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Products Quantity
Lid Compartment
Airways (large - medium - small - paediatric) * 4
Cord Clamps 2
Emergency Tracheal Catheter 1
Flashlight & batteries 1
Gloves (non-sterile latex free )* in glucometer pouch 1 pair
Glucometer & Glucostix 1&6
Stethoscope * 1
Sphygmomanometer * 1
Dressing Box 1
Alcohol Swabs 4
Bandage Gauze Rolls 2
Disposable Mask 1
Disposable Scalpel 1
Gauze swabs 4” x 4” 3
Gloves (sterile latex free )* 1 pair
Steri-Strips ¼” x 3” 2
Tape Transpore 1
Tongue Depressors 3
Water-Jel Burn dressing 1
Needles/Syringes Box 1
Alcohol Swabs 4
Needle 18 g x 1 ½” * 2
Needle 21 g x 1 ½” * 2
Syringe 1 cc + 27 g x ½ needle * 2
Syringe 3 cc + 21 g x 1 ½” needle * 2
Syringe 3 cc + 23 g x 1” needle * 2
Syringe 3 cc + 25 g x 5/8 needle * 2
Syringe 10 ml 2
Used Needle Container * 1
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin ®) 325 mg tab. * 6
Atropine 0.6 mg/1 ml * 4
Diazepam (Valium ®) 10 mg/2 ml 2
Dimenhydrinate (Gravol ®) 250 mg/5 ml 1
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl ®) 50 mg/1 ml * 3
Epinephrine (Adrenaline) 1:1000 (1mg/1 ml) * 6
Furosemide (Lasix®) 40mg/4 ml 1
Haloperidol (Haldol®) 5 mg/ 1 ml 2
Ketorolac (Toradol®) 30 mg/ 1ml 2
Lidocaine 100 mg/5 ml 2
Lorazepam (Ativan®) 1 mg tab. 4
Methylprednisolone (Solumedrol®) 125 mg 1
Salbutamol (Ventolin®) inhaler * 1
Sodium Chloride 0.9% 10 ml 1
Sterile water 10 ml 1
Diagnostic testing Box 1
Thermometer (single use) 4
* MEL Requirements: Minimum Equipment List

Revised : March 01, 2013 Page 1

Products Quantity
Base Compartment
Dextrose 50% 50 ml 2
Nitroglycerin spray 0.4 mg/ spray * 1
Sodium Chloride 0.9% 250 ml/ bag * 4
Lubricating water base jelly foilpac 1
Syringe 20 ml 2
Syringe 60 ml 1
Urinary catheter 1
Intravenous Administration Set * 1
I.V. Dressing Box 1
Alcohol swabs 4
Catheter IV 16 g (cathlon ®) 1
Catheter IV 18 g (cathlon ®) 1
Catheter IV 20 g (cathlon ®) 1
Catheter IV 22 g (cathlon ®) 1
Butterfly needle 21 g 1
Intravenous Administration Set * 1
Gloves (non-sterile latex free ) 1 pair
Op Site catheter dressing 2
Sterile Gauze Swabs 2” x 2” 3
Tape - Micropore 1
Tourniquet 1
Used Needle Container * 1

Bronchospasm / Asthma 1
Tension pneumothorax 1
Congestive Heart Failure / Pulmonary Edema 1
Anaphylactic Shock / Allergic Reaction 1
Angina Pectoris / Myocardial Infarction 1
Cardiac Arrest ADULT 1
Cardiac Arrest CHILDREN 1
Burns 1
Emergency Delivery 1
Seizures 1
Hypoglycemia / Hyperglycemia 1
Indemnity Form ACF34G 3
In-Flight Medical Incident Report ACF5005B 3
Medical Clearance Cards ACF5004 3
Air Canada Emergency Medical Kit Contents (English & Français) 1&1
Medical Kit Content ( nurse expiry checklist) 1
If necessary, fill out the "Request for Services" form which will provide you with some form of indemnity -
before providing emergency medical service on board. This document confirms Air Canada will indemnify
and defend you should a claim arise out of your voluntary assistance and services on this flight. Retain the
original and the copy is to be attached to the third copy of the ACF34C, "Injury/Illness/Incident Report".

Revised : March 01, 2013 Page 2

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