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Chris Etienne: Statement of Philosophy

Growing up, I was unable to decide what I wanted to be. I had interests in fields that are not related
particularly medical, art, architecture, business. But one day, I ask my mom, “Why did you become
a teacher? Is that what you wanted to be when you were growing up?”. She said, “No, I wanted to
be a nurse.” And she explained to me that she had to take a shortcut to care for her younger siblings
for both grandma and grandpa were sick and unable to work and provide for the household. At that
moment, I realize that it was a blessing to be able to care for others and provide the support they
need either physical or emotional. My mom did not regret her decision. I wanted to realize her
dream to make her proud and be able to help others myself. And the medical field appears to be
the most appropriate to me. Since then, I focused on preparing myself to work as a competent
registered nurse.
My journey was quite a challenge. However, I have always overcome the difficulties to make it
trough graduation. I had to take shortcut as well just like my mom to make life easier for me and
my sister. I went to a technical college to become an Administrative Medical Specialist. But, I
focused on pursuing my ultimate dream which was to become a registered nurse. I manage to work
and go back to school. I have experienced how a smile and a warm welcome changed patient’s
mindset and their day in general. I believe beyond performing academic skills, a wonderful nurse
should be able to assist patient emotionally and with compassion. With both my academic and
interpersonal skills, I am equipped to server my community.
I plan on working as a nurse for a long-term. I intend to grow in the field. In ten years, I see myself
working as a Nurse Practitioner which will deepen my knowledge and allow me to better serve my
patients. I believe nothing is more rewardable than to put other’s life before mine. I believe my
path makes a difference and help me perform my profession with passion, motivation and
confidence. As a nurse, I am devoted to providing my patients with quality care, serve them with
empathy and compassion.

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