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4)Statement of purpose/introduction/objective

This experiment is about studying about relationship between stress and

strain on different materials of specimen.To perform this experiment
material such as brass and copper of specimen is tested to identify stress
and strain on this material and force is being observed.The objective of
the experiment is to understand principle of tensile testing.

At this experiment we use two different specimen such as brass

and copper.We do this experiment is to understand concept of tensile
testing.For the first material specimen that we test is brass,specimen is
add between gripping heads in vertical position.For the first 1mm
extension specimen is extend by every 0.1mm and observe force at force
display,if above 1mm extension specimen is extend by every
0.2mm.Record the force until it fracture.In my observation and result at
ultimate tensile strength where higher force is apply brass specimen start
necking and it shown brittle fracture with a loud sound.Force also start
decrease until it completely fracture.

Another material of specimen that we test is copper.We do same

procedure as brass specimen where we insert specimen in vertical
position between gripping heads.Record the force until it fracture.In my
observation after ultimate tensile strength force is start decreasing and
specimen of copper start necking and shown ductile fracture.Reduction of
area also being observed.As comparison that we get loud sound of
fracture of material brass is louder than copper.In conclusion specimen of
brass is stronger than specimen of copper because required more force.
1. Title page
2. Summary/abstract
3. Statement of purpose/introduction/objective
4. Theory
5. Equipment/description of experimental apparatus/procedure
6/7 Data and observations
8. Discussions
9. Conlusions/References
Table of contenst

Values of force that we obtain from experiment are presented in
the table and arranged in specific cell according to type of material of
specimen. All the data that we calculate stress and strain is presented in
the graphs.According to graphs of brass, yield strength is lower than
copper.It means we cannot extend further before it reach plastic
region.Values of elengotaion percentage of brass is lower than copper.On
graphs specimen of copper it shown ductility properties where elongation
percentage is higher than brass.At the end we find that copper is more
elasticity than brass that can be easily being shaped and shown
mechanical properties.

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