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Name: Date:

Christmas is weeks away, and there has been a terrible disaster! The names of
the children of Jollyville, the town where you live, have been accidentally, yet
permanently, deleted from Santa’s list! It is too late to get the message to Santa, so if
nothing is done, there will be no Christmas in your happy little town. Now, it is up to
you to save the day, and with a budget of $10,000- you can save Christmas!

To make such a big, important task a bit easier on you, here are some guidelines:

 Every child in the age/gender group will receive the same present.
 The present should be age appropriate, and you should be able to find the actual
cost of the item through research at a store or online.
 Every child must receive one present.
 The leftover money goes back to the bank, not to you! That means, spend as
much as you can without going over 
 Due to the charitable nature of your deeds, there will be no tax or shipping
charged for your purchased items.

Below is a list of the children that live in Jollyville, grouped by their ages and genders.

Age Range Gender # of Chosen Gift Actual Cost Total Cost of

Children of One Item Items
0–3 Females 7

0–3 Males 9

4–6 Females 9

4–6 Males 4

7 – 11 Females 6

7 – 11 Males 8

Total number Grand

of children: Total:
BONUS: Include images of the purchased items, along with their cost. These can
be real pictures, ads from the newspaper, online advertisements, etc...Creatively
assemble a collage with all of your images!

Please use the space below to describe how you chose to tackle this problem:


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