like losing life over time, a Soul
Edge favourite). Damage isn't everything -- sometimes, a weapon might lack
this power and still let a fighter rule in combat.

B>Offence Decreased
This is a disadvantage, and decreases the damage your attacks do. Generally
unhelpful and often reserved for the whimsy weapon of the fighters
(paintbrush, broken sword, etc).

Offence Increased Over Time

This power is much more deadly that it seems. Although you have to wait for
the power to take effect as time passes in a round, the damage added is
generally as much as the simple 'more damage' power around 20 seconds into
match. Wait a little more and it can be even greater. Unless your opponent is
capable of flattening you after 30 seconds, your weapons put some serious
as if it had soul charge.

Defence Increased
This power increases your fighter's toughness, thus taking less damage. It
counters most Offence Increased powers, although the base damage of a fighter
still determines how much gets done. Astaroth for example, does more damage
than Talim per blow -- this power only increases defence relative to your
fighter. It's still helpful; if coupled with a life restoring power, it can
a potent combination.

Defence Decreased
This disadvantage decreases your fighter's defenses and makes them take more
damage. It stacks with the opponent's offence increases. Pay attention to
weapons that wrap this power into its bundle or you might wind up taking more
losses than you care for.

Pushback Increased
When your attacks hit an enemy, it pushes them back. In some stages (like ice
or wind), this power can send the opponent flying. However, this puts some
room between you and the enemy, forcing you to move forward to come to grips
once more. Generally, you will want this power with long range fighters like
Siegfried, Nightmare, Ivy, Astaroth, and Rock. The added pushback keeps
opponents more in range for your attacks, but quick players (and hard AI)
to dodge or side-step rather rapidly back into range, making this power
dubious in all but ice and wind heavy stages. In those stages, you're talking
ring out city.

Pushback Decreased
This disadvantage decreases the pushback force of attacks. Considered a
disadvantage, it can be used as an advantage if you're only interested in
hitting an opponent over and over again. This keeps them in the ring almost
for certain and lets you stay close for melee massacres. Fast characters like
Raphael, Maxi, Xianghua and the like benefit from this power, as long as
weapon has beneficial powers to rack up the damage.
Health Is Gained Over Time
This power is familiar with every SC vet. Weapons with this power allows your
fighter to slowly regenerate life as time passes. This power is really
powerful (all you do is wait) so it's not for everyone. The amount of life
restored is also miniscule -- it is the same as the life lost from the
Penetrate Guard power. For endurance fights in RPG mode, this is one power to
look for. However, there are other life-restoring powers that yield more
They require you to do more than just sit and wait around though.

Health Is Lost Over Time

This power is a rather dangerous disadvantage (esp. in Endurance Fights) but
in a one-off battle, you can get away with it. As time passes in a round,
fighter using a weapon with this power loses life slowly. Any other life-
stealing effects from your opponent or your weapon stacks with this power, so
keep that in mind when equipping a Soul Edge into battle. Few weapons apart
from the ones labelled Soul Edge bear this disadvantage.

Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

This power lets you gain life by blocking (not guard impacting) attacks. If
you enjoy turtling and have fast counter-throw reflexes, this power is for
you. This power stacks with the health recovery power above, almost assuring
good blocking players a perfect match. Luckily, this power is often on its
own, so there's only one source of life. In endurance fights, you can block
some attacks and keep your fighter going a little longer in RPG mode.

Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

This disadvantage is the exact opposite of the power above. Blocking causes
you to lose life as if your guard was penetrated. This disadvantage stacks
with other damage dealing powers. If you're not into blocking or can guard
impact/repel at will, this disadvantage has no sway over you. On the other
hand, if you block even occasionally, getting chipped to death is no fun.

Health is Gained For Attacking

A handy (but rare) power that lets you gain life each time you attack and hit
an enemy. It is similar to the life through damage power below, but your
attacks can be blocked (not damaging the opponent) and you will still gain
life. High intensity fighters may not find this power in their arsenal (i.e.,
Maxi) since the rate of life gain would be seriously unbalancing -- not like
Maxi players would've minded. Using this power generally tips you into
attacking more than you care to and is something veteran SC players look
forward to so they can impact your attacks. Don't let the power go to your
head and wait for your opening. Assuming you block or impact and then
attack when you can manage, this power will serve you well.

Health Is Lost For Attacking

Opposite of the above power, this disadvantage causes you to lose life
your attack lands or misses. You definitely do not want to attack spuriously
with a weapon having this penalty, but some weapons (Yoshimitsu and Maxi)
powers to offset this disadvantage. Attacking wildly earns you an early
when this ability is active.

Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy

This power is not to be confused with the other life recovery powers above.
Only by damaging the enemy (non-blocked attack) will you be able to gain life
using this power. For fighters who only do one powerful hit rather than a
string of small ones, this power is less useful than it really seems.
Neverthless, the life gained stacks with other life recovery powers if the
weapon possesses any.

Health Is Gained For Guard Impact

A successful guard impact can impart life for your fighter with this power.
Some weapons combine this ability with other impact related powers to make
package more attractive. If you're not very capable of impact, feel free to
ignore this method of life gain, but used well, you can be almost invincible.

Avoid Some Ring Outs

This ability lets you avoid being knocked out of the ring by certain attacks.
While you can still step out of the ring, chances are you will almost never
suffer a ring out with this weapon power. This isn't always for the best in
RPG mode, since you can sometimes survive a ring out and then return into the
fight (at the cost of a lot of health). However, it's a better alternative to
be pummelled repeatedly at the ring side until your whole life bar is gone.
Still, this power is generally beneficial and you should consider using a
weapon with it in RPG missions such as wind or ice, or in stages that are
small in size.

Avoid Some Throws

Normally pressing the A or B attack when the enemy does a throw will cancel
it. This power cancels the most basic throws from the front of your fighter
and lends you some extra defences. Throw heavy fighters are generally the
close-range brawlers (Cassandra, Sophitia, Talim, Xianghua) but this is
when you get close to throw and don't want to be thrown yourself. This power
is uncommon, but is in enough weapons that you'll encounter it more than you
care for.

Odd Sounds
This power is for the whimsy weapons only and makes wacky sounds when the
weapon strikes an enemy. It's use is for entertainment purposes only.

Das Waffen
Weapons are listed alphabetically by fighter or fighting style. The listed
powers correspond to what the power descriptions are above. If you don't like
it, you can go to your Believer's Hell. The Ancient is sometimes the final
weapon in each set. Those are not included since they don't have powers. They
do make some of the girls looks slutty though. Thanks Namco. Simalcrum now
knows what his next provider needs to wear to get him off. Huhuhuhuhu.


Abyss has the Irkhalla, but with none of Zalasamel's version's powers. Abyss
is also Zalasamel's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate,
which makes him in no way related to Abyss.

Astaroth's best weapon to use with his spinny, spinny axe move (doubles as an
attack throw) would be the Nanbanfu or Terror Moon. If you're not fighting AI
(which falls for this attack throw often between fights), you'll need to take
a more aggressive role. The Great Maul is a good weapon generally, since you
can guard break with some of his moves and keep nearby enemies off balance. A
close enemy for Astaroth is a dangerous enemy!

Terror Mooon
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Penetrate Guard

Great Maul
- Pushback Increased
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Attack Range Increased
- Offence Increased

Soul Edge
- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Health Is Lost Over Time

Stone Slab
- Wacky Noises
- Pushback Decreased

Cassie's best newbie weapon is still the Valkyrie and if the idea of a hyper-
active 19 year old virgin sword fighter doesn't turn you on, you have no
to be a lesbian or a man. Please emasculate yourself right now. Her best
are still button taps one right after another, and take some time to master
the timing. As always, side-steps and A attacks are always the way to go
against most foes and once you play her tenaciously, the life recovery will
work to your advantage (provided you block).

Ivan The Terrible

- Attack Range Increased
- Offence Increased

Spine Blade
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Dark Blade
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy

- Attack Range Increased
- Defence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Are Counters

Broken Sword
- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

Cervantes is faster, has shorter range and the same uncontrolled flying moves
from before. He is a counter-move fighter, so practicing impact is important.
If you're not great at impacts and have to play him, try Styx, although
Erlangs Blade can help you impact a little better (just remember, you can't
just press BLOCK alone to impact). As always, Cervantes' true Soul Edge is
best thing for him, but the loss of life makes newbies nervous.

- Offence Increased
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks

Erlangs Blade
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Penetrate Guard

Soul Edge
- Attack Range Increased
- Offence Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Health Is Lost Over Time

Imitation Sword
- Wacky Noises
- Pushback Decreased

Chinese Blade
Chinese Blade is similar to (but not quite) to Xianghua.

Huan Luo
- Defence Increased
- Avoid Some Throws

Jiaotu Jian
- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy
Rune Blade
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Health Is Gained For Guard Impact

Dujiao Gui
- Offence Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

Soul Calibur
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Some Counters Have No Effect

- Offence Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

Chinese Sword
Chinese Sword is similar to (but not quite) to Yun Sung. Hwang uses this move
set, as do some other bonus characters.

Po Shan
- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks

Lei Yan
- Pushback Increased
- Penetrate Guard

Bonebreaker Sword
- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Health Is Gained For Attacking
- Offence Increased Over Time

The dagger style has some of Link's old bomb moves, but is not used by anyone

Assassin Dagger
- Offence Increased
- Penetrate Guard

- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Pushback Increased
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Tongue of Tonatiuh
- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Health Is Gained For Attacking
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy,
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

Grieve Edge
Grieve Edge would best be called Thai kickboxing, but sports the weapons on
the feet. Overall, this is one move set that is the worst of all the custom
disciplines you can use, since it lacks range and power.

Grieve Edge
- Defence Increased,
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy

Cailleach Bheur
- Pushback Increased
- Health Is Gained For Attacking

- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Penetrate Guard
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Hells' Design
- Attack Range Increased
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

Iron Sword
This is the big sword moves set and has similar moves to Nightmare and
Siegfried (but lack stances and other moves). It is fair in speed and easy to
learn. Your main RPG character might want to take this discipline (Barbarian,
Knight, Pirate) since it can be used fairly often. The weapons are also
decent, if not terribly unbalancing.

- Defence Increased
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

Demon Knife
- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased

Hercules Sword
- Defence Increased
- Penetrate Guard

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Avoid Some Throws
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

- Offence Increased
- Defence Decreased

Soul Edge
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Health Is Lost Over Time

Brutal Terra
- Defence Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

Ivy Valentine
Ivy's krezzy line-up is always a toss-up between Kaleidescope and Alraune but
her new Viper Edge and Dream Blades no longer damage her simply by having
in hand. Kaleidescope is the better choice if you can guard impact and have
your range game in top shape -- otherwise, prolonged blocking means you take
too much damage from being pummelled (huhuhuhu - death by snu-snu) by high
intensity fighters like Maxi and Talim. This is despite the gradual health
regeneration from Kaleidescope.

Viper Edge
- Pushback Increased
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Dream Blade
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Avoid Some Ring Outs
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

Prototype Ivy Blade

- Wacky Noises
- Pushback Decreased
This is similar to Yoshitmitsu but without all the signature moves. Not too
impressive, but you get a few RPG officers using this skill. A better method
is to make your own.

Wo Dao
- Pushback Increased
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

- Attack Range Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect

- Penetrate Guard
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Health Is Lost Over Time

- Pushback Increased
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Attack Range Decreased

Katana / Shuriken
This combines the katana with some range moves from no one knows where. Like
it, love it, or hate it, it's your choice since no one else uses these moves.

Tsubanari and Ryusei

- Penetrate Guard
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Suigetsutou and Ukifune

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

Genma and Kokuen

- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Are Counters

Totsuka and Yatsugashira

- Attack Range Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Soul Calibur is the best thing for Kilik. Until you get it though, tough it
out with the Jingu Staff. The guard break moves lets you get sneak in some
hits, but don't rely on it. Kilik is still a medium range fighter (mostly)
retains his fake-outs (salute stance). For the most part, you can get away
with close in kicks and whacks against long range fighters, and wait for
range fighters to miss their attack before you strike using B attack.
Ling Sheng Su Bo
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

- Defence Increased
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

Jingu Staff
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Soul Calibur
- Offence Increased
- Defence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Bamboo Staff
- Wacky Noises
- Pushback Decreased

This is similar to Taki, but not exactly (no air dodge for example). A few
bonus characters in the RPG uses this weapon, but you can wipe them out using
Iron Sword most of the time.

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

- Attack Range Increased
- Defence Increased

- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Offence Increased
- Defence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Are Counters

- Pushback Increased
- Avoid Some Ring Outs
- Offence Decreased

Similar to Astaroth, right down to the low sweeping attack. A good custom
choice, but it's better to ditch Aeneas and stick with a custom character
you're comfortable with.

Pilum Muralis
- Offence Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks

- Pushback Increased
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Guard Break
- Offence Increased Over Time

- Defence Increased
- Pushback Increased
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks
- Some Attacks Guard Break
- Defence Decreased

- Attack Range Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

Not much to say for Lizardman except he looks like the Greek sisters (i.e.,
Sapphic virgin #1 and Sapphic virgin #2) but his style is less aerial and
with the ground pummelling. The Kora is a reasonable substitute for Soul Edge
and lets your fighter (whatever his name was) to regain life when attacking.
He has some decent chains (go to practice mode to find them) and will let you
nab some life while depleting the opponent.

- Pushback Increased
- Penetrate Guard

- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

- Health Is Gained For Attacking
- Avoid Some Throws

Soul Edge
- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Lost Over Time
Boned Meat
- Wacky Noises
- Attack Range Decreased

Maxi (a.k.a., Elvis Bruce Lee)

Maxi loses some of the rigidity of his nunchaku stances, but retains his
and some signature moves. His range is still atrocious, so you will need to
either fake out the opponent or find a way to get close via side-stepping to
land that blow.

- Defence Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect

Chained Kozuka
- Offence Increased
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

Termite Snack
- Wacky Noises
- Defence Decreased

Mitsurugi is not the powerhouse as before (no cheap ring outs anymore), but
can mount a fierce defence with the Masamune or Damascus Sword. The two-hand
sword is OK if you're using it in RPG mode -- getting the Samurai class
already familiarises you with what to expect and Mitsurugi is not one of the
better fighters out there against a horde of cheap ass missions and guys
packing Guardian Force and a big sword.

Two-handed Sword
- Attack Range Increased
- Penetrate Guard

- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Damascus Sword
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Soul Edge
- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Health Is Lost Over Time
Souvenir Gift
- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

Nightmare plays differently from Siegfried and while lacking the stances, has
some keen guard breakers and similar but slightly different moves from his
human reality. Regretably, two of his most power-laden weapons are packed
the life leeching disadvantage, so you either need to master his BACK B
auto-soul charging upswing or be good enough to bag your victories quickly.
you're simply looking to survive on the Barbarian class (and Nightmare's
fighting style) the Soul Edge Cocoon can help you edge out over endurance
matches. Just make sure you counter throws, or all that life gets washed out.

Steel Paddle
- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased

Soul Edge Larvae

- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Health Is Lost Over Time

Soul Edge Cocoon

- Defence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

Soul Edge
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Health Is Lost Over Time

Giant Squid
- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

Not quite Maxi, this moves set uses Li Long's double nunchuku and is
to crow about. It's otherwise fairly limited and not too helpful. If you
enjoyed Li Long and double nunchuks, put him back in the game at your

Gemini Rod
- Pushback Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Offence Increased Over Time

- Offence Increased
- Defence Increased
Shuang Lei
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time
- Some Attacks Guard Break

None of Olcadan's weapons have powers, as befitting a Sword Master. However,
you still need to buy or find them to use them in VS mode.

Raphael's B and BLOCK throw is still as effective in getting ring outs as
before. He's Link, but less cheap. His best weapon is the Queen's Guard,
unlike the previous SC2 version, doesn't start sucking out his body juices on
contact. That's Amy's job if you know what I mean and I think you do.

- Defence Increased
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks

Holy Antler
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Attacking

- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Queen's Guard
- Defence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

- Wacky Noises
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

Not quite Raphael, but this style has some nifty combinations of powers. The
Unicorn is much better than Raphael's Queen's Guard since you can block and
gain life in addition to the life restored over time.

- Defence Increased
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks

Fallen Antler
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks
- Offence Increased Over Time

Rock is not Astaroth, despite some shared motions. Rock lacks the attack
and some other vital moves and is a fighter of his own right. The Giant Mace
is a cheap and effective tool to deploy Rock's strength and range in battle.
It ain't fancy, but it works.

Giant Mace
- Attack Range Increased
- Penetrate Guard

- Pushback Increased
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Defence Increased
- Offence Increased Over Time

- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

Iron Fists
- Wacky Noises
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

Slutty Setsuka is a fast moving version of Taki (who got kinda fat) but lack
the dodging moves. She's more technical, so don't miss with your attacks or
she'll have to start sucking to make a living, if you know what I mean and I
think you do. Huhuhuhuhu. Her best weapon is the Ugetsu Shinuichi, since
Setsuka players should do their best to impact and then counter -- it's the
only way to get in for some real damage. Barring that, Moonlight is a
reasonable newbie choice (if you have it). The only thing you need to eyeball
is the match timer (none in RPG battles) and make sure your attacks are not

- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Are Counters

- Defence Increased
- Avoid Some Throws

- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Offence Increased Over Time

Ugetsu Shiniuchi
- Offence Increased
- Defence Increased
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Broken Bamboo Sword

- Wacky Noises
- Defence Decreased

Seung Mina
Mina's best weapon is the Hraesvelgr, but getting it can be expensive (and
lengthy). Although she plays similar to Kilik strategically, her moves are
different enough that you need to spend time in practise mode to know her
well. Not like it's bad (Korean babes are hotties, esp. the ones who can kick
your ass) but with Mina is an old favourite with few new things to exhibit
(except her continually maturing body -- huhuhuhuhu).

- Defence Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect

Hyup Do
- Attack Range Increased
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

- Penetrate Guard
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Avoid Some Throws
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

Feather Broom
- Wacky Noises
- Pushback Decreased

Not quite Ivy is what this is, but it is perfect for people who like whips
the look of it) without the constant mode switching, as with Ivy. The moves
are simpler and therefore, easier to impact or block against, but then you
take the good with the bad.

- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased

- Some Attacks Guard Break
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Penetrate Guard

Chains of Hades
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

Black Widow
- Attack Range Increased
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Defence Decreased

Sadly, Siegfried plays mostly the same as his old SC2 self, but with a few
minor tweaks in how his stances are broguht about. His low stance no longer
has the option to move along and some of the stance attacks have been altered
ever so slightly to piss you the hell off. His cheap ring out swat is back,
and is executed if you push UP or DOWN. Good news for those guys going for
extra challenges. His best weapon is not necessarily the Soul Calibur since
no longer regenerates his life over time. The SC3 Faust is a good standby,
since the guard break ability lets you gain the upperhand in a fierce battle.

- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased

- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Soul Calibur
- Attack Range Increased
- Health Is Gained For Attacking
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Avoid Some Throws

Galley Oar
- Wacky Noises
- Pushback Decreased

Sophitia -- the game world's hottest M.I.L.F. -- is pretty much her old self
(except for the sluttiness). Her best weapon is Soul Calibur, if you get it,
but the goofy looking Blue Crystal Rod is also handy. Yet another of Namco's
little in-jokes, you'll have to have an extensive library to find the Namco
title this weapon is from.

Fire Blade
- Offence Increased
- Penetrate Guard

Blue Crystal Rod

- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks
- Health Is Gained For Attacking

- Attack Range Increased
- Pushback Increased

Soul Calibur
- Defence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Avoid Some Throws

- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

The staff looks goofy, which is probably one of the reasons my brother didn't
use it for his Aerith clone. Simalcrum agrees. The staff changes in size and
looks like it was added on like a Friday night subroutine. It has some of
Kilik's motions, but not enough to make it 'not-shitty'.

- Defence Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect

Iron Staff
- Offence Increased
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

Duel Rod
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Penetrate Guard

Kunlun Bamboo
- Offence Increased
- Defence Increased
- Pushback Increased
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Steel Fan
The steel fan has a nifty ranged guard break (A and KICK), making it at least
useful in some RPG situations. You can probably make Princess Kitana or some
no-name (Talisa Soto is no-name) fighting game character to use this weapon,
but the guard break is useless if the opponent side-steps and rushes you. Up
close, the fan is only average, but has decent sweeping attacks if you manage
to pull them off in a hurry.

- Offence Increased
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Fujin Fan
- Pushback Increased
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Counters Have No Effect

Basho Fan
- Offence Increased
- Defence Increased
- Pushback Increased
- Offence Increased Over Time

- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased
- Attack Range Decreased

Sword / Shield
This is Lizardman or the Greek sisters, but not quite. Most of the moves are
straight-forward and unimpressive but they work once you equip the Valkyrie
(same powers as Cassandra's version). Instead of Abelia in RPG mode, you may
want to call upon Valkyrie to have her help you fight the RPG loser boss in
Chapter 20.

Ice Blade
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks

- Attack Range Increased
- Defence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Are Counters

Eternal Rest
- Offence Increased
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Avoid Some Throws
- Avoid Some Ring Outs
- Pushback Decreased

Taki's speed is reduced and some of her dodges are slightly different, but
sheer evasion, her busty balloons can still do their thing. Taki is always
good for hit and run -- in RPG mode, you can chip an opponent to death
(assuming Cure is not the mission) and by using the Kagenui to suck out some
life. for players who mastered this old hen, the Kris Naga lets you gain more
life via impact -- at the range Taki fights though, you will need to be quick
and correct or expect to get wiped quickly.

- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Avoid Some Throws

Kris Naga
- Attack Range Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Guard Impact
- Offence Decreased

Tobacco Pipes
- Wacky Noises
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

Jailbait Talim has Soul Calibur available -- use it if you unlock it. Until
then, you have to rely on the crappier weapons. Note her running B attack
no longer does the insane knockback it did before, but it gets as close. Just
don't jump too close to the edge or you fly out of the ring.

- Offence Increased
- Penetrate Guard

Side Harpe
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Double Crescent Blade

- Defence Increased
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

Soul Calibur
- Attack Range Increased
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Wacky Noises
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

The dancer is annoying and lacking Voldo's dodge move (same buttons) makes it
more infuriating. You can naturally f- out the opposition with your dancing
and maybe get into a real scrape. Being beaten by a dancer character is
the low point in your SC3 career.

- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Avoid Some Throws

- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Health Is Gained For Blocked Attacks
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Harly-Quinn rip-off Tira is the most interesting of the new characters
(fighting wise, her story is simple crap). Her hoola-hoop is bound to find
favourites among close range players and her athletic motions only serve to
give you a hard-on, despite her psychotic moods (you'll get used to it every
month, after you move in with a woman). Tira's primary problem is her weapons
lack punch and without the ability to penetrate blocking enemies, her moves
are restricted to hit and runs against powerful enemies. Her only potent
weapon is Soul Edge, but it drains her vitality quickly in battle, making her
discipline unsuitable in RPG endurance combat. Tira is more for fun (in more
ways than one if you know what I mean and I think you do). Avoid using her
a clone) exclusively in RPG mode and you'll do fairly well.

- Defence Increased
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained For Attacking

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

Soul Edge
- Pushback Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Health Is Lost Over Time

- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

Voldo is still freaky but his weapons improved and no longer seriously
endanger his life (except the Guillotine). The Cat Claws are basic, but
this with his natural ability to attack aggressively and you have a weiner
(winning) combination. Against enemies with range, consider the dorky Iron
Ram -- the guard break may just save your life. Like many short range
characters, you may not rely too much on Voldo in RPG mode, and you can
certainly swarm him on the map and take him out.
Cat Claws
- Penetrate Guard
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

Tofana Scissors
- Attack Range Increased
- Pushback Increased

Iron Ram
- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

- Wacky Noises
- Health Is Lost For Attacking

Wave Sword
This is an unrelated moves set and has some deadly up close moves. The
weapon is a good idea if you want to get in on this moves set. Reise (RPG
mode) certainly has a tough fight since her lack of range gets her killed
constantly. If you focus on developing a Wave Sword fighter, opt to play
through a little of RPG mode, then restart the game with more custom
slots, since the RPG officers are not always available at your beck and call.

Mantis Blade
- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Guard Break

Double Fang
- Defence Increased
- Some Counters Have No Effect

Aya and Honga

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Is Easier Over Time

- Offence Increased
- Penetrate Guard
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Avoid Some Ring Outs

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Health Is Gained For Guard Impact
- Pushback Decreased

Since you know Xianghua and Kilik are going to have massive sex (maybe a
way with Maxi), you might as well write your fan-fic lemon now and get your
jollies before Soul Calibur 4 comes out. Simalcrum is getting too old for
schnit. Xianghua retains her fake outs and has an easier to see guard break
this time (the lightning effect is much improved). The Northern Star is a
standby until the Soul Calibur is unlocked. You may want the Northern Star
since you can effectively poke an opponent to death, just like in that Itchy
and Scratchy cartoon.

- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased

Northern Star
- Penetrate Guard
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

Soul Calibur
- Offence Increased
- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Some Counters Have No Effect

Calligraphy Brush
- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

Naming a weapon after your character is simply uninspirational. Yoshimitsu's
best weapon is the Hihiirokane (once you get it) since he almost constantly
hits enemies if you do things right. Kastane lets you regenerate as well, but
the rate is significantly slower, and goads enemies to attack you constantly
and put you under stress of defence. With Hihiirokane, you can afford to toy
around and once you spent a few (15 to 20) seconds into the match, your
attacks start to really hurt.

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Some Attacks Are Counters

- Defence Increased
- Pushback Increased

- Offence Increased
- Guard Impact Damages Enemy

- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy
- Some Attacks Are Counters
- Offence Increased Over Time

Shepherds Crook
- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

Yun Sung
Yun Sung still has his invisible blade (Han Guang) and the lack of a blade is
a good psyche out against newbies. However, Yun has a good defence with the
Cheng Ying. Impact a few times and you're back in shape to kick some ass.
Overall, Yun Sung is a decent fighter, if nothing spectacular.

Giant Butcher Knife

- Offence Increased
- Pushback Increased

Cheng Ying
- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Health Is Gained For Guard Impact

- Some Counters Have No Effect
- Health Is Gained For Attacking

Han Guang
- Attack Range Increased
- Offence Increased
- Some Attacks Guard Break
- Health Is Lost For Blocked Attacks

Child's Sword
- Wacky Noises
- Offence Decreased

Not as cheap as Eddie Gordo, but getting close. Zasalamel has some wicked
scythe moves that impress but upon closer inspection, lack the range of some
characters and miss the speed of others. He's still very chainable, do to his
various chain attacks (and attack throws). The Irkalla is Z's best tool,
although you have to settle for something more mundane before you get it.
Mrytu and Ankou are fair, and Balor is the least useful (the range helps, but
that's it). With the big black Z, learn to chain his moves together for
unblockable combos and you will be unstoppable.

- Auto Guard Impact Some Attacks
- Some Attacks Guard Break

- Attack Range Increased
- Pushback Increased

- Health Is Gained Over Time
- Health Is Gained For Damaging Enemy

- Offence Increased
- Defence Increased
- Avoid Some Ring Outs
- Offence Increased Over Time
- Wacky Noises
- Attack Range Decreased

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