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Las Guayabas (Guavas)

1. Hortensia asks Esperanza if she remembers the time when the bandits came to the ranch
and Esperanza, Miguel, and Hortensia had to hide under the bed. Why does Hortensia
proceed to retell the story?

2. How does this visit to Zacatecas differ from Esperanza’s last trip to the town?

3. How does Esperanza’s unhappiness about their ride in the peasant train car demonstrate
her lack of understanding about their new economic and social status?
4. As Miguel explains his dreams to Esperanza, what does she realize about his relationship to
Papa? Why is the trip to the United States important to Miguel’s dream?

5. Explain the following quote: “There is a Mexican saying: ‘Full bellies and Spanish blood go
hand in hand.” Why does Esperanza feel guilty after hearing the saying?
Los Melones (Cantaloupes)

1. When the train reaches the border at Mexicali, everyone must pass through immigration
before entering the United States. Explain the cause of Esperanza’s anxiety, and why many
of the people are placed on the trains going back to Mexico.

2. What request does Mama make of Alfonso as he introduces her to his family? What does
the request indicate?

3. What is Esperanza’s initial impression of Los Angeles? What comforts her?

4. As the group travels to their new home, what does Isabel tell Esperanza about her family’s
former living conditions? Why is Isabel excited to be living at Arvin?

5. Why do you believe Esperanza is unable to hear the earth’s heartbeat and then feels herself
floating upward?
Los Melones (Cantaloupes) page 2

6. When Miguel finds Esperanza, he sits next to her and takes her hand to comfort
her. Why doesn’t Esperanza pull her hand away from Miguel like she had when
they were in the garden at El Rancho de las Rosas?

7. Why does Marta insult Esperanza after Isabel introduces them?

8. What does Isabel point out about the different groups of field workers?
According to Marta, why do the landowners have different camps for the field

9. How does Miguel’s easy conversation with Marta make Esperanza feel?
What is Esperanza’s overall impression of Marta?

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