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Energy Efficiency for Government Institutions Project (EEGIP)


The EEGIP is a designed to focus on reducing Uganda government’s energy consumption by
providing ministries, agencies and local governments with information, tools, and relevant
technical assistance toward tracking and meeting energy-consumption requirements and goals.
The target participating entities for EEGIP are:
 Government ministries,
 Agencies
 Municipalities
 Local governments
 Schools/universities/technical colleges
 Hospitals/health centres

Government is a large consumer, yet nobody cares about the burden of energy cost
Need to know:
- How many institutions
- How many buildings
- What is the area occupied by the buildings
- Energy sources
- How much energy

Being perceived as an agency creating infringement on other agencies’ domain of activities

Goal: Reduce Expenditure on Energy through reduced energy consumption by government


- Develop models for implementation of energy performance improvement
- Improving energy performance in existing and new government facilities.
- Incorporating energy performance improvement options in new and renovated buildings.
- Improving energy performance in the government institutions’ operations.

- Policy, guidelines and strategy for energy performance
- Conduct studies to identify energy performance improvement opportunities
- Implementation of EPIOs
- Monitoring impact
- Trainings for institutions (Energy assessments, building energy systems, energy
management, energy efficient products and government purchasing, renewable energy,
measurement and verification of savings)
- Energy monitoring centre (Centralized)

- Retrofits for efficient lighting in existing buildings
- Procurement of efficient appliances
- Alternative energy technologies (Solar, W2E)
- Operations improvements and process re-engineering

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