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Exec Team Building

Theme: Animovement
Topic for the talk: (Depending on faci)

Proposed Date: Sunday, August 30, 2020

Proposed Time: 7:30am-5:00pm

Proposed Flow:

Call time 7:00-7:30

Exercise 7:30-7:40 c/o ton

Rationale: To get everyone energized for the day

Prayer & National Anthem 7:40-7:45 c/o ton

Introduction Facilitators 7:45-7:50

Rationale: Get to know host

Introduction Big 4 & 7:50-8:00

Rationale: To get to know the Big 4 and their roles in the executive branch and check on the

Introduction per Department 8:00-8:15

Rationale: To get to know the cabinet members and the roles of each department

Kamustahany c/o faci 8:15-8:30

Game 1 (Guessing game) c/o era 8:30-8:45

Rationale: To get to know more the cabinet members

TALK 1: Who are we? c/o Doc chiu 8:45-9:15

Rationale: It is to know who we are as a person, as a leader and as a member of our community.
It is basically a talk about our identities as persons.
Objectives: Depends on the speaker. (Mrs. Rowela Chiu, OSA)
Materials needed: Presence of doc chiu, or pre recorded video, certificate of appreciation

Processing 9:15-9:30

TALK 2: Student Servantship c/o (era?) 9:30-10:00

Rationale: It is a talk about student servantship and how it is able to help student organizations.
Objectives: The objectives are dependent to the Speaker.

Game 2: Situationer 10:00-11:00

Rationale: It is to test the group’s strategical thinking, know hows of the school regulations and
by laws
Objectives: The facilitator will be asking situations that will be answered by the group and will be
patterned to the situations occuring in the school and what would they do in case that happens
to them.
Processing 11:00-11:30

Lunch 11:30-1:00
Rationale: To have conversations with the members and a way to get to know more about each
Objectives: The participants should eat while their camera is on and they must engage in
conversations with one another and may play an online game and may practice for the talent

Ice breaker: Show me what I want 1:00-1:15

Rationale: To break the ice
Objectives: The facilitator will tell what he/she wants and the participants will show it to their
screen. The department with the most number of points will win.

Game (Charades type) c/o era 1:15-1:25

Objectives: Guess what they’re saying, 1 representative per group

Talk 3: Message (communication) c/o Ma Theressa Wong 1:25-1:55


Processing 1:55-2:05 c/o

Identity Circle & c/o (wong?) 2:05-3:05

Rationale: It is to test the honesty of the members of the executive branch and to release the
burdens they are carrying.
Objectives: This solemn activity will be participated by all the people present in the teambuilding.
One facilitator will ask series of questions that are both personal and sensitive. The participants
will raise their finger in front of the screen if they can relate to the questions asked. They may or
may not raise their finger as they wish. For the burden identifier, the participants will be
blindfolded and facilitators will each say a short monologue about the burdens a person could
experience. After that, the group will be divided into smaller groups and they will discuss their
burdens in order to release them.
Materials needed: Candle background sa zoom, Sad music, earphones

Kamustahanay 3:05-3:10

Icebreaker or game (blank) 3:10-3:25

Rationale: to break the ice and uplift people

TALK 3: My Lasallian Leadership Journey c/o (nang gel?) 3:45-4:15

Rationale: It is to be able to share the experiences of being a Lasallian Student Leader and how
it helped the speakers to become successful.
Objectives: Depends on the speaker.

Talent Show 4:15-4:45

Rationale: To showcase the creativeness of the members

Oath taking 4:45-5:00

Announcements 5:00-5:05

Closing 5:05-5:10
6 groups

Proposed Games:
Bucket list
Paint me a picture
Ang dw “Sexy butiki” na bala hahaha
More promise TBA

Add time for reflect after every act
Chagne time for intro of big 4 and cab members

Need to get to know more of the members


Groups (must have same color of shirt)

*things needed for share screen (2 copies) 1 ky andrea, 1 ton

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