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Tiberiu Useriu

Tiberiu Usereiu is an extreme Romanian sportsman, endurance

runner and ultramarathoner.Tibi is the only person in the world who has
managed to win the toughest marathon in the world, Ultra 6633(6
thousands, 6 hundred, 33), three times in a row.
In February 2017, Tibi Uşeriu released the book "27 Steps", an
autobiography in which he recounts in more than 200 pages how only a
figure, "Mr. 2800"(2 thounsands, 8 hundred) came to life, and how he
was reborn in a 70 cm(centimetres) cell, where he was sentenced to 23
years in prison, for armed robberies committed in Germany and Austria
and attempted murder , and in which he was a bodyguard of an
interloper with ties to the Serbian mafia. He says he wrote this book to
come to terms with his own past.
His brother, Alin Uşeriu, runs the Tășuleasa Social Association in
Bistrița, where Tibi was given the chance at a new life through his
involvement in environmental and social projects. He admitted that
Tășuleasa was his salvation, because it would have been much harder for
him if he had nowhere to go back after his more than ten years behind
He explained that he is participating in the Ultramarathon to prove
to himself that he can and to motivate others.
I chose Tibi because he proved that people can change from bad to good 
and because he is now an example for all.

30 december 1973

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