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Visual Basic .NET is an Object-Oriented programming language designed by Microsoft. With the word
“Basic” being in the name of the language, you can already see that this is a language for beginners.
Although the language is aimed at noobs and novices, you should not underestimate the power of the
language itself. There are people who criticize VB.NET because of the simplicity of the syntax, but
VB.NET has the ability to create very powerful and sophisticated applications. VB.NET is a great place
to start because of how easy and straight forward it is. The syntax is easy and you will not find
yourself writing hundreds of lines of code as there are many shortcuts that make coding so much
easier in this language.

If you have had any experience in computer programming, you should understand what a syntax is
and the purpose of it. If not, let’s take a look at the VB.NET syntax. The purpose of typing code is to
instruct the application what to do. It’s not as easy as typing “Hey application, multiply 5 by 8” but it’s
pretty darn close! If you wanted to tell your application to show a Message Box telling you that is awesome, this would be the code you would use:

MessageBox.Show(" is awesome")

Wow pretty easy right? I bet you thought that you would be typing 0’s and 1’s like in binary! Well now
that you have looked at the syntax for VB.NET, you are ready to start your first tutorial. Please select
the first tutorial from the list below and begin watching.

VB.NET Tutorial Index

1. Introduction
2. Hello World
3. Variables
4. If Statements
5. Math Functions
6. Form Properties
7. The Progress Bar
8. The Listbox
9. The Radio Button And The CheckBox
10. The Menu Strip
11. Linking Forms
12. Log In Form
13. Text To Speech
14. Splash Screen
15. For Loop
16. Do While
17. Do Until
18. Subs
19. Functions
20. Advanced MessageBox
21. Conditional Operators
22. Logical Operators
23. Timers
24. Sending An Email
25. Emailing Application
26. FTP Upload
27. FTP Application
28. ByVal and ByRef
30. Download and Run File
31. Web Browser
32. Application Settings
33. Using Settings
34. Auto Typer
35. Arrays
36. Splitting Strings
37. Computer Information
38. Try Catch
39. Web Page Source Code
40. Application Updater
41. Website Login
42. Reading Text Files
43. Saving Text Files
44. OpenFileDialog
45. SaveFileDialog
46. Special Folders
47. Get Elements By Tag Name
48. Get All HTML Elements
49. Click Button Without ID
50. Write To Online Text File
51. HttpWebRequest POST Method
52. HttpWebRequest CookieContainer
53. MultiThreading
54. Regex
55. Modules
56. Classes

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