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500 : The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were
c. 9000 : The development of agriculture.
c. 3500 : A number of small cities, centres of the
400 : Hippocrates, the father of Medicine
world’s first civilisation, appeared
showed that diseases have natural
in Sumer, the lower part of the Tigris-
Euphrates Valley (present Iraq).
399 : Socrates was forced to commit suicide by
c. 3500 : The Sumerians invented the first form of
drinking hemlock, a poison.
writing. It was later simplified to produce
wedge-shaped cuneiform writing, which 44 : Julius Caesar of Rome was assassinated.
spread throughout the Middle East. 27 : Augustus became the first Roman em-
c. 2500 : The Pyramids and Great Sphinx were built peror.
in Giza, Egypt. 4 : Birth of Jesus Christ.
c. 2500 : The Indus Valley civilisation began to AD
flourish in the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and 1 : The Chinese invented paper.
Harappa in what is now Pakistan.
250 : The Mayans developed an advanced civi-
c. 2500 : The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Epic of lization in Central America and Mexico.
Creation, the oldest epic poems in world
313 : Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which
literature, were written in Mesopotamia.
granted freedom of worship to Christians of
c. 2500-1100: The Minoan civilisation on the island the Roman Empire.
of Crete rose and fell.
395 : The Roman Empire split into the East Ro-
2300s : Sargon of Akkad conquered the Sumerians man, or Byzantine Empire and the West
and united all Mesopotamia under his rule, Roman Empire.
creating the world’s first empire.
300 : The Ghana Empire, the first great black
c. 1792-1750 : Babylonia flourished under King empire in Western Africa, existed as a trad-
Hammurabi. ing state.
c. 1700 : Code of Hammurabi, one of the first law 570 : Birth of Prophet Muhammad, the founder
codes, was drawn up. of Islam.
c.1500-1000:The Aryans of central Asia came to In- 610 : Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, began
dia. preaching.
c. 1400 : The making of iron began. 622 : Muhammad, prophet of Islam, fled from
776 : The first recorded Olympic Games were Mecca to Medina. His flight, called the
held in Greece. Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic
c. 550 : Cyrus the Great established the Persian calendar.
Empire. 750 : The Abbasids became the Caliphs of
509 : The people of Rome revolted against their the Islamic world.
Etruscan rulers and established a repub- 800 : Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, ruler
lic. of the Franks, emperor of the Romans.

988 : Vladimir I converted the Russians to 1858 : Great Britain took over the rule of India
Christianity. from the East India Company after the In-
1054 : Rivalries between the church in Rome and dian Revolt.
the church in Constantinople resulted in 1869 : The Suez Canal opened.
their separation as the Roman Catholic
1871 : Germany became united under the Prus-
Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches,
sian king, who ruled the new empire as
Kaiser Wilhelm I.
1110 : The Chinese invented the magnetic com-
1901 : Trans-Siberian Railway opened. Marconi
sends first wireless message. Sweden
1279 : The Mongols gained control of all China.
awards first Nobel Prizes.
1300s : The Renaissance began in Italy.
1902 : First Siamese twins Barnam and Bailey cir-
1400-1450s : The first book printed in Europe with cus twins separated. Thomas Alva Edison
movable type appeared in the mid-1400s. invents a new electrical storage battery. Lon-
1453 : The Ottoman Turks captured Constanti- don School of Economics and Political Sci-
nople (Istanbul) and overthrew the Byz- ence opened. ‘Cedric’, the world largest ship
antine Empire. (21,000 tons) built. First Trans-Atlantic tel-
1492 : Columbus discovered America. egraph message sent.

1498 : Vasco da Gama discovered sea route to 1903 : Marie Curie becomes the first woman to
India. win a Nobel Prize (Physics). Wilber and
Orville Wright fly their ‘Flyer’ at Kitty
1500s : The Reformation led to the birth of
Protestantism. Hawk, North Carolina.

1519-1521: Ferdinand Magellan commanded the first 1904 : Henry Royce produces first motor car, a
globe-circling voyage, completed in 1522 10hp 2-cylinder model.
after his death. 1905 : Frenchman Alfred Binet invents intelli-
1526 : Babar, a Muslim prince, invaded India and gence tests. Albert Einstein says time and
founded the Mughal Empire. speed are relative. Norwegian explorer
Roald Amundsen lands at Alaska and
1543 : Nicolas Copernicus proposed that the sun
finds magnetic pole.
was the centre of the universe.
1906 : “HMS Dreadnought”, world’s most pow-
1588 : The Royal Navy of England defeated the
Spanish Armada, establishing England as erful ship, built. SOS (Save our Souls)
a great naval power. adopted as international distress signal. First
submarine, UI, enters service.
1776 : The 13 American colonies adopted the Dec-
laration of Independence, establishing the 1907 : Finland becomes the first to elect women
United States of America. as MPs. Robert Baden Powell forms Boy
Scout Movement. Establishment of
1789 : The French Revolution began.
Kuomintang by Sun Yat-sen. World’s first
1815 : Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in the
working helicopter made.
Battle of Waterloo, ending his attempt to rule
Europe. 1908 : Solid helium developed by Dutch scien-
tists. Professor Albert Einstein presents

his ‘Quantum’ theory of light. Jack Communist Party. Tzar Nicholas II and his
Jackson (USA) is the first Negro to be- family massacred.
come world heavyweight champion. 1919 : Atoms ‘split’ by artificial means for the first
1909 : London’s new direct 7,000 mile telegraphic time by Professor Ernest Rutherford. First
link with India opened. Colour films are nonstop flight across the Atlantic by
screened in public for the first time in Alcock and Brown. Treaty of Versailles
Brighton. North Pole conquered by US signed. First World War ends. Germany de-
Commander Robert E. Peary. clared a republic (Weimar).
1910 : First pure sample of radium isolated by 1920 : League of Nations inaugurated. The Inter-
Marie Curie. Death of Leo Tolstoy. national Court of Justice set up at Hague.
1911 : First wireless messages from the air. King
1921 : First BCG vaccine given in France.
George V crowned “King of the United
Kingdom and Emperor of India”. World’s 1922 : Arms conference in Washington agrees
first official airmail flight between Bamrauli to outlaw the use of gas in warfare. BBC
and Naini (India). Beginning of the the formed. Free state of Ireland created.
Chinese Revolution that ended 1000
1923 : Turkey declared a Republic.
years of imperial rule. Sun Yat-sen be-
comes the first president of the Chinese 1924 : Bacillus causing rabies isolated by the Pas-
Republic. Second Nobel Prize awarded to teur Institute, Paris. Edwin Hubble discov-
Marie Curie. Ronald Amundsen reaches ers the unknown boundaries of the Milky
South Pole. Way.
1912 : Titanic, world’s biggest ship sinks in 1925 : John Logie Baird perfects television.
North Atlantic.
1926 : Abdul Aziz ibn Saud proclaimed King of the
1913 : Grand Central Station, New York, world’s Hejaz who named his country Saudi Arabia.
largest railway station, opened. Neil Bo-
hr’s quantum theory of the structure of 1927 : The Jazz Singer, the first talkie, made. First
atoms published. Thomas Edison invents solo non-stop flight between New York
a telephone recorder. Noguchi isolates the and Paris made by Charles Lindbergh.
virus of rabies. 1928 : Germ killing mould discovered by Alex-
1914 : Cancer treated with radium successful. ander Fleming, London. Stalin’s First Five
Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, the Year Plan.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and his wife
1929 : Wall Street crash, the biggest financial
shot and killed in Sarajevo by a student,
crisis of the century.
Garvilo Princip. It served as a catalyst for
World War I. 1930 : Pluto, the 9th planet, discovered by
1917 : Russian Revolution. Russia became a re- Claude Tombaugh. First modern compu-
public. Bolsheviks came to power in Rus- ter designed by Vannevar Bush and his
sia. team.
1918 : US President Wilson enumerates his 14 1931 : Thomas Alva Edison dies.
points. Moscow is made the new capital
1932 : Chadvick discovers the neutron.
of Russia. Bolsheviks become the Russian
1933 : Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader, becomes Chancel-

lor of Germany. 1956 : Non Alignment Movement founded.
1936 : Spanish Civil War begins. Germany’s 1957 : Agatha Christie’s Mousetrap performs its
“People’s Car” – Volkswagen – launched. 1,998th performance. Russia launches a
man-made satellite, Sputnik-1.
1938 : Walt Disney’s first feature-length cartoon,
1958 : US enters space arena, launching Ex-
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
1939 : Spanish Civil War comes to an end. Pact of
1959 : Dalai Lama, fleeing from Tibet reaches In-
Steel between Italy and Germany. World
dia and finds sanctuary. Pictures of the dark
War II begins.
side of the moon sent back by Lunik III.
1941 : Birth of modern commercial television. 1960 : Sirimavo Bandaranaike sworn in as the
The Japanese attack Pearl Harbour, world’s first woman Prime Minister in Sri
bringing USA into World War II. Lanka. John F. Kennedy elected president
1944 : DNA discovered. Bretton Woods Confer- of USA– youngest man and first Roman
ence. Catholic to be elected.
1945 : Mussolini killed by Italian partisans Hit- 1961 : Inter-planetary space station launched by
ler commits suicide. 50 nations sign the USSR. Soviet Union’s Yuri Gagarin, be-
World Security Charger to establish UN. comes the first man to fly in space. Alan
UN Charter signed by 50 countries. Shephard Jr. becomes the first American
Postdam Conference. Little Boy, a Ura- in Space. East Germans erect a five foot
nium-235 fission bomb, dropped over wall (Berlin Wall). UN Secretary-General
Japanese city Hiroshima, explodes, 570 Dag Hammarskjöld killed in an aircrash.
mts. above ground, instantly killing over 1962 : John Glenn becomes the first American
70,000. A 22-kiloton plutonium 239 bomb, to orbit Earth in ‘Mercury’.
Fat Man, dropped over Nagasaki, ex-
1963 : Valentina Tereshkova (USSR) becomes
plodes 510 mts above ground, killing
first woman in space. Martin Luther
40,000 immediately. The International
King’s immortal “I have a dream speech”.
Monetary Fund and the World Bank are
US President John F.Kennedy assassi-
1946 : Paris Peace Conference.
1965 : Singapore recedes from Malaysia to be-
1947 : IMF begins operations. come an independent state.
1948 : GATT enters into force. New state of Is- 1966 : Luna 9 of USSR makes the first soft lunar
rael proclaimed. landing.
1952 : King George VI of UK dies and Elizabeth 1967 : Apollo I cabin bursts at the Kennedy
II becomes Queen. Artificial heart used Space Centre launch pad killing three.
for the first time in USA. A non-violent
1968 : Martin Luther King assassinated.
campaign against apartheid begins in
South Africa. 1969 : Arafat head of PLO. Anglo-French super-
1953 : China’s five-year plan begins. Hammarskjöld sonic airline Concorde introduced. Neil
sworn in as UN Secretary- General. Mount Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin become the
Everest conquered by Edmund Hillary and first men to set foot on the moon.
Tensing Norway. 1970 : Kingdom of Cambodia becomes the
Khmer Republic.

1971 : Vietnam War comes to an end (57,000 onstrate for democratic rights. Chinese
Americans lost their lives). Mujibur troops storm Tienanmen Square and
Rehman declares Bangladesh indepen- crush the pro-democracy campaign. Aya-
dent. Marines-9 orbits Mars (first space- tollah Khomeini dies. Demolition of Ber-
craft to do so). lin Wall. Velvet Revolution in Czechoslo-
1973 : Agreement ending Vietnam War signed. vakia.
1974 : U.S President Nixon resigns following the 1990 : New Zealander, Richard Hadlee, becomes
Watergate Scandal. Gerald Ford takes over. the first cricketer to take 400 test wickets.
Nelson Mandela freed after 27 years in
1975 : Japan’s Junko Tabei becomes first women
prison. Iraq invades Kuwait. UN imposes
to scale Everest. Army coup in Bangla-
embargo on Iraq. Unification of Germany.
desh. Mujibur Rehman killed.
Formal end of Cold War.
1977 : Coup in Pakistan; Bhutto deposed; Gen.
1991 : Gulf War. Warsaw Pact disbanded. Ku-
Zia-ul-Haq takes over.
wait fully liberated. Khaleeda Zia ap-
1978 : Louise Brown, the first test tube baby, born pointed first woman Prime Minister of
in UK. Bangladesh. Formal end to the Soviet
1979 : Z.A. Bhutto executed. Margaret Thatcher Union. Commonwealth of Independent
becomes first woman Prime Minister of Brit- states formed.
ain. SALT II agreement signed by Jimmy 1992 : Earth Summit in Rio.
Carter and the Soviet leaders.
1993 : Bill Clinton new US President. Netherlands
1981 : The reusable Space Shuttle Columbia becomes the first country to sanction
launched. TGV, world’s fastest train, makes mercy killings. Allan Border betters
its inaugural run from Paris to Lyons. Gavaskar’s record (10,122 runs). Sri Lankan
1982 : Russia’s Venus-13 lands on Venus. President Ranasinghe Premadasa assassi-
1984 : Dorjei conquers the Everest without oxy- nated. USA’s Strategic Defense Initiative
gen. (SDI) stopped. Maastricht Treaty on Eu-
ropean Union comes into effect.
1985 : The Rainbow Warrior, flagship of ecological
group Greenpeace, sinks after explosion in 1994 : End of Apartheid in South Africa. The
Auckland. comet Shoemaker Levy 9 smashes into Ju-
1986 : US Space Shuttle Challenger explodes af-
ter takeoff, killing seven astronaut. Soviet 1995 : WTO comes into effect. Austria, Finland
Union’s Mir Space Station launched. and Sweden become new members of EU.
Nuclear leak in Chernobyl power station. Kobe earthquake in Japan kills 4,700
Ann Bancroft becomes first woman to people. DNA code of living organisms deci-
reach North Pole. phered.
1988 : Pakistan President General Zia-ul-Haq 1996 : Gary Kasparov wins chess series against
killed in an air crash. India quells inva- IBM computer Deep Blue. Arafat be-
sion of Maldives by sea-borne group. comes President of Palestinian Author-
George Bush elected President of USA. ity.
1989 : Ranasinghe Premadasa becomes Presi- 1997 : British scientists clone a sheep (Polly). Hale
dent of Sri Lanka. Students in Beijing dem- Bopp comet comes closest to earth (200

326 Labour Party wins polls in Britain; the German Novelist, Günter Grass.
Tony Blair becomes Prime Minister. Chemi- : China celebrates the 50th anniversary of
cal weapons convention takes effect. Brit- Communist rule
ain hands back Hong Kong to China. Mars
: Army takes over in Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif
Pathfinder sends pictures of Mars. Diana,
sacked and confined to House.
Princess of Wales killed in a car accident.
: World population turns 6 billion.
1998 : Myanmar celebrates its 50th anniversary
of independence. Pope John Paul II visits : The US formally transfers the control over
Cuba. the Panama Canal to Panama.
: Sri Lanka celebrates its 50th anniversary 2000 : Ananova, the world’s first virtual news-
of independence. Communist Manifesto reader, makes her debut on the internet at
completes 150 years of publication. US
scientists produce the world’s first cloned : At the NPT conference in the United Na-
Calf named Mr. Jefferson. tions, USA, Russia, France, Britain and
: James Cameron’s Titanic wins 11 Oscar China pledge to eliminate atomic weap-
awards. ons, without setting a time table.
: India conducts five nuclear tests (three on : An e-mail virus I Love You created by a
11th May and two on 13th May 1998). Filipino creates wide spread damage to
Pakistan conducts six nuclear test (5 on computer systems across the world.
28th May and one on 30th May 1998). : Fiji’s President declares a state of emer-
: France win World Cup Football. gency after a group of gunmen led by
George Speight seize the nation’s first eth-
: Jose Saramago, the Portuguese novelist
nic Indian Prime Minister, Mahendra Pal
win 1998 Nobel prize for literature.
Chaudhry and his Cabinet colleagues and
Amartya Sen of India wins 1998 Nobel
MPs as hostages.
Prize for Economics. John Glenn, 77, the
oldest man in space. : The North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il and
the South Korean President, Kim Dae
1999 : Twelve European countries launch single
Jung meet at the North Korean capital
currency, the Euro.
Pyongyang. They decide to work for the
: The South African Parliament elects unification of the Korean Peninsula.
Thabo Mbeki, the country’s new Presi-
: The two-day G-15 summit begins in Cairo
(Egypt). It has now 19 members with the
: The US space shuttle, Columbia, blasts inclusion of Columbia and Iran.
off under the first woman commander
: The International Space Station linked up
Eileen Collins, after two failed attempts.
smoothly with the Russian-made Zvezda
: The former New Zealand Prime Minister, control module. Zvezda is the first mod-
Mike Moore, takes over as the head of the ule built solely by Russians.
World Trade Organisation.
: George Speight, the leader of the coup
: S.R. Nathan, sworn in as Singapore’s sixth in Fiji, is arrested.
: The US astronomers announce that they
: The 1999 Nobel Prize for Literature goes to have detected 10 new planets outside the

solar system. It brings the total number of elected to the Senate.
planets circling other stars, so-called : Margaret Atwood of Canada wins the
exoplanets, to 50.
coveted Booker Prize 2000 for her novel,
: British Airways suspends Concorde The Blind Assassin.
: Netherlands becomes the first country to
: Carl Banks, the Disney Illustrator and crea- legalise euthanasia, (the mercy killing).
tor of Donald Duck passes away.
: Nawaz Sharif pardoned off and exiled to
: Tuvalu, a Pacific island state admitted to Saudi Arabia.
the United Nations as its 189th member in
: George W. Bush declared elected as the 43rd
its first session of the New Millennium in
New York (USA). President of United States.

: French voters approve a referendum on 2001 : The 15-year-old Mir Space Station aban-
shortening the Presidential term to five doned
years. : ANDi the world’s first genetically modi-
: Russia recognises Yugoslav opposition fied monkey, created.
leader, Vojislav Kostunica’s, historic presi- : The radical Islamic Taliban regime in Af-
dential election victory over Slobodan ghanistan demolishes two huge statues
Milosevic. of the Buddha at Bamiyan.
: Sirimavo Bandaranaike, the world’s first : Dennis Tito of the United States becomes
elected woman Prime Minister, passes the first person to tour the space.
: Denise Quinones August chosen as the
: Gao Xingjian, a dissident Chinese novel- 50th Miss Universe at a function in
ist and playwright settled in France who
Bayamon in Puerto Rico.
left China in 1987 to settle in France, wins
the Nobel Prize for Literature for 2000 for : The Organisation of African Union (OAU)
his work that has opened new paths for becomes African Union (AU).
the Chinese novel and drama. : Gen. Pervez Musharraf takes over as the
: Kim Dae Jung, South Korean President, President of Pakistan.
selected for the 2000 Nobel Peace Prize : United Nations (UN) Secretary General
for his work towards peace and reconcili- and V.S. Naipaul win the Nobel Prize For
ation with North Korea that led to a peace and Literature respectively for 2001.
ground breaking summit with his North
Korean counterpart. 2002 : Euthanasia or mercy killing comes into
force in Netherlands.
: The Guinness Book of World Records,
: Robert Mugabe elected President of
sets a new record of its own selling seven
million copies of its first edition of the
new century. : Xanana Gusmao, the independence leader
of East Timor, elected President of the is-
: Hillary Clinton, wife of US President Bill
land nation.
Clinton, wins the US Senate seat from New
: Mark Shuttleworth of South Africa be-
York. Thus, she becomes the first wife of
a President in American history to be comes the second space tourist.

: Switzerland becomes the 190th member : The Iraqi special Tribunal holds the first
of UNO. hearing in the trial of Saddham Hussian.
: Hamid Karzai elected President of Af- : Afghanistan holds its first ever presiden-
ghanistan. tial election.
: The International criminal Court (ICC) : Scientists discover a new tiny species of
starts functioning in the Hague (Nether- human that lived in Indonesia.
lands) : Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat dies in
: The UN Earth Summit held in Johannes- Paris.
burg (South Africa) 2005 : NASA’s unmanned. Probe Deep Impact
: East Timor joins as the 191st member of collided with the comet Tempel-1 on June
the United Nations. 3, 2005.
: The 17th Commonwealth Games held in G-8 Summit was held at Gleneagles, Re-
Manchester (U.K) sort, Scotland on July 6-8, 2005
: The 14th Asian Games held in Busan
: Muhammed Abbas is sworn in as Pales-
(South Korea) tinian Authority President.
: Miss Asra Akin crowned as Miss World.
: Taiwan and China agree Temporarily lift
: SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Taipe’s five - decade ban on direct flights
Syndrome) outbreak in China and spreads between the two rivals.
all over world killing thousands. : Former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafikal-
2003 : The space shuttle Columbia perished in Hariri is assassinated in a car bombing in
space. Seven astronauts including central Beirut close to the harbour.
Dr. Kalpana Chawla died (February). : The trial of pop star Michael Joseph
: The USA and Britain jointly launch Jackson gets underway in Santa Maria
Operation Iraqi Freedom to liberate Iraq over a year since his arrest on charges of
from Sadam Hussain, who build up weap- child molestation.
ons of mass destruction. : American aviator Steve Fosset completes
2004 : Spirit and Opportunity land on Mars. the first solo fight around the world with-
: 28th Summer Olympics was held in Ath- out refuelling and lands his jet plane in
ens in Greece. The USA secured first Salina Kansas.
place, China stood at second. India won : Israel open the world’s largest Holocast
only one silver. museum on Mount Herzi in Jerusalem to
commemorate the six million Jews exter-
: Bomb attacks on four Madrid commuter
minated by the Nazis.
trains kill 191 and injure hundreds more
: Jalal Talabani is sworn in Iraqi President
: Photos of US soldiers allegedly abusing
making him the first non-Arab head of an
Iraqi detainees in Abu Gharaib prison
Arab nation. Shia leader Irabhim Jaafari
is nominated as the Prime Minister.
: A team of Russian scientists and another
: Pope John Paul II, the ‘‘Peoples Pope’’ or
of US scientists report the discovery of
the ‘‘Travelling Pope’’ is laid to rest in
two new chemical elements. These are el-
the cryst of St. Peters Baslica in Vatican.
ements 113, given the temporary name
Ununtrium (Uut) and element 115 desig- : Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany is
nated Ununpentium (Uup) elected 265 th Pope and is to be known as
Benedict XVI.

: Albanian poet and novelist Ismail Kadare : Lakshmi Mittal’s 18.6 billion euro takeo-
is named the winner of the Man Booker ver bid for Arcelor is blocked by a change
International Prize, a brand new laurel for in Luxemburg corporate law.
the world’s finest writers. : Solar eclipse observe in Turkey.
: Kuwaits first woman Prime Minister : Kavya Vishwanathan’s novel ‘How Opal
Maasuma al Mubarak, takes out in Parlia- Mehta Got kissed, Got wild and got a Life’
ment. being recalled from store shelves, after
: Junichiro Koizumi is re-elected as Japa- she admits copying passages fr om
nese Primier by the new House of Repre- another book.
sentatives at a special session in Tokyo. : Britain replaces US as the publisher of
: The IAEA and its chief Muhammed El most new books in English.
Baradei get the Nobel Peace Prize for their : Earthquake measuring 6.2 rocks
work in Stopping the spread of nuclear Yogyakarta in Java killing about three
weapons. thousand as per first reports.
: The Dhaka Declaration decides to set up : J.K. Rowling voted the greatest living
a SAARC Poverty Alleviation Fund and British writer in a survey, followed by
to declare 2006 - 2015 the SAARC decade Terry Pratchett, Ian Mcewan, Salman
of Poverty Alleviation. Rushdie, Kazuo Ishiguro and Philip Pull-
: The world’s first facial transplantation is man.
done on a French woman Isabella Dinoire : World’s oldest tortoise Harriet dies at 176
in Amiens. years in Australia.
2006 : US space probe ‘Stardust’ returns to : Montenegro becomes the 192th member
earth carrying precious samples of dust of United Nations
from stars and comets. : Qinghai - Tibet railway the world’s high-
: Chile elects Michaelle Bachelet to be its est and longest highland railway becomes
first woman President. operational.
: NASA launches the first space mission : First world summit of religious leaders in
to Pluto, as the New Horizons spacecraft Moscow is attended by 200 representa-
is hurled on a 9-year 4.5 b - KM journey. tives from 40 countries.
: 35th summit of World Economic Forum : Italy beats France 5-3 to win World Cup
opens, in Davos, Switzerland. Football.
: French actress Eva Green chosen as the : Kiran Desai wins the Booker Prize.
new James Bond girl. : Bhutan’s king Jigme Singye Wangchuk
: Jamaica to have Portia Simpson Miller as abdicates the throne after a 34 year reign
Prime Minister, the first woman head of in favour of his son crown prince Jigme
the state. Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk.

: Oscar award announced : ‘Crush’ is the : The former Iraqi President Saddam
best film, Philip Seymour Hoffman - best Hussein is hanged to death in Baghdad
for the 1982 killing of 148 persons of Dujail
actor, Reese Witherspoon - best actress
town, three years after being captured by
and Ang Lee - Best Director.
the US forces.

World History
Pre-Historic Period  They ate raw flesh and wild fruits and vegetables.
They had no idea of agriculture. They belonged
 The Pre-historic period is divided into four dis- to the Negrito race.
tinct periods.  Paleolithic men led a nomadic life, ie, wandering
Paleololithic Period (Old Stone Age) 5,000,000 - from one place to another.
10,000 BC  Neolithic Age means the New Stone Age.
Mesolithic Period (Late Stone Age) 10,000 – 4000  People learnt the art of cultivation and the
BC Neolithic Age was the food producing stage.
Neolithic period (New stone Age) 6000 – 1000 BC  They started using polished and sharp stone
Chalcolithic Period (Metal Age) implements.
 The earliest known primate (Plesiandapis) ap-  Man began to domesticate animals during the
peared on the earth towads 70,000,000 BC. Neolithic Age. Dog was the first animal domesti-
 The possible ancestor of hominids (Proconsul) cated by man.
appeared in East Africa towards 20,000,00 BC  Wheat and Barley were the earliest cereals grown
by man.
 Australopithecus was the first hominids on the
earth, which appeared in East Africa towards  ‘Potters Wheel’ was invented in the Neolithic Age.
3,700,000 BC.  Paleolithic Age is known as the ‘Age of Hunters’
 Homohabilis was the first hominid tool maker, while the Neolithic Age is known as the ‘Age of
which appeared in Africa towards 2,100,000 BC. Farmers’.
 Most polished weapon of the Neolithic Age was
 Zinjanthropus, which was found in the Great
the ‘Stone axe’.
Rift Valley of Central Africa, is considered to be
the earliest in the human species.  Man discovered the use of jute and began to use
cloth made of jute during the Neolithic period.
 ‘Java Man’ existed some seven lakh years ago in
Java and ‘Peking Man’ who existed some three  Early men started the settled life in the Neolithic
lakh years ago excavated from Peking in China period.
are some humans of the Paleolithic Period.  Earliest human villages appeared towards 6000BC
in Egypt and Mesopotamia.
 Most famous Paleolithic man was the
Neandarthal Man who was discovered from  The Barter system of exchange came into prac-
Germany. tice during the Neolithic period.
 Cromagnan (France) and Grimaldi (Itali) men be-  Family life also began during the Neolithic Age.
longed to the Middle Stone Age.  The concept of ‘State’ also originated during the
 Paleolithic people used tools and implements Neolithic period.
made of rough stone.  Chalcolithic Age is known as the Metal Age.
 First metal used by man was copper

 Copper was first used to make ornaments and
 The period when man began to use Bronze tools
and weapons is known as Bronze Age.
 The period when man began to use iron is known
as Iron Age.


 People living in Africa, Arabia, India, Malaysia,
Australia and Tansania belonged to the Negroid
 ‘Pigmies’ seen in Africa, South East Asia and
Indonesia is a subgroup of the Negroids. Hieroglyphics
 Majority of modern Human race belonged to the
Mongloid race.
 Phoeniseans were considered as the originators
 People living in Japan, China, Indonesia, Formosa
of the modern pattern of writing.
Tibet etc belonged to the Mongloid race.
 People lived in Ancient Egypt belonged to the SUMERIAN OR MESOPOTAMIAN
Hemitic race. CIVILIZATION (3000 -1600 BC)
 Ancient Babilonians, Hebrews, Phoenesians,  Sumerian civilisation flourished on the banks of
Arabs etc belonged to the Semitic race. rivers Euphrates and Tigris later came to be
 Semitic, Hemitic and Indo-Europeans are the sub- known as Mesopotamian civilisation
groups of the Caucasoid race.  The word Mesopotamia means land between riv-
ORIGIN OF LANGUAGES AND WRITING  The name Mesopotamia was given by the Greeks.
 Man began to speak meaningfully during the  The area where Mesopotamian civilisation existed
Neolithic Period. belonged to modern Iraq.
 English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Greek,  The northern part of Mesopotamia was known as
Russian, Persian, Sanskrit and American lan- Assiria and southern part was known as
guages belonged to the Indo-European or Aryan
language group  The first dynasty in the world was established at
Ur in Sumeria in 3000 BC.
 Hebrew, Arabic, Abyssenian early Assirian and
Phoenesian languages belonged to the Semitic
group of languages. CUNIEFORM WRITING
 Languages spoken by the people lived around The Sumerians are credited with the invention
Mediterranean sea were of the Hemitic group. of a distinctive system of writing known as
Cunieform. They wrote on clay tablets using
 Lapis, Finnish, Magyar,Tartar, Manchu, Mongol
wedge shaped letters. The name Cunieform was
etc, belonged to the Turanean group of lan-
originated from the Latin word ‘cuneus’ which
means wedge. The Cunieform script was
 Egyptians were the first to use Phonetic writing. desciphered by Henry Rawlinson.
 The early writing of the Egyptians were known as

 Ur, Urukh, Lagash, Uma, Nippor were the major ciple of ‘‘an eye for eye and tooth for a tooth’’.
cities of the Sumerians.  Babilonian people invented water clock and sun-
 The Sumerian Empire declined towards BC 2650 dial to know the time.
due to the attack of the Accadians.
 Assirians were credited for the invention of the
 The chief architect of the Acadian empire was system of dividing a circle into 360 degrees.
 Mesopotamian civilisation is also known as the
 Dungi was the most important ruler of the
‘melting pot of civilisation’.
 The writing system of the Sumerians was known Egyptian Civilisation (3000 BC -
as Cunieform.
 Mesosoptamian seals throw light on the trade
1750 BC)
relation between the Indus people and the  Egyptian civilisation flourished on the banks of
Sumerians. Nile river.
 The Mesopotamians invented wheel and glass-  Egyptian kings were known as ‘Pharoh’
ware.  ‘Pharoh’ means one who lives in a mansion.
 Mesopotamian civilization is considered to be the  ‘Hyksus’ were a semetic group of people who
world’s first urban civilisation. captured Egypt towards BC 1750.
 Mesopotamians discovered the system of Geom-  Egyptian Queen Hatsheput is considered as the
etry. It was later called ‘‘Pythagorus Theorem’’. first women ruler of the world.
 A Lunar Calendar based on the Moon was one  Ramses III is considered as the last of great
of the major achievements of the Sumerians. Pharohs of Egypt.
 Mesopotamians were worshippers of multi Gods.  Egyptians were the first to invent a solar calen-
 Their major God was the Sky God ‘Anu’. dar having 365 days with 12 months of 30 days
 Mesopotamians were the first to invent the sys- each.
tem of Multiplication.  Egyptian Sun God
 Empires, water supply system, use of gold and was known as
silver for transaction, code of laws, libraries, edu- ‘Ra’ or ‘Re’.
cational centres, poetry, literature, sculpture, pal-  Osiris was the
aces, arches, pillars, domes, slavery, autocracy Goddess of truth
imperialism etc first originated in Sumeria. worshipped by the
 Hammurabi is known as the founder of Early Egyptians.
Babilonian  Preserved dead
Empire. bodies of the Mummies
 Hammurabi Egyptians were
was respon- known as ‘mummies’. Mummification shows their
sible for the in- belief in life after death.
troduction of a  Egyptians were responsible for the invention of
code of conduct Addition, Subtraction and Division.
to the  The word ‘Chemistry’ was originated from the
Mesopotamians. Egyptian language.
It was based
 Egyptian script was pictographic in nature. It was
on the prin- Hammurabi
known as Hierogliphics.

 The word Hierogliphic means sacred writing. It knots made in strings.
consisted of 24 signs. Vowels were not used. The  Paper was invented by the Chinese.
Egyptian alphabets were deciphered by
 Lao-Tse, Confucious and Mencious were the three
major Philosophers of ancient China.
 ‘‘The Great Temple of Abu Simbel’’ is known as
 Lao-Tse was the founder of the most important
the ‘‘Temple of the Rising Sun’’, since the rays
religion of China known as Taoism.
of the rising sun get into the temple.
 Lao-Tse is considered as the ‘‘Chinese Buddha’’
 Pyramids were the Tombs of Egyptian Pharohs.
 Confucianism was the new religion founded by
 First Pyramid was built about 2700 BC.
 Greatest of the Pyramids was the Great Pyramid
 Siesmograph and Gun Powder were also invented
at Giza built by Pharoh Khufu.
by the Chinese.
 Biggest of the temples built by the Egyptians was
 Tea was invented by the Chinese.
the temple at Karnak.
 Great Pyramid at Giza is the only survivor of the Persian Civilisation
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
 Persian Civilisation existed in modern Iran
 Earliest coins were believed to have used by the
Egyptians.  Persians belonged to the Indo-European race.
 Cyrus was the strongest of the Persian rulers.
Indus Valley Civilisation  Cyrus is considered as the founder of the Per-
 Indus Valley Civilisation was discovered as a re- sian Empire.
sult of the archaeological excavations carried out  Greatest of the Persian rulers was Darius I.
in 1920-22 at Mohenjodaro and Harappa (Both in  Darius I was responsible for the foundation of
Pakistan) by R D Banarjee and Dayaram Sahni. the ever largest empires of the world.
John Marshall was the Director General of the  The Greeco- Persian conflict began during the
Archaeological Survey of India at that time (more period of Darius I.
details are given in the Indian History part).
 The Battle of Marathon (BC 490) between the
Chinese Civilisation Persians and Athenians was led by Darius I.
 The writing of the Persians was Cunieform,
 Chinese Civilisation originated on the banks of adopted from the Mesopotamians.
river Hwang Ho.  The Persian priests were known as ‘Maji’.
 Shang dynasty was the first dynasty to rule China  The English word ‘Magician’ was originated from
from BC 1750-1125. the Persian word ‘Maji’.
 The Qin dynasty established China’s first strong
central government. Sphinx
 Chin ruler Shih Hwangti was responsible for the Sphinx was a mythological animal of the
construction of the Great Wall of China to pre- ancient Egyptians. It was
vent the Huna invasion. the largest of the Egyp-
tian statues. It has a hu-
 Shih Hwangti was the founder of Chin dynasty.
man head and the body
 The Great Wall is 1500 mile long and having 20 of a lion. It has 100 feet
feet breadth and 20 feet height. length and 70 feet height.
 Early communication of the Chinese was done by

 Zorastrianism (Persian religion) was founded by  Herodotus who, wrote
Zorathushtrar. about the Persian war
 The Parsies of India believe in Zorastrianism. was a Greek historian.
 Ahuramazda is the God of the Zorastrian religion. He is considered as
 ‘Ahriman’ was considered as the evil spirit by the Father of History.
the Persians.  Demosthenese was a
 ‘Avesta’ (Zend Avesta) is the sacred book of world famous Greek
Zorastrianism. orator
 ‘Avesta’ is known as ‘Persian Bible’  Thales of Meletus is
considered as the fa-
Greek Civilisation ther of Greek Math-
 Greek Civilisation dates back to 800 BC
 Pythagoras who made Herodotus
 Greece is in the European continent.
great contributions in
 Greece is on the coast of Mediterranean sea. Geometry was a Greek.
 The civilisation existed in Greece, before the  Anaxagoras, Euclid etc were famous Greek Math-
Greeks was known as Aegean Civilization. ematicians.
 Early Greek immigrants were known as Ionians.  Hippocrates, who is considered as the father of
 Greeks were collectively known as Hellenes. Medical Science was a Greek.
Hence their civilization was known as Hellenis-  Leopold Van Ranke, a German historian is con-
tic Civilization. sidered as the father of Modern History.
 Homer, a blind poet, composed Greek epics ‘Illiad’  Thucydides another great Greek historian wrote
and ‘Odyssey’. the history of the Peloponnesian war between
 Homer lived in the 9th century BC. Athens and Sparta.
 Democracy was originated in Greece. Greek De-  Socrates the Greatest of the Greek philosphers
mocracy was direct democracy. was forced to commit suicide by drinking Hem-
lock a poison, in 399 BC.
 Greek Civilisation reached the Zenith of its
progress during the period of Pericles, a ruler of  Zantippee was the wife of Socrates.
Athens. His Age is considered as the ‘Golden  Plato was the student of Socrates.
Age of Athens. Under Pericles the city of Athens  Plato’s original name was Aristocles.
got the name ‘‘the School of Hellas’’.  Plato founded a university named ‘Academy’ in
 The civilisation of Greek city states is known as Athens.
‘Classical Civilisation’.  Republic was the famous work of Plato.
 Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebes, Mascedonia etc  Aristotle was the famous student of Plato.
were the major city states in Greece.  Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the Great.
 Pindar was a famous Greek Lyric Poet.  Aristotle founded a school named Lycium in Ath-
 Aesceles was the greatest of the Greek drama- ens.
tists, who wrote famous tragedies.  Aristotle is considered as the father of Biology,
 Greeks were the first to introduce Vowels in the Politics and the Science of Reasoning.
alphabet.  Aristotle was considered as a ‘Walking Univer-
 Euripides and Aristophenes were the other fa- sity’.
mous Greek dramatists.

 Hipparchus calculated the diameter of the Moon.  Punic Wars were fought between Rome and
 Erathosthenes calculated the circumference of the Carthage.
Earth.  Julius Caesar one of the prominent rulers of Rome
 The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia in was born in 102BC.
Greece in 776 BC.  Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44BC by Casius,
 The Roman Emperor Theo-dosius banned Olym- Brutus and other senators.
pics in 394 BC. (more details about Olypics could ‘‘I came, I saw, I conquered’’ His famous saying
be seen in sports and games portion)  Caesar modified the Old Calendar which had only
355 days, New Calendar came to be known as
Macedonian Empire Julian Calendar.
 Mascedonia was a Greek city state. It became a  Later this calendar was modified by Pope Grigory
prominent empire under its king Philip II (359 - XIII and came to be known as Grigorian Calen-
336 BC) dar.
 Alexander the Great, the son and successor of  ‘Caesarism’ means autocracy or imperial
Philip II, was born in 350 BC and became the ruler supermacy.
in 337 BC.  Constantine was the first Roman king who ac-
 Alexander defeated the Persian ruler Darius III. cepted Christianity.
 Alexander captured Egypt and founded the city  The city of Constantinople was founded by
of Alexandria there. Constantine.
 Alexander invaded India in 326 BC and defeated  Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453.
Porus, the ruler of Taxila.  The Greatest contribution of Romans to the world
 He died at the age of 33 in 323 BC at Babilonia. is their code laws.
 Ptolemy, a commander of Alexander is consid-  Vergil the author of ‘Aenid’ was famous Roman
ered as the Father of Cartography. poet.
 Archemedes the originator of the law of specific  Lucricius the author of ‘‘On the Nature of
gravity lived in the Hellenistic Age. Things’’ was famous Epicurian Philosopher.
 Pliny wrote the famous book ‘Historia Naturalis’
Roman Civilisation  Romans were the inventors of concrete and the
 Roman Civilisation developed on the banks of technique of binding stone and bricks.
river Tiber in Italy.  ‘‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’’ is a
 City of Rome was known as ‘‘City of Seven Hills’’. famous book written by Edward Gibbon.
 City of Rome was founded in BC 753 by two broth- Major Religions of the World
ers Romulas
and Romus. Judaism- Christianity - Islam
 The idea of  Judaism is one of the oldest religions of the world.
Republic origi-  Abraham is considered as the father of the Jews.
nated in Rome.  Jews are the believers of one God, Jehovah.
 ‘Senate’ was  Jews are the selected people of Jehovah
the Roman  Mosses is considered as the founder of Judaism.
Assembly of  Mosses freed Egypt from slavery and gave the
Elders Rome ‘‘Ten Commandments’’ at the Mount of Senai.

 Judaism is considered as the mother religion of testament.
Christianity and Islam.  ‘Revelation’ is the last book of Bible.
 ‘Thorah’ is the Sacred text of the Jews
 Tamil was the first Asian language in which Bible
 Thorah is included in the Old Testament of Bible. was printed (1715)
 The Hebrew word ‘Thorah’ means ‘to lead’ .  Ponthios Pelathos was the Roman Governor who
 Synagogue is the worshipping centre of the Jews. tried Jesus Christ.
 The White Jews Synagogue at Mattanchery in  Crusification of Christ was on a Friday, now it is
Cochin is a worshipping centre of Jews in Kerala. observed as ‘Good Friday’.
 Jarusalem was the famous pilgrim centre of the
Jews. Islam
 The worshipping centre in Jerusalem was con-
structed by King Solomon in BC 1000.  Hijas is known as the birthplace of Islam. The
Island which includes Hijas is known as the Is-
 It was destructed by the Babilonian king
Nebukanisar in 587 BC. land of Arabs.
 Jarusalem is an equally holy place for the Jews,  Ka aba was the ancient worshipping centre in
the Christians and the Muslims. Mecca.
 Muhammed Nabi was born in AD 570 in the
Christianity Khuraisi tribe in Mecca. His father was Abdulla
 Christianity was originated from Judaism. and mother was Amina.
 Jesus Christ was born in 4 BC at Bethlahem in  The Word Islam was originated from the root of
the small town of Nasreth in Galeleo. Aslama.
 King Herodos of Yuda was a contemporary of  Invisible forces which acts as per the directions
Jesus Christ. of the god are known as Malakku.
 Roman emperors Augustus and Thiberius Cae-  Khadeeja was the first to receive the message of
sar had direct contact to Jesus Christ. Muhammed.
 Those who believe in the life, death and resurrec-  Muhammed Nabi fled from the Mecca to Medina
tion of Jesus Christ came to be known as Chris- to escape from the Khuraisis on 24th September
tians. AD 622. This day is known as Hijra.
 Christianity was spread to Kerala by St. Thomas
 The followers who accompanied Muhammed to
Aposthel in 52 AD (Crangannore).
Medina are known as Muhajirs.
 Bible has four Gospels. They are the Gospels of
Mathews, Markose, Yohannan and Luckose.  He died on 8th June 632 AD at Medina.
 Christ was crusified by the Jews in 29 AD.  Ka’ aba was the first centre established in the
world worship Allah.
 Christ spoke in the Aramic Language which was
a mixture of Cyriac and Hebrew.  Koran, Hadis and Ijmah are the basis of Islamic
 Roman Emperor Constantine gave freedom to the law.
Roman Christians through his Milan Proclama-  Khalifa became the head of Islam after the death
tion (AD 313) of Muhammed.
 Theodosius proclaimed Christianity as state reli-  Abu Beker, Umar, Usman and Ali were the
gion. Khalifas.
 The word ‘Bible’ means book.  In 1924 Mustafa Kamal Pasha of Turkey abol-
 Bible is divided into two - Old Testament and New ished the title of Khalifa.

 Koran is the codification of revelations given  The Sun Temple at Cusco was a contribution of
through the Gabriel Angel to Muhammed. the Inca Civilization.
 It contains 114 chapters. It took 22 years to have  Red Indians were the aborginals of America. They
the complete revelations to Nabi. were named so by Columbus.
 Koran was codified in AD 633 during the period  Christopher Columbus discovered America in
of Khalifa Abu Beker. 1492.
 There are two divisions in Islam - Shias and  America derived its name from Americo Vespuci,
Sunnis. an Italian explorer.
 Shias are the followers of Ali.  Copper was the first metal used by Americans.
 Iran is the only Shia majority nation in the world.  Maize cultivation was the base of American
American Civilisation
 Mayan, Inca and Aztec are the main native Ameri-
African Civilisation
can civilisations flourished before the European  It is believed that human beings evolved in Af-
colonization of America. rica.
 First American Civilisation developed between  The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach
1000BC and 1000 AD. Africa.
 Mayan books written on the bark of trees were  City of Moro in Central Africa is known as
known as Codid. Berminhatam of Central Africa.
 Mayan Civilisation declined in the 15th century  First country formed in the western part of Africa
due to Spanish invasion. is Ghana. Ghana is also known as the ‘Gold
 Toltecs were another Amarindian people who Coast’.
developed their civilisation to the south of Mexi-  Islam spread to Africa in the 8th Century.
can plateau. They constructed pyramids like the  Vasco-da-Gama was the first European to reach
Egyptians. the Cape of Good Hope, the southern most tip of
 Floating Gardens built by the Aztecs were known Africa.
as Chinambus.  Bandus are the Negroes of Central and South
 Aztecs believed in the worships of serpents Africa. Bandu means humans.
(Snakes)  The dark skinned race of Africa are called Ne-
 The capital of Aztec was Tinochtitlans it was cap- groes.
tured by Spanish conquerors in 1519 AD, thus  Swahilis are the people living in the parts of Kenya
ended the Aztec Civilisation. and Tanzania. Zulus are the people living in South
 Most civilised of the Amarindian civilizations Africa, belonging to the Bandu family.
was the Inca, which developed in Peru (South
America) Middle Ages
 Inca was politically the most developed  The attack of Roman Empire and its destruction
Amarindian tribes. by the Barbarians in 455 AD marks the end of the
 Maize, Potato, Tomato, Pumpkin, Pineapple, ancient world and the beginning of Middle Ages.
Ground nuts, Guava, Tobacco, Cocaine etc were  The word Barbarian means uncultured.
made to use for the first time by the Inca people
 Early Middle Ages is known as ‘Dark Ages’. It
of Peru. ended up to the 11th century.

 Monasticism originated in Europe in the Middle  Pope John Paul II died on 2 April 2005.
Ages.  He belonged to Poland.
 In the 12th and 13th centuries there occurred sev-
 Pope Pius IX was the Pope who ruled the longest
eral wars between Christians and Muslims in Pal-
term (31 years)
estine. These battles are known as Crusades.
 Muslims became religiously intolerant due to the  John Paul II is the Pope with second longest term
Crusades. (26 years).
 Crusades resulted in the spread of Islam to Eu-  John Paul II was the first Pope to accept the
rope. Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin.
 Feudal System was first emerged in Europe.  John Paul II visited India twice (1986, 1999)
 The early name of feudalism was Clientage.  ‘‘Crossing the Threshold of Hope’’ ‘‘Gift and Mys-
 The word feudalism was originated from the word tery’’ ‘‘Roman Tryptych Meditations’’
‘fief’ or ‘fued’ which means land given to peas- ‘‘Rise up Let us Go’’, ‘‘Memory and Identity’’ are
ant. the books written by Pope John Paul II.
 The structure of feudal relationship was like a  Joseph Ratzinger of Germany who came to be
pyramid. King was on top of the pyramid and
known as Benedict XVI became the 265th Pope
slaves were at the bottom.
after the death of John Paul II.
 Feudalism came to an end towards AD 1000 by
the influence of christianity.  Benedict XVI is the second oldest pesson (78) to
become the Pope.
 Feudalism helped to control the autocratic rule of
kings in the Middle Ages  Oldest person to become the Pope was Clemant
 Guilds were th merchant organisations of Europe XII.
in the Middle Ages.  Benedict XVI was the Second German to become
 The University of Italy founded in 825 was the the Pope.
first University in Europe.  Latin Language is considered as theVehicle of
 Paris University was the first University in France. Medieval Culture.
 Oxford University was founded in 1163 AD and  Geofery Chaucer is considered as the father of
Cambridge in 1284. English Poetry.
 Aleson Richard was the first woman to become  ‘Canterbury Tales’ is the famous work of Chaucer.
the Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University.
 Christianity was responsibile for making the Bar- Joan of Arc
barians a civilised people.
 The Middle Age was a period of superstitions. It
 The Monastry of Monte Casino was founded by
St. Benedict. was common among the orthodox to accuse some-
one, especially young, beautiful and enterprising
 The word Catholic means
girls as witch and initiate legal proceding against
 Pope was the head of Me-
dieval Christian Church.  ‘The Court of Inquisition’ was meant for the trial
of those who are accused of as such.
 The silver jubilee celebra-
tions of the Pope John Paul  Heresy or the denial of religious principles was one of
II’s Pontification has been the most severe offences of the Middle Ages.
one of the longest in the  In the Hundred Years War which started in 1338
history of the Papacy cel- between England and France, France was losing
Pope John Paul II
ebrated in 2003.

frequently. There was nobody to lead France.  ‘The Last Sup-
Then Joan a shephered girl, with god’s revelation per’ a fresco in
met the king of France and got the permission to Milan, ‘The
lead the French army. She started her victorious Mona Lisa and
Journey by crashing the barricade of English the ‘Virgin and
Army in Orleans, in France. Thus she got the name the Child’ were
‘‘Maid of Orleans’’. The orthodox church authori- the famous paint-
ties accused her a witch and trialed at the court of ings of Leonardo
inquisition. The verdict was to burn her alive. In Da Vinci.
1431 Joan was burnt at the stake. But later the  Da Vinci was the
church authorities realized their mistake and in first person to
1921 Vathican proclaimed her a beatified person. identify the mod-
Now Joan of Arc is known as St. Joan. els of aeroplanes,
submarines and
Modern Age cars. Mona Lisa
The Renaissance  ‘Madona’ and
 The literal meaning of Renaissance is rebirth. ‘The School of Athens’ are the famous paintings
of Raphael.
 The capture of Constantinople by the Turks in
1453 was the cause of Renaissance in Europe.  Michelangelo was another Italian painter who was
The new name of Constantinople is Istambul. the author of famous painting ‘Last Judgement’
 During the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries there and Sculpture ‘David and Moses’.
was a great revival in Europe in the field of art,  St. Peters Basilica in Rome was built under the
literature and learning. This marked the transition patronage of Pope Julius II and Pope Leo X It
from the Medieval to the Modern period. This is was designed by Michelangelo.
known as the Renaissance. The birth place of
 ‘The Praise of Folly’ was a satiristic work written
Renaissance movement was Italy.
by Erasmus.
 Renaissance was actually the rebirth of Classical
Grecco-Roman literature and learning.  Erasmus was known as the prince among the
 The Renaissance emerged in Italy roughly be-
tween AD 1300 and AD 1550.  ‘Utopia’ was a famous work of Sir Thomas More
 Italy is known as ‘‘the Cradle of Renaissance’’ portraying an ideal community on an imaginary
island indicating the glaring abuses of his time.
 ‘Divine Comedy’ written by Dante was a classical
work of the Renaissance period.  The technique of printing was first developed by
 Humanism is considered as the heart and soul of the Chinese.
Renaissance. Petrarc, an Itaian poet is consid-  John Guttenburg of Germany is considered as
ered as the, father of Humanism. the father of printing. He published Bible in 1456.
 Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book on politics  William Caxton established the first printing
named ‘The Prince’ press in England in 1477.
 Machiavelli is known as Italian Kautilya and
 Copernicus a Polish astronomer developed the
Kautilya is known as Indian Machiavelli.
theory of universe through his book ‘‘Six Books
 The Renaissance painters painted directly on plas- concerning the Revolutions of the Heavenly
ter walls called frescoes. Spheres’’.

 His theory of universe was later supported by Geographical Discoveries
 Portugal was the first European country to en-
 Kepler wrote a book titled ‘On the Motion of
courage geographical discoveries.
Mars’ to establish the heliocentric theory.
 Prince Henry, the Navigator of Portugal encour-
 Galileo Galilei an Italian scientist invented tele- aged sailors by making maps.
scope in 1609.
 Bartholomew Diaz sailed down the west coast of
 Isaac Newton was born in England in 1642. He Africa in 1487, which came to be known as ‘Cape
published his work ‘‘The Mathematical Prin- of Good Hope’.
ciples of Natural Philosophy’’.  Vasco-da Gama followed Diaz’s route, rounded
 The great dramatist Shakespeare who is popu- the Cape of Good Hope and landed at Kappad in
larly known as the ‘Bard of Avon’ was born in Calicut in the Spring of 1498.
AD 1564 and died in AD 1616. His great tragedies  Vasco-da-Gama was sent to India by the Portu-
are ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Othello and KingLear’. guese king Dom Manual.
He wrote altogether 37 plays.  He reached India in a ship named St. Gabriel.
 Christopher Columbus discovered West Indies
Reformation and Counter Reforma- and thought that it was India in 1492 and called
tion its people Red Indians.
 Later, Amerigo Vespucci reached the South
 The name ‘Protestant’ was first applied by Mar-
American coast in 1499 and America was named
tin Luther.
after him.
 Reformation was started in Germany by Martin
 Ferdinant Megallan of Por-
Luther in 1517. This resulted in the formation of
tugal who started his Voy-
Protestant Religion.
age in 1519 was the first
 Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin were the leaders circum navigator (who
of reformation in Switzerland. sailed around the world). His
 Reformation in Switzerland was known as Cal- circum navigation exclu-
vinism. sively proved that the Earth
 Reformation movement in England was known as is round.
Anglicanism it was led by King Henry VIII and  The name ‘Pacific’ was
Queen Elizabeth I. given to the ocean by Megallan.
 Counter-Reformation was a reformist movement  He reached Phillipines in 1521 and died there fight-
within the Catholic Church to restore its univer- ing its aborgins.
sal authority.  The coast of Venezuela was explored by Amerigo
 John Wycliffe is known as the ‘‘Morning Star of Vespucci.
the Reformation’’. He was responsible for giving  John Cabbot discovered New Foundland in 1497.
inspiration to translate Bible into English for the
 Peru was discovered by Francisco Pizzaro.
first time.
 Kabral discovered Brazil in 1500. He was a Portu-
 Ignatius Layola formed a society of monks known
as ‘Jesut order’ in Spain.
 Portugal was the first country in the field of colo-
 Jesute missionaries reached India for the first
time during the period of Akbar the Great in 1580.

England  Charles first was beheaded publically in 1649.
 The Petition of Rights was accepted by the Brit-
 United Kingdom includes the Islands of England, ish Parliament in 1628.
Scotland and Ireland
 The Bloodless revolution or Glorious Revolution
 The inhabitance of England in the Neolithic Age occurred in England in 1688.
were known as Iberians.  Through the Bloodless Revolution English king
 Julius Caesar captured England in BC 55 and the JamesII was dethroned and Mary, the daughter
Romans ruled England for 367 years. of Charles I and her husband William of Orange
came to power in England.
 After the Romans England came in the hands of
Anglo-Saxons.  ‘Whigs’ and ‘Torys’ the political parties of En-
gland originated during the period of Charles II.
 First priest to rule England was Dunston.
 Habeas Corpus Act was passed in England in
 Christianity reached England for the first time by 1679 during the period of Charles II.
the coming of Romans.
 The Bill of Rights was accepted in England after
 Ceadmon was the first English poet and Bede was the Glorious Revolution in 1689.
the first English historian.  In 1707 by the ‘Act of Union’ England and Scot-
 The Magna Carta was signed by King John of land joined together and became ‘Great Britain’.
England in AD 1215 at Runnymede. The  By ‘the Act of Union’ of 1801 Great Britain and
Magnacarta is described as the ‘Bible of the En- Northern Ireland joined together and it became
glish Constitution’. It is also known as the ‘Bible United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
of English Liberty’.  But Ireland was delinked in 1921 and Northern
 Innocent III was the Pope when the Magna Carta Ireland became part of England.
was signed.  The official name of England is ‘‘United kingdom
 The Hundred years war (1338-1453) fought be- of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’.
tween England and France started during the pe-  ‘Pound Sterling’ is the Currency of England.
riod of King Edward III.  Robert Walpole was
 The Peasants Revolt in England was in 1381. the first Prime Minister
of England and the first
 Battle of Roses were the civil wars in England. in the world to hold the
 The Great Plague in London broke out in 1665. post of Prime Minister.
 The system of Parliament originated in England He laid the foundation
of Cabinet system. He
during the period of Henry I.
became the Prime Min-
 The Stuart king of England believed ‘in the ister in 1721.
Divine Right Theory of Kingship’.  The Industrial Revo-
 James I, the Stuart king wrote a book ‘‘The Law of lution first started in
Free Monarchies’’. England in the second Robert Walpole
 Stuart king Charles I dissolved the Parliament in half of the 18th century
1629 and did not summoned it till 1640. with the rapid growth of applied sciences, power
driven machines replaced handwork.
He resummoned the Parliament in 1640 and ended
 The Agrarian Revolution also took place in Brit-
in 1660. It is known as Long Parliament.
 Civil War in England started in 1642. Oliver  ‘The Commonwealth of Nations’ is an associa-
Cromwell led England after the Civil War. He ruled tion of those free nations which were previously
with the little ‘Lord Protector’. the part of British Empire.

 The delegates send each other by Common Wealth
Countries are known as High Commissioners and
delegates send by Common Wealth nations to other
countries are known as Ambassadors.
 The Falklands War was fought between England
and Argentina in 1982.
 Stanley is the capital of Falkland Island. Britain
came out victorious in the battle. It is a British
colony even today.
 10 Dowining Street is the official residence of The Boston Tea Part
the British Prime Ministers.
 ‘‘No taxation without representation’’ was the fa-
 Tony Blair of Labour Party is the Prime Minister
mous slogan associated with the American Revo-
of England.
 Princess Diana died in a car accident along with
 The representatives of the 13 colonies met at the
Dodi Al Fayed in Paris.
First Continental Congress at Philadelphia in
 Buckingham Palace is the residence of British 1774.
 Second Philadelphia Congress was met in 1776
and it adopted the Declaration of Independence
United States of America on 4 July 1776.
 America was discovered by Christopher Colum-  The Declaration of American Independence was
bus in 12th October 1492. drafted by Thomas Jefferson.
 In the first quarter of the 17th century some  By the Treaty of Paris in 1783, the United States
protestants from England migrated to the south- of America came to being.
ern part of North America to escape from the reli-  The Constitution of America was adopted in 1789.
gious persecution of James I. They came to be  The Civil War in America was during 1861-65
known as ‘pilgrim fathers’. They sailed to
America in a ship named, ‘The May Flower’.  Abraham Lincoln was the
President during Civil War.
 Britain established its first colony in Jamestown
in Virginia in 1607.  The city of Chicago in
America has the largest
number of rail roads.
American War of Independence
 ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’’ of
 The American war of independence was fought Harriet Beechstowe pub-
between the American colonies and the Britain. lished for the first time in
The leader of colonies was George Washington. 1852.
Abraham Lincoln
 The Stamp Act was passed in 1765.  Statue of Liberty is situated
 The Navigation Act was passed in 1651. in the Liberty Island in the Newyork Port. It has
 The Town Shent Act was passed in 1767. These 91 meter height.
Acts were passed to control and exploit the colo-  Eagle is the National bird of America.
 American women got voting right in 1920.
 The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was associated
 John Jai (1789-95) was the first Chief Justice of
with the American Revolution. To protest against
the tax on tea, the revolutionaries threw tea boxes America.
from the ship anchored in the Boston Port. This  Baseball is the National game of America.
incident is known as Boston Tea Party.  Golden Rod is the National Symbol of America

 The residence of American President got the  The first American President to be assassinated
name White House during the period of Theodor was Abraham Lincoln.
Roosevelt.  Other American Presidents who were assassi-
 George Washington is the father of America. nated
 He became the President of America in 1789. James A Garfield in 1881
William McKinley in 1901
 Thomas Jefferson was the third President of
America. John F Kennedy in 1963
 President who abolished slavery in America was  USA has two political parties - Republicans and
Abraham Lincoln. He was the 16th President of
 Great Depression striked America in 1930’s
America. He worked as storekeeper and village
 There are 50 states and one district in the U.S.A
postmaster. He abolished slavery in 1862. He was
assassinated in 1865 while watching a drama,  District of Columbia (Washington DC) on the
banks of Potomak river is Americas capital dis-
‘Our American Cousin’ in the Fords Theatre
alongwith his wife. He was assassinated by John
 New York is the largest city in America.
Wilksbooth. Lincoln is known as ‘‘Great
 Chicago is known as the City of Winds.
 Newyork city is situated on the banks of Hudson
 First modern census was held in America in 1790.
 49th Parallel separates America and Canada.
 William Henry Harrison was the President who
Important Battles
ruled the least term.  Hundred Years War (1337-1453) : England and
 James Madison is known as the father of Ameri-
can Constitution.  Seven Years War (1756-1763) : French were
defeated by the English
 Ronald Reagan was the only filmstar who became
 Battle of Trafalgar (1805) : British fleet (under
American President.
Nelson) defeated the combined fleet of France
 Chicago International Airport is the world’s busi- and Spain.
est airport.  Battle of Water Loo (1815) : British force led
 Gand Canyon in the Colarado river in America is by Duke of Wellington defeated French force
the biggest Gorge in the world. led by Napolean Bonaparte.
 United States Library of Congress is the largest  Opium War (1839-1842) : China and Britain
library in the world.  Crimean War (1853-1856) : War between Rus-
 American Museum of Natural History is the larg- sia and the alliance of England, France, Tur-
est museum in the world. key and Sardinia.
 Port of New-York and New Jersy is the largest  Boer War (1899 - 1902) : Fought in South Af-
port in the world. rica between the British and the Boers (set-
 Grant Central Terminal in Newyork city is the big- tlers of Dutch descent in South Africa)
gest railway station in the world.  World War I (1914 - 1918) : Germany (with
 Yerkis Observatory of Illinois University has the Austria, Hungary) against Britain (with Rus-
largest refractor telescope. sia, France, Japan, Canada and Belgium)
 ‘General Sherman’ in California is the biggest  World War II (1935 - 1945) : Axis powers (Ger-
tree in the world. many, Italy and Japan) against the Allies (Great
Britain, U.S.A., U.S.S.R, China) Axis powers
 Coast Redwood in the Redwood National Park in
were defeated.
California is the tallest tree in the world.

American Presidents  American President who was known as Smiling
President - Eisonhower
 The figures of four American Presidents are en-  First Roman Catholican born in 20th century to
graved on the Mount Rushmor. become the President of America - John
 The term of American President is four years. F.Kennedy
 Only American president who got all the elec-  Who shot dead John F. Kennedy - Lee Harvey
toral votes - George Washington. Oswald.
 The birth place of George Washington -Virginia  John F. Kennedy’s assassination was the first live
broadcast murder in the world.
 George Washington died on 1799 December 14.
 First Vice President to become President while
 First Vice President of America - John Adams the President was alive - Jerald R. Ford.
 First American Lady  Watergate incident (1972) is related to - Richard
who advocated for the Nixon
rights of women -  Oldest President of America - Ronald Reagon
Abey Gale Smith
 The agreement to give back Panama canal to the
(Wife of John Adams) nation of Panamas was signed during the term of
 American President Jimmy Carter as President.
who was entrusted to  American Presidents who got Nobel Prize for
prepare American Peace - Theodor Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter,
Constitution - Tho- Wudrow Wilson.
mas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson  First Bachelor President of America - James
 James Madison is Buccanan.
known as the ‘Father of American Constitution’.  Tallest American President - Abraham Lincoln
 Last military officer of the American revolution to  First to be elected for a second term as President
become the President of America - James Munroe - George Washington
 First American President who was the son of a  First to get married while he was president -Grover
former president - John Kwinsy Adams Cleavelend
 ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ prevailed during the period of
 Which American President is known as ‘Human
Andrew Jackson.
Chain’ - Benjamin Harrison
 First American President to die in harness -
Wilham Henry Harrison  First American to win Nobel Prize for Peace -
Theodor Rousevelt (1906)
 First American President who was subjected to
impeachment - John Tailor  First American President who later became Chief
 American President who is known as ‘Black Justice - William Haward Daft
Horse’ - James K. Polk  Which American President said ‘The Chief busi-
 First American President who was ousted from ness of America is business’’. - Kalvin Koolinch
his party while in Office - John Tailor  First American Citizen to become American Presi-
 American President who chose the site for White dent - Martin Von Buran
House - Herbert Hover He was born after the declaration of American
 American President who worked as the Chairman independence in 1776.
of UN Human Rights Committee - Elenar
Roosevelt French Revolution (1789)
 American President who gave orders to drop atom
bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Harry S.  The century from 1750 to 1850 is known as the
Truman ‘Age of Revolutions’

 18th century is known as the ‘Age of Enlighten- shunned the traditional symbols of monarchy and
ment’ came to be known as the ‘Citizen King’.
 18th century is also known as ‘Age of Reason’  Napolean Bonaparte (1769-1821) is known as the
 Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu were the ‘‘Child of the French Revolution’’.
prominent philosophers who gave inspiration to  Napolean Bonaparte was bornin Corsica, an is-
the French people. land in the Meditteranean sea in 1769. He pro-
 French society on the eve of Revolution was di- claimed himself the emperor of France in 1804. He
vided into three Estates - Clergy, Nobles and Com- was defeated by the English in 1813 and deported
mons. to Elba. But later he
recaptured power.
 Louis XVI was the king of France when the revo-
But after his final de-
lution broke out (1774-1792)
feat in the Battle of
 His wife was beautiful but ‘Empty Headed lady Water Loo he was
Mary Antoinette. deported to St. Hel-
 Like the Stuart kings of England, the Bourbons of ena Island. There he
France also ruled by the Divine Right Theory of died in 1821. The gov-
Kingship. Louis XIV (1643 - 1715) who fully ex- ernment formed by
ploited the theory said ‘‘I am the state’’ He also Nepolean in France
said ‘‘flood after me’’ was known as Con- Rousseau
 The French Parliament was known as ‘Estates sulate. The Bank of France was established by
General’. Napolean.
 The Bastile Prison which was the symbol of  French Philosopher Rousseau is the author of
monarch’s cruelty was broken by the Third Es- books such as Emile, Confessions, Social Con-
tate on 14th July 1789. Thus began the French tract etc.
Revolution.  The most important work of Montesquieu is ‘‘The
Spirit of Laws’’
 July 14th is observed as a national holiday in
 French Revolution resulted in the destruction of
France every year in memory of this incident.
feudalism in France.
 Liberty, Equality and Fraternity the slogan of the  French Revolution gave the term ‘nation’, its mod-
French Revolution was given by Rousseau the ern meaning.
French Philosopher and the author of ‘‘The So-  Elysee Palace is the official residence of French
cial Contract’’. President.
 The Eiffel Tower is  Now the term of French President is five years,
situated on the banks earlier it was seven years.
of river Science in  Franc is French currency
Paris. It was built in  Jacqueous Shirak is the President of France.
1888 by Gaustave  In 2006 there was a racial conflict between the
Eiffel. African immigrants and natives.
 His famous saying is
‘‘Man is born free but The Industrial Revolution
everywhere he is in
 The Industrial Revolution is the name given to a
Eiffel Tower series of changes that brought about a transition
 Louise Phillippe was from production by hand to production by ma-
the Emperor of France from 1830 - 1848 AD. He

chine from small scale production to large scale  Electric Telegraph was invented by Graham Bell
production, hand made goods to machine made in 1876.
goods.  John Macadam, an engineer of Scotland made
 Industrial Revolution started in England in the the first strong roads in England with the help of
second part of the 18th century and in the first small stones.
part of the 19th century.  First important Trade Union Movement in the
 Industrial Revolution first influenced the Cotton world was Chartist Movement originated in En-
Textile Industry. gland as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
 In 1733, John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle  Japan was the first Asian country to be
for weaving cloth. indsutrialised.
 James Hargreaves invented the Spinnng Jenny  The Steam Engine invented by Jameswatt was
in 1764 (Jenny was the name of his wife) called Beelzebub.
 Water Frame was invented by Richard  Industrial Revolution gave rise to Capitalism.
Archwright.  A little before the Industrial Revolution the Agrar-
 Samuel Crompton invented Mule in 1779. ian Revolution broke out in England.
 Power Loom was invented by Edmund Cartwright
in 1785. Russian Revolution
 James Watt invented Steam Engine in 1769.  Russia was united into an empire in the 9th cen-
 ‘Safety Lamp’ or ‘Davis Lamp’ was invented by tury AD. Russia was unified by the Rurichs.
Humphrey Davy in 1816.  Russians belonged to the Salvonic race.
 Elias Home invented sewing machine in 1846.  Mongols captured Russia in the 13th century.
 ‘The Warrior’ was the first warship built with  The Romanoff Dynasty of Russia was founded
iron plates. by Michael Romanoff in 1613.
 Romanoff Emperors were known as Czars. They
 Abraham Derby invented the method of smelting
ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917.
iron with coke in 1709.
 Peter the Great is considered as the father of
 Bersemer invented the steel furnace in 1856. modern Russia.
 First Steam Locomotive was invented by  Peter’s foreign policy was known as ‘warm water
Trevithick in 1800. policy’
 In 1814 George Stephenson invented an improved  Russian Revolution was started in 1917 and it
steam locomotive called Rocket. It was finally was led by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin.
used in opening the first passenger railway from  Lenin was the leader of the Russian Social
Liverpool to Manchester. That is why Democractic Labour Party.
Stephenson is called the father of Steam Loco-
motive. Bloody Sunday
 Steam Boat was invented by Robert Fulton in On the 22nd of 1905 thousands of unarmed Rus-
1807. sian workers marched to the Winter Palace of Czar
 First steam ship sailed from Glasgow to Liverpool in St.Peterburg. Their demand was to have ad-
in 1857. A ship first crossed the Atlantic in 1833. ministrative reforms. But the army fired at the mob
Hundereds of workers died, thousands wounded.
 The method of sending message by wire was in-
This incident is known as Bloody Sunday, that is
vented by Morse in 1835.
related to the Revolution of 1905 in Russia.

 Lenin is known as the  St. Petersburg is the largest city in Russia sec-
arichitect of Soviet Union. ond only to Moscow.
 Lenin was born in 1870  The city of St. Petersburg was founded by Peter
April 10. in Simbrisk, the Great in 1703. The city was known as
Russia. Petrograd from 1914 to 1924. Later it came to be
known as Leningrad. Gorbachov renamed it St.
 He received the name
Petersburg again.
Lenin in 1901.
 Grand Cremlin Palace was the Residence of
 He was led to Communism Lenin Czars.
by his elder brother
 Rasputin was a crooked witch, who had an influ-
Alexander. ence over the Czarina.
 Lenin started a newspaper known as Iskara in  The economic and political reforms started by
1900. Gorbachev in 1985 was known as ‘Peristroika’
 Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevic section of which means restructuring. For freedom of press
the party. and freedom of expression he also introduced
‘Glasnost’ which means open approach.
 He died in 21st January 1924 of cerebral stroke.
 The Crimean War (1854-56)
 Bolsheviks, the majority party and Menshiviks,
The Crimean War was fought between Russia on
the minority party were the two division of the
the one side and Turkey, France and England on
Russian Social Democractic Labour Party.
the other.
 USSR came into existence in 1922 December
 Florence Nightingale established the first nurs-
 Czar Nicholas II was the reigning Czar of Russia ing school.
when the Revolution occurred.
 Florence Nightingale is known as ‘‘Lady with the
 Russian Parliament is known as Duma. Lamp’’
 The new form of workers organisation formed on
the eve of the Revolution was known as ‘Soviet’. Chinese Revolution (1911)
 February Revolution was on 12 March 1917.  The Chinese Revolution tookplace in 1911.
 Provisional Government which formed after the  Ching dynasty or the Manchus were the last rul-
February Revolution was led by Alexander ing dynasty of China.
 Puyi, a six year old boy was the last Manchu
 The October Revolution happened on 7 Novem- Emperor.
ber 1917 (because old Russian Calendar was 14
 The Republic of China was formed in 1912 and
days backward).
Sun Yat-Sen became the first Chairman and first
 After the October Revolution Trotsky came to President of the Chinese Republic.
 Sun-Yat-Sen was a leader of the Comintang Party
 Stalin is known as the Iron Man of Communism. MilitaryHead Yuan Shikai assumed power replac-
 Stalin became the head of Soviet Union in 1924. ing Sun-Yat-Sen in 1912 march 10.
 He introduced Five Year Plans (1928) for the eco-  In 1949 the Chinese Communist Party defeated
nomic progress of Russia. the nationalists and formed the ‘‘Peoples Repub-
 In 1991 the Communist rule in Russia came to an lic of China’.
end and the USSR collapsed. Russia and other  The Opium Wars were fought between Britain
Soviet Republics became independent nations. and China.

 The first Opium War, was fought during 1839-42 ated water way extends more than 1600 Kilome-
and the second was during 1856-60. ters from Hangzhou in the south to Beijing in the
 Opium Wars were fought to get open the ports of north.
China to trade opium from British India.  Chinese People’s Liberation Army is the world’s
 As a result of the first Opium War the Chinese largest Army in number.
province of Hongkong came under the control of  China is the largest producer of paddy, silk and
Britain in 1844. coal in the world.
 Hong Kong became a special administrative re-  China has the largest Communist Party in the
gion of China on July 1, 1997 when the colony world.
was handed over by Britain to China.  World’s largest dam Three Gorges Dam is built
 Macao, which was a colony of the Portugal was across the Yangtse river in China.
restored to China on 20th December 1999.  China opened world’s highest and longest high-
 Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Beijing is land railway on 1st July 2006 The Qinghai-Tibet
in the second place. Railway (1, 1142 Km)
 China was admitted to the UN in 1971. Now she is  Karakkoram highway is the only overland con-
a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council. nection between China and Pakistan.
 92% of the Chinese people belonged to the Han  Communist China’s first international religious
race. gathering was conducted in April 2006.
 The Tianen Square in Beijing is described as the In that World Buddhist Forum, Buddhists from
‘Naval of China’. The name means ‘the gate of more than 30 countries participated.
heavenly peace’.  2012 Olympics will be held in China.
 The highest Court in China is the Supreme  Wenjiabo became the President of China.
People’s Court.
It is for the first time the posts of President and
 China’s leading newspaper is ‘Renin Ribao’ General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
(People’s Daily) of Beijing, which is the official held by two persons.
newspaper of Chinese Communist Party.
 The present General Secretary of Communist
 China is the first Asian country to launch a space Party of China is the former President JiangZemin
shuttle. Zhenshou V was the Chinese space
 Den-Sia-O-Ping brought liberalist policies in
shuttle and Yang Liwei was its first space travel-
China in 1970.
 China is the world’s most populous country. It First World War (1914-1918)
has about a fifths of the world’s population.
 The murder of Arch Duke Ferdinant of Austria
 China has the oldest living civilisation.
by a Serbian student Gavle Prince on June 28,
 Chinese were the first to make compasses, paper, 1914 was the immediate cause of the outbreak of
pottery, and silk. the First World War (1914-1918). The war was
 Chinese Mandarin is the most widely spoken lan- started by the declaration of war against Serbia
guage of the world and it is the mother tongue of by Austria - Hungry. The main combatants in the
the largest number of people. Chinese call this war were the Central Powers (Germany, Austria,
language ‘Putoghua’ (Common language) Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria) and the Allied
 China has the world’s largest fishing industry. Powers (England, France, Belgium, Serbia and
Russia). The Central Powers lost the war. The war
 The Grand Canal world’s longest artificially cre-

ended with the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Unification of Italy, and Fascism
(Versailles is a city near Paris)
 After the decline of the Roman Empire Italy was
 Submarine warboat (U-boat) used by Germany in
divided into a number of small independent states.
the war was a great menace.
 Joseph Massini is known as the ‘‘Prophet of Ital-
 Wudrow Wilson was the President of America
ian Nationalism’’
during the First World War.
 Massini founded ‘Young Italy’ in 1821.
 Lloyd George was the British Prime Minister and
 Garibaldi was another famous leader of Italian
Clemenceace was the French Prime Minister dur-
Nationalism. He founded an organisation known
ing the War. as ‘Red Shirts’.
 The Treaty of Versailles was signed between the  The unification of Germany was completed in
Allies and Germany on 28th June 1919. 1870.
 The Treaty of St. Germain was signed by the  Political organisations which originated in Europe
Allies with Austria- Hungary in 1919. after the First World War were collectively known
 An armistice (Peace Agreement) was signed on as Fascist Movements.
November 11, 1918 to end the war. It was followed  The word ‘Fascism’ was originated from the Ital-
by a peace conference at Paris and the Treaty of ian word ‘fasces’ which means ‘‘a bundle of rods
Versailles in 1920. and an axe’’.
 The Treaty of Versaile’s resulted in the founda-  Benitto Mussolini, the world’s first fascist dicta-
tor who came to power in Italy in 1922, is known
tion of League of Nations in 1919.
as the father of Fascism.
 League of Nations was formed on the basis of the
 Mussolini organised his followers into the ‘Black
‘Fourteen Points’ put forward by Wudrow Wil- shirts’
son in 1918.
 In October 1922 he organised a ‘March to Rome’
 League of Nations was the predescessor of the and took over as Prime Minister.
UNO.  Mussolini was against Socialism and Communism
 League of Nations was disbanded in 1945 and and formed an organisation known ‘‘Fasci di
even before that it lost its importance in 1939 Combattiment’’.
when the Second World War broke out.  When Italy surrendered after the Second World War
 The First World War was fought as ‘a war to end in 1945 Mussolini was captured and executed at Como.
all wars’.  Italy was the first Axis Power to surrender in the
 One of the most important results of the First First World War.
World War was the Great Depression which  After 2000 Medea Tycoon Silvio Berlysconi won
started in USA in 1929. the election and became the PM. In 2006 he was
defeated by the former President of EU
 Only one European country which was not af- Romano Prodi.
fected by great depression was Russia.
 Italy won the World Cup Football title held in
 Three major powers during the interwar period Germany by defeating France.
were USA, USSR and Japan.
 Ku Klux Klan was a white terrorist gang working Unification Germany, and Nazism
in America during the period of Great Depres-
 Germany was known as Prussia in olden times.
 The process of German Unification began when
 Franklin D. Roosevelt became American president
King William I appointed Otto Von Bismark as his
during the great depression in 1932.
Prime Minister in 1862.

 Bismark is known as the ‘Iron man of Germany’ Chancellor of Germany.
 His policy was known as ‘Blood and Iron Policy’.  In 2006 June Germany decided to open up a huge
 ‘Customs Union’ was an organisation which sup- archive of Nazi records on Concentration camp
ported German unification indirectly. inmates.
 Bismark is known as ‘Iron Chancellor’.
Second World War (1939-45)
 Nazism in Germany
was a German form of  The Treaty of Versailles and the rise of the Nazi
Fascism in Italy. Party in Germany were the main causes of the
 Adolf Hitler (1889-
1945) was the leader  The Soviet German Non Aggression Pact was
of the Nazi Party in signed on August 23, 1939.
Germany. He was  Hitler’s armies invaded Polland on 1 September
known as the Fuehrer 1939.
(Leader). Hittler was  On 3 Septmber 1939 Britain and France declared
born in Austria in war on Germany, thus began the Second World
1889. Adolf Hitler
 National Socialist German Workers Party founded  The Second World War was between The Axis
in 1920 was known as Nazi Party. Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) and the Al-
 Nazi Party wanted the exclusion of Jews from lied Powers (Britain, France, Russia, USA etc)
German citizenship.  The German plan of conquering Britain during
 The supporters of Nazi Party were known as Sturn the Second World War was known as ‘Sea -
Abteilung or ‘Brown Shirts’. Lion’.
 Hitler became the head of Nazi Party in 1923.  German attack on Russia during the war was
 Hitler wrote his autobiography ‘‘Mein Kampf’’ known as ‘Operation Barbosa’
(My Struggle) while he was in Jail.  When the Second World War broke out, the US
 Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany on 30 announced her neutrality.
January 1933.  In 7 December 1941, the Japanese bombers at-
 In 1935 under the Nuremberg Law German Jews tacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbour in
were deprived of their citizenship. Hawai.
 Hitler became the President of Germany in 1934  On 8 December 1941 US declared war on Japan.
when Hindenburg died. Thus US formally entered the Second World War.
 Secret Police force of Hitler was known as
‘Gustapo’. Titles Persons
 Hitler committed suicide along with his wife Iva Fuehrer ...................................... Adolf Hitler
Brown after the failure of Second World War in II Duke .......................................... Mussolini
Lady with the Lamp ..... Florence Nightingale
 Bismark is known as the father of German integra-
Maid of Orleans ......................... Joan of Arc
tion and Helmet Kohl is known as father of Ger-
man Unity. It was under Helmet Kohl that two Maiden Queen ............................. Elizabeth I
Germanies united in 1991. Man of Blood and Iron .................... Bismark
 In 2005 Angela Merckel became the first woman Man of Destinig Little Corporal ..... Napolean

 Second World War became a Global war in 1941.  The biggest crisis of the early stage of Cold War
 The first Atom Bomb was dropped in Hiroshima was the Berlin Blockade which began in 1948.
on August 6, 1945 by America. This bomb is  The formation of North Atlantic Treaty
known as ‘Little boy’’. Organisation (NATO) in April 1949 was one of
 The second Atom Bomb was dropped in Nagasaki the most important aspects of Cold War.
on August 9, 1945 it is known as ‘fat man’.  In 1954 the US brought most of the South East
 The first country to surrender in the war was Italy Asian Countries under a common framework mod-
and last to surrender was Japan. elled on NATO called SEATO.
 On 2 September 1945 Japan surrendered and the  The Arab states formed CENTO in 1955. (Central
Second World War ended. Treaty Oganisation)
 The Axis powers lost the Second World War. This  The Cold War continued upto the collapse of So-
war led to the foundation of UNO in 1945. viet Union in 1990.
 The UN Charter was signed at San Francisco on  HOTLINE is a telecommunication link established
26th June 1945 by fifty nations and UN came into since 1963 between the Kremlin (Moscow) and
force on 24 October 1945. White House (Washington DC, USA) to avoid
misunderstanding. Now ‘hotline’ means a direct
 The Nuremberg Trials were the trials of the major
exclusive line of communication especially for an
war criminals of the Second World War. It began emergency.
on November 20, 1945.
 Warsaw Pact was a military alliance formed un-
der the Soviet Union against NATO in 1955.
Big Powers and Cold War
 Now Russia is in a more or less stable condition
 The United States of America, the Soviet Union, under the Presidentship of Vladimir Putin.
Britain, France and China were regarded as the
big powers since the end of the Second World Middle East Conflict
War (1945). Among them, the United States and
 Israel Palestine conflict is popularly called
the Soviet Union were the Super Powers.
Middle-East Conflict. The conflict became worse
 There was much co-operation among the Big Pow- by the formation of Israel in Palestine in 1948. In
ers during the War. But later there aroused mu- the battle that occured in 1948, Israel came out
tual suspicion among them and Cold War began. victorious.
 The Cold War was a war of words or ideologies  Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) was
and of nerves. This Cold War created great inter- formed in 1964 to defeat Israel.
national tension. The Cold War was announced  In the 1967 Arab-Israel battle which lasted for six
by Winston Churchill in his famous ‘‘iron cur- days, Israel came out victorious.
tain’’ speech at Fulton, Missourie in 1946.
 The word ‘Cold War’ was first coined by Revolutions
Bernard Baruch 1946. American war of Independence .................... 1776
 The years 1945-47 are generally taken to mark the Russian Revolution ...................................... 1917
beginning of the Cold War. French Revolution ....................................... 1789
 The first ‘shot’ of Cold War was fired by Winston Chinese Revolution ...................................... 1911
Churchill. Communist Revolution in China ................... 1949
 The US decision to intervene in the Greek Civil Industrial Revolution .......... 1750-1850 (England)
War may be considered as formally ushering in of
Green Revolution in India ............................ 1964
the Cold War.

 The Israel - Palestine Peace Treaty was signed Islands of West Indies are the major parts of Latin
in 1994 and PLO supremo sworn in as the head of America.
PalestineNational Authority.  There are altogether 46 countries in Latin
 The historic Israel-PLO agreement was signed in America. 33 independent nations and 13 depen-
Washington on September 28, 1995. River Wye dent countries.
Agreement was signed by Israel and Palestine  Brazil is the largest Latin American country in
for solving the crisis. area and Population.
 Golan Height was a place captured by Israel from  Spanish is the most widely spoken language in
Cyria in 1967 Latin America.
 West Bank : This place was captured by Israel  Guarani is the language of Indian origin spoken
from Jordan. As per the peace treaty of 1994 the in Paragua.
administrative authority of this place was given  Quechua is the Indian language in Peru.
to Palestine National Authority.
 Aymara is the Indian language Spoken in Bolivia.
 Gaza Strip is in the Egypt. It was captured by  Christopher Columbus was the first European to
Israel in the 1967 battle and as per the treaty of a reach Latin America.
1994 it was handed over to Palestine National
 Francisco De Miranda (1750-1816) was one of
the most important leaders of Latin America. He
 Sinai Peninsula : This place was also captured fought for the liberation of Venezuela and came
from Egypt in the 1967 war and handed over to out victorious in 1910 and it proclaimed its inde-
Palestine in 1982. pendence in 1911.
 The official name of Israel is Medinat Israel.  Simon Bolivor (1783-1830) worked for the libera-
 Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of tion of Columbia, Venezuela, Equador, Peru and
Israel. Bolivia. He is considered as the father of their
 The conflict reached a turning point with the elec- nation by all these countries. He is known as the
‘Liberator’ or ‘the Washington of South’.
tion (January 2005) of
Mahmud Abbas as the new  San Martin (1778 - 1850) another famous Latin
Palestinian leader following American leader worked for the liberation of Ar-
the death of Yassar Arafat. gentina, Chili and Peru.
 In 2006 July-August Israel  Brazil got independence from Spain in 1822.
invaded Labanon and tried to  Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba in 1959.
destroy the so called extrem-  Due to health reason Cuban
ist organisation Hisbulla led President Fidel Castro
by Sheik Hassan Nasrulla. Yassar Arafat transferred his power tem-
porarily to his brother Raul
 The Hamas lead coalition
Castro in September 2006.
won the general election in Palestine. But the Is-
 Panama got the Panama Ca-
rael and EU blocked their financial assistance to
nal from US in 1999.
this country. Now it is in great financial crisis.
 Panama Canal was opened
LATIN AMERICAN NATIONALISM in 1914. Panama Canal con-
nects the Pacific and Atlan- Fidel Castro
 Countries to the south of USA are collectively
tic Oceans.
called Latin America.
 Soccer (Football) is the most important game of
 Mexico, Central America, South America and the Latin American countries.

 Aguaretiente is a liquor obtained from sugarcane craft named ‘Box car’ on 9 August 1945. Follwed
used in Latin America by the Japan surrendered before the Axis Powers
 Latin American Tea is known as Mate. on 2 September 1945. The treaty of surrender was
 Most of the Latin American countries follow signed in a ship named USS Missourie in the Bay
Christianity. of Tokyo.
 Brazilian dance is known as Samba  Kabuki is a form of stage drama in Japan.
Cuba - Conga  Bunraku - a puppet theatre
Argentina - Tango  Sumo is a Japanese form of Wrestling.
Bolivia & Chile - Cueca
Mexico - Jarabe Tapatio  Ikebana - Japanese style of flower arranging
 Sake - Rice wine made in Japan
Japan  Cloisonne - A Japanese type of decorative enam-
 Japan is an Island nation of the North Pacific. eling
 The name Japan was originated from the name  Origami - The Japanese art of folding paper into
Zipangu used by Marco Polo in Italian language. decorative objects.
 The official name of Japan is Nippon or Nihon,  Kawabata Yasunari is the first Japanese to win
which means the source of the Sun. the Nobel Prize (1968) for literature. ‘Snow Coun-
try’ is the book authored by him.
 Japan is known as the ‘Land of Rising Sun’ or
‘Britain of the East’.  Yuichiro Miura : 70 year old man who became
 Iasu Tokugama who ruled Japan the 16th Cen- the oldest to conquer Mt Everest in May 22, 2003.
tury is known as ‘Napolean of Japan’.  Junko Tabei First woman to climb mount Everest.
 Tokyo became the capital of Japan during enlight-  Manasobu Fukuvoka is the author of the famous
ened rule (Meiji Age) which is known as the book ‘One Straw Revolution’. He was a famous
Golden Age of Japan. agricultural scientist.
 First constitution of Japan came to force in 1889  Jimmu Tenno : He was supposedly the first em-
and the Japanese Parliament Diet was formed. peror of Japan. In 660 BC he became the Emperor.
 Geographically Japan is situated in ‘‘the Ring of  Hirohito became the first Japanese emperor who
fire’’ which is in the coast the Pacific ocean with travelled outside Japan in 1971.
lot of volcanoes.  World’s longest suspension bridge, the Akasi
 Mount Fujiyama is the highest mount in Japan. Kaikyo Bridge (1990 metres) is in Japan. It con-
 In the first World War Japan was in the part of nects the Island of Honshee and the Island of
Allied Powers. Shikoku.
 Japan joined the Second World War in 1940 on  Japan’s largest single export is Crude Oil.
the part of Italy and Germany.  ‘Yomeeyerie shimbon’ a News paper in Japan has
 On 7 December 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. the largest circulation in the world. It is also pub-
This resulted in the entry of USA into the Second lished in English with the name ‘Daily Yomiyurie’.
World War.  The Japan’s economy ranks second only to USA
 America dropped an Atom Bomb named ‘Little in terms of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
boy’ in Hiroshima from an aircraft named ‘Inola  Japan has the largest fishing industry in the world.
Gay’ on 6, August 1945. Later another bomb
 New PM of Japan is Shinzo Abe (Liberal Demo-
‘Fatman’ was dropped in Nagasaki from an air-
cratic Party)

INDIA AND PAKISTAN and AB Vajpayee ended in failure. Aim-solving
bilateral problems.
 Muhammed Ali Jinna was the founder of Paki-
 Pak conspirations attacked Indian Parliament in
stan. He was the first Governor General of the
2001 that led to the verge of a war.
Dominion of Pakistan.
 Relation worsened due to the Mumbai blasts in
 Jinna house is in Mumbai.
July 2006
 Pakistan observes its independence day on Au-
 In the side line NAM summit in Havana (2006
gust 14
September) both agreed to continue to the peace
 Jinna is called the father of Pakistan. process
 Pakistan proclaimed itself an Islamic Republic in
 Poet - Philosopher Muhammed Iqbal, first articu-  The Union of South Africa was formed in 1910.
lated the concept of Pakistan in 1931.  It became a Republic in 31 May 1961.
 Pakistan’s first free elections were held in Decem-  Nelson Mandela was re-
ber 1970. leased from prison in 1990
 Bangladesh was separated from Pakistan in march after 27 years of imprison-
26, 1971. ment. He was imprisoned at
Robert Islands In 1994 he
 On 28 and 30 may 1998 Pakistan carried out five sworn in as the first black
nuclear tests in the desert of Baluchistan at the President of South Africa.
Chagai Hills in response to India’s test. His term ended in 1999.
 On 12 Octber 1999, General Pervez Musharraf in  First Democratic President
a military coup deposed the Premier Nawaz Nelson Mandela
of South Africa is Nelson
Sherif and suspended the constitution. Mandela. Thabo Mbeki, the President of ANC
 In 2001 he became the President of Pakistan. (Africa National Congress) succeeded Nelson
Musharraf’s presidency was extended by five Mandela as the President of South Africa in 1999.
more years till 2007.  Nelson Mandela was the second foreigner to re-
 The Tashkent Agreement was signed on Janu- ceive the Bharat Ratna.
ary 10, 1966. This Agreement was signed by Lal  The first foregner to receive Bharat Ratna was
Bahadur Shastri and Ayub Khan just after the Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the ‘Frontier Gandhi’
1965 Indo - Pak War. On January 11, Shastri died  South Africa is the leading producer of gold in
at Tashkent. the World.
 Now Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekisthan.  African Development Bank (ADB) was formally es-
 The Shimla Agreement of 1972 was signed be- tablished in 1964 and began its operation in 1966.
tween India and Pakistan after the 1971 battles.  Organization of African Unity (OAU/ OUA) was
 The Lahore Declaration was signed between In- formed in 1963, with its headquarters at Addis
dia and Pakistan just before the ‘Operation Vijay’ Ababa (Ethiopia)
of 1999 in Kargil to expel the ussurpers.
 Th Radcliff line separates India from Pakistan, Gulf War I and II
the Durand Line is between Pakistan and
Afghanisthan and the McMohan Line is between  The Gulf War (1991) was fought between the
India and China. US led multinational forces and Iraq to expel Iraqi
 Siachin Glacier which lies between India and Pa- troops from Kuwait. Its code name was Opera-
kistan is referred as the highest and the coldest tion Desert Storm.
battle field in the world.  ‘Operation Desert Fox’ was the continuation of
 The Agra Summit (2002) between Musharaff operation Desert storm.

 ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ was launched to 2003 tional pressure and allowed a referundum to as-
to expel Saddam Hussain from Iraq. USA and certain the future of East Timur. The majority vote
England jointly launched the operation. This war in favour of independence led to East Timur fi-
is known as Gulf War II. nally going independent in 2002.
 Their aim was to establish democracy  In 1999, first ever free Parliamentary elections were
held in Indonesia. In October 2004 Susilo B.
 But still Civil War goes on there. Yudhoyuno became the new President after elec-
Earth Summit I & II  Thousands of people were killed in the 2004 (De-
 The first Earth Summit was held at Rio de Janeiro, cember 26) Tsunami and Indonesia is the worst
Brazil in 1992. affected Country in the crisis.
 In 2002 the second Summit was held at  In April 2002, voters overwhelmingly approved a
referundum to extend Pakistan President
Johannasburg in South Africa.
Musharaf’s presidency for another five years.
 April 22 is Earth Day.
 In November 2003 Pakistan and India declared
 The motto, of the Summit was ‘Substainable De- the first formal ceasefire in Kashmir in 14 years.
velopment’.  In the Parliamentary elections held in Palestine in
January 2006, the extremist group HAMAS
emerged victorious.
WORLD AFTER 2000  For the Parliamentary elections in Israel in 2006
the Party of Ariel Sharon Kadima came out vic-
Asia  In New Zealand, Indian origin Anand Sathyanand
sworn in as the new Governor General in 2006.
 Afghanisthan was under the Taliban forces  In January 2006 China launches official website
headed by Mulla Omar since 1995. The Islamic zero hour.
government of the Talibans was ousted by the  For the first time Kuwaiti women Cast Votes in
UN forces in November 2001. In 2002 Hamid Parliamentary elections in 2006 June.
Karzai was elected the President.
 The August 2003 NATO assumed its first ever Europe
operational commitment outside Europe when it  Bulgaria became a member of NATO in 2004.
took control of the security of Kabul.
 In May 2003, David Oddsson of Iceland was re-
 On 9 October 2004, Hamid Karzai became the first elected making him the longest serving Prime
democratically elected President of Afghanistan. Minister in Europe (from 1991-2004)
 The National Assembly of Pakistan was inaugu-  In 2000, Tarja Halonen became the first woman
rated on 19 december 2005. president of Finland since 1998. In April 2003,
 In December 2005, King Jigme Singye Wangchuk Finland appointed its first female Prime Minister,
announced that he would step down as king of making it the only country in Europe with both a
Bhutan in 2008 and would be succeeded by his female President and Prime Minister.
son, the crown Prince Jigme Khesar Namgyel  In 2004, the French government passed a law ban-
Wangchuck. ning the wearing of Muslim headscarves and
 In July 2006 the Cuban President Fidel Castro other religious symbols in schools.
underwent a surgery and temporarily handed over  The UN’s Human Development Index has rated
control of the government to his brother Raul. Norway the world’s most livable country.
 In 1999, Indonesia bowed to mounting interna-

 Portugal gave up its last colony, on December liner sinks in the Red Sea between Duba in Saudi
20, 1999 after a long period of imperialism. Arabia and Safaga in Egypt on 3 February 2006.
 Vladimir Putin on March 16, 2000 won the presi-  A new tomb is discovered in the Egyptian valley
dential election and became the President of Rus- of the kings the first since the 1922 unravelling of
sia and in 2004 he was again reelected. king Tatankhamun’s tomb.
 In September 2004, Russia endorsed the Kyoto  On 7 December Joseph Kabila sworn in as the
protocol on climate change. first democratically elected President of the Demo-
 In July 2004, the Butler report on Pre-Iraq British cratic Republic of Congo.
intelligence was released i.e., the intelligence re-
port on Iraq’s possession of biological weapons North America
are false and misleading.  In 2001 George W. Bush sworn in as the 43rd
 In March 2000, the Pope issued an apology for President of the United States of America.
sins committed by Catholics over the past 2000  The August and September 2004, four hurricanes
years, including religious persecutions and dis- Kathrina, Rita, Gama etc) devastated Florida and
crimination against women. In 2003, the Vatican other parts of Southern United States.
launched an international campaign against
 In the Presidential elections 2004, Bush got a ma-
leaglising same-sex marriage.
jority of votes to rule the state for a second term
 In 2002 Niyazov the President of Turkmenistan by defeating John Kerry.
renamed all the months of the Calendar April is
 In 2001 Canada legalised medical Marijuana for
now named after his mother. He was voted presi-
the terminally or chronically ill. It began legally
dent for life-by his rubber stamp Parliament in
dispensing Marijuana by prescription in July 2003.
1999. He died recently.
 As per the report of the Transparency Interna-
 Scottish writer Ali Smith’s, ‘The Accidental’
tional 2006 Haiti is the most corrupt country in
wins the 2006 Whitbread prize.
the world.
 In June 2006 Montenegro’s Parliament proclaims
 NASA’s Stardust space craft returned to earth with
independence forming a new European state. It is
the first comet dust samples and landed in the Utah
the 192 member in the UN.
desert after seven years journey, in 2006 January 15.
 French adventurer Raphaela le Gouvello becomes
 In 2006, February 7, the Haitians cast ballots in
the world’s first person to windsurf the Indian ocean,
the country’s first presidential election in nearly
reaching Reunion Island after a 60-day Odyssey.
six years.
 SMART 1, Europe’s first space craft to the Moon
 Space shuttle Discovery safely landed in Florida
launched in September 2003, ends its mission with
competing a 13 day mission on 17 July 2006.
a planned crash on the lunar surface on 3 Sep-
tember 2006.
South America
Africa  In Januray 2003, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a former
 In 2004 January Algeria assumed a two-year seat trade union leader and factory worker widely
on the UN Security council. known by the name Lula, became Brazil’s first
 In March 2002, Zimbabwe was suspended from working class President.
the Commonwealth of Nations.  In March 2000 Ricardo Lagos became the first
 In 2003, an outbreak of polio spread through Nigeria. socialist President of Chile. In 2004, Chile passed
The Kano region lifted its ten-month ban against vac- a law permitting divorce for the first time.
cination in July 2004. On Aug 24, there were 602 polio  According to 2004 polls cited in the Economist,
cases world wide 79% of which were in Nigeria. Alejandro Toledo, the President of Peru is Latin
 Over 1,300 people are killed after an Egyptian cruise America’s least popular leader.

 On 11 March 2006 Michelle Bachlet is sworn in  Siesmograph was discovered by
as Chile’s first woman president. Ancient Chinese
 Now there is a trend in South America that sev-  Most important Persian ruler who lived in BC 600
eral of its countries moving to the communist side Cyrus
of political ideology.  God of Parsies or Zorastrians
Australia Ahuramazda
 Most famous ruler of ancient Athens
 Harriet a 178 year old giant tortoise credited with
helping Charles Darwin pioneer the theory of evo-
lution dies in Australia in 2006 June 22.  Olygarchy is a form of government led by .
a group of rich people
 Australian Crocodile hunter Steve Irwin (44) died
on September 4, 2006 following a stingray blow  Greek poetess who sung about love, nature and
to the chest while filming a documentary on the beauty
Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Port Douglas in Sappho
Queenland state.  Greek poet who wrote poems in honour of victo-
 Marsupial lions, Kangaroos as tall as trucks and rious athletes
wombats the size of a rhinoceros roamed Pindar
Australias outback before being killed off by fires  Father of tragic dramas
it by arriving humans. The giant animals lived in Aeschilus
the arid Nullarbor Desert around 400,000 years  Father of Comic dramas
ago, but died out around 50,000 year ago, rela- Sophocles
tively shortly after the arrival of human settlers,  Most important example of Greek architecture
according to new fossil skeletons found in Caves. Temple of Parthenon
 The word Heirogliphic means
Selected Questions Sacred Writing
 Philosopher king of Rome
from World History Marcus Areleus
 Father of History  Famous Orator of Greece
Herodotus Cesero
 Iron was accidently discovered by  The Roman Governor who gave the verdict to
Neanderthal man crucify christ
 Humans with similarity to the Neanderthal man Pontheos Pelathose
Cromagnans  The birth place of Prophet Muhammed
 Mesopotamian ruler who gave a famous code of Mecca
laws  Who as the wife of Prophet Muhammed
Hammurabi Khadeija
 The Cunieform script was discovered by  Which place is known as the Bermingham of Cen-
Sumerians tral Africa
 Largest Pyramid of Egypt
Sinja - Trophus
 Large temple in ancient Egypt dedicated to Sun  Most famous ruler of Mali in Africa
God Manga Kangan Muza
Temple of Abusimbel  Time taken to complete the construction of the
 Three states of China existed in the 300 BC Great Pyramid in Egypt
Chin, Chu, Ehi 20 years

 Who was the commander of Carthage in the Pu-  Capital of Arab Empire during th Abbsasid rule
nic wars Baghdad
Hannibal  Frist Industrially developed country in Asia
 Who became the ruler of Rome after Julius Caeser Japan
Octavian (Augustus Caesar)  The Capital of Japan in the 8th Century
 Country known as the nest of singing birds Nara
England  Ancient religion of Japan
 Perceolis was the capital of the ancient Empire Shintoism
Persia  Architectural style developed in France
 The hanging gardens of Babilona was built in Goethic
the name of  The mount where Saint Benedict founded his
Nebuchandnessar monastery
 Only South East Asian country never occupied Monte Cassino
by any European powers  Holy Ka aba was built by
Thailand Prophet Ebrahim
 Famous chinese king Shihuangti belonged to  The capture of constantinople by the Suljek
Turks resulted in the decline of
Chin dynasty
Byzantine Empire
 Which ancient civilisation was famous for secu-
lar architecture  The prophet of French Revolution
Persian Rasseau
 Nationalisation of Suez Canal was done by
 The tutelary diety of the city ‘UR’ in Mesopotamia
Col. Gamal Abdul Nazar of Egypt
 Japanese Parliament is known as
 The Mayan calendar had
18 months
 Battle in which Napolean was defeated in 1815
 Buddhism reached China from India during the
Battle of Trafalgar
period of
 Unification of Germany was done by
Han dynasty
 Golden Age of Rome is the period of Augustus
Caesar  Pakistan President who was hanged to death in
 Most cultured civilisation of Middle Ages was of
Sulfiker Ali Bhuto
 English king who was trialed and executed
 Which was the language of learning of the Middle publically in 1649
Charles I
 English king who signed the Magnacarta in 1215
 First university in the world was started in Paris John
 Which subject was known as Queen of Sciences  Treaty which ended the Ruso-Japanese battle of
during the Middle Ages 1905
Theology Treaty of Portsmouth
 Who was the immediate successor of prophet  Co-operative movement was started in England
Muhammed or first Khalifa in 1821 by
Abubekker Robert Oven

 Small Island where Columbus landed in 1492  Vietnamis freedom struggle was led by
Wattlings Island Ho Chimin
 Amerigo Vespucci who identified America be-  Who banned ‘Shake Hand’ in Italy in 1930
longed to Benitto Mussolini
Italy  Saudi Arabian king who gave the name to the
 The petition submitted American colonists be- country in 1925
fore king George III of England in 1774 Abdul Aziz Sand
Olive Branch Petition  Persia came to be known as Iran from
 The Queen who was known as Madam Deficit 9th March 1935
Mary Antoinet (France)  Symbol accepted by Hitler for German national
 Oath of Tennis Court is related to flag
French Revolution Swastika
 Water Loo where Napoleon was defeated is situ-  Lover of Hitler
ated in Iva Brown
Near Brussels in Belgium  Country ousted from League of Nations in 1939
 Nepoleon Bonapparte was died in the year U.S.S.R
1821  Hitler and his wife Iva Brown committed suicide
 Who is considered as the father of Scientific So- in
cialism 30 April 1945
Karl Marx  Mussolini and his wife Claretta were killed by the
 Work which is considered as the birth cry of mod- Italian Guerillas in
ern socialism 28 April 1945
Communist Manfesto  Which city is called by its natives as ‘The Big
 ‘Open Door Policy’ was introduced by Apple’
USA New York
 The rebellion led by the peasants of Keniya  Who questioned the Sale of Indulgence
against the British Martin Luther
Mau-Mau-Rebellion  Founder of Salvation Army
 Russian Parliament was known as William Booth
Duma  Who killed Abraham Lincoln in 1865
 Spy organisation formed by Germany during the Wilks Booth
second world war  Princess Diana was killed in a car accident in Paris
Fifth Columists on 31 August 1997.
 The policy of USA which helped Britain and  Communist leader who proclaimed war with Cu-
France during the Second World War ban ruler Batista in 1958
Cash and Carry Policy Fidel Castro
 Party which became prominent in Britain after the  The Great fire of London was in the year 1666.
Second World War  Chinese President who adopted christianity in
Labour Party 1980
 Trojan horse tactics was the policy adopted dur- Chiang Kaishek
ing the Second World War by  Mussolini was captured and killed at
Germany Como
 Leader of Indonesian Nationalism  Founder of Comintang Party -
Dr. Sukarno Dr. Sunyat Sen


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