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Dena Munroe My Career Goal ePortfolio Assignment

Since I was an adolescent, I have always dreamed of helping people who needed support

the most. I am surrounded by “helpers”. The majority of my family is in the healthcare industry,

and I would love to join them. I have applied to nursing school at CCBC. I have high hopes that I

will be accepted into the program. I have several reasons behind wanting to be a nurse, but the

most influential one is my dad. In 2008, when I was away at school, my father had a massive

stroke and heart attack. I was told that he wouldn’t make it very much longer. The doctors had

given up hope, but one nurse didn’t. She came into his room and prayed with him. Hopes,

prayers, and a good bedside manner by that nurse kept my father alive.

I believe that I can provide my patients with the same level of dedicated and exceptional

care. Being a nurse requires compassion, sympathy, and empathy. A lot of individuals go into

nursing for the monetary benefits. They think of the job as just a paycheck, and that shouldn’t be

the case. That causes burnout. It would be best if you looked forward to all the good that you are

doing, all the lives you are saving, and all the families you are affecting. Keeping that thought in

the forefront of my mind makes me confident that I will be an exceptional nurse and be able to

give extraordinary care to my patients.

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