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Edited by Jeimsu at 2018-6-4 07:39 PM

Okay, So I am making MLBB dictionary for all the players to be able to understand
words, terminologies and abbreviations used in the game.
I don't know all of them so feel free to contribute. Thanks! :)

Ace - When all heroes on the enemy team are dead.
ADC /Attack Damage Carry - is term used to refer to a heroes that deals strong,
continuous damage with their basic attacks and scales with attack-related stats - i.e.
Critical Strike Chance and Attack Speed. The role was retired in official contexts and
replaced with Marksman.
AFK - Away from keyboard. (phone) cr. Charles
Aggro - To have tower aggro means the tower is targeting (and so attacking) you. You
can lose tower aggro by stepping out of range of the tower. You can gain tower aggro
by being the first to step within tower range. Or if you enter within range of the tower,
say after your minions, then you can still get tower aggro by attacking an enemy
champion while under the tower.
Airborne - A unit that is airborne is unable to control its movement, attack or cast
abilities for the duration.
Armor - used to calculate the reduced damage (in percentage) taken from basic attacks
and abilities that deal physical damage.
Assasin - are highly mobile Heroes specializing in single-target burst damage.
Attack Speed - The speed rate at which a heores uses their basic attack.
Attribute - a piece of data that represents a particular aspect of a fictional character.

Bait - Someone who is used to lure enemy Heroes. Usually your team will be ready to
jump on the enemy as soon as they attack the bait.
BD - Backdoor; to attack a tower without any minions.
Blind - A unit that is blind will miss its auto-attacks for the duration. Miss occurs on-hit,
and does not prevent attacks from being declared.
Bobo - idiot/ lack of knowledge to the game. Also consider as awesome cr. hueyyy
Bot - The bottom lane.
Brb - Be right back. cr. Charles
Buff - increase in power levels as a result of adjustments to game mechanics, usually
in pursuit of game balance.
Build - The set of gears/items you buy for your heroes.
Bush/brush - The tall grass on every map in which you can hide.

Cancer - handful of useless awesomes, spreads to the whole team, making them all
CC /Crowd Control - is anything that prevents the target from moving or attacking.
Rooting, binding, stunning are all different types of hueyyy
CD - Cooldown
Cooldown Reduction / CDR - The percent reduction in the time after an ability is used
by a hero before it can be used again.
Critical Chance Rate Reduction - Critical Strike Chance is lessen by the sum of all #%
Critical Chance Rate Reduction gears.
Critical Strike Chance - The percentage damage increase provided by critical strike

Def - Defend
Dive - To dive or tower dive someone is to fight them under their turret. This means that
you will get attacked by the tower while you fight him and so receive a lot of damage.
DPS - Damage per second

Elo - Elo rating system
Elo Rating System - a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in
competitor-versus-competitor games.
Exchange - An exchange is when you exchange damage with your opponent. Usually,
in lane, when you go to poke/harass your opponent, they will face you and do some
damage back. If you deal much more damage than you take then that was a good
exchange. If you take much more damage (be it from minions or the enemy hero) than
you deal then it is a bad exchange. If you deal damage but receive none, then it is not
an exchange, but just free harass.

Farm - To kill minions, monsters and get gold. Someone who is well farmed has a lot of
feeder - a player who feeds other team with gold/xp points and power by allowing
himself or on some occasions herself or itself to die in an awkward, meaningless way
thus fattening enemy players and allowing them to dominate and often win.
Fighter - a diverse group of short-ranged heroes who excel at both dealing and
surviving damage.
FTW - For the Win. Can be used to describe that something was good/ lead to the
victory of this game (e,g, Heal-bait ftw!) or ironically to say that something wasn't good
at all and did the total opposite of winning a game (e.g. yes, go in 1v5 ftw!)
FU - Stands for f*** you. More often than not this is meant in a friendly way to express
frustration. Fuuuuuuu would be used at elevated levels of frustration and would be
equivalent to f*** youuuuuuuuuuuu.

G - Game!/ Go!
Gank - To flank an enemy champion by surprise and attempt to kill them. Usually done
by the jungler, or a roaming mid laner. Also known as "roam."
GG - Good game. A polite phrase showing good sportsmanship said at the end of the
game. However, it is also sometimes used to signal that the game is already over. E.g
GJ - Good job. Often said to a teammate when he/she did something very good, or to
the team as a whole after a successful fight. It is also often used sarcastically after
someone does a terrible job.
GL - Goodluck

Harass - To deal significant damage to someone frequently. This is different from a fight
and is usually used in the laning phase where the enemy slowly gets lower and lower in
health so that eventually he will need to recall to base or will be low enough for you to
jump on him and kill him.
HF - Have fun
HP - The total damage a hero may take before dying.
HP Regen - The rate at which a hero's health is naturally restored.
Hug - See tower hug. ?

Initiate - To be the first to engage in a fight.
Innate - A ‘4th ability’ that every hero has and starts off with at lvl 1. This ability can be
seen to the left of your q ability and is usually minor compared to your other abilities.
Often called 'unique passive' or simply 'passive'. Technically, your innate is a passive
ability, but not every passive ability is innate.


Kick - Kick someone from the team. cr.Arvi
Kiting - is attacking an enemy and running from them all at the same time. cr.Legendary
KDA - Kill, Death, Assist
KS - Kill Steal

Lag - is a noticeable delay between the action of players and the reaction of the server
in a game.
Leash (purple/yellow) - Helping the jungler with a neutral monster until the monster is at
~30-40% of health, so that the jungler can finish it off. Those that are leashing will leave
before the monsters are killed, so all EXP goes to the jungler.
Lifesteal - The percentage of the damage done by a hero's basic attacks that is
returned to them as health.
Log - a part of the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off.
(misconception of LAG) cr.Legendary
Lord - The most powerful neutral monster on Match Up/ Ranked mode.
Macro - The one who has a insight that knows what is happening in a game and knows
how to counter a situation. Usually used play style by initiator like tanks, assassin or
fighters. cr.Joshua_#04B
Mage - are heroes who typically possess great reach, ability-based area of effect
damage and crowd control, and who use all of these strengths in tandem with each
other to trap and destroy enemies from a distance.
Magic Damage Reduction - Magical Damage is lessen by the sum of all #% Magical
Damage Reduction gears.
Magic Penetration - How much the magic resistance values of targets are reduced
during magic damage calculations.
Magic Power - Provides scaling on magic abilities.
Magic Resistance - Used to calculate the reduced damage (in percentage) taken from
abilities that deal magic damage.
Mana - The maximum mana available to a hero for casting abilities.
Mana Regen - The rate at which a hero's mana is naturally restored.
Marksman - are ranged heroes whose power almost exclusively revolves around their
basic attacks.
Meta - Denoting a change of position or condition: "metamorphosis"; "metathesis".
Micro - being able to click fast and have those clicks do something instead of just being
spam hits.
Mid - The middle lane.
Minion - allied or enemy units that spawn automatically to charge into battle with the
purpose of attacking enemy units in the lanes they are assigned.
Missing in Action (MIA) - Signals that your lane opponent (or the specific enemy you
mention) is no longer visible on the map, and may be on their way to "gank" a
teammate. Everyone should be careful and watch out for the missing hero/heroes.
Movement Speed - The speed at which a hero moves around the map.

N1- Nice one.
Nerf - To weaken a certain a characteristic of the game, usually a champion, in order to
balance the game.
Newb/Newbie - Originally termed to be a beginner.
awesome - refers to someone who is a bad player.
NP - No problem

OMW - On my way cr.Arvi
OOM - Out of Mana
OP - Overpowered

Passive - An ability that has a more permanent effect. This can be 1st skill or innate
ability. But most often, when people say passive, they simply refer to your innate. See
innate for more information.
Physical Attack - is one that involves dealing damage to a target in any number of
ways that do not involve "magic".
Physical Damage - is dealt by all basic attacks, by some Heroes abilities and by some
gears effects.
Physical Damage Reduction - Physical Damage is lessen by the sum of all #% Phycal
Damage Reduction gears.
Physical Penetration - it counters the effectiveness of physical protection and allows
attacks and abilities to deal closer to its full damage output.
Poke - Harassing the enemy team with long range abilities like piercing arrow and
similar skills. This is done when the two teams are facing off before a team fight or when
contesting an objective, in order to put the other team at a disadvantage when the fight
Pro - opposite of awesome, someone who is very good in game/ certain hero. cr.Arvi
Proc - Trigger effect / scaling cr.Legendary
Push- To advance in lane towards

the enemy nexus with the intention of destroying towers, inhibitors or base.
QQ - When used as capitals, these look like a set of crying eyes and so refer to
someone who is crying/raging.

Ranks - Warior, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legend, Glorious Legend, Mythic.
Reaper - A monster that gives red/yellow buff.
RG - Rank Game
Resilience - Reduce or recover quickly from difficulties: Crowdcontrol, stun, slow, etc.
Roam - A player/hero is roaming when they are not staying in one place (or lane) but
rather moving across the map constantly to gank other lanes, invade jungle, etc. This is
sometimes referred to a seperate role and in this case usually replaces the support.
Fanny is a good example of a champion who can play support but can then suddenly go
roaming when necessary because of his strong supporting and strong ganking abilities.
Resilience - Reduce or recover quickly from difficulties: Crowdcontrol, stun, slow, etc.
Root - A unit that is rooted is unable to control its movement for the duration
(occasionally referred to as a snare).

Scaling - relative increase in a champions power as they level up and acquire core
items compared to other champions. cr.Arvi
Silence - A unit that is silenced cannot cast abilities or activate items for the duration.
Slow - A unit that is slowed has reduced movement and/or attack speed for the
Snowballing - Getting bigger (stronger) as game goes on. cr.Legendary
Solo top - Refers to the top lane (usually in Ranked game/Match up) when held by one
Spell Vamp - The percentage of the damage done by a hero's abilities that is returned
to them as health.
Spinner - A monster that gives blue/purple buff.
Stack - This word can be used in many different ways but always involves multiplying
the effect of something. A stack is originally a more or less orderly pile or heap: a
precariously balanced stack of books. There are items that "stack" or "pile up" a certain
value for each time you do a certain action like auto-attacking using a skill or killing a
Stun - A unit that is stunned is unable to move, attack or cast abilities for the duration.
Support - are the most selfless heroes in the game, forgoing personal power to assist
their allies with potent utility and keep enemies at bay with crowd control.

Tank - tough melee Heroes who sacrifice damage in exchange for powerful crowd
Tier - are usually to indicate the power that a player can contribute and how effective
they are in a game.
Top - The top lane.
Tower hug - To stay near your tower to deter enemy champions from attacking you.
Trade - see exchange
Turret - Is a tower in MB gameplay, providing damage, vision, and general control of
the surrounding map.
Turtle - A nuetral monster in Match Up/Ranked game.
TY - Thank You

U2 - You too. Often said in response to ‘good luck and have fun’.
Ult - Ultimate. Refers to heroe's 3rd ability, which he/she can usually only pick at lvl 4.
Unique passive - An other word for innate. See innate for more information.


WP - Well played.

YW - You're Welcome cr.Arvi



For those of you who are just playing the Mobile Legends game: Bang Bang will often
encounter unfamiliar word terms or word abbreviations that you don't know yet.


In this article I will tell you the meaning of some word terms and abbreviations in Mobile

First we start from the list of names of heroes that are often abbreviated by players,

Alu = Alucard
Haya = Hayabusa
Mino = Minotaur
Gatot = Gatotkaca
Nata = Natalia
yz = Yun Zhao (now it's called Zilong)
Rora = Aurora
Dora = Eudora
yss = Yi Sun-shin
Rafa = Rafaela

The following are the words we will often encounter in the game:

Noob = comes from the word "newbie" which means skills that are still like beginners
and laymen, in short this is often used to handle people if they are bad.

Afk = "away from keyboard" is usually used on PC games for those who are leaving
their computer / keyboard, but the point is that people are disappearing somewhere in
the game.

Feed = gives a lot of kills to enemies. If we die more often than ngekill then we are
usually called feeders because they tend to burden the team by feeding the enemy.

GG = good game, but usually it is often used as sarcasm in teams that have a bad load
or play.

WP = well played, more or less the same as GG.

OP = overpowered, meaning very strong.

Ult / ulti = short for ultimate, that is the last skill 3 / skill in an existing hero.

When we get the kill continue throughout the game without death / death, then we
will get:

Killing Spree = 3 kill in a row without experiencing death

Mega Kill = 4 kill
Unstoppable = 5 kill
Monster Kill = 6 kill
God Like = 7 kill
Legendary = 8 kill
Shutdown = when we successfully kill a hero who gets the status above
Wipe Out = when all the five opponent team heroes die

Then when we get chain killing, we will get:

Killing Spree = 3 kill in a row without experiencing death
Mega Kill = 4 kill
Unstoppable = 5 kill
Monster Kill = 6 kill
God Like = 7 kill
Legendary = 8 kill
Shutdown = when we successfully kill a hero who gets the status above
Wipe Out = when all the five opponent team heroes die

Then when we get chain killing, we will get:

Double Kill = kills 2 enemies at once or in a short time
Triple Kill = kills 3 enemies
Maniac = kill 4 enemies (Quadra Kill)
Savage = kill 5 enemies (Penta Kill)

For map / maping problems there are also various abbreviations used, namely:
Top = upper map area (upper lane)
Mid = middle lane
Bot = lane below
212 = standard formation with 2 heroes above (top), 1 mid, and 1 bot.
311 = special formation with 3 heroes in the upper / lower lane, 1 mid, and 1 alone
(usually this one will be in the lane lord, we can see at the beginning of the turtle game
in the lane up / down).
Jungle = forest area that contains large monsters (not minion), if it's being moaned
(killing forest monsters) it's called jungling.
Roam = trace another lane for example from top to mid.
Buff = special monsters that are in the middle of the forest and give each role a bonus
effect when killed.

KDA = number of kill - death - assists.

MVP = "most valuable player", that is, the player / hero who has the best contribution to
the team, is usually judged based on the number of kill, death, assists (KDA),
percentage of damage to the opponent's hero and turret, then the amount of gold and
exp obtained.

Farming = collects exp and gold so you can quickly level up and build items.

Ganking = surround or attack enemies with friends / team.

CC = crowd control, which is the ability of a hero skill that makes the enemy powerless
for a moment like stun, freeze, disable, etc.

AOE = area of effect, which is a skill that has damage / effect in one area, so it can hit
many enemies at once.

MM = marksman -> hero roles that attack remotely.

Nerf = weakens, for example there is a very strong hero, so many players complain that
they want to be nerf (attenuated).

Buff = strengthens, the opposite of nerf, if there are heroes who tend to be weak /
weak, usually lots of people ask to be buffed (strengthened).

Report = report players who play negatively like afk, feeding, using cheats, etc.

ML / MLBB = Mobile Legends / Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Those are some meanings and abbreviations of various word terms and abbreviations
in Mobile Legends. Hopefully this article can add a little insight into this game even

Mobile Legends Guide: Common Terms and Definition In MOBA
7 mins read

Common Terms In Mobile Legends Bang bang

Learn about the most common terms in Mobile Legends MOBA game. Find out the
definition of various terminologies, abbreviations and slang used in the game
Do you know what kiting, jungler, juke are? Those terms are frequently used in MOBA
real time strategy game like Mobile Legends. And if you are new in playing, you will find
many unfamiliar terms inside the game.
Knowing your team mates intentions is one of the most important factor executing your
best teamwork strategy. Therefore, you must understand the most common terms they
are saying in chat.
Here I am going to show you the list of terms and their definitions commonly used in
Mobile Legend.
Mobile Legends Common Terms
MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena): Game genre that also known as modern real
time strategy involved online multiplayer fight against another team in the battle arena.
Unlike traditional real time strategy, MOBA doesn’t involved unit or building
constructions and each player control a single hero at once.
ML (Mobile Legend)/MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang): Popular mobile game by
Moonton that adopted MOBA real time strategy that involved 5 vs 5 multi online players
on the battle arena, available on iOS and Android.
Jungle: Jungle is actually zones in the battle arena that usually covered by large bush
beneath the lanes. In the jungle, you will find various monsters. They are neutral
creatures that hunted for gold by heroes.
Bush: Grass or bush in the battle arena where hero can hide or to make escape.
Jungling/Jungler: Monster hunting for gold and EXP in the jungle, also known as
Farming. While Jungler is the hero doing this hunt.
Lanes: Three main ways of getting from your base to opponent.
Turret: Cannons in lane that will automatically attack enemy when entering their radius.
Destroying one turret gains 500 gold that will divided equally for each team member
Minions (also called Creeps in DOTA): This is unlimited friendly of unfriendly creatures
that spawn to each lane from your main base and march toward enemy turrets. This
minions created and move in “waves” in group of three.
Wipe Out: Kill all enemies heroes and let no one alive.

Mobile Legends Strategy Terms

Kite/Kiting: Ranged attack to opponent while evading the counter. This is effective hit
and run strategy for hero with ranged ability type which commonly supported with
decent agility/speed.
Tips: Attack while hiding in the bush from distance and get ready to dodge, evade and
Gank/Ganking: This strategy involved multiple allies to perform all out attack to one or
more targets. When your friend says “gather and gank”, means you have to gather and
ready for an all out battle together with your teammates.
Farm/Farming: Gaining gold through the act of last hitting monsters, minions or creeps.
Farming also determines your winning since you will get EXP points and gold to buy
various item for your battle. When you do farming in the jungle, this also called jungling
TIPS: Don’t underestimate farming, be patient, don’t rush your attack and focus on
farming, you will get many benefits doing this. Buying better item at shop will grant you
an ease to win the battle.
Overfarm: Farming gold by killing jungle monster in the enemy’s area
Dive: Step into ongoing battle or enter inside enemy turret
Mobile Legends Skill Terms
ULT/Ulti/Ultimate: Your third and the most powerful skill. This devastating ability suits
as final move to kill your opponent. Ultimate skill tag(combo) is the most effective
strategy when attacking with two or more team mates around you.
Tips: Always ready to execute your ultimate following your friend’s attack.
Melee: Close combat attack. The hero often uses weapon such as axe or sword. (ie:
Alucard, Zilong, Hilda, Saber etc)
Charger: Type of hero which specialized to maneuver advance towards the enemy at
their best speed in an attempt to engage in close combat. Zilong is one best example of
charger hero
Ranged: Attack from distance using projectile weapons or skills.
Tank: Hero with high defensive stat. This role to protect others and take all the hit as
much as possible by charging or dive first in a war.
Marksman/MM: Hero with ranged rapid attack ability. (ie:Carrie, Moscov, Layla, Clint
Last Hit: Last attack that kill the opponent/monster. To become last hitter, you need c`
orrect timing when performing your attack.
Tips: Keep practicing till you feel confident performing your final attack accurately and
make correct judgement about opponent HP.
Juke: Performing zig-zag, instant direction change while moving. This is also an
important skill you have to master when you are suffering from critical low HP status.
You must run and escape from the opponent to avoid being killed.
TIPS: Aware of sudden attack and make correct decision whether you have to run or
attack. If it necessary, get some help (request gathering) from your allies while
escaping, run to the safe area, nearest lane or bush.
Buff: Boost stats temporarily in the battle. Buff divided into two type, “buff self” which
refers to boost stat oneself and “buff ally”, refers to boost stats for team mate stat. The
buff can boost targeting one or more stats depends on the skill or item used.
Crowd Control: All abilities or items that cause inhibit for the enemies. There are
various crowd control varieties, the most common is slow: reduce the speed and enemy
agility, silence: temporary disable enemy’s skills, stun: To incapacitate the target,
freeze: freeze the enemies (ie: Aurora ULT), Blind: Make enemy attack miss.
Cooldown/CD: Once performing skill you will get a delay. Cooldown is time you must
elapse before using that skill again.

Skill is cooldown
There are various items you can use to reduce skill cool down or CDR (Cooldown
Reduction), however the limit is 40% reduction. More than that will be a waste and not
going to reduce the cooldown any further.

Gear/Builds/Items: Item arrangement for heroes. Each gear set can be changed in the
game according to most suitable condition.

Spell: Various additional ability for hero. Each got one, selected before the game
started(cannot be changed in game).

Jungle Creatures Name

Jungle monsters
Lord: Neutral creature that will help you march toward your enemy by slaying it. It holds
1500 gold that will divided equally for each team member.
Turtle: Neutral creature that hold a lot of gold that will be shared between team by
slaying it. It holds 1000 gold that will divided equally for each team member
Jungle Monster: Neutral creatures on the jungle that hold gold. This is the most
targeted creatures by hero to gain more gold. Below are various monster jungle in
Mobile Legends
Reaper: Jungle monster that give you random buff
Spinner: Spider like monster that give you random buff
Crab: Crab like monster at top and bottom lane. Killing it will give you 10 golds every
second last for 30 seconds.
Golem: Grant mana, health, gold
Big-mouthed monster: Grant mana, health, gold
Additional Terms
Noob/Newbie/Beginner: Novice player that usually have low skills or rank. Noob is
also often used for mocking the losing players.
HP: Healthy Point
MP: Mana Point
DPS: Damage per second. A continuous damage can be applied to opponent per
second. High DPS damage commonly achieved by basic skill. Obviously, marksman
and fighter are included as high DPS role.
Aggro: Having tower aggro means you are being targeted by tower. You can avoid by
step out of tower range attack, or let the minion step in first on the area tower.
Regen: stands for regenerate, an ability to recharge particular attribute point, it could be
HP regen, MP regen or both. Regen effect will make your HP/MP charged in elapsed
times. And Hybrid regen is an effect that recharges both HP and MP at the same time.
AFK: Away from keyboard, when hero in the stat of inactivity (doing nothing).
Deliberately leaving the game or get disconnected is the common causes. AFK in a long
period of time will get penalized severely.
MVP: Stands for Most Valuable Player, the best team member that get the highest
overall score in the end of game.
GG/GGWP: Means “Good Game/Good Game, Well Played“, commonly said at the end
of the game, whether you are winning or losing. To respect team mates and opponents
for giving great game experience.
KDA: Means Kills Deaths Assists. KDA result is displayed in the end of the battle, here
is how KDA scoring: +1 point per kill, +1 point Assist, -1 point per Death
KS: Meaning in mobile legends is “Kill Steal“. When lord is being attacked by enemies
and you got the last hit kill using your attack, it means you do KS.
OP: Over Powered, when player is outstanding among other players in term of level,
item or gold.
Ping: Time needed for your game packet data to reach the game server and get a
feedback. Lower is the better since you will almost able to execute your skill
immediately. This ping value determined by the game server and your internet speed.
Lag: A condition when you got low FPS(Frame per second) graphic usually caused by
your device specs, or a condition when you have high pings in game resulting a delay
when executing skill.
Feeder: Player who constantly get killed by enemy and make them level up.
Initiate Surrender: Surrender vote menu available on setting in the middle of the
match. This menu commonly used when one team have no chance of winning. Can be
AFK or too much different level gained. This way you can end the match much quicker if
losing is none of matter anymore.
Toxic: Mocking, blaming others players using inappropriate wording or slang, either your
own team or opponent. Toxic player can lead team to crumble since the teamwork will
be in a mess and create unhealthy environment to winning the game. And its not
surprising if one or more players will go AFK. And the worst initiate surrender.
at is the common terms on Mobile Legend. If I am missing something, please add to the
comment below

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